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    Harper | Six of the state's universities were placed in the Princeton Review's list of best 122 regional colleges in 2007,[174] and three made the list of top colleges for best value. New Jersey | Texas | Nachts kühlt es um bis zu 20 °C ab. Diese erkannten allerdings keinen Wert in diesem Gebiet und wiesen es zwischen 1817 und 1830 den Indianerstämmen der Muskogee, der Seminolen, der Cherokee, der Choctaw und der Chickasaw zu (den „Fünf zivilisierten Nationen“), die aus den östlichen Staaten vertrieben wurden. Idaho | Die Bevölkerungsdichte liegt bei 21 Einwohnern pro Quadratkilometer. 1834 wurde das Gebiet zum Indianerterritorium deklariert. Dies ist der höchste Wert noch vor Texas mit 2,11 und Delaware mit 1,78. Diese Umsiedlung ging als „Trail of Tears“ in die Geschichte ein. [45], Due to Oklahoma's location at the confluence of many geographic regions, the state's climatic regions have a high rate of biodiversity. Weitere Bedeutungen sind unter, Weiter westlich ist die karge Prärielandschaft der, Präsidentschaftswahl in den Vereinigten Staaten 1948, Präsidentschaftswahl in den Vereinigten Staaten 1952, Liste der Kongressabgeordneten aus Oklahoma, Washita Battlefield National Historic Site, Liste von Persönlichkeiten des US-Bundesstaates Oklahoma, Bombenanschlag auf das Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, http://www.okhistory.org/publications/enc/entry.php?entryname=CLIMATE, http://www.wrcc.dri.edu/cgi-bin/cliMAIN.pl?ok3835, http://w2.weather.gov/climate/xmacis.php?wfo=oun, U.S. Census Bureau _ Census of Population and Housing, http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/40000.html, The Association of Religion Data Archives | Maps & Reports, Presidential General Election Results Comparison – Oklahoma (englisch), http://www.fws.gov/refuges/refugelocatormaps/oklahoma.html, http://home.nps.gov/state/ok/index.htm?program=parks, http://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?src=bkmk, Aviation Activity Report December 2010 (englisch), Passenger Boarding (Enplanement) and All-Cargo Data for U.S. Bundesstaat der Union bei. [137] Oklahoma's gross domestic product grew from $131.9 billion in 2006 to $147.5 billion in 2010, a jump of 10.6 percent. Montana | [81] Deliberations to make the territory into a state began near the end of the 19th century, when the Curtis Act continued the allotment of Indian tribal land. Amerikanisch-Samoa | [19] Vollständig verschwunden sind der Schwarzfußiltis, der Rotwolf, der Wolf und der Braunbär. [60] This type of phenomenon is also responsible for many of the tornadoes in the area, such as the 1912 Oklahoma tornado outbreak when a warm front traveled along a stalled cold front, resulting in an average of about one tornado per hour. Interior Highlands, all regions prone to severe weather. Möglich war dies aufgrund der geringen Bevölkerungsdichte, die dafür sorgte, dass jeder Einzelne große Landflächen zur Verfügung hatte. In der aktuellen Wahlperiode (2011–2013) vergaben die Wähler vier Sitze an die Republikaner und einen an die Demokraten. Ohio | [18], Oklahomas Fauna ist stark durch den Menschen verändert worden. Sports Illustrated magazine rates Oklahoma and Oklahoma State among the top colleges for athletics in the nation. Percentages represent claimed religious beliefs, not necessarily membership in any particular congregation. Die höhere Bevölkerungsdichte in manchen Regionen machte eine Modernisierung und den Ausbau der Infrastruktur notwendig. [90] Over a twenty-year period ending in 1950, the state saw its only historical decline in population, dropping 6.9 percent as impoverished families migrated out of the state after the Dust Bowl. - oklahoma state flag stock illustrations The American flag hangs at half mast for those killed in a car crash at the homecoming parade during the second quarter of … [160], In the 2007–2008 school year, there were 181,973 undergraduate students, 20,014 graduate students, and 4,395 first-professional degree students enrolled in Oklahoma colleges. [36] Das Oklahoma Mozart Festival in Bartlesville gilt als zentrales Festivals klassischer Musik im amerikanischen Süden. Der Bison, der Wapiti und die Antilope wurden weitgehend ausgerottet und leben heute nur noch in Naturschutzgebieten. [2], Die Mehrheit der Seen sind künstlich geschaffene Stauseen, von denen etwa 200 existieren. [270], Oklahoma is connected to the nation's rail network via Amtrak's Heartland Flyer, its only regional passenger rail line. Die zweitgrößte Stadt, Tulsa, nannte man einige Zeit die Welthauptstadt des Öls. Secs . [38] It lies partly in the Great Plains near the geographical center of the 48 contiguous states. Navassa | Carter | Color: Black. [123] Tulsa, the state's second-largest city, home to Oral Roberts University, is sometimes called the "buckle of the Bible Belt". Oklahoma's centennial celebration was named the top event in the United States for 2007 by the American Bus Association,[212] and consisted of multiple celebrations saving with the 100th anniversary of statehood on November 16, 2007. [208], The Egyptian art collection at the Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art in Shawnee is considered to be the finest Egyptian collection between Chicago and Los Angeles. [223] Enid and Lawton host professional basketball teams in the USBL and the CBA. Oklahoma is in the nation's middle percentile in per capita spending on the arts, ranking 17th, and contains more than 300 museums. Die Winter sind deutlich kürzer. At the 2010 Census, 68.7% of the population was non-Hispanic white, down from 88% in 1970,[98] 8.2% non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native, 7.3% non-Hispanic black or African American, 1.7% non-Hispanic Asian, 0.1% non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, 0.1% from some other race (non-Hispanic) and 5.1% of two or more races (non-Hispanic). McCurtain | Die Demokraten haben ihre Hochburgen vor allem im östlichen Teil des Staates, und hier vor allem im Südosten, der auch als Little Dixie bekannt ist. South Dakota | Auf den Rängen drei, vier und fünf folgten Bildung, weiteres Gewerbe und Industrie mit 207.800, 177.400 und 132.700 Beschäftigten. [46] Southwestern Oklahoma contains many rare, disjunct species including sugar maple, bigtooth maple, nolina and Texas live oak. [73] The area, already occupied by Osage and Quapaw tribes, was called for the Choctaw Nation until revised Native American and then later American policy redefined the boundaries to include other Native Americans. Oklahoma (/ˌoʊkləˈhoʊmə/ (listen))[26] is a state in the South Central region of the United States,[27] bordered by the state of Texas on the south and west, Kansas on the north, Missouri on the northeast, Arkansas on the east, New Mexico on the west, and Colorado on the northwest. Oklahoma is between the Great Plains and the Ozark Plateau in the Gulf of Mexico watershed,[39] generally sloping from the high plains of its western boundary to the low wetlands of its southeastern boundary. The most prominent are the state's two members of the Big 12 Conference,[226] one of the so-called Power Five conferences of the top tier of college football, Division I FBS. Search from Oklahoma State Flag stock photos, pictures and royalty-free images from iStock. Guam | [32] These cities, collectively known as the Oklahoma Metropolitan Corridor, are included in the Texas Triangle megaregion. Oklahoma's first state flag was a simple red field with a white star in the center. Der New York Times zufolge ist das Tulsa Ballet eines der bekanntesten Ballettensembles in den USA. [85] In 1927, Oklahoman businessman Cyrus Avery, known as the "Father of Route 66", began the campaign to create U.S. Route 66. Taking the colors red, white, and blue from the flag of the United States, the flag featured a large centered white star fimbriated in blue on a red field. Bereits 1927 begann der Geschäftsmann Cyrus Avery eine Kampagne zur Einrichtung der U.S. Route 66, was ihm später den Beinamen Vater der Route 66 eintrug. [165][166] According to a study conducted by the Pell Institute, Oklahoma ranks 48th in college-participation for low-income students. In 1924, the Daughters of the American Revolution launched a design contest for a new state flag. [256], The state has two primary newspapers. Oklahoma's first flag was adopted in 1911, four years after statehood. Der Ölboom der 1970er-Jahre hatte positive Auswirkungen auf Beschäftigung, Wohlstand und Demografie, während der Fall des Ölpreises Ende der 1980er-Jahre das Gegenteil bewirkte und zu einer Rezession führte. Palmyra-Atoll | [134], The state is the top manufacturer of tires in North America and contains one of the fastest-growing biotechnology industries in the nation. Insbesondere die Produktion von Rindfleisch hat einen hohen Stellenwert, so ist Oklahoma unter den US-Bundesstaaten der sechstgrößte Produzent von Rindfleisch. Following the 2000 census, the Oklahoma delegation to the U.S. House of Representatives was reduced from six to five representatives, each serving one congressional district. Oklahoma hat sechs Nachbarstaaten: Im Osten liegen Arkansas und Missouri, im Norden Kansas und im Nordwesten Colorado. [128], In 2000, there were about 5,000 Jews and 6,000 Muslims, with ten congregations to each group. Nach dem Rückzug des Abgeordneten Dan Boren 2012 wurde in seinem Wahlkreis (Little Dixie), der als Demokraten-Hochburg galt und in dem die Demokraten 15 Jahre lang den Abgeordneten stellten, eine Neuwahl erforderlich. Oklahoma has capital punishment as a legal sentence, and the state has had (between 1976 through mid-2011) the highest per capita execution rate in the nation. Die Interstate Highways 35, 40 und 44 verbinden Oklahoma mit seinen Nachbarstaaten. Pennsylvania | Two are gas-fired power plants: one in Harrah and the other in Konawa. [46], Die wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten der Indianerstämme im 19. A Cherokee language immersion school in Tahlequah, Oklahoma educates students from pre-school through eighth grade. [42] The state is home to the Storm Prediction Center, the National Severe Storms Laboratory, and the Warning Decision Training Division, all part of the National Weather Service and in Norman. When the flags returned, the Confederate flag was absent. Nebraska | Interior Highlands region, the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains are the only major mountainous region between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachians. [67][68], The Spaniard Francisco Vázquez de Coronado traveled through the state in 1541,[69] but French explorers claimed the area in the 1700s. For his crime, McVeigh was executed by the federal government on June 11, 2001. [178] The plan was part of an ambitious goal that in fifty years would have at least 80% of their people fluent. Most of the state lies in an area known as Tornado Alley characterized by frequent interaction between cold, dry air from Canada, warm to hot, dry air from Mexico and the Southwestern U.S., and warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico. The Oklahoma City Blue, of the NBA G League, relocated to Oklahoma City from Tulsa in 2014, where they were formerly known as the Tulsa 66ers. [120] 238,732 Oklahoma residents reported speaking a language other than English in the 2000 census, about 7.4% of the state's population. Bei einem absoluten Wert von 2,5 Millionen Menschen leben etwa zwei Drittel der Einwohner Oklahomas im urbanen Raum, also in Orten mit einer Bevölkerung von mindestens 2500 Personen. Twenty-five Native American languages are spoken in Oklahoma.[30]. [29] Its western and eastern halves, however, are marked by extreme differences in geographical diversity: Eastern Oklahoma touches eight ecological regions and its western half contains three. [9], Oklahoma wird immer wieder von verschiedenen Naturkatastrophen heimgesucht. [8] Hier reichen die Temperaturen von 0 °C im Januar zu 25 °C im Juli. [154], The Oklahoma Stack Play is a geographic referenced area in the Anadarko Basin. Garvin | [263] In 2010, the state had the nation's third-highest number of bridges classified as structurally deficient, with nearly 5,212 bridges in disrepair, including 235 National Highway System Bridges. Die Temperaturen steigen in den Sommermonaten häufig auf 35 bis 40 °C. Möglicherweise müssen Sie jedoch schnell handeln, da dieser Top oklahoma state flag in kürzester Zeit zu einem der gefragtesten Bestseller wird. Large national pow wows, various Latin and Asian heritage festivals, and cultural festivals such as the Juneteenth celebrations are held in Oklahoma City each year. [242], Oklahomans are in the upper half of Americans in terms of obesity prevalence, and the state is the 5th most obese in the nation, with 30.3 percent of its population at or near obesity. New Hampshire | Usually land was open to settlers on a first come first served basis. Das Zentrum des Staates stellt einen Übergang zur Prärielandschaft der High Plains dar. [144] In total, aerospace accounts for more than 10 percent of Oklahoma's industrial output, and it is one of the top 10 states in aerospace engine manufacturing. During the 1930s, parts of the state began suffering the consequences of poor farming practice. [255] Currently, all major American broadcast networks have affiliated television stations in the state. Iowa | Erst mit Vereidigung des 116. Oklahoma State Flag Long Sleeve T-Shirt. Major | Buy the Official Flag for Oklahoma State Cowboys and approved by Oklahoma State University. Al Gore war 2000 der letzte Präsidentschaftskandidat, dem es gelang, einige Countys in Oklahoma zu gewinnen. [160] Oklahoma has the highest enrollment of Native American students in the nation with 126,078 students in the 2009–10 school year. Oklahoma is a constitutional republic with a government modeled after the Federal government of the United States, with executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The Ouachita Mountains are home to black bear, red fox, gray fox, and river otter populations, which coexist with 328 vertebrate species in southeastern Oklahoma. Pittsburg | Two inland ports on rivers serve Oklahoma: the Port of Muskogee and the Tulsa Port of Catoosa. A major producer of natural gas, oil, and agricultural products, Oklahoma relies on an economic base of aviation, energy, telecommunications, and biotechnology. Average precipitation rises again from September to mid-October, representing a secondary wetter season, then declines from late October through December. Oklahoma had 598 incorporated places in 2010, including four cities over 100,000 in population and 43 over 10,000. Beispiele für diese Landschaft sind die Ouachita Mountains sowie die das Ozark-Plateau. The state has 55 post-secondary technical institutions operated by Oklahoma's CareerTech program for training in specific fields of industry or trade. Minnesota | OU Medical Center is on the grounds of the Oklahoma Health Center in Oklahoma City, the state's largest concentration of medical research facilities. Das Wort Oklahoma stammt aus der Choctaw-Sprache: okla ‚der Mensch‘ und humma ‚rot‘, die Zusammensetzung bedeutet so viel wie „Das Land des roten Mannes“. [58] Precipitation and temperatures decline from east to west accordingly, with areas in the southeast averaging an annual temperature of 62 °F (17 °C) and an annual rainfall of generally over 40 in (1,020 mm) and up to 56 in (1,420 mm), while areas of the (higher-elevation) panhandle average 58 °F (14 °C), with an annual rainfall under 17 in (430 mm). Im Juli 2020 entschied der Oberste Gerichtshof im Fall McGirt v. Oklahoma, dass circa halb Oklahoma (das bis 1906 bestehende Indianerterritorium), auf dem auch ein großer Teil von Tulsa liegt, als indianisches Reservat zu betrachten ist. [35], Der Staat hat die höchsten Anteile indianischer Bevölkerung. [49], Im Bereich der Landwirtschaft übertrifft die Viehzucht den Ackerbau in ihrer Bedeutung bei Weitem. The oil field "Sooner Trend", Anadarko basin and the counties of Kingfisher and Canadian make up the basis for the "Oklahoma STACK". Blaine | Zu den wichtigsten Universitäten in Oklahoma gehören die Oklahoma State University – Stillwater und die University of Oklahoma. US-$ (Platz 11 unter den 50 Bundesstaaten), auf den Markt mit pflanzlichen Produkten vergleichsweise geringe 1,9 Mrd. 0. Oklahoma has teams in several minor leagues, including Minor League Baseball at the AAA and AA levels (Oklahoma City Dodgers and Tulsa Drillers, respectively), hockey's ECHL with the Tulsa Oilers, and a number of indoor football leagues. Hawaii | Oklahoma State Flag. [63], Evidence suggests indigenous peoples traveled through Oklahoma as early as the last ice age. Das lokal geltende Zivilrecht unterliegt damit der Stammes-Justiz der Indianer, für das Strafrecht gilt Bundesgerichtsbarkeit. OG&E was the first electric company in Oklahoma to generate electricity from wind farms in 2003. Cities and Towns Chapter 1—Oklahoma Municipal Code Article Article V—City Incorporating as a Town Section 5-101—City Incorporating as a Town—Procedure", "Oklahoma votes to make English official language", "Religion in America: U.S. Norman is also host to the Medieval Fair of Norman, which has been held annually since 1976 and was Oklahoma's first medieval fair. [133] Tulsa's ONEOK and Williams Companies are the state's largest and second-largest companies respectively, also ranking as the nation's second- and third-largest companies in the field of energy, according to Fortune magazine. [151], Oklahoma has no nuclear power plant. ) bewohnen ländliche Gebiete, die sogenannten „ Sooners “ ( engl Basketballfranchises Seattle SuperSonics nach Oklahoma City and... 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