how to cut and repot aloe vera
", "I didn't know how to take my aloe plant outdoors when it is warm. Aloe is hardy outdoors all year in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 11 or 10 through 12, depending on the source. Good to know: You can remove the pups at any time of year but spring and summer are best. Step 2: Using a mandoline , a vegetable peeler or a knife , cut off the “inside” layer. Aloe plants (Aloe spp.) By removing damaged and excess parts, you can promote health and growth in your plant and make it a proud part of your room. 10. Less watering. Aloe Vera plants come from arid regions of Southern and tropical Africa, Madagascar and the Arabian Peninsula. I'm going out now to get the old leaves (with plenty of juice) that I just trimmed and put them in the freezer/fridge. Aloe Vera plants are easy to grow and propagate, they are also very easy to transplant into a larger pot when your adult plant fills its pot. This article received 21 testimonials and 86% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. Aloe Vera Gel. The proportions don't have to be exact, but aim for about half and half. Fingers crossed! Squeeze the gel out of the leaf and apply it to your burn, or simply lay the opened leaf gel-side–down on top of the affected area. Your plant should be fine if you cut off a leaf now and then. Repot the Aloe. Next, cut away excess outer leaves until the plant fits in the pot, then cut away any old stems and blossoms from the center of the plant. First, cut a leaf at least 8 cm long from the adult aloe. ",,,,,,,, consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. Give it a try! To repot an aloe, first carefully remove it from its current pot. Pick the biggest and healthiest leaf you can find as it’s the most mature one, and let the smaller ones thrive. Your watering schedule sounds about right- I water my aloe every few weeks. Love my aloe, got them growing all over my, "The information given is easy to understand. The most common problem is over-watering, which causes rot. Although fresh aloe stems will likely root, they will perform better if processed before potting. If not, this is your chance to add an attractive ornamental succulent to your houseplant collection that offers tons of utility as well, as part of your homegrown medicine cabinet. You can be rough with your plant. Place your main plant and the pups you have sliced away into their designated pots. Yes. If the plant does not come out you can squeeze the side of the pot, tap the sides, or tap the rim of the pot upside down on the edge of a table or low wall. Use a sharp, clean and sterilized knife to avoid bruising or tearing your plant and to keep from spreading the pathogens that cause diseases in plants. This will let any cuts on the roots heal into callouses and prevent long-term damage to the plant. If you break a leaf, you can use that to propagate a new plant. Squeeze the gel out of the leaf and apply it to your burn, or simply lay the opened leaf gel-side–down on top of the affected area. ", "Helped me to know how to trim, and other strategies to keep it healthy! Leave anything that's green. Register a new .COM for just $9.99 for the first year and get everything you need to make your mark online — website builder, hosting, email, and more. Now, I have started watering it every 2 weeks of when it needs it. You can get more information on Aloe Vera at Water just until the soil is moist. The scissors or knife should be clean for this in order not to infect the plant with pathogens. Succulents and cacti are remarkably forgivable and quite easy to propagate. Always cut the lower leaves, near the base of the plant, as they are older and therefore contain more benefits. Its nickname is medicine and burn plant, due to its sap’s healing qualities. It's up to you whether or not to cut the leaf - the plant itself should be fine either way. Less fertilizer. Artemisia Nursery is a retail plant nursery in Northeast Los Angeles specializing in California native plants. Maybe! If your aloe plant is overgrown, tumbling out of its pot and spilling onto the floor, cut it down in size by removing the outer leaves (it could also be time to make sure your aloe is in the correct size pot or repot it completely). Also, the seeds require eight to ten hours of sunlight for germination, which, in most homes, is difficult to provide naturally so you need to set up growth lights. Should I cut the whole leaf off? Aloe vera is a fleshy perrenial succulent commonly called burn plant for its skin-soothing qualities. It produces a 3-foot flower stalk filled with yellow, tubular flowers. Fertilize about a month in the spring and summer with a balanced formula mixed half strength. Typically, an aloe vera plant will shed its lower leaves over time anyway, so these are the ideal leaves to trim when you want to prune your plant. 7 August 2020. This will help keep the soil aerated and aid in drainage. You will have to do this often, as they will grow long again. I'll follow it. Some Aloe plants can be prickly. Should I cut off both the green and the brown parts? Also, aesthetically, it looks best to take one entire leaf at a time. Once out the pot remove old soil from the roots and check all roots are healthy. Since small aloe vera has negligible yellow pigment (skin irritant), it can be cut off the plant and then you can squeeze down the leaf until clear sap starts dripping out. Like all succulents, the wounds of aloe Vera plant need to … If that is not an option, you can prune the roots, but this can only be done on smaller-sized plants and can be quite tricky. Years ago I had a plant, and there wasn't that much, "I love how wikiHow gets right to the point with their How-Tos and offers pictures as well. Aloe Vera plants are fast-growing succulents that can grow to a height of 3-feet. We know ads can be annoying, but they’re what allow us to make all of wikiHow available for free. Because of this, these plants require frequent attention. Slice the pups away from the main shoots, making sure each pup's roots stay with it. Congrats! Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) is prized both for its exotic beauty and for its usefulness. Needs way more light. ", information about them. Aloe Vera is an ancient herb that is useful to treat many health and skin issues. "First aloe plant I've had. Hold the plant loosely at the base and bottom of … How to Cut an Aloe Vera Plant. Your aloe bloomed. I bought all of these today but I have no idea what to do. For topical applications, I use it this way leaving the skin on. Aloe vera requires very very minimal but regular care. As it produces lots of pups, it needs a healthy and happy room to spread. The plant can be used to treat many ailments as a home … Propagating Aloe Vera. It is common for aloe plants to grow wide, or "leggy," as they get older. He told me to buy a plant, cut the ‘babies’ off of that plant and repot them in order for them to grow a new plant. Dead flowers attract bugs and can drop into the plant’s pot, absorbing water and creating a mess. As aloe vera pups are produced they will need the width to expand, so it’s important to plant them in another container to support their healthy growth. In addition to watering malpractice, incorrect container sizes can also be responsible for this common problem. I didn't know you could put the cut leaves in the refrigerator for later use. Sterilize kitchen knives before using them on your plant. These leaves are young and are needed to replace the old leaves. Growing aloe vera from seed is a lengthy and involved process. While an aloe plant requires more delicate trimming than other plants, following pruning methods will help you maintain your plant. Don’t worry, aloe plants are very tough and the roots can handle being cut apart. Thank for the info. Some suckers may get buried and tangled under the soil, so you’ll have to take the plant out of the pot, carefully remove the dirt from the root ball, and untangle the roots. It produces a 3-foot flower stalk filled with yellow, tubular flowers. Once aloe gets leaves 2 to 3" in width they are amazing with stopping infection and healing cuts. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Aloe plants produce offsets, also known as pups, as part of their growth cycle. If you break a leaf, you can use that to propagate a new plant. I had a couple of aloe vera plants on my windowsill in the kitchen. Tamp the mixture down gently without packing it too solidly. Then re-pot along with any little aloe vera … Besides their ornamental uses, they are valued for medicinal and culinary uses as well. For more tips on caring for your aloe vera plant, like how to repot it and deal with small pests, keep reading! Aloe Vera Gel. Are you growing your own aloe plant at home? In addition to California native plants, Artemisia Nursery offers a selection of succulents, heirloom veggie and herb starts, house plants, pottery, and gardening tools and supplies. Plant Nursery & Garden Shop. Healthy aloe vera plant produces buds that can be used to produce new plants. Don't tug hard, or you risk breaking the shoots or tearing the plant's roots. This simplicity has made me a little nervous, and I hope that both my new and original Aloe Vera plant will survive my latest attempt at being a gardener. How to harvest your aloe vera so that you can use it. How to Cut Aloe Vera Leaves. Don’t water the newly potted aloe for at least two weeks. This article has been viewed 762,312 times. The plant naturally sheds lower leaves over time anyway, so it makes the most sense to take the leaves from there. I like to wait until the Aloe vera pups are good-sized, at least 4-6″ tall. Artemisia Nursery is a worker-owned small business with plans to become a worker-owned cooperative. Lots of interesting things. By now, I think we’re all familiar with the topical uses of aloe. Last Updated: November 17, 2020 Luckily, aloe makes propagation extra-easy because it spreads by growing offsets, often called “pups,” that essentially give you a whole, entire new plant when you cut them off and plant them. ", "My husband was looking for information on cutting back our aloe vera plant, and this article was most helpful. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. During spring and summer, fertilize your aloe vera plant with 15-30-15 fertilizer that’s diluted at a ratio of 5 parts water to 1 part fertilizer. The succulent grows very slowly, whereas propagation with pups will give you a much faster start. ", "Showed me how to make my aloe vera healthy again. How to harvest your aloe vera so that you can use it. Long, dagger-like leaves look ferocious with their spiny edges, but those soft spines are harmless. Artemisia Nursery. Give your plant and each of the pups a thorough soaking and set them in a place with indirect light. Fill in the prepared soil mixture and repot the aloe vera without watering or slightly moistening the substrate. Will it still grow? The succulent grows up to 2 feet in height. Lets take a look at how to propagate an Aloe Vera by taking leaf cuttings and offsets from the parent plant. I was wondering how or if to trim these, and your article gave me great information on what to do. ", "I know more about my plant and how to care for it. 6 Thanks to your illustration, I have a better understanding. It’s a fabulous healer for burns, cuts, and other skin ailments (source), and it has beauty-boosting properties to boot.Thanks to an array of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, aloe vera is an anti-inflammatory powerhouse. One plant grown for medicinal purposes is the aloe plant, specifically the aloe vera variety, also known as the medicine plant. To diagnose this, you must first dislodge the plant from its pot. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) is an African native that belongs to the same family as lilies. Aloe, from which we get an excellent burn ointment, is a succulent plant. Besides possessing healing properties, aloe vera plants are known to propagate easily with a little know-how. Take out that baby aloe and replant into a tiny pot. How to Repot a Dried-Out Aloe. The leaves that you cut off won't grow back, but the plant will replace them by growing new ones at the top. This article has been viewed 762,312 times. This was a great help in, "I learned how to properly care for my plant. It is very large and quite heavy, making it difficult to move. Tips for Repotting an Aloe. The more frequently you cut an Aloe plant, the higher the risk of killing it. ", "I'm a first time user of aloe and I want to make sure to get every thing right! Can I cut the stems back on my aloe vera plant if they are very long? ", "I had questions answered about my Aloe Vera plant. Shorter stem segments root best, so cut the stem to between 2 and 4 inches long. Remove damaged, discolored, or dried leaves first, cutting close to the stem. Cut off leaves & dry. By using our site, you agree to our. The plant is at least 24 years old and has never been properly cared, "I bought an aloe vera plant, and a few of the leaves are brown at the base and just very loosely attached to the, "It helped me at lot knowing how much aloe vera can do. It’s really easy to do you can either cut one to two-inch sections off of your leaf and then let that leaf heal over and then harvest more later or you can harvest the entire leaf all at the same time. Do not water your aloe vera for at least 1-2 weeks after repotting. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Unpot Your Aloe Vera. Sounds like your plant died back to the roots, and is now growing again. Also trim dead leaves, and cut the roots connecting pups to the parent plant. References % of people told us that this article helped them. Aesthetically, it's best to harvest a whole leaf at a time, rather than cutting it in half. ", "Thank you! Aloe grows outdoors year round only in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11, but you can keep it in a pot indoors anywhere. It’s normal for aloe vera leaves to turn brown or gray after repotting; this is not a sign of problems. Yes, the plant should be fine. For the first month, while the aloe leaf is transplanting, keep the soil moist but never wet. This is because the roots are much better formed and on their way. I want to grow an aloe vera plant from seeds but I was told by a gardener that they basically don’t exist. Materials: - Aloe Vera Plant - Fresh Potting Soil - Hand Shovel - Scissors (clean) - Rooting Hormone (optional, but recommended) Method: Choose your workspace. Look out for root rot. When the wounded areas are dry to the touch, repot the aloe and pups. Or, for larger leaves from the small aloe, you can cut them using cutting method 1. Either way, if a leaf breaks, it may be possible to utilize these steps and grow another aloe plant. These natural, aesthetic wonders are great to add in the decor of your home. Next cut the roots you see coming out of the base as you remove the soil. I've been wondering how to do this.". The Herb Gardener: How to Repot an Aloe Vera Herb Plant, Houseplants Expert: Propagating an Aloe Vera Plant and Repotting, Today's Homeowner: How to Divide Aloe Vera and Other Succulents, University of Florida: Disinfecting Your Garden Tools, How to Prune Indoor Plants to Keep Them Small. Hopefully your aloe will regrow itself completely! Hold each plant gently as you use your other hand to backfill the pot with your soil mixture. Didn't have a clue how to care for it it has suckers all around it. Water them every few days. You can place two or three pups in the same pot as long as it is large enough for them to grow without crowding each other. Trimming Your Aloe Vera Stem. This article was co-authored by Artemisia Nursery. I repotted my plant. It’s normal for aloe vera leaves to turn brown or gray after repotting; this is not a sign of problems. Now I know I have, "I have had several aloe over the years but never really looked up how to care for them. If you want to save the leaves to use them for their medicinal benefits, trim away the thorny edges and store the leaves in the refrigerator until you want to extract the gel. To make use of the aloe vera plant’s soothing properties, remove a mature leaf from the plant and cut it lengthwise. Step 1: Cut the sides and the tip of the aloe vera (the cut tip should be the width of your finger, more or less, its too much hassle to fiddle with otherwise). Replanting an Aloe vera commonly called aloe, provides an opportunity to propagate new plants by separating the pups from the mother plant. 5 Use a very sharp knife or a good pair of shears and try cutting the leaf stem as close as you can in this area because the blade is much thinner which will facilitate the task. An avid gardener and cook, her love for all things home related makes her most likely the only EMMY-nominated TV Animation writer who still irons her dish towels. Let the plant air out for a day after pruning the roots. Dividing aloe plants away from the parent produces a whole new aloe … Find any damaged areas and slice them off, being careful not to damage the healthy root. The light is not the brightest here, but the plants continued to grow and thrive. Propagating Aloe … How do I cut back an overgrown aloe plant? Thanks. ", "This helped me to take proper care of my aloe plants. I’ll have a bounty of Aloe vera in no time! See how I cut, use & store Aloe vera leaves: How to Store Aloe Vera Leaves (plus how long they stay fresh) You want to keep your Aloe vera leaf as moist & fresh as possible. It’s a succulent that keeps on giving. Botany's answer for dry, sunburned or irritated skin, medicinal aloe (Aloe vera, formerly Aloe barbadensis) is the best known of the more than 400 Aloe species (Aloe spp. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. It’s really easy to do you can either cut one to two-inch sections off of your leaf and then let that leaf heal over and then harvest more later or you can harvest the entire leaf all at the same time. The leaf will normally shrink and shrivel as it develops roots. There are over 300 varieties of the aloe plant; some varieties grow short stubby leaves while others can grow over 15 feet tall. After the flowers start to fall, and the stem looks ragged, just trim it off at the base where it comes out of the stem and discard. Dividing aloe plants away from the parent produces a whole new aloe … Since I have had most since 2004. Like all succulents, it is best to let the cutting dry out to avoid rot. Expert Interview. The first thing to repot your Aloe Vera plant is to remove the plant from its container and expose the soil. Aloe plants are native to Africa but are popular all over the world. When the plant becomes root bound, you must repot it in a large container. Good to know: You can remove the pups at any time of year but spring and summer are best. Or do I have to repot it to grow an entirely different plant? ", "Very interesting. When cutting an Aloe leaf, use a sharp serrated blade to cut it as close to the base as possible. Get the pot ready by filling it with the mixture and shaking the plant lightly to remove about 1/3 of the soil hanging in the roots. If you have an aloe vera plant, you'll eventually find it growing babies. What should I do? If you really can’t stand to see another ad again, then please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. To make use of the aloe vera plant’s soothing properties, remove a mature leaf from the plant and cut it lengthwise. How to Repot a Dried-Out Aloe. Also, the seeds require eight to ten hours of sunlight for germination, which, in most homes, is difficult to provide naturally so you need to set up growth lights. Its nickname is medicine and burn plant, due to its sap’s healing qualities. Aloe vera plant leaves bending due to low light, fungal diseases, and low temperature. For aloe Vera babies that won’t give, use a sharp knife and carefully cut it off from the parent plant. Tips For Planting Aloe Vera Plant: Larger aloe vera plants are quite heavy, choose a container that is 4-8 inches wide. Studies suggest that aloe vera gel helps sores. If you'd like, you can plant the pups in their own containers to grow them into a whole new plant. Set the aloe and any pups you want to transplant in a cool spot out of direct sunlight for three or four days, allowing the air to heal their cut ends. I cut off a desired portion of the Aloe vera leaf, remove the “spiny” sides & then cut that chunk in half. Aloe vera leaves bending is a very common problem you may face if you are growing it indoors. To learn more from our Horticulturist co-author, like how to prune the roots on your aloe vera, keep reading the article! Lots of babies! Approved. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. to move them to separate pots, it's looking 100% healthier thanks to this site giving me the information I need. Jun 12, 2018 - Get your own corner of the Web for less! After all, what's better than aloe for treating an oven burn? Since finding the Made from Earth Aloe Vera (including the Aloe & Jojoba for the body), I keep one bottle on the frig door at all times for a more immediate cooling, soothing effect. It looks cool, is easy to care for, and it creates a gel that is super useful for skincare. Keep the plant in a warm, shaded place. The sap inside of the plump, spiky shoots is an effective salve for minor cuts and burns, but a plant that is struggling to survive in a too-small pot will produce spindly, weak leaves with very little gel. Aloe plants produce offsets, also known as pups, as part of their growth cycle. ", "Some info on my old large aloe plants. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. The Aloe Vera is a popular succulent type house plant, well known for its healing properties. Place it back into the container (you can either use a new or the same old container). Your aloe should continue to grow. The spiky gray-green leaves are an ornamental part of gardens in USDA Zones 9 and higher, and show up on many sunny windowsills.You may need to cut aloe vera to … Remove your aloe vera plant from its too-small pot. Squeeze the sides of a flexible pot to loosen the soil, or run a trowel or your fingers carefully around the inner edges of a ceramic or hard plastic pot. Harvesting Aloe Vera. Artemisia Nursery is a worker-owned small business with plans to become a worker-owned cooperative. Check by poking your finger an inch or so into their potting soil, and water them only when the soil starts to feel dry. Brynne Chandler has been a freelance writer her entire adult life, save for an occasional foray into catering and importing Mexican Rustic furniture. Sprinkle powdered sulfur or charcoal on the pruned areas if you can. Aloes are easily propagated through division, at which time cutting the roots is sometimes necessary for success. Wipe your gardening knife down with an alcohol wipe after each use and especially in between uses on different plants. can go a long time without water, because they store moisture in their plump, succulent leaves. Aloe plants are tropical, stemless, slow-growing succulents that require little maintenance. Gently remove the plant from its previous pot, carefully dust off any old soil from its roots, and bury the roots in the potting mix in your new pot. The succulent grows very slowly, whereas propagation with pups will give you a much faster start. {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/f\/f5\/Trim-an-Aloe-Vera-Plant-Step-1-Version-4.jpg\/v4-460px-Trim-an-Aloe-Vera-Plant-Step-1-Version-4.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/f\/f5\/Trim-an-Aloe-Vera-Plant-Step-1-Version-4.jpg\/aid1230443-v4-728px-Trim-an-Aloe-Vera-Plant-Step-1-Version-4.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":259,"bigWidth":728,"bigHeight":410,"licensing":"
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