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    antoine béchamp germ theory

    No one listened to Pasteur’s colleagues Claude Bernard and Antoine Bechamp who promoted the Law of the Terrain. Previously, Lohnis had been mocked when he had claimed that he, and numerous other workers including Potthoft, had observed conjugation tubes connecting two bacterial cells. Biological Research Institute, Warburton, Australia 4(1). Follow us! A Lost Chapter In The History Of Biology" and some fun discoveries were made and discussed. 4 Bechamp A. 7 See Footnote 4. 55:660-671, 1989. A Brief History of Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory: 19th Century Pathologic Discoveries While Antoine Béchamp was a brilliant scientist with a remarkable mind, Louis Pasteur was very well-connected. • Villequez, E. Le parasitisme latent du sang, phénomène biologique général. The Erroneous Germ Theory of Disease Causation, The Book – Alternative Principles For Health, Louis-Pasteur-Vs-Antoine-Béchamp-and-The-Germ-Theory-of-Disease-, https://alternativeprinciplesforhealth.info/author/adrianr/, Common Law, Contract and Equity, True Law, Suveran, Common law solutions in a deceptive legal system – with David Adelman, How to MINDMAP and why you should | Adrian, Mask Harms in Kids: 68% of Parents Report Alarming Psychological and Physical Problems In First-of-its-kind Study. ". [out of print, excerpt from the book, published in 1912]. Rev. Rend. Ultimately Pasteur’s ideas were accepted by society and Bechamp was pretty much forgotten. 1921. Hieneberger-Noble, for example, suggested that L-forms correlated with the symplasm observed by Felix Lohnis. Exceptions to this rule are reported in certain so-called higher bacteria, but most pleomorphic observations are ignored and generally regarded as diagnostically insignificant staining artifacts or debris. Being the first to realize that these molds or ferments were living organisms, he naturally was also the first to attempt to determine their true nature and functions, and their origins. 6 Ibid. This blog is licensed under a Creative Commons License. But in the 1870s, the specific airborne germ theory had the charm of novelty, and its crude simplicity attracted the unscientific, although many scientists opposed it sturdily. Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908) had an incredible list of scientist appointments at French universities: Doctor of Science, Doctor of Medicine, Professor of Medical Chemistry and Pharmacy at Montpelier, Professor of Physics and Toxicology at Strasbourg. Modern biochemistry and molecular techniques have greatly advanced our understanding of infectious diseases. Louis Pasteur Vs Pasteur’s main theory is known as the Germ Theory Of Disease. Louis Pasteur Vs Antoine Béchamp and The Germ Theory of Disease Causation - 2 is the next entry in this blog. edeschi, G. G. & Amici, D. Mycoplasma-like microorganisms probably related to L forms of bacteria in the blood of healthy persons. • Reding H.K., and Lepo J.E. Dis. Experientia 37, 513–515 (1981). Cultural, morphological and histochemical data. (Librairie Maloine, 1955). Nat. • Tedeschi, G. G. & Amici, D. Mycoplasma-like microorganisms probably related to L forms of bacteria in the blood of healthy persons. Before Béchamp's death, Leverson translated his book The Blood and its Third Anatomical Element into English; Béchamp approved the translation; Leverson published it in Philadelphia in 1911 and in London in 1912. May 14, 2004. His doctoral thesis was on the, Albuminoids and Their Transformation into Urea. These cookies do not store any personal information. Suggested Citation: Garko, M.G. Yet there are millions and millions of dollars being funnelled into research investigating the role of the microbiome and the resultant susceptibility to disease. Louis Pasteur Vs Antoine Béchamp and The Germ Theory of Disease Causation Germ Theory / Health and well-being / MindMaps This is an exert from a great document. Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). 58, 601–605. Béchamp proved that the molecular granulation observed in yeast and other animal and vegetable cells had individuality and life, and the power to produce fermentation - so he also called them microzymas. One of the biggest tragedies of human civilization is the precedence of chemicals over nutrition. Yet molds, obviously living organisms, and therefore containing albuminoid matter, had appeared in these two solutions. The microzyma is at the beginning and end of all organization. F (H. J. Kramer, 1991). Although Schwann had suggested airborne germs in about 1837, he had not proved his ideas; now Béchamp proved their existence. On heating the common chalk to 300 degrees, he found that it lost its powers of fermentation, and on examining more of the unheated common chalk under the microscope, he found it contained some "little bodies" similar to those found in prior observations, and which he found did not exist in the chemically pure CaCO3, nor in the chalk that had been heated. Bechamp’s assertion that these microforms, under varying conditions, might even change their shape was later proved conclusively by Felix Loehnis and N.R. Antoine Béchamp’s Terrain theory – ‘clean the bowl’ Around the same time that Pasteur was making his discoveries, another esteemed French scientist, Antoine Béchamp, proposed a different view. Pasteur promoted the idea that microorganisms are the primary cause of disease. Host – Let’s Talk Nutrition […] Ultimately Pasteur’s ideas were accepted by society and Bechamp was pretty much forgotten. J Infect. Reducing the idea of disease to a simple … It. He did not support spontaneous generation, but neither did he accept the germ theory of disease. The alternative “cellular theory” has been, if not actively discredited, then effectively ignored, as has been the theory’s originator, Antoine Bechamp. Antoine Béchamp, MD, PhD. 75, 1519–1523. (2012, August). • Thornton H.G. He also found that the changes were more rapid in the flask in which the mold grew more rapidly. (2010). • Bergstrand H. On the nature of bacteria. 3 Olien, D. Pasteur Versus Béchamp: The History of Germ Theory. While many of these observations were made before the advent of modern molecular biology analyses, recent studies have provided further support that pleomorphic bacteria may exist in human blood. Pierre Jaques Antoine Béchamp (1816 - 1908) French physician, biologist and pharmacologist * October 16, 1816 in Bassing † April 15, 1908 in Paris. He quotes the work of Hort, who showed that under adverse conditions, colon-typhoid bacteria reproduce by budding, by producing Y-shaped and large aberrant forms and deeply staining granules which can be filterable. Communist Subversion | A Plan For Total World-Wide Control | Part 1. 1236–1237, Libraire Letouzey et Ané. It is the destructive aspect, or the “end of all organization,” which concerns us in disease. J Hyg. 63, 451–455. Béchamp claimed that microzymas routinely become forms normally referred to as bacteria, and that bacteria can revert or devolve to the microzymian state. No one had a clue in the 1800’s as to the cause and treatment of diseases and there were many speculations and experiments performed in an attempt to understand and treat diseases. People resist it in every way possible: pretending not to have heard about it; speaking disparagingly of it, as if it were not even worth the effort of looking into the matter. • Béchamp, A (1912) The Blood and Its Third Anatomical Element. He was the son of a miller. (1951) Béchamp. He lived in Bucharest, Romania from the ages of 7 to 18 with an uncle who worked in the French ambassador's office. Béchamp's series of observations came to be known as his ". Hort, Felix Lohnis, and more currently re-described and photographed by Gaston Naessens. References to pleomorphism disappeared in biology textbooks starting in the 1920s up to the present date. Microbial. 11–12, Charles Scribner’s Sons. This much was in his 1858 memoir, six years before Pasteur came to the same conclusions. In innumerable laboratory experiments, he found microzymas everywhere, in all organic matter, in both healthy tissues and in diseased (where he also found them associated with various kinds of bacteria). • Villequez, E. Le parasitisme latent des cellules du sang chez l’homme, en particulier dans le sang des cancéreux. Human beings, the potentially highest form of life expression on this planet have built the vast pharmaceutical industry for the central purpose of poisoning the lowest form of life on the planet–germs! Essential to the thesis is that small, electron dense, non-vesiculated L-forms are the central (core) element in bacterial persistence. Béchamp, on the other hand, claimed that the deterioration of the host body caused disease. There, he began to study pharmacy. Ann. Some of the accusations of plagiarism are therefore probably not justified. The French chemist Antoine Béchamp ... Pasteur’s germ theory of disease, ... and accidents, is supported by evolutionary theory and all the observations of modern medicine. Pathogens then become opportunistic and stimulate the occurrence of symptoms, which, if not corrected, ultimately culminate in disease. Pierre Jacques Antoine Béchamp (October 16, 1816 – April 15, 1908) was a French scientist now best known for breakthroughs in applied organic chemistry and for a bitter rivalry with Louis Pasteur. Nature 222, 1285–1286 (1969). Historically, however, variations of the germ theory had been around for hundreds of years but had never taken hold. Yet Pasteur in his 1857 memoirs still clung to the idea that both the molds and ferments "take birth spontaneously", although his solutions all contained dead yeast or yeast broth which might have carried germs or ferments from the start. Smith of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1916. The Universal Microscope Proved Pleomorphism Correct. The Third Element of the Blood. • Béchamp, A. (1816-1908) On the 16th of October, 1816, at Bassing, in the department of Bas-Rhein, (France, since ceded to Germany), was born a child by whose name in the nineteenth century came to be known as Antoine Béchamp, He should have been recognized in the same way as Copernicus, Galileo and Newton. This might translate into an etiology for chronic inflammatory diseases, when the stressed bacteria increase in numbers and overwhelm the normal biological functions of the host. The 'germ theory', so-called, long antedated Pasteur - so long, in fact, that he was able to present it as new; and he got away with it! Rend. Béchamp did not charge him with plagiarism, but asked Pasteur to at least admit knowledge of Béchamp's 1857 work. DOWNLOAD SAMPLE PDF “This was an extremely well done historical analysis of medical science, involving these two forerunners of germ theory and infectious diseases; but, perhaps for the very first time, the facts and the truth are revealed about these two men, especially the unacknowledged genius of Bechamp and how Pasteur, whose accomplishments were really quite modest, stole most of … In Bassing, near Dienze ( Moselle ), from www.letstalknutrition.com probably related to l forms of bacteria 1900 s... Of bacterial genomes has had a life expectancy of less than 50 years, and the Rate growth... Perspective, much like looking at a tapestry French chemist and microbiologist born in Bassing, near Dienze Moselle! Solution, but asked Pasteur to at least admit Knowledge of bacteria Mattman L. role. Near Dienze ( Moselle ), John Ouseley Limited, London, UK rest of their.... Help us analyze and understand how you use this website dos germes doenças... 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