alaska facts and history
It was admitted to the union as the 49th state on January 3, 1959. [2], 6. [36], 35. The first human beings arrived in Alaska about 13,000 BC. 731,545. The payment, however, keeps on fluctuating. In the Alaska Range north of Anchorage is Denali (Mount McKinley), 20,310 feet (6,190 metres) high—the highest peak in North America. To make it earthquake resilient, the pipeline was build in a zigzag pattern. Remembering "Tent City". The average temperature during the year in AK is 32.03 degrees Fahrenheit. The payment to its residents is made from the investment earnings on Alaskan mineral royalties. There are more than 3 million lakes in Alaska.[11]. Alaska is home to an estimated 7,000 to 11,000 wolves. The airliner, however, managed to land safely in Anchorage. Indeed because the state has a great variety of characteristics and immense area. The boundary leaves a patch of international waters, known as the “Doughnut Hole,” in the Bering Sea. The difficulty of finding a balance between conservation and development in an enormous land has been ongoing since the beginning of the 20th century. Humpbacks usually travel in a group of 2-15 individuals. [7], 21. In 1884 Congress established Alaska as a judicial land district, federal district courts were set up, and a school system was initiated. Airplanes are the most preferred and common mode of transport in the state because road and railroads are so few in the state. 12. Literally, it means object to which the action of the sea is directed. Females are a bit longer than males and these whales (whether male or female) weigh between 25 and 40 tons. Alaska lies at the extreme northwest of the North American continent, and the Alaska Peninsula is the largest peninsula in the Western Hemisphere. Thus, technically, Alaska is in both hemispheres. Fast Facts. The added amount of sunlight provides for photosynthesis bonus which helps the plants get bigger and sweeter. Did you know that Anchorage, Alaska, is the fourth largest city by land area in the United States? The disastrous voyage of Vitus Bering and Aleksey Chirikov in 1741 began the march of Russian traders across Siberia. Upon attaining statehood, Alaska increased the size of the United States by nearly one-fifth. Denali (Mt. In Southcentral Alaska, the quake ripped through the ground and unleashed catastrophic damage to many towns and cities. Rimming the state on the south is one of Earth’s most-active earthquake belts, the circum-Pacific seismic belt. [1,14], 4. The most violent volcanic eruption of the century took place in 1912 when Novarupta Volcano erupted, creating the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes which is now part of Katmai National Park. The southern coast and the panhandle at sea level are fully temperate regions. The name Alaska means “mainland” or “great land”. [9], 23. 1. The new area included vast stretches of unexplored land and untapped resources. Off the extreme western end of the state’s Seward Peninsula, Little Diomede Island, part of Alaska, lies in the Bering Strait only 2.5 miles (4 km) from Russian-owned Big Diomede Island. The Alaska willow ptarmigan is the state bird of Alaska. At the time of European contact by the Russian explorers, the area was populated by Alaska Native groups. People followed the herds of animal they hunted. If you are a fish lover, note that the largest salmon ever caught came from Kenai River. Alaska’s eastern border with Canada is about 1,538 miles (2,475 km) long, more than one-third the length of the entire U.S. boundary with Canada (3,987 miles [6,416 km]). The original course and the length of the race have changed over the years. Alaska is the most popular state for flying in the U.S. One of every 58 Alaskans is a registered pilot, … Did you know that the 49th state pays its residents to live there permanently? According to some experts, the humpbacks sing to attract females, communicate or to protect their territory. Thus, technically, Alaska is in both hemispheres. Historians believe that the people first arrived from northern Asia, coming across the Bering Land Bridge during the last Ice Age. Alaska became an organized (or incorporated) territory on May 11, 1912. Alaska, the largest, yet least densely populated US state, was the 49th state admitted to the United States in 1959 after being bought from Russia in 1867. [22], 10. 25. Alaska was home to many native groups including the Aleut, Tlingit and Eskimos. What was needed was a way to transport these valuable goods from interior Alaska to the tidewater. Alaska History Timeline Important Dates, Events, and Milestones in Alaska History. State Nick Name: "The Last Frontier" - the name Alaska is derived from the Aleut word "Aleyska," meaning "great land." Visitors from around the globe flock to Alaska to see these wolves in their natural habitat. The other four are Delaware, Montana, Oregon, and New Hampshire. Alaska is the largest state in the U.S. and it was the 49th state to be admitted into the Union. [23], 30. In the early 21st century the question of drilling in the 23-million-acre (9.3-million-hectare) National Petroleum Reserve–Alaska on the Arctic coastal plain and on the continental shelves of the Beaufort and Chukchi seas also became controversial issues. Apart from playing a vital role for maintaining a healthy ecosystem, these wolves are an important resource for Alaska’s tourism sector. Alaska Export Facts. 17 of the 20 highest peaks in the United States are located in Alaska; More than half of all National Parks in the U.S. are found in Alaska: 15 national parks, preserves, monuments and national historical parks. The following is a list of ten facts about Alaska. In 1741 a Dane called Vitus Bering led a Russian expedition to Alaska. In those and in the adjoining Canadian areas, however, lies the world’s largest expanse of glacial ice outside Greenland and Antarctica. Due to the passing of the 180th meridian through the state, AK technically lies in both the Eastern and the Western Hemisphere. Did you know that Juneau is the only state capital that cannot be reached by road? This means "the mainland" or "the object towards which the action of the sea is directed." Did you know that the United States purchased Alaska from the Russian Empire on March 30, 1867, for just $7.2 million dollars? Culture. Because of the availability of more than 20 hours of sunshine per day, fruits and vegetable in Alaska grow larger than usual. Did you know that AK ranks first in acres of forested land? Due to the geographical location of Anchorage, the Anchorage International Airport acts as a refueling stop for many international cargo flights.[13]. A fun fact: it is the only state in the U.S. the letters in the name of which can be typed on the same row of the keyboard – at least on the keyboard of a desktop or a laptop. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The population near the coast of Alaska migrates to Hawaii and the population in California migrates to Mexico and Costa Rica. Juneau's the place to go for midnight sun. In combination with British Columbia’s Great Bear Rainforest immediately to the south, it encompasses the largest intact temperate rainforest on earth.[35]. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Vitus Bering, a Dane working for the Russians, and Alexei Chirikov discovered the Alaskan mainland and the Aleutian Islands in 1741. 18. In the area, AK is greater than California, Texas and Montana combined. Denali (Mount McKinley), Denali National Park, Alaska. Alaska and Russia are very close by. A large male can stand over 10′ tall when on his hind legs, and 5′ when on all four legs. U.S. Actually, in 1989 a commercial airliner flew through such an ash cloud and as a result lost 13,000 feet in just eight minutes because all of its engines shut down briefly. Nearly one-third of the state lies within the Arctic Circle, and about four-fifths of Alaska is underlain by permafrost (permanently frozen sediment and rock). History Alaska Railroad History. It ceased to fly when the United States bought off all the Russian-American Company holdi… Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership. The world population is about 5 million. It became the 49th state on January 3, 1959. Moreover, beginning in the 1980s, the two sides came into conflict over whether to permit drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The name Alaska comes from the Aleut word alaxsaq. The payment to its … 32. The Trans-Alaska Pipeline System carries oil from North Slope to the port of Valdez, Alaska. Selection of the right seed varieties however, is also an important factor for the size of the plant. Alaska is bounded by the Beaufort Sea and the Arctic Ocean to the north; Canada’s Yukon territory and British Columbia province to the east; the Gulf of Alaska and the Pacific Ocean to the south; the Bering Strait and the Bering Sea to the west; and the Chukchi Sea to the northwest. Alaska is the only state in the US with land in the eastern hemisphere. In 1906 Alaska’s first representative to Congress, a nonvoting delegate, was elected, and in 1912 Congress established the Territory of Alaska, with an elected legislature. As with the Klondike gold rush earlier in Alaska’s history, oil shaped the economy of Alaska shortly after statehood. Kodiak Island in Alaska is home to the largest subspecies of brown bear – the Kodiak bear (also known as the Alaskan brown bear). Alaska is the 48th most populous and the most extensive of the 50 states of the United States. Alaska hosts 13 national … The Yukon River is the longest river in Yukon and Alaska. The construction of the pipeline/system began in 1975 and ended in 1977. Wondering how many people live in Alaska? Caribou in Alaska are distributed in 32 herds (or populations). As you check out Anchorage Alaska Facts - Back in the early 1990s (or there about) Anchor town decided to remember and celebrate it's humble beginnings.. A new, temporary tent city was constructed near Ship Creek where visitors walked over sawdust covered "streets" and shopped at their favorite stores, which were set up in tents and other fun looking temporary structures. Of the 20 highest peaks in the United States, 17 are in Alaska. The race has gained increased media attention and now the corporate are also sponsoring the event. [18], 33. Population (2010) 710,231; (2019 est.) [13], 34. According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, there are five types of salmon species thriving in their waters: sockeye, chum, coho (silver), chinook (king) and pink. Alaska’s 1880 Census calculated that a mere 430 non-Natives had moved to Alaska in the decade after its purchase. The humpbacks migrate when it is time to breed. [20], 14. Europeans arrived in the area in the 18th century. There are more than 70 potentially active volcanoes in Alaska. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Please select which sections you would like to print: Corrections? The Tongass National Forest in Southeast Alaska is the largest national forest in the United States at 16.7 million acres (68,000 km2). Aside from its mainland peninsula, the state includes about 15,000 square miles (38,800 square km) of fjords and inlets and about 34,000 miles (54,400 km) of indented tidal coastline. Author of numerous articles on Alaskan geography. Manufacturers help to drive Alaska’s economy, with $0.73 billion in manufactured goods exports in 2018. Tundra—the vast treeless Arctic plains—makes up about half of the state’s surface area. To give you some estimate, the residents were paid around $1,600 each in 2018. Because the 180th meridian passes through the state’s Aleutian Islands, Alaska’s westernmost portion is in the Eastern Hemisphere. Alaska (nicknamed: Great Land, Land of the Midnight Sun, The Last Frontier, Mainland State, 49th State, Sourdough State, North Star State, Up Over, Seward’s Ice Box, Seward’s Folly) has 27 counties. For the record, it weighed 97.5 pounds on the scale. The Russian-American Company (RAC) governed Alaska between the years 1799 and 1867. Did you know that wild Alaskan salmon is a powerhouse of nutrition?[20]. Because of its distance from the lower 48 states, Alaska has been called “America’s Last Frontier”. By Jamie Kiffel-Alcheh Alaska Barry the bald eagle arrives in the country's biggest state, Alaska, to hang with his friend MC Will the willow ptarmigan. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Barrow, the northernmost city in the United States, has two months of continuous darkness in winter and three months of continuous sunlight in the summer. Alaska: History. One of the major conflicts occurred in the late 1960s and early 1970s between conservationists and petroleum companies over the proposed Trans-Alaska Pipeline, which now runs from the oil-rich North Slope on the Arctic Ocean to Valdez, in the south. Both Russia and the United States have shown a tacit tolerance of unintentional airspace violations, which are common in bad weather. [2], 29. The 1898 Klondike Gold Rush would change that, luring numerous prospectors to Alaska seeking quick fortunes. It is also the only non-contiguous U.S. state on continental North America. [12], 24. Thecompany had its headquarters in Irkutsk. Unfortunately, they also brought diseases to which the native people had no immunity. It is also the third longest river in North America. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. The British arrived in 1778 when Captain Cook sai… According to a source, Alaska, North Dakota and Wyoming are among the only ten states in the US that have more men than women? Emeritus Professor of Geography, Fairbanks. In the 1960s, oil companies began to explore Prudhoe Bay and the surrounding area. Texas stands second on the list. [30,31], 8. In the North Pacific, humpback whales spend their summer months feeding off the coast of California to Alaska. Its feathered feet also help this sedentary bird walk on the frozen ground.[38]. That same year, $0.25 billion in exports was with our free trade agreement (FTA) partners. Area 665,384 square miles (1,723,337 square km). Alaska Facts. Did you know that the 49th state pays its residents to live there permanently? Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters. [3], 5. 15. Alaska has more than 130 active volcanoes, most of which are on the Aleutian Islands and the adjacent Alaska Peninsula. Alaska is the coldest among the 50 states in the U.S. All Rights Reserved. 26. This helps create jobs in the state, and 30.60% of … A helpful resource for the volcano lover or say, researcher. The Anchorage Museum of History and Art (121 W 7th Ave), also in Anchorage, offers a history exhibition along with hundreds of native art pieces. Did you know that the humpback whales travel 3,100 miles (with little to no rest) during their annual migration? The history of Alaska dates back to the Upper Paleolithic period (around 14,000 BC), when foraging groups crossed the Bering land bridge into what is now western Alaska. Alaska joined the U.S. on January 3, 1959. These early hunter-gatherers dispersed, eventually becoming three distinct groups: Aleut, Eskimo, and Indian.Ages passed before overseas voyagers rediscovered Alaska. Russian traders were the first outsiders to reach Alaska and the first permanent settlement was established in the Three Saints Bay in on Kodiak Island in 1784. Wolves have never been threatened or endangered in Alaska.[32,33]. [8], 22. The $8 billion system which runs 800 miles carries an average of 1.8 million barrels of oil a day. They produce complex sounds that are similar to a musical piece. Alaska has a longer coastline (6,640 miles) than all the other U.S. states combined. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. © 2020 TheFactFile.Org. The Auke and Tuku tribes of native Tlingit Indians fished along the Gastineau Channel near Juneau … Omissions? Alaska is central to the great circle route connecting North America with Asia by sea and air and is equidistant from most of Asia and Europe. 16. Smithsonian Channel - Denali, mountain, Alaska, United States, Official Tourism Site of Alaska, United States, CRW Flags - Flag of Alaska, United States, Official Site of the State of Alaska, United States, Alaska - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Alaska - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). On June 21, the longest day of the year, there are 18 … Alaska covers almost 1/6th of the total area of the United States. The capital is Juneau, which lies in the southeast, in the panhandle region. Alaska lies at the extreme northwest of the North American continent, and the Alaska Peninsula is the largest peninsula in the Western Hemisphere. RAC was a state-sponsored commercial company. Alaska is the only state that does not collect state sales tax or levy an individual income tax (some cities have sales tax, however). [2], 7. Because the 180th meridian passes through the state’s Aleutian Islands, Alaska’s westernmost portion is in the Eastern Hemisphere. Several have erupted in recent times. By the early 1900’s, the territory of Alaska was already rich with natural resource discoveries, including coal, gold and other minerals. That’s 2 cents per acre. At that time Alaska was part of a land bridge that extended across to Siberia. The Alaska communities served by the byway each have their own indigenous and modern culture, fascinating history and beautiful scenery. Native Eskimo and Aleut tribes inhabited the Alaska area before it was discovered by Vitus Bering, a Dane exploring for the Russians, in 1741.Vitus Bering was the first to map the west coast of Alaska. Alaska Airlines history The Alaska Spirit is born For over 85 years, Alaska Airlines and the people who make us who we are, have been guided by integrity, caring, ingenuity, professionalism, and a unique spirit—a spirit that has grown out of our geographical roots. The abbreviation for Alaska is AK. The Alaska earthquake of 1964 was one of the most-powerful earthquakes recorded in the United States. The tremendous land mass of Alaska—equal to one-fifth of the continental U.S.—was unexplored in 1867 when Secretary of State William Seward arranged for its purchase from the Russians for $7,200,000. Moose can grow to 1,600 pounds with antlers spanning up to 6 feet wide. Now go impress your friends with this new found fact. Alaska’s western maritime boundary, separating the waters of the United States and Russia, was established in the Treaty of Cession of 1867 (which declared the transfer of Alaska from Russia to the United States). In addition, most of the continental shelf of the United States lies along Alaska’s coast. Alaska has the most number of active volcanoes in the U.S. And this isn’t a problem for the people living in the vicinity of the volcanoes but also for those who are flying thousands of feet above the ground while traveling in airplanes. 10 feet tall standing on their hind legs federal district courts were set up, and youngsters are cubs today. A fraction of what other States implement in their jurisdiction alaska facts and history since the Japanese invasion of the total area the! Whales travel 3,100 miles ( 1,723,337 square km ) the northwest extremity North... Willow ptarmigan is the largest alaska facts and history ever caught came from Kenai River build in a of. The Southeast, in the form of animal furs 1884 Congress established Alaska as a land. Is known for its largely undeveloped land, mountains, glaciers, harsh climate and biodiversity began in 1975 ended... 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