• 19 jan

    extreme in a sentence

    The rainfall is abundant, and especially so in summer (December to March) when the humidity is extreme. CK 1 16974 Your proposal is a bit extreme. He was a man of extreme simplicity in his method of life. He was endowed with a strong sense of humour and a love of paradox carried to an extreme. 25 wide between Capri and the extreme southwest point of the peninsula of Sorrento. In 1893 he retired, and devoted himself to journalism and lecturing, becoming well known for his ardent advocacy of extreme socialistic views. It lies on the north-east shore of lake Taupo, the largest lake in the island, having an extreme length of 26 m. The chief towns of Annam are Hue (pop. To these must be added the Turkish islands in the Aegean usually reckoned to Europe, that is, Thasos, Samothrace, Imbros and, in the extreme south, Crete or Candia. Excepting in the extreme north, where marine Jurassic and Cretaceous fossils have been found, there is no evidence that this part of Siberia has been beneath the sea since the early part of the Palaeozoic era. in extreme breadth, and has an area of nearly 25 m. Florence, in extreme terror, deposed the gonfalonier, and opened her gates to the princes of the house of Medici. On the west the extreme point of Asia is found on the shore of the Mediterranean, at Cape Baba, in 26° E., nor far from the Dardanelles. The artillery was posted on the Dunbar side of the burn, directly opposite and north of Doon, the infantry and cavalry crossed where they could, and formed up gradually in a line south of and roughly parallel to the Berwick road, the extreme left of horse and foot, acting as a reserve, crossed at Brocksmouth House on the outer flank. In the extreme south Palestine begins to be affected by the Arabian dryness. Thus it appears that from the Arctic Ocean there stretches a broad area as far as the south of China, in which no marine deposits of later date than Carboniferous have yet been found, except in the extreme north. Since the creation of the republic, extreme protective measures have caused the creation of a large number of cotton factories and other manufactures, but these are able to supply only a part of the consumption, and the importation of cotton and woollen fabrics, silks, readymade clothing, boots and shoes, &c., is large. Though a thorough and avowed partisan, he was within the party the counsellor of moderate rather than extreme measures, and thus gained on the whole a position of great influence. Small in stature, with a well-knit frame, the cheekbones prominent, the face generally round, the nose and neck short, a marked tendency to prognathism, the chest broad and well developed, the trunk long, the hands small and delicate this Malay type is found in nearly all the islands along the east coast of the Asiatic continent as well as in southern China and in the extreme south-west of Korean peninsula. He took an extreme position on religious matters. His ideas are too extreme for me. What was even harder to accept was the fact she actually enjoyed his extreme mood changes. C. Jerdon states that the Indian ratel is found throughout the whole of India, from the extreme south to the foot of the Himalaya, chiefly in hilly districts, where it has greater facilities for constructing the holes and dens in which it lives; but also in the north of India in alluvial plains, where the banks of large rivers afford equally suitable localities wherein to make its lair. A simple sentence with “extreme” contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. east of the extreme south coast there is a little island called Botel-tobago (Japanese, Koto-sho), which rises to a height of 1914 ft. ‘The other extreme of course, which is presupposed in the above - is a retreat to solipsism, and thereby a denial of the other.’ ‘I took this person's behavior (something he hides from his friends and maybe from himself) and pushed it to the furthest extreme I could.’ She was in a state of extreme agitation. 4. 2869911 Go get your helmet. AMAZONAS, the extreme north-western and largest state of Brazil, bounded N. Owing to the extreme dryness of the atmosphere and the fact that there is always a breeze, usually from the N.W., this heat is felt much less than a greatly lower temperature in a more humid atmosphere. Now you can take the quizzes to test your knowledge of extreme adjectives: Hammond (London, 1903), is a series of studies written by an extreme admirer. The accessory divaricators are, according to the same authority, a pair of small muscles which have their ends attached to the ventral valve, one on each side of the median line, a little behind the united basis of the adductors, and again to the extreme point of the cardinal process. The history of these kingdoms furnishes a long list of queens and princesses who were ambitious ' Antiochus Epiphanes was an extreme case. part extending to the Gulf of Mexico, the extreme southern point being in 30° 13' N. In the extreme north-east are found the oldest rocks in the state - lower Devonian (the New Scotland beds of New York) and, not so old, an extension of the Lower Carboniferous which underlies the Warrior coalfields of Alabama, and which consists of cherts, limestones, sandstones and shales, with a depth of 800 to 900 ft. From the extreme south most of the merchantable timber had been cut, but immediately north of this there were still vast quantities of valuable long-leaf pine; in the marshes of the Delta was much cypress, the cotton-wood was nearly exhausted, and the gum was being used as a substitute for it; and on the rich upland soil were oak and red gum, also cotton-wood, hickory and maple. His influence with the extreme Socialists had already declined, for it was said that his departure from the true Marxist tradition had disintegrated the party. The Extreme Left was infected by the fanaticism of Kossuth, who condemned the compromise and refused to take the benefit of the amnesty, while the prelates and magnates who had originally opposed the compromise were now to be found by the side of Deal(and Andrassy. Sentence Examples. The temperature has an extreme range of from 72° to 95° F., with a mean of about 80°. thick, and is stretched on the extreme end of a pipe which is then forced into the next socket. Even though she carried it to extreme, he admired her integrity. The Peak lies immediately to the south-west of the capital, in the extreme north-west corner of the island, and is used as a station for signalling the approach of vessels. The exports of wheat are liable to extreme fluctuations, especially during famine periods. It is not connected with any portion of Europe or America except by suboceanic ridges; but in the extreme north it is separated only by a narrow strait from Ellesmere Land in the archipelago of the American continent. in the year, but it diminishes rapidly towards the centre of the plateau where it averages, at Johannesburg about 30 in., 2 while in the extreme west as the Kalahari is approached it sinks to about 12 in. Though accused of extreme licentiousness in his relations with women, and though he lived for years in adultery with Dona Maria de Osorio, Philip was probably less immoral than most kings of his time, including his father, and was rigidly abstemious in eating and drinking. Find more ways to say extreme, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. After spending lavishly for years, the company has now gone to the opposite/other extreme and has cut expenses drastically. Oncken, to take the extreme of condemnation, looks upon him as a bad physiocrat and a confused thinker, while Leon Say considers that he was the founder of modern political economy, and that "though he failed in the 18th century he triumphed in the 1 9th.". In a few minutes the batteries on the extreme Prussian left were completely overwhelmed, and suddenly dense lines of French skirmishers emerged from a fold in the ground upon their flank and front, and the gunners were compelled to resort to case-shot, so imminent was their danger. Just after 7:30 a.m. the city issued an extreme cold weather alert. It is a further striking fact, not unconnected with those just enumerated, that the extreme range of optical properties covered even by the relatively large number of optical glasses now available is in reality very small. He had extreme diffi The islands present an irregular surface, frequently rising into hills of considerable elevation (an extreme of 1475 ft. to W., though the shores are indented to an extraordinary degree and the bulk of the island is much narrower than the extreme width would indicate. During and after the war, for which he voted, he retired for a while into private life; but in 1872 he was again elected deputy, this time as a Legitimist, and took his seat among the extreme Right. Capponi resigned, and Leopold reluctantly agreed to a MontanelliGuerrazzi ministry, which in its turn had to fight against the extreme republican party. This last was a formula issued on the 25th of June 1580 (the jubilee of the Augsburg Confession) by the Lutheran Church in an attempt to heal the breach which, since the death of Luther, had been widening between the extreme Lutherans and the Crypto-Calvinists. With extreme trepidation, I complied, closing the door behind me. Gone to the opposite/other extreme and quickly turns things physical Tunis is over. Regarded the secularization of the grating ) is mnX Helmet '' in a sentence Looking Sentences! Extreme Hourly Values were 0.91 and 1.45 for a, 0.94 and 1.60 for A_ parties! 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