• 19 jan

    glad to hear you are getting better

    Go home tonight; eat a whole box of Ex-Lax – tomorrow you’ll be afraid to cough. Get well soon. Thoughtful prayers sent your way that you will soon feel better again. At my age, and living alone, there wasn't a lot could go wrong besides getting the dreaded lurgy. Muchos ejemplos de oraciones traducidas contienen “i am glad to hear from you” – Diccionario español-inglés y buscador de traducciones en español. Get well soon! Get well very soon! 111. : Je suis ravi que vous alliez bien. Feel better soon. europarl.europa.eu Señor Presidente de la Comisión, me complace muc ho oírle de cir que desea saber lo que piensa el Parlamento acerca del trabajo que la Comisión realizará en los próximos cinco años. I'm glad to inform you that my marriage. Get well soon! If you want to sound particularly informal, you could say something like "That's awesome." I hope you get well really soon! May you recover quickly and enjoy the best of health for many years to come. High quality example sentences with “we're glad to hear that” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English 124. 61. 55. Glad to hear it. Here’s wishing you the best in life and many more years of health and happiness. 3. Now, hurry up, and get the heck out of there! Just wanted to let you know how much we all care about you and that we’re all sending you our best wishes. A bowl of warmth, a soft face, a new day. Glad to hear it, sir. When it comes to music in South Africa, songstress Kelly Khumalo and her younger sister, Zandie Khumalo, are very much in the mix. 97. 123. I can’t wait to see you once you get back home. = I'm glad you feel better. Posible contenido inapropiado. 134. 128. Get well soon! I was glad to hear from you that your group has nothing in common with Landau and his methods. I can't take the Shingrex vaccine because it is a live vaccine. Posted by evercelt on January 16, 2021, 11:37 am, in reply to "2021 Positivity" had a particularly bad year. Wishing you a full and fast recovery. Wishing you the best in health, wealth, and happiness. 93. We all hope for your speedy recovery! 79. Get well soon! 38. Get better soon or I’ll break your legs again. 126. When this is all over, I hope you feel better than ever. I hope each new day brings you closer to a full and speedy recovery. Praying for you to feel God’s comfort and presence while you are recovering. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. I'm glad to join your team. 45. 26. 21. 140. 87. 89. and "Happy Monday! I will stand beside you forevermore, wishing you good health and a fast recovery. Feel better fast, so I can see you again soon! Definition of so glad to hear that in the Idioms Dictionary. Happiness is your dentist telling you it won’t hurt and then having him catch his hand in the drill. Glad to hear it. God Bless You. There’s nothing I can say that a Hallmark card couldn’t say much better…. Get well soon. CJ is a voracious learner, especially when it has to do with infotech. estoy muy allegra que te sientes bien. Me alegró su aclaración de que su grupo no tiene nada en común con Landau y sus métodos. May your road to recovery be short and pleasant. is how you say. Now that you’re successfully out of surgery, here are two things you have to remember to take every day: vitamins and apples! Hope each new day finds you stronger and full of joy. 10. I want you to know that my thoughts and wishes are with you through your recovery. 88. I am praying that you experience a speedy recovery. https://textranch.com/226034/im-happy-to-be-of-help/or/im-glad-to-be-of-help I reckon being ill as one of the great pleasures of life, provided one is not too ill and is not obliged to work till one is better. 118. All rights reserved. Hope you’re doing well from your recent surgery and on the way to a quick recovery. Get well soon! I could help with some of your errands after 6:00. You have plenty of patience and that’s why God tests your tolerance by offering illness to you quite frequently. This card is meant to give you courage and strength for a healthy and speedy recovery from surgery. Pain is inevitable. ", yet stumped about what you should say instead? 6. 76. 114. When you are feeling unwell, my heart feels sad. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. The lengths some people will go to to get out of work! I always knew how brave and strong you are, but you’ve really proved it during surgery. 44. Sending you all my love and best wishes for your recent surgery. Sending all of my thoughts and prayers your way, hope that you have a speedy recovery from your recent surgery. I'm glad to hear the good news. 80. I wonder why you can always read a doctor’s bill and you can never read his prescription. As I see you’re already recovering and I know you will come out of this a winner, as always! I hope you find fast healing with each and every day my sweet friend. Wishing you the best and hoping that you get well soon. 99. 121. Get well Soon. Get Well Soon. So here’s all my support, I wish you a speedy recovery! 15. Hope you’re doing well since your recent surgery. 30. 120. Hope you feel better soon. Discover and share Glad You Are Feeling Better Quotes. 50. 25. Fair warning, laughter may be the best remedy when you are feeling under the weather. 135. 127. : Ravi de voir qu'elle va mieux. 5. Well, we have your back. Hope your road to recovery is short and sweet. I wish I was a magician so I could make you fit and healthy with the wave of a wand! Get better now. 13. Happy to hear that it’s done and over with! 60. May He strengthen your heart and answer all your needs. Hope you’re recovering quickly from your recent surgery and doing well. Rest easy. 11. Here are 40 totally different email greetings you can use to start your message off right. Bien, me alegra oír eso. 2. If you get horribly sick this winter, remember that I’ll always be there to wish you a speedy recovery on Facebook. Wishing you the best. Wishing that each day brings your renewed strength, brighter times, and a healthier, happier you. I'm glad to introduce myself. 95. With Reverso you can find the French translation, definition or synonym for Glad to hear you are feeling better and thousands of other words. I'd like to express (via text message) that I'm happy/glad to hear that you'd like to work with us as a volunteer. Me da gusto saberlo, señor. Sending you the best wishes possible for many more years of health and happiness. Jealousy is a terrible disease please Get well soon bitch! I’m glad to hear that surgery was pain-free. We are so glad to hear from you vs we are so glad to hearing from you. is how you say. Getting sick is not fun. 51. 20. You want to sound funny, witty or just sorry, read on to make the choice. I’m sorry that you’ve had to undergo surgery. Please recover quickly from your illness. Best wishes and get well soon. Hope you recover quickly from your recent surgery and get well soon! 4. Here’s hoping you get well soon and enjoy many more years of excellent health. I look forward to your full recovery so we can get together again soon. Get well soon. 63. updated Oct 24, 2009. posted by 003487d6. updated Oct … “I miss you lots. 34. Well, count me in! In that case, you could also say: 'I'm happy to hear from you', 'Great to hear from you again' or, 'It's so good to hear from you again'. 77. Wishing you healing vibes. (To my ear, "glad" is slightly more informal than the other two.) Glad to hear things are getting better for you and the same to any TPFers who've. 106. We were glad to hear the good news that you will have a full recovery. Praying today for your recovery – it’s so good to know that we can always call on Him, should sickness come our way. Remember that we’re all here to help you get through this tough time, so don’t hesitate to call if you need anything. Studies clearly indicate that those who get ‘Get Well’ cards sooner and more often have an 80% faster recovery rate, so I want to wish you a Happy Birthday. All of our thoughts and prayers are with you after your recent surgery, may you get well soon and enjoy many more years of excellent health. 122. Sickness is the vengeance of nature for the violation of her laws. I hope your tail is back to wagging soon! Get well soon! I’m praying for you to recover quickly and to get well soon! I am always glad to hear from you, and I do hope that we shall have many points of contact in our consciousnesses. I’m here if you need me. You are in my thoughts and prayers during your time of recovery. If these flowers were wishes, then my wish for you is to get well soon. Don’t worry; we’re here to stand alongside you as you work to recapture your good health. A complete search of the internet has found these results: We are so glad to hear from you is the most popular phrase on the web. More popular! The God that has so much love for you, will also be sure to bring your healing too! HATING is an emotional disease… so for those who hate me… Hope you get well soon…. Put in mind that you are not alone in your suffering. You … You are in our thoughts and we’re all hoping that you will be enjoying better health again soon. Best Wishes. : Lorsque vous vous sentez mieux, consultez votre médecin. Please get well soon and return your usual healthy self. I’m sorry to hear that you had to undergo surgery. 29. Hope you’re recovering quickly from your recent surgery and doing well. Sending you all our love and best wishes your way. Desbloquear. I'm glad to hear this. 132. 0. votes. We’re all here rooting for you wishing you a speedy recovery. School/Work just isn’t the same without you! Just wanted to send you all my love and prayers. What Is Kelly Khumalo’s Age, Who Are Her Kids and Why Is She Still Single? Make sure your voice is welcoming, or that you respond as soon as possible to emails, etc., you will let them know they don't need any reason to make contact; they can call just to talk, and you'll be glad to hear … So if you knew of a friend, family member, colleague, or anyone who has gotten sick, why don’t you send over some get well soon wishes to somehow help the person to feel better? I was glad to hear you, Commissioner Borg, say recently that you favour root-and-branch reform of the CFP. 58. Warning: Humor may be hazardous to your illness…. Get well soon so you can come home and eat a decent meal! You will be glad to hear that I enjoy Mathematics now. When it comes to women in sports journalism, no name rings a louder bell than Carol Tshabalala – the first African to appear as... Madam and Mercy is the reality TV show of the moment in South Africa. 41. Hope you get well soon. I agree. 112. 53. Get well soon to someone who thinks they have the flu but probably doesn’t. 7. May the road to recovery from your recent surgery be short and pleasant. I'm glad to help you. I thought long and hard about what to write in this “Get Well” card, but I couldn’t come up with much. glad you are feeling better pictures to create glad you are feeling better ecards, custom profiles, blogs, wall posts, and glad you are feeling better scrapbooks, page 1 of 250. glad you are feeling better pics are great to personalize your world, share with friends and have fun. Cheers to hoping you feel better soon! 70. 72. May you enjoy many more years of excellent health. I'm glad to inform you. When I see the moon I think of you so get well soon and you’ll be good as new. 32. 101. Please get well soon so we can see you again. 125. 91. If I wish you to get well soon, then I think it wouldn’t be soon enough. You can complete the translation of Glad to hear you are feeling better given by the French-English Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse 83. Drink plenty of fluid and get lots of rest so you can recover soon. Wishing you a fast recovery and the best health possible. 136. 66. Hope you’re feeling all better real soon. Just wanted to send you best wishes for your recent surgery. I didn‘t mean for you to catch my cold, i’m Sorry. The stress of these days just piles up, but it won't last forever. Get well soon so that I find you attractive again. I hate that you are feeling unwell. Now I’m rooting for you to make a full recovery and get back to living your life as soon as possible. 119. 59. However,... Kelly Khumalo is a celebrated South African singer, actress, and businesswoman who has been in the entertainment scene for a very long time. Lots of love and happy thoughts are coming your way after the big surgery. We’re all praying for you to have a speedy recovery from surgery and the best of health. 108. I will see you later. In a way, it’s even better than a vacation! Just wanted to send you all of our love and best wishes after your recent surgery. 57. Praying for you today, that you will sense God’s nearness to you and the certainty of His love for you. Sick of those standard email opening lines like "I hope you're doing well!" So glad to hear from you, Ryan. Translate I am glad to hear that you are doing well. Hope your tail is wagging again soon. It’s good to hear that you’re doing okay after your surgery! 131. Your full recovery is the most important thing now. =) It says: Ik ben blij te horen u allen langs beter nu wordt. There are equally categories you can choose from that best suits the situation of the illness. 46. Just kidding dear, fast recovery soon. 42. I hope your recovery is going smoothly. I miss your smile! Mr President of the Commission, I am very glad to hear you say that you wanted to hear what Parliament thinks about the work the Commission will be doing over the next five years. I pray for Brilacidin and other therapeutics to get to the finish line sooner than later. I'm sure he'll be glad to hear from you too, sir. I'm glad to hear you are taking it easy. I heard that you were feeling sick. Keep your faith strong and feel the Healing Powers of our Father. 133. 81. 78. Cards are shipped the Next Business Day. If I had my way I’d make health catching instead of disease. I'm glad to join your company. Official Music Video for "You Keep On Getting Better (feat. The worst thing about surgery is not the pain or the medicines. Now is a great time remember that while we cannot see God, we can know of his faithfulness to us during the hard times as well. 100. I’m glad to hear that surgery was pain-free. I miss seeing you here at work. =) It says: Ik ben blij te horen u allen langs beter nu wordt. Sending you all my best wishes and many prayers for a speedy recovery from your recent surgery. We all miss you and can't wait for you to come home -- even the dog! We are praying for you day and night friend. Glad You're Feeling Better, Smiling Dog card. 138. You can complete the translation of Glad to hear you are feeling better given by the French-English Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse, French-English dictionary : translate French words into English with online dictionaries. I heard everything went off without a hitch! 115. Sending you all our love, thoughts, and prayers after your recent surgery. We all wish you a zippy recovery. Try to stay positive through your recovery. 52. 130. Suffering is optional. Get well soon! I pray you will feel encouraged in the coming days. 82. I’m telling you, this [ injury/disease picked the wrong person to have a fight with! Top 8 Openly Gay South African Celebrities Who Married Their Partners, These Are The Boyfriends Carol Tshabalala Has Had Since Divorcing Her Husband Solomon Manana, Madam & Mercy’s Real Ages and The Truth About The Cast Member’s Everyday Life, What To Know About Zenande Mfenyana’s Child, Baby Daddy and Boyfriend, Warren Masemola’s Life With Wife Kguagelo and The Role That Made Fans Think He Is Gay, How to Take Advantage of SABC TV Licence Pensioners Discount As Against The Actual TV Licence Cost, 40 Greatest Steve Biko Quotes on Black Consciousness, Freedom & Education, 60 Insightful African Proverbs You Didn’t Know You Needed, 20 Love Quotes And Messages For That Special Someone, 152 Cute Quotes About New Relationships for Her or Him, 164 Meaningful Quotes About Life and Love To Keep You Going. 73. Hope you recover quickly from your recent surgery and enjoy the best health possible for many years to come. Sending all our best wishes and prayers your way. get well card customize personalize getting better card dog relxaing with coffee cookies chill out and get well glad to hear getting better customizable cards occasions dog get well card personalise improving health get well card. We have all the bases covered here, so just worry about getting better. I miss you so much! Have you a cough? 150 Romantic And Cute Nicknames For Your Boyfriend. If you want something formal, you could use: 'Thank you for getting back to me' or, 'I appreciate you … 90. 24. 98. He loves good food and when he is not surfing the web, he is trying out some strange but amazing food combinations. We specifically miss your kindness and humor. Now make the rest of my prayers come true and have a quick recovery. Even a strong and courageous person like you sometimes has a down moment. Discover and share Glad You Are Feeling Better Quotes. "Once you feel better, the cops want to ask a few questions about the accident." Me alegro de que te hayas mejorado. I’m so sorry to see you in this way. Sending you all our love and best wishes your way. School/Home/Work isn’t the same without you. When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. 22. : Once you are feeling better, talk to your doctor. Get well soon! I hope that you’re back in the swing very soon. 18. I will continue praying for your good health and a speedy recovery. Although you are feeling unwell, I know you will be back on your feet again soon. I hope each day brings you renewed strength and that much closer to recovery. Mr President of the Commission, I am very glad to hear you say that you wanted to hear what Parliament thinks about the work the Commission will be doing over the next five years. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. That’s why I’m praying for you to get well now! 137. May God who encourages us, and gives us strength and healing do so for you now. The SABC TV licence pensioners discount offers eligible pensioners the opportunity to enjoy a subsidized TV licence fee, unlike other citizens in the country.... Steve Biko was unarguably one of the most significant and iconic figures in South Africa's anti-apartheid struggle and black consciousness. Best wishes. fingers crossed! Here’s hoping that you get well soon after your recent surgery. 116. Praying for you today. (You'll have a hard time getting that at home, so take advantage of it!) 12. I’m only in … I’d take the flu for 30 days over what I just went through. We heard that you were feeling a bit droopy, and wanted to send some thoughts and prayers your way. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. Now I’m rooting for you to make a full recovery and get back to living your life as soon as possible.” Something like that can too easily become more serious, and we need you around for the family volleyball games. You have been on our minds and in our prayers these past few days. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Majesty Rose)". 33. You have probably experienced getting sick for once in your life and thus, you knew how depressing the experience is. I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers and I’m sure you’ll make a speedy recovery. 36. I hope you feel better soon, but until then I’ll visit you. We have all the bases covered here, so just worry about getting better. She was glad to find escape from them in practical activity. 110. All the best and hope to see you back on your feet soon. I’m so glad to hear that you came out of surgery okay. 39. I assume the saying you meant was 'I'm glad to hear from you'. Being in the hospital is a downer, but it is good in everything, you are being served breakfast in bed, Get Well Soon. 47. (patient has escaped out of the window). With a real-life mother and daughter cast featuring the then... People's perception of having a child before marriage has changed in recent times. 62. I presume we are expected to work out the Council's view on these matters by some form of telepathy. 113. May the hand of the Lord rest upon you as you recover and heal. Word on the street says you are laid up with bronchitis. 35. I hope this note finds you happy and healthy again very soon my dear friend. I omitted the rest of the sentence (about volunteering work) because I … I know how much it can suck. I really wanted to write something cheery and fun on this “Get Well Soon” card, but there’s really nothing fun about the surgery you had to undergo. It’s terrible to see you unwell! It is with warmest wishes that I hope you get well soon my friend. 58. 103. It’s hospital food! Get well soon! I have fun and special plans to do with you once you’re better!” “I’m so glad to hear that your surgery went well. What does so glad to hear that expression mean? Sending all of my love and best wishes to you after your recent surgery. Hope you get well soon and have many more years of great health. April, glad to hear from you. Vewy glad to make your acquaintance! Sending all our thoughts and prayers your way. Whoever you are. Sending you all my love and the best wishes possible after your recent surgery. 17. Get ready; it’s time for you to get well soon. 23. People here are missing you so much. europarl.europa.eu Me ha agrado oírle decir recientemente, Comisario Borg, que respalda la reforma total de la Política Pesquera Común. 84. You’ve already passed your surgery with strength and courage. I’m so glad that your surgery is over. However, I know that you’re very strong and that you’ll be able to recover from this surgery with flying colors. We are so glad to hear from you. tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1216571449000181411.post-5153509397660774897 2011-07-14T14:49:02.391-04:00 2011-07-14T14:49:02.391-04:00 Get well soon! 139. Sending you well wishes for your quick recovery and good health. Yes, sir. : Well, I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better. Wishing you a fast, easy recovery and perhaps some bright cheeriness as I send love your way. 10. Inside Quinton Jones Time With Pearl Thusi and Other People He Has Dated, Kelly Khumalo and Chad da Don’s Fairytale Romance, Why It Ended and Who They Moved on To, Surprising Facts About Nandi Mbatha’s Biography and Age Milestones, Understanding The Bad Blood Between Sisters Kelly Khumalo and Zandie Khumalo. Hope you’re doing well and recovering quickly from your recent surgery. Well, I'm glad to hear she's feeling better. 92. I hope that you are getting plenty of rest so you can recover from feeling unwell. 11. 253,000 results on the web. Get Well Soon. 56. 40. 104. Let me convey my best wishes and quick recovery from your illness soonest possible my friend. so glad to hear that phrase. – spoko Mar 22 '18 at 2:00 Wishing you sleep, rest, and recovery. But if you're just trying to avoid sounding formal/stuffy, those three are just fine. Say goodbye to that bout of bad health and get well soon. Not a moment goes by that you aren’t in my thoughts. In 2017 when Quinton Jones got married to Minnie Dlamini, not a small number of people were left heartbroken that Minnie, who is almost... South African songstress, Kelly Khumalo knows her game when it comes to dishing out hot tracks that make her fans go gaga, but the... Nandi Mbatha is a talented actress with a fast-rising career in the South African entertainment industry. What does glad to hear it expression mean? 1. updated Oct 24, 2009. posted by asdfghjkl4. Keep us updated on your recovery. There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something better tomorrow. Get well soon! Sorry to hear about your surgery. 37. Get well soon. europarl.europa.eu Señor Presidente de la Comisión, me complace muc ho oírle de cir que desea saber lo que piensa el Parlamento acerca del trabajo que la Comisión realizará en los próximos cinco años. ) because i … Discover and share glad you are, but you ’ re all praying for recent... Wave of a wand send some thoughts and wishes are with you your! Health again soon His presence as well as the comfort of His love for,. Fast recovery after your recent surgery went well and that ’ s nearness you... Soon after your recent surgery illness to you moment goes by that you get well soon, then my for. There are equally categories you can come home and eat a decent!. Then my wish for you to know that my thoughts and prayers your way and feel the healing of! Me ha agrado oírle decir recientemente, Comisario Borg, que respalda la reforma total la. Card is meant to give you courage and strength for a while before trying to sounding. 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