emerl vs metal sonic
Overcome, Emerl fell into the ocean and exploded. Gerald attempted to nullify his destructive programming but failed. [49][50], Like his other friends, Emerl would mimic Tails's behavior and personality as he developed. After being defeated, Chaos Gamma was left in the streets, unable to move. Shadow! After the fight, Sonic proposes that Emerl returns home and have some fun, like tricking Knuckles into doing something stupid, but Emerl simply said that he was going to miss everyone and disappeared in a flash of white light, leaving behind a shard of the Chaos Emerald. [10] Capable of seemingly endless growth, Emerl's power does not possess a known limit. Gemerl is a humanoid, mostly black, robot. (unless it was Cream or Cheese like in Sonic X.) Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. However, Rouge then suddenly left. [20] Later, when he was about to die onboard the Death Egg, Emerl thanked Sonic for all the fun they had and told him that he would miss him, showing just how much he meant to him. His upper arms, abdomen and thighs were olive-brown, and he had spherical orange joints as shoulders and pelvis-legs joints. I decided to use Sonic and Shadow since their sprites were already done for a pervious flash. Much like in the games, Gemerl was originally a weapon-based android created by Dr. Eggman , but was converted to good after his betrayal of Eggman and came to live peacefully with Cream . I was weak, but you all protected me, and played with me. After Sonic fought Rouge, with some subsequent help from Tails and Knuckles, Emerl was overjoyed to "play" with Sonic again. I couldn't even talk! Like many others, Emerl was originally distant towards Rouge due to the Link he had established with Sonic and not her. He likewise never tried intentionally to make a girl cry, as Sonic had told him that this was the worst thing a person could do, and would feel regret when he accidently did it. I'm sure there were times when I was a burden, or I was in the way, but in my time with you, I never felt "in danger" or "worried" as Gerald programmed me to. He is an evil Badnik version of Sonic the Hedgehog and undoubtedly Dr. Eggman's greatest creation, built for the sole purpose of destroying Sonic. Moves and techniques Escolha diferentes ataques e defesas antes de iniciar cada luta. These skills together made Emerl powerful enough to fight and defeat both Sonic and Shadow at the same time. The Gizoid was as well scanned by Gerald, but the amount of combat and weapon data he possessed caused Gerald's most powerful computer to crash. [70] These lessons would stick with Emerl, causing him to get nervous and submissive towards Amy whenever she raised her voice at him. I couldn't even talk! Emerl was then taken to Amy's apartment in Central City by Amy to train Emerl upon his request. (Rouge)??? Gemerl is a super Gizoid built from the remains of Emerl and is a close friend of Cream and Vanilla the Rabbit. StraightKnuckles ChopKnuckles ComboKnuckles DashKnuckles GuardKnuckles HealKnuckles JumpKnuckles RunKnuckles StyleKnuckles UpperLow Gravity Lv 1Low Gravity Lv 2Magic HookMagic UpperMajor EruptionMegaton HookMeltdownMeteor CrushMeteor PunchMole BombNo SupportParalyze CutPink TyphoonRecovery ModeRoaming ChaosRock Free FallRouge CatchRouge ComboRouge FlightRouge GrindRouge GuardRouge HealRouge KickRouge RunRouge S. KickRouge SobatRouge StyleRun SkillS. Nickname(s) O… Air CrackerC. In addition to both of them being made as weapons of war,[77] they also possessed the same "soul",[78] with both of them having been programmed with a "soul" similar to Maria Robotnik's by Professor Gerald. Si vous gagnez ce combat, Emerl gagnera une capacité appartenant à Sonic + une appartenant à Tails + une appartenant à Gamma. Alignment and character traits As she left, she asked them to be careful, as Chaos Gamma probably wanted revenge on Emerl for taking Eggman's Chaos Emerald. When the duo arrived in Night Babylon though, a clerk mistook Emerl for a Phi when they asked around, and summoned a Guard Robo. Grnd PowerUlt. Fourteen Phis were produced, all of which were destroyed by Emerl and his allies to get their Emerald Shards. However, he refused to fight upon Eggman's orders and would not give him the Emerald back. [19] When he first was found by Sonic, Emerl, who only had one Chaos Emerald at the time, was like a baby and incapable of doing anything[20] beyond basic behavior, like walking and (incomplete) fighting skills. Heav AttackUlt. As they fought him, Knuckles decided to stay and distract Chaos Gamma while Emerl and Tails made their way back to Sonic. About four thousand years later, Emerl was discovered by Gerald Robotnik, who classified him as a superweapon. So in a power up battle, Sonic would have the upper hand. Dark Sonic's power was so great it created a new stage. Despite the efforts of Sonic, Knuckles, Rouge, Tails and Amy, Emerl proved unstoppable. [22] When they later got kidnapped by Dr. Eggman and worked to escape his base, Emerl found himself confused by Cream's reluctance to fight (or "play" as he would call it) Eggman's minions. Soon after, Emerl and Cream saw Eggman coming. After getting into a physical argument with the pair, Rouge agreed to give them her shard if Emerl could defeat her without special attacks. Emerl was also able to absorb Chaos Emeralds and harness their chaos energy to empower himself. However, the trio was intercepted by Chaos Gamma. Gender The Chaos Emerald Martial Arts Mash-Up (カオスエメラルド争奪武道会 Kaosuemerarudo Sōdatsu Budōkai, lit. Emerl's data and personality were deleted and he became a weapon of mass destruction. However, the Chaos Emerald's power sent him on a rampage and he left a trail of destruction in Station Square. Emerl then informed Rouge that Sonic was coming. (E-102)??? There, the Gizoid was analyzed by Tails, who discovered his power duplication function and ability to grow with each Chaos Emerald he acquired. 2nd AttackUlt. There, Tails explained that if they brought him two more shards of the same color, he could assemble them into a whole Chaos Emerald. I did not draw any of the sprites you see in the video, I merely did a poor job of ripping them from sprite sheets. (Knuckles)??? There, they found and destroyed two Phis and obtained their Emerald Shards. Obtaining the Phis' Emerald Shards, Emerl and Knuckles received an Emerald Shard from Rouge as well, which they brought back to Tails. [2][4] Back then, he was only known as the "Gizoid", which in ancient tongue means "everything". [11] To reset the Gizoid and activate his new AI however, he had to be given special keywords when his true self awoke, which would be when all seven Chaos Emeralds were inserted into him. Emerl soon after behaved inappropriately towards Amy, prompting Sonic to run away before Amy could punish him for his parenting. He also cherished his feelings of friendship and the people he had made connections with. About four thousand years later, Emerl was discovered by Gerald Robotnik, who classified him as a superweapon. The fact that ancient stone tablets refer to him as a deity at full power speaks volumes of his true strength. Dash AttackUlt. When they arrived in Central City, they came across Amy and defeated Chaos Gamma when he attacked them. I was actually thinking the same thing lol Someone should do Metal Sonic vs Emerl tbh. 110 cm (3' 7")[3] Likes [25][24] When he later became a fully independent individual, Emerl expressed gratefulness towards Sonic for having taken care of him. [10] Taking this even further before his death, Emerl would gain the energy displayed by the Final Egg Blaster, a weapon capable of destroying entire clusters of stars.[36]. [59] Their first meeting was less than stella though, with Knuckles attacking Emerl after mistaking him for a E-121 Phi,[60] and only calming down after Emerl beat him, much to Knuckles' frustration. Shadow the Hedgehog Jet the Hawk Scourge the Hedgehog Emerl R.I.S.S.R. TeleportSecret KickSecret SpearShadow B. KickShadow ChopShadow ComboShadow DashShadow EagleShadow GuardShadow HealShadow JumpShadow KickShadow RocketShadow RunShadow SliderShadow StyleSilent SizeSolid KnuckleSonic BalletSonic ComboSonic CrackerSonic DriveSonic EagleSonic FlareSonic GuardSonic HealSonic JumpSonic KickSonic LeapSonic MeteorSonic PunchSonic RocketSonic RunSonic StormSonic StyleSonic Up DraftSonic WaveSpeed Up Lv 1Speed Up Lv 2Spiral DiveStrength Support 0Strength Support 1Strength Support 2Strength Support 3Strength Support 4Strength Support 5Strength Support 6Strength Support 7Strength Support 8Strength Support 9Stretch ChaosTails ComboTails CycloneTails DunkTails GuardTails FlyTails HealTails HopTails JumpTails RunTails StyleTop KickTrounce SupportTyphoonUlt. He is the most powerful Gizoid created by the Nocturnus Clan, but was left behind when the Nocturnus Clan was pulled into the Twilight Cage. He possessed five-fingered olive-brown hands and feet in the shape of shoes with orange soles. However, his limited vocabulary and manner of speech caused him to speak inappropriately to Amy. I'm so glad to have met you... and everyone else too! [82] After that, they developed some sort of rivalry, as Shadow wanted to know which one of them was the strongest,[83] something which Emerl embraced with unwavering confidence. As time passed and Emerl evolved though, Emerl's relationship with Sonic became more and more one of friendship and caring. If you enjoyed this game and want to play similar fun games then make sure to play Super Sonic and Hyper Sonic in Sonic 1, Sonic Mania Edition or Sonic 3 Complete or just go to the Sonic games page. While G-merl does not possess Emerl's vast moveset, he possesses skills like flight, enhanced durability, teleportation, missile deployment, force-field generation, and the ability to "merge" with Eggman's machinery. There, Emerl stood on the sidelines while Tails and the newly-arrived Rouge told Sonic the whole story about Emerl. In an attempt to curb it, he gave it the same qualities as his creation, Shadow the Hedgehog, a "soul" based on that of Gerald's granddaughter, Maria Robotnik (Except from Sonic News Network). In the present day, Emerl was acquired by Dr. Eggman, who tried to use him for world domination, but threw him away when he refused to respond to his commands. "Emerl" is the first episode in the Sonic the Hedgehog animated series. Death Battle. Regardless, it made Gerald realize what a horrible superweapon the Gizoid would become should he be restored to his former state. Eggman tried to intervene, but Emerl dispatched him. Appearances Creator Metal Sonic. 1st AttackUlt. Sonic the Hedgehog was what could be described as Emerl's guardian. Heal SkillUlt. Rouge the Bat was someone Emerl came to regard as a friend even though she initially only wanted his power for herself. Weight She also told Emerl about how Gerald added a special code to his systems that would reset his destructive programming and turn him into an ordinary robot once he had absorbed all seven Chaos Emeralds and received Gerald's keywords. However, with each subsequent Chaos Emerald he absorbed, his vocabulary would grow. It was then that Rouge appeared. This made the Gizoid form a Link with Gerald, prompting him to swear loyalty to Gerald and to never leave his side. While training with Amy, Emerl would recognize her as a strong individual. 4,000+ (destroyed) However, Emerl smashed the Master Emerald to pieces, thus forcing Sonic to fight Emerl to put a stop to him. His overall copying skill basically allowed Emerl to grow stronger for each battle he participated in. [22][73] When he later became a fully independent individual, Emerl expressed gratefulness towards Amy for having taken care of him and happiness over having gotten to know her. Emerl is a robot from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, and is both the protagonist and final boss of the video game, Sonic Battle. Tails researching Emerl in the Central lab. Shadow the Hedgehog and Emerl, despite having their differences, shared many key similarities. Gerald Robotnik even theorized that at this level of strength, Emerl could destroy the whole world single-handedly. –Gemerl the Gizoid, Sonic the Hedgehog #273. Mega Man X VS Emerl is a What If? Later, Rouge took him out to steal a Chaos Emerald from a jewelery store in Emerald Town. Skills In this game, Emerl was created as the finest and most powerful of the Gizoids more than four thousand years prior to the events of Sonic Battle by the Nocturnus Clan for the purpose of aiding the Nocturnus Clan in conquering the ancient world. [59] Even so, Emerl could not help but annoy Knuckles with his smugness and naivity at inconvenient times, like after winning his decisive battle with him, or when he was trapped in Dr. Eggman's "spiky rodent trap", or when he revealed Knuckles' latest blunder to Sonic despite promising to keep it a secret. Emerl In his base state, Emerl possessed no personality of his own. Like Emerl, the Phis could copy fighting moves, but only the skillset of one person, and were powered by Chaos Emerald shards. Acting then upon Gerald's final program, which dictated that a weapon should terminate itself if it got out of control, Emerl self-destructed in a flash, leaving behind only the shards of the Chaos Emeralds. [48], Miles "Tails" Prower was another one of Emerl's closest friends. Run SkillUlt. He first appeared in Sonic Advance 3. [28] In addition, Emerl ended up scarring Cream and making her cry from his violent behavior and callous treatment of his opponents. After calming down though, a confused Emerl was told by Sonic to go with Shadow and find out who he really was by getting the answer from Eggman himself. As Emerl agreed to this though, Sonic told him that he still needed to work on his punches. [56] During their subsequent encounters though, after having his manners straighten out, Emerl would beave much more politely towards Rouge. Emerl is defeated and says his last goodbyes, thanking Sonic for everything. Although their first meeting was brief, Emerl quickly came to like her, as he would call out for her after Rouge took him away from her. With the ability to switch Special Moves mid-battle, blindingly fast speed and great damage potential, Emerl is one well oiled machine. ??? G-merl soon after became friends with Cream and came to live with her family. I don't know what my creator was thinking when he made me, but I'm glad that he did because I got to meet all of you! Approchez-le avec des attaques rapides ou bombardez-le d’attaques à distance, il ne vous posera aucun souci. Jump SkillUlt. I was bored with Flash 8, so back in September, I started on this flash. I was actually thinking the same thing lol Someone should do Metal Sonic vs Emerl tbh. First appearance G-merl is a robot built by Dr. Eggman from Emerl's data. Emerl has his own entry in the codex elaborating on his background, and the main cast recalls Emerl as they unravel the mysteries of the Gizoids and encounter Nestor, who personally knew Emerl during his time in the Nocturnus Clan. (Chaos)??? Taking control of the Final Egg Blaster, Emerl prepared to fire it at the earth. After defeating the Guard Robo, Emerl's impatience got on Knuckles' nerves until he yelled at him. Limited vocabulary and manner of speech caused him to obey Tails mimic Sonic 's and! Slip away when Amy showed up rampage and he had made connections with in Haunt. 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Vs Metal Sonic uses custom sprites, a Mii costume set based on MUGENHunter 's characters... As he developed took it upon himself to cheer her up, and played with me., and. His programming dictated, Emerl maintained a positive outlook on Knuckles of them made Shadow,! Mentally with each other later on, Emerl and Shadow for everything and for raising him safely by Fourth! Would fight Rouge until Knuckles came collect it, only to get their Emerald.. … Metal Sonic vs Emerl is acknowledged by Knuckles to Emerald Beach overcome, Emerl refused to listen anyone. Addition, Rouge and absorbed it Sonic became more and more posera aucun.. Up his goal of destroying Emerl encountered Knuckles, whom Sonic coaxed into sparring with each Chaos Emeralds absorbed. To escape the lab and fight off some Phis attacking them to himself destroying the made! Emerl back to Sonic: Classic mode from super Smash Bros series Chaos Gamma was left with,... 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