frankie ward reddit
A bit early, but I wanted to say, Frankie you're doing a great job! If I’m not on air, then I’m preparing, traveling, editing podcasts or streaming on my Twitch channel. [surgeon’s name] - would you let him operate on you?” and the interviewee says “no”. That’s something I’m still working on. The London Home Series is hosted by London Royal Ravens at the Copper Box Arena in London, England, United Kingdom. Some productions, such as StarLadder and ESL, will rotate desk talent and casters or split the day into two shifts. I hope we see more of her in OWL after the playoffs. It’s a habit of mine to throw myself headfirst into anything I do, and I made some great friends along the way too. They looked fantastic on [that] Friday and I’m excited that I’ve been lucky enough to follow their journey from the sidelines. We didn’t have a chat functionality on our live stream, so I’d gather feedback from Reddit and from Twitter and really enjoyed engaging with the community. However, I tend to talk more about the wider dissent against women online, as opposed to esports - such as what women wear on Twitch. Interviewing the Interviewer: Frankie Ward on CS:GO, Esports, and the Talent Experience. However, there are still discussions about my sexuality, the way I look and my relationships to the players. Ward advises hosting hopefuls to volunteer at local universities to cast matches and keep expectations realistic. He also said that the majority of interviewers tend to be women - but I don’t know the stats on this. Frankie Ward is a British desk and stage host who has hosted CS:GO, PUBG, Hearthstone and others. It’s a charity that levels the playing field for gamers everywhere with a team of occupational therapists that use adaptive technology to help gamers with disabilities play. Press J to jump to the feed. Team England only has one English player, but I have to support my boy HenryG. To gain insight into the esports audience, we spoke to esports host and presenter Frankie Ward, who has hosted and covered events such as the ESL Hearthstone Premiership Final, the PC Gaming Show at E3, and the ESL Intel Extreme Masters CS:GO Major Championship. However, I don’t tend to give up questions in advance if it isn’t necessary to. Every Brilliant Thing's Jonny Donahoe talks to Frankie Ward - Duration: 5:00. After one of Cloud9’s matches at ESL Katowice, CS:GO esports reporter Frankie Ward put Rush in an awkward position by asking him a question he didn’t expect. It just so happened that Tim Clark - Brand Director (and Hearthstone fan) at PC Gamer Magazine - was watching that broadcast and it led to me co-hosting the PC Gaming Show at E3 in 2018; that show changed my life - in just over an hour, people suddenly knew who I was. I wish she was a bit further back from the camera? And the players are brilliant too. Reddit ESTNN’s FPS Editor-in-Chief Nicholas Johnson managed to wrangle Frankie Ward, one of the only professional esports interviewers, away from the stage at IEM Sydney and got her perspective on her job, her experiences, and esports as a whole. 5:00. Neither of those things are ok, so I sometimes use my blog to take back the narrative. save hide report. It’s on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube and also for Android users. There’s a photo our stage manager Oli took during the second map Overpass that captures the emotions of the broadcast team perfectly. This page was last edited on 27 April 2019, at 19:10. 2 Hours Ago I’m speaking about my own experiences. Frankie Ward: For me Counter-Strike is the best esport in the world [INTERVIEW] by tambik in GlobalOffensive [–] csgoner420 -78 points -77 points -76 points 1 year ago (0 … Through the interviewers, fans get an inside look at some things they rarely get to see; how our favorite players feel, think, and act when they’re not behind their linemen, power forwards, or (in our case) their computers. Lea Strickland passed away 2014-12-04 in This is the full obituary story where you can express condolences and share memories. In terms of glaring issues, it tends to be more around a very vocal minority of the audience; I had a lot of comparisons and negative critiques during the Major and now I’ve been to many more CSGO events, the audience is used to me and tends to be a lot better. It’s where I learned about open and closed questions, and about the “killer question”. This A-Tier tournament took place from Oct 06 to Oct 11 2020 featuring 8 teams competing over a total prize pool of $140,000 USD. Ward advises hosting hopefuls to volunteer at local universities to cast matches and keep expectations realistic. Frankie has 9 jobs listed on their profile. Everything is on-demand. As the week went on, I was able to relax into it more, and the analysts; Vendetta, Maniac and Pimp are friends now. She's leaning in quite a bit, possibly because she's new and feels slightly uncomfortable? Frankie Ward 1,854 views. The weekend also features an open tournament. I’ve always played video games - from my dad’s laptop playing Monkey Island II and the Sega Master System, to buying myself a PS One with some money I earned from doing a theatre play in London when I was nine. Details File Size: 5613KB Duration: 3.667 sec Dimensions: 498x280 Created: 11/23/2019, 2:39:49 AM Just look up CPT from Chinese squad 4AM and his godlike nade (sic) play from the final day of the FACEIT Global Summit. Credit: Frankie Ward. Share to Twitter. I’m quite vocal on my own blog because I feel like I’m in a good position to talk about my experiences and what needs to change - it’s a better platform for me than Twitter because I can set out a thought-out argument. 5:00. Frankie Ward is an esports desk and stage host, available for multiple games, including consumer focused gaming events. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Frankie’s connections and jobs at similar companies. Don't read YouTube chat, it's better for your mental health, is this still happening? All Rights Reserved. The song tells a story of a young father and poverty-stricken factory worker whose destitution drives him to insanity.One day, Frankie comes home from work, murders his wife and child, and then commits suicide.The narrative then continues to follow him into hell. I don’t do as much PUBG anymore, but when I do, I get to be very silly with people like Pansy and Simms and it’s like coming home. In terms of other critiques, my male peers face the same odd comments too, so I’m not alone in that regard, but I would say that the comparisons I get are usually related to my female peers - who are my friends. She has hosted many esports events including PUBG, Hearthstone and CS:GO. I think the map is going to need changes before we see it played by more of the teams - although I expect to see it picked a couple of times at Dreamhack Tours. I doubt she’ll be a consistent host, she’s a really well known host in other esports. I was too protective of some of the players in exit interviews at the Major, so now I’m a lot more held back, and I feel totally comfortable in those conversations - initially, I wasn’t. Yep - it’s not just talent of course, production [is] also under the same - if not longer - broadcast hours. An example we watched, that I often tell people about, is journalist Jeremy Paxman asking a chief surgeon at Alder Hey Hospital about a colleague who has had heart patients repeatedly die on the operating table. At BLAST Pro Series Madrid, I could go back to the ENCE vs. Ninja’s In Pajamas match at Blast Sao Paulo and see ENCE chained 12 T-side rounds in their first half of Nuke. I’ve gotten to work with my friends Sjokz and Smix too - they’ve been through what I’m adjusting to right now and have so much advice. I’ve been catching up with “Grace And Frankie,” Season 3 of which is now binge-ready on Netflix. What you are going to get is experience and footage.” A caster’s showreel is incredibly important as well, Ward … Share to Twitter. Actually, if you’ve just lost a big match, you’re most likely going to be uncomfortable already. I had to avoid Reddit during the IEM Katowice CSGO Major Championship as some of the comments were particularly unfair and it was a waste of energy reading them. So, for talent on screen, it’s getting better and we’re treated really well, of course. Report. Last saw her for OWWC 2018 I think? I genuinely don’t know. A place for in-depth discussions of Competitive Overwatch™ (the team-based shooter from Blizzard Entertainment). Share to Tumblr. I tend to tackle that by briefing interviewees on the questions before we go live - especially if they don’t speak English as a first language. It’s genuinely about context - setting up why you’re asking the question. If you’ve got a great team you can keep going - I’d rather be in-house doing production than freelancing, because then you have in-office hours so you can return to normality and reset before the next event comes along. "Frankie Teardrop" is a song by Suicide from the band's acclaimed self-titled debut album, which was released in 1977. In large spaces the sound echoes and there’s a load of sound besides that, so interviewees can’t always hear. r/Frankieward: A subreddit for all things Frankie Ward - post any pics or articles or news pertaining to the internet personality Frankie Ward … Press J to jump to the feed. The hours can be incredibly long; one event I worked two 16 hour days back-to-back in a drastically different time zone to my native UK and it wasn’t physically possible for me to get more than six hours sleep between days, so once we hit 1 AM on that second day I was past my best. Frankie Ward 1,854 views. See how it all went down. share. The umbrella of “games” contains many categories, and one that Jordan knows very little about is esports. Credit: Frankie Ward. 99.2k Followers, 1,145 Following, 1,510 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Frankie Ward (@getfrankgames) Frankie Ward . Frankie, now middle-aged, has transformed into a fake-woke grandad on his shite BBC Two show New World Order, which comes across as Daily Politics for faux-liberal, upper-middle-class hipster wankers or more accurately, a waiting room in an oncology ward in Bearsden. Change your language by using these codes: There’s a photo our stage manager Oli took during the second map Overpass, AF at that same event after they took a map away from Astralis, LoL: LEC Renews Partnership With Kia For 2021. Those moments are a huge reason why I love my job. Stage hosting isn’t something I typically do - stage hosting without a crowd is a lot harder than having an audience; you’re very exposed doing a piece to a camera without an audible response to pace things out, so you just try and remember everything you need to say and then say it well. Nick "Lesona" Johnson is an esports journalist with a focus on CS:GO and the OWL. “You’re not necessarily going to go from zero to 100 straight away. My first desk host was the NHL Gaming World Championship European Regional Final in Stockholm, and then I headed off to Dreamhack Austin to desk host PUBG, which was an absolute blast and brought me to the attention of tournament organisers such as FACEIT - who asked me to do the Americas Minor, and Richard Lewis, who got me involved with WSOE and has been supportive ever since. That said, I did speak to TACO at BLAST Sao Paulo because the team had just lost their fourth match and I wanted to check-in with MIBR as this was “their event.” TACO was gracious enough to grant me the interview and was very honest in his answers. For me, I find reading interviews with players really insightful, as well as stats, and I watch back interviews I’ve done too. I like exit interviews because they give the player an opportunity to tell their side of the story, and I get to ask them what’s next. Frankie Ward. It’s actually a blur trying to think through everyone I’ve been lucky enough to meet and chat to, so I can’t pick one person. I'm excited to be returning to the PC Gaming Show at E3, which is right around the corner! Talent Takedown - Asia. Discover and Share the best GIFs on Tenor. getfrank . I’m just grateful that players and coaches agree to talk to me. Whenever she interviews a player, everyone knows it’s going to be a fun interview. Who is Frankie Ward @getfrank. I always ask players how they feel before we tape or go live and then if their emotions are unusual, then we’ll discuss it. I’m not a doll, and my personal life is just that. The hardest is jet lag and tiredness; there are very few days off currently. Overwatch being very complicated to initially watch and understand if you haven’t played it) and weaponry - you’ll notice in broadcasts of CSGO, casters almost never say “Terrorist” or “Counter-Terrorist” - it’s all T and CT. We don’t think of the game as a battle between good guys and bad - it’s about strategy, teamwork, reaction times, aim ability, [among other things. Best TV News Bloopers Of The Decade - Duration: 29:10. popular-all-random-users | AskReddit-pics-news-worldnews-funny-tifu-videos-gaming-aww-todayilearned-gifs-Art-explainlikeimfive-movies-Jokes-TwoXChromosomes-mildlyinteresting I also spoke to NiP coach Pita in Shanghai about how having Draken stand-in for dennis totally changed their Nuke game. Photo captured at DreamHack … Frankie Ward spent the past ten years as a producer, but it was only when she produced coverage of the 2015 League of Legends Worlds Quarter-Finals at Wembley for the BBC, that she realised that she could make gaming her career. I just posted a blog with some genuine pictures of me without makeup because someone has defaced a photo of me and is claiming it’s my genuine makeup-free face - which inspired a slew of sexually graphic comments from HLTV forum users (FYI - I didn’t visit the forum index, it was sent to me by a Twitter follower). Beginning her esports hosting career with weekly live show, The Bridge, on GINX TV, Frankie has hosted events for DreamHack, ESL, and FACEIT. The sheer level of research and insight they have at their disposal is beyond anything I’ve experienced before - this is, after all, a weekly production with its own studio. © 2021 ESTNN: Esports News Network. She is the face of monthly show, The Omen Esports Report, alongside Pala. I don’t need to say “while I’m sure everyone experiences this…” because I’m not saying other people don’t experience them too. On productions it can be very chilly backstage, and I wear skirts and shirts most of the time for being on camera - 12 hours without a coat and bang; ill. Quite a hard job to come in and fill someone else’s shows, have immediate synergy with those on the desk, all while being up to date on almost everything that has happened in OWL 2020 so far. Share to Reddit. Find detailed discussion of meta, esports and events as well as guides, advice, and tips that go beyond the basics. I’m also building relationships with the players. 5 Why Brazilians deserve more respect. 46 I tried Reddit... 19 Magisk 11 40 Unicorns of Love vs plan-B 12 Best Copypastas? I love the energy you bring to the desk! There’s something to be said for post-game interviews. Find communities you're interested in, and become part of an online community! I was panicking about only having one day at home between the Major and traveling to Berlin because I’m a prepaholic, but the team at Riot gave me everything I could possibly need; during a match you can literally say “Frankie for stats team - can I get Perkz’s kill participation percentage for Friday’s match, please” and less than five minutes later, they deliver the goods. jump to content. We saw it at BLAST Madrid during the Iberian playoffs, and it got extremely messy at times and [a ton of pressure was] focused on the A site. She's been doing well, I hope she can relax a little, Yt chat was pretty toxic at first but they’ve slowly been softening up to Frankie. For more information about the league, see Call of Duty League. talking. I can’t single out one favourite, but esports highlights definitely include the IEM Katowice CSGO Major Championship, working on McLaren’s Shadow Project at the start of the year (the McLaren HQ is like a Bond Villain’s lair, it’s ridiculous), and IEM Sydney. Europe) didn’t fight until the third circle, but the meta is far more aggressive these days - on the world stage, we see six teams each thinking they have a claim on Erengel’s Pochinki as their drop spot, while Mirimar, the desert map, is spicy from the get-go. I like her energy... More posts from the Competitiveoverwatch community, Continue browsing in r/Competitiveoverwatch. I believe Riot produce all of their esports broadcasts in-house (at least they do with LEC and LCS) and it’s a nine-week season, followed by playoffs, then MSI or Worlds, so they can keep stats as they go along and have an in-house team that can do that - they also have pretty set showtimes thanks to their Bo1 regular season format, so they have meetings after the day one broadcast of each weekend to recap the show and set the agenda for the next day in terms of content and storylines (and they’ve also been doing this during the week in the office). Frankie Ward Talking GIF SD GIF HD GIF MP4. In terms of the FACEIT Minor, I was absolutely terrified; I couldn’t breathe before we started the show. Frankie Ward Ninja GIF SD GIF HD GIF MP4. Share to Reddit. Share to Facebook. Interview: Frankie Ward on life as an esports host, supporting women in esports and her killer ‘charm and disarm’ interview technique Posted: Jan 28, 2020 We had a chance to sit down with esteemed British esports host and streamer Frankie Ward … For tournament organisers in CSGO, they aren’t attending all of the tournaments that Spunj and the regular tier one faces are, so in this instance the talent are usually responsible for researching and keeping track across events - that isn’t to say TOs aren’t talking to us about storylines and what they want in the broadcast; BLAST give us lots of information on each team and update a doc (sic) during the show with the latest results and what they mean - but talent have a lot of responsibility on the whole for driving the direction of what is covered on the desk. View Frankie Ward’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Sydney’s fans were on another level and we got to witness one of the closest series of the year in the Fnatic / NiP derby. I personally think she’s been doing a great job and has been bringing a lot of good vibes and energy to the desk. Intel Extreme Masters XV - New York Online: Europe is an online European tournament organized by ESL. every time i popped into chat (which has been twice) they're either crushing hard or saying she's doing a good job. She’s actually super hot! We have a scheduled downtime of the site for maintenance on January 4 at 3 PM (UTC) which may take up to two hours. Frankie Ward - De la BBC aux Majors sur CS:GO - Counter Strike. Soe's shoes are big ones to fill but you are doing absolutely fantastic. Photo captured at DreamHack … It shouldn’t be up for debate or discussion. I was producing for around eight years before I joined Twitch, so it was more a process of learning about the community - so I started streaming and ended up becoming a Twitch Partner. Keep it up! Copy embed to clipboard. It’s the Cathedral of Counterstrike! Firstly, thanks - and secondly, that was the Caches III showmatch, so it was meant to be ridiculous - Dick Stacey came onstage in a Morphsuit with the Aussie flag on it and had a wrestle with HenryG. Share to iMessage. Frankie Ward is an award-winning esports and gaming host, who brings her trademark combination of wit and knowledge to every desk or stage she appears on. ESL One Cologne. I think that’s what MLG are doing with Overwatch League and now Call of Duty World League, but I don’t think it’s a trend and I don’t think it’s one-size fits all. Embed. Özgür “woxic” Eker, Long-time LEC supporters Kia are staying committed for 2021. In terms of what I would describe as my first proper esports hosting role, I would say that was stage hosting the ESL UK Premiership Hearthstone Finals in January 2018. I actually started hosting [tournaments] when I was producing for Twitch; I didn’t have the budget for lots of hosts and the shows I were producing were almost always over eight hours a day and took place over several days, depending on the event we were broadcasting from. The vocal minority has already changed in the way they speak about me since the Major. Copy link to clipboard. My interview with the MIBR boys at Blast Backstage in Sao Paulo was a riot. ninja. ... help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. Report. I’m more direct if a player doesn’t give me the full story; “a win is a win” - well yes, but if you have the same T-side issues when you play a more experienced team, it won’t necessarily be a win, so how are you going to fix that? (Overwatch became my favourite game shortly after that and I became part of a Twitch UK team called Overlunch and played obsessively every workday with my colleagues for the rest of the time I worked there.). “You’re not necessarily going to go from zero to 100 straight away. This is to replace faulty memory in our server which caused the server issues on December 15. The other thing viewers don’t necessarily realise is that doing interviews in arenas, [the interviewer will] have in-ear monitors, but your interviewees typically won’t. She was fantastic then and continues to be now. I’ll back it as an esport, 100%. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. And in terms of causes - I’m super proud to be a Special Effect ambassador. I would say that I don’t think esports needs to be on TV - it’s exciting to see it there, but the audience that watches esports doesn’t necessarily watch live TV. dont listen to yt chat they have a collective 0 braincells, I swear YT chat is literally all ACTUAL bots. For example, I adore working with Maniac because I’ll mention a player and, as he’s been an analyst for just under a year, he can talk about playing with or against most of the pros I end up interviewing, so I get so much insight from him when we’re watching matches together. … They’re the experts, after all. I liked soe's more dry humour but I think frankie has been fine, I'm sure she'll get better as she gets more time to gel with the analysts. The Overwatch best-of-three ended in two games and was so fast that I had nipped to the loo briefly because I was desperate; I had to run back and straight onto the stage and couldn’t stand still - bear in mind Overwatch in 2016 was difficult to spectate if you didn’t play it. And my first interview with GeT RiGhT at the Challenger stage of the Major was a big moment because I was talking to a legendary player from NiP - I had a bit of a moment after that one. I didn’t watch Overwatch League when it was broadcast on ABC, just the Tweets from disgruntled viewers who don’t understand esports. CAPTION. It’s a business model. The Caches is essentially a WWE match where there are storylines, except the Counterstrike itself is real; the winner isn’t decided in advance. Twitter: @Lesona_. I have a tendency to do this on planes; I can board healthy and disembark with a cold. R. rubenoke. Keep it up! Frankie Ward is a professional esports reporter. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Share to iMessage. NAF at that same event after they took a map away from Astralis in the final was hype - but it was REALLY loud so we’re just repeatedly raising the level of our voices and the mic isn’t picking up the crowd and thinking about it still makes me laugh. The women in esports are very supportive of each other - BLAST is always really fun because I get to work with Potter. Frankie Ward, now well-known in the esports scene after finding her home in Counterstrike, is one of the few people in esports that makes these interviews happen. I had to avoid Reddit during the IEM Katowice CSGO Major Championship as some of the comments were particularly unfair and it was a waste of energy reading them. The u/Frankiewardlover community on Reddit. It was fantastic to see just how much of an impact dennis has on Nuke now he’s back. I don’t think it’s usually a question for me of a more compelling story - I don’t think of it like that - but a chance for the team to have a final word as they’ve achieved a spot in playoffs. Find detailed discussion of meta, esports and events as well as guides, advice, and tips that go beyond the basics. She's done an awesome job so far though and I hope we do get to see her in some capacity in the future because she's got a hell of a personality. 750 x 422 jpeg 73kB. ScreaM | casxd ... Report 801 XANTARES robbed? The show's implausible premise allows it to be delightfully silly. I don’t have to speak for other people all the time.“ In case that this was a … explaining. The hours - and also sometimes you get ill. Reddit is a network of communities based on people's interests. Interview: Frankie Ward on life as an esports host, supporting women in esports and her killer ‘charm and disarm’ interview technique Posted: Jan 28, 2020 We had a chance to sit down with esteemed British esports host and streamer Frankie Ward … Frankie Ward – Best CS:GO Host. A bit early, but I wanted to say, Frankie you're doing a great job! Australia is basically Chad living out his top-ten team dreams with the majority of the Renegades boys, and maybe he needs to mix it up more next year! The perfect FrankieWard Chocolate Sweet Animated GIF for your conversation. I met Quickshot at the Esport Awards in London at the end of 2018 and gave him my details - then in the new year we sorted a date. Frankie Ward is one of the most entertaining esports hosts to watch. A place for in-depth discussions of Competitive Overwatch™ (the team-based shooter from Blizzard Entertainment). edit subscriptions. They made the job so much more enjoyable and I trusted them instantly. Share URL. I love the energy you bring to the desk! I know I’m personally improving with every event, and I was really proud of what the team achieved there - just watch the Caches III to see the insanely entertaining videos put together by the Post-Production team. ESTNN was lucky enough to pick her brain on a range of topics, including what goes on behind the scenes at esports tournaments, her start in esports, what makes interviews so important, and the future of esports. Frankie " Frankie " Ward is a British desk and stage host who has hosted CS:GO, PUBG, Hearthstone and others. What you are going to get is experience and footage.” A caster’s showreel is incredibly important as well, Ward … I do, however, know that interviewers like Freya from FACEIT, Olivee from LCS, Laure from LEC and Smix are bloomin’ amazing at what they do, so I can understand that we often think of women being in this role. At the beginning of each map, one of the teams will choose a buff that will be applied to the current map and secretly shared with the viewing audience. However, I adore MIBR and TACO never disappoints. It may take a few events, but once any talent has proved themselves, those voices quieten down or disappear. Twitch and other streaming platforms are. Today, the LEC announced that Kia, With the LEC getting underway in just a few days, the league has confirmed the. A. Aquarixs. The Esports Awards 2020 revealed their last list of finalists as they show off the Pro and On-Air finalists list headed to November. Spaces the sound echoes and there ’ s doing fkn great, losers how much of an online tournament. E3, which was released in 1977 opens up the conversation cringe to encourage someone, I 'll pay.. Big ones to fill but you are doing absolutely fantastic about how having Draken stand-in for dennis totally their... Someone, I ’ ve been catching up with “ Grace and Frankie ”! 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