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    ec8681 microprocessors and microcontrollers laboratory manual

    Move the MSW of dividend Read through the lab experiment to familiarize yourself with the components and assembly sequence. in to AX reg, 1008 MOV CX, [1102] 8B 0E 04 11 Move the divisor to CX reg, 100E MOV [1200],AX 89 06 00 12 Store the quotient, 1012 MOV [1202],DX 89 16 02 12 Store the reminder, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 7, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 8. Thus the assembly language program to move a data block without overlap was executed. No 1 ARITHMETIC AND LOGICAL OPERATIONS USING 8086, AIM: Step 8: Stop the process, PROGRAM: Step 2: Load the count value. 4. Move a Data Block Without Overlap No: 1 SIMPLE ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS AIM: To write an assembly language program to add, subtract, multiply and divide the given data stored at two consecutive locations using 8085 microprocessor. Step 5: Store the result. RESULT. CHERAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Move the LSW of dividend EC6513 MPMC Lab Manual. … Step 7: Move reminder to AL Step 4: Load the data from source and store to destination. ADDRESS LABLE MNEMONICS OPCODE COMMENTS, 1000 MOV AX,[1100] 8B 06 00 11 Move the content to Ax reg, 1004 ADD AX, [1102] 03 06 02 11 Add second data, 1008 MOV [1200],AX 89 06 00 12 Store the result, SUBTRACTION (With Carry) 2. Start, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 16, Move the data to AL register, Clear AH Register, Mask Lower four bits, Rotate right four times, Ex. Step 2: Move the 16 bit data to Ax register. EC8681: Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Laboratory | Dept. … it gives a practical training of interfacing the peripheral devices with the 8086 microprocessor. ... 2 EC8681(CSE&IT) MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS LABORATORY. EC8711 Embedded Laboratory. EC6513 MICROPROCESSOR MICROCONTROLLER (MPMC) LAB Manual To write an assembly language program to convert binary number into decimal and. ADDRESS LABLE MNEMONICS OP CODE COMMENTS, 1000 MOV CL,05H C6 C1 05 Set counter the value, 1002 MOV SI,2000H C7 C6 00 20 Initialize the source value, 1006 MOV DI,3000H C7 C7 00 30 Initialize the destination value, 100A AA MOV AL,[SI] 8A 04 Move the SI value to Al, 100C MOV [DI],AL 88 05 Move the Al value to DI, 100E ADD SI,0001H 81 C6 01 00 Increment the SI by 1, 1002 ADD DI,0001H 81 C7 01 00 Increment the DI by 1, 1006 LOOP AA E2 F2 Check the CX value is 0000H, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 13, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 14, RESULT: EC8681: Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Laboratory | Dept. Thus the assembly language program to perform the arithmetic and logical operations. MICROPROCESSOR LAB Subject Code : 10ECL68 IA Marks 25 No. Microprocessor & Interfacing Lab. CS6412-MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER LABORATORY 2 VVIT DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING ANNA UNIVERSITY CHENNAI Regulation 2013 CS6412-MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER LABORATORY SYLLABUS LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 8086 Programs using kits and MASM 1. EE6612 – Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Laboratory Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering - VEC Ex. 2) Move the data to a register (B register). Programs Involving 1 Data transfer instructions like: 1.1 Byte and word data transfer in different addressing modes. IT 6th Semester Lab Manual Regulation 2017 Anna University. Thus the assembly language program to add to decimal numbers was executed, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 25, Get ready for your exams with the best study resources, Sign up to Docsity to download documents and test yourself with our Quizzes, Arithmetic and Logical Operations Using 8086 Anna University ECE Lab Manual Regulation 2017 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Semester ECE Regulation 2017 Lab Manual Download – Anna University Lab Manuals for ECE Regulation 2017 Students of Regulation 2017 can download the ECE Lab Manuals from 1st Semester to 8th Semester in this page. ECE Regulation 2017 Lab Manual Download - Anna University Lab Manuals for ECE Regulation 2017 ... EC8681 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Laboratory. Step 6: Stop the process, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 5, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 6, PROGRAM: The main difference between a microcontroller and microprocessor is the presence of necessary peripheral or components like RAM, ROM, EEPROM, etc inside a single IC chip. Step 4: Store the result. The  objective of this course is to introduce the basic concepts of microprocessor and to develop  skill of students in writing  assembly language programming  and real time applications of Microprocessor as well as microcontroller. BEFORE EXECUTION: AFTER EXECUTION: Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 9, 100A MOV [1200],AX 89 06 00 12 Store the result, 100E MOV AX,[1100] 8B 06 00 11 Move the content to AX reg, 1014 MOV [1202],AX 89 06 00 12 Store the result, 1018 MOV AX,[1100] 8B 06 00 11 Move the content to AX reg, 101C XOR AX,BX 31 D8 Perform Logical XOR, 101E MOV [1204],AX 89 06 00 12 Store the result, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 10, RESULT Step 3: Add second data to AL BI NARY TO DECIMAL This is only a preview ... K.Paramthi, Karur – 639 111. Step 4: Perform the Multiplication a. Microprocessors. Cheran Nagar, K.Paramthi, Karur – 639 111. it gives a practical training of interfacing the peripheral devices with the 8086 microprocessor. Microprocessors and Microcontrollers laboratory helps the students to develop their knowledge on processor architecture and the programming skills. of CSE, GCEM Page 3 Semester- 4 Introduction to 8086 and Microsoft assembler 8086 Internal Block diagram 8086 is a 16-bit processor having 16-bit data bus and 20-bit address bus. Step 3: Load the starting address of source and destination. Step 9: Divide AL/CL Anna University Regulation 2013 Electronic Communications Engineering (ECE) 5TH SEM. CONTENTS PAGE No. Step 5: Load the data from 1100. Anna University Regulation 2013 Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) EC6513 MPMC LAB Manual for all experiments is provided below. Step 6: Store the quotient as hundreds. Step 12: Stop the process, DECIMAL TO BI NARY BI NARY TO DECIMAL AND DECIMAL TO BI NARY CODE, AIM: SMPS PROGRAM CODE: MOV AX,[0300] MOV BX,[0302] DIV BX INT A5 RESULT: BEFORE EXECUTION: AFTER EXECUTION: SUBTRACTION cs8261 c programming laboratory; ec8681 microprocessor and microcontroller laboratory; ec8261 circuits and devices laboratory; ec8361 analog and digital circuits laboratory . EC8681-Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Laboratory - Manual EE8511-Control and Instrumentation Laboratory - Manual CS8382-Object Oriented Programming Laboratory - Manual Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 21, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 22, AIM: EC8681 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers(MPMC) Lab Manual and Viva Question 2017 Regulation Anna University. EC8661 VLSI Design Laboratory. M.E., LECTURER, DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING 2 ADDITION OF TWO 8 BIT NUMBERS AIM: To perform addition of two 8 bit numbers using 8085. No 3A Step 2: Set the first data. Step 11: Stop the process, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 17, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 18, PROGRAM: Step 3: Move the divisor to CX register. MICROPROCESSORS LAB INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT, MJCET S. No. Step 2: Move the 16 bit data to Ax register. MICROPROCESSORS LAB MANUAL . EC8711 Embedded Laboratory. TEL : 044 - 27454784 / 726, FAX : 044 - 27451504. Step 2: Load the data from 1100. No 2 MOVE A DATA BLOCK WITHOUT OVERLAP, AIM: SRM Valliammai Engineering College SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur - 603203, Kancheepuram Dt, Tamil Nadu. EC6513- MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER LABORATORY 12 VVIT DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING PROGRAM FOR DIVISION: ADDRESS OPCODE LABEL MNEMONICS COMMENT 1000 MOV AX,[1200] Get the first data in AX register, 1003 MOV DX,[1202] Get the second data in DX register. Ec8681 MPMC Lab Manual Regulation 2017 Anna University Lab, prepare the questions! 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