introverts are like cats
These signs will be equally obvious in a quiet introvert, if you’re paying close attention. They get plenty of love from everyone in the family, and are very spoiled pups, but I cannot have the same relationship with them that I have with my cat. I think I have a special bond with her because we’re so similar, but what I learn from her is that it’s ok for us to just be whoever we are. If we’re making a conscious effort to spend time with you, know that we value you quite a bit. Visit Group Join Group "Have you ever noticed that introverts are like cats? On a recent visit home, I met someone. And like you, I’ve always been drawn to cats as well, but I’m drawn to animals in general. Cats are more adept at dealing with the isolation of lockdown. Okay, not constantly. The truth is we are nothing like that – not all the time. I love cats, but due to my nomadic lifestyle, I haven’t been able to have one of my own in recent years. For more musings, head over to her website. If a cat is not in the mood for company, it will simply find a quiet, removed space to inhabit — and you’ll never hear it apologize. They always have one paw in and one paw out. It takes her awhile to adapt to anything new. , I TOTALLY agree. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images) I’m an introvert. Sounds familiar. From what I read online, many introverts, like myself, have cats. 7 Characteristics, Here’s What Makes Each Introverted Myers-Briggs Personality Type Angry, 6 Things Your Office Introvert Does That Might Seem Rude, But Aren’t, 21 Signs You're an INFJ, the Rarest Personality Type, 10 Secrets of the INFJ, the Rarest Personality Type in the World, 24 Signs That You're an INTJ Personality Type, 5 Personality Types That Are Highly Compatible with INFJs, If You Relate to These 10 Signs, You're Probably an 'Extroverted' Introvert, 21 Signs That You're an INTP, One of the Rarest Personality Types, Just Because I’m Quiet Doesn’t Mean I’m Not a Force to Be Reckoned With, Introvert/Extrovert Test {Fast Easy Quiz}. They must connect with people on a deep level, and it’s sometimes painfully difficult to put ourselves out there to find that special person we click with. They are low maintenance people in general, not easily ruffled by things that happen. Hence, we only keep a few friends. Cats are naturally awesome at being alone. — are exactly alike, but really, the similarities are striking. Because animals fulfill a very specific role for introverts that people just can’t. You start to recognize when they’re approachable and when they’re not. Your email address will not be published. cats are solitary, but will seek affection when they want it. Introverts Unite! they also look after themselves pretty well. Top 10 Reasons Introverts Like Cats. They lounge around, unnoticed, while they take in the world around them from afar. This helps us get a feel for the situation, which allows us to better prepare for social interaction. Introverts like to be cozy too, and why wouldn’t we? Both introverts and cats can take awhile to form a bond, and we may appear aloof to strangers. I get this warm feeling whenever I think of my cat outside the house and I actually lost count of how many times this quiet creature comforted me when I’m at my lowest days. 4)Nobody knows exactly what goes on in the mind of an introvert. Nomadic expat, freelance writer and teacher, currently based in Belgium. Consider the following: 1. Acquaintances and small talk be damned. That’s definitely not us.) It never occurred to me that maybe I was drawn to them because we were so similar to each other, but it dawned on me the other day – cats are crazy introverted. See more ideas about introvert cat, introvert, introvert problems. Cats are introverted in almost every way they approach life, because it’s part of their nature, just like it’s part of mine. Pinterest. Like, a lot. 3)Introverts tend to be awfully playful and cuddly with the select few people they feel comfortable with, just like cats will exhibit great playfulness and cuddlyness with those they have chosen. You don’t have to take cats for a walk and then talk to everyone you meet on the way. Cats are fascinating. Subscribe here. A divine connection. Oct 8, 2013 - Explore KittyPrettyGifts's board "Introvert Cat", followed by 909 people on Pinterest. Don’t let the two-legged version fool you. You can’t force anything on a cat. Kitties notice everything going on in their environment. We’re choosy yet obsessively loyal creatures. Introverts Like to Limit their Social Interactions. But once someone has made us feel seen — someone who passes the “you’re actually kind of okay” test — this rare person automatically levels up to VIP in our world. I don’t think it really matters, because either way, we get along perfectly. Thanks for the comment. introverted tendency to favor long-term memory, What Are Introverts Like as Children? 27 Insightful and Mildly Funny Introvert Quotes, Unexpected Ways Minimalism Liberates the Introvert Mind, How the Reverse Bucket List Promotes Confidence, Motivation, and Gratitude, A Rare Look into an INFJ ENTP Relationship, A New Approach to Intracranial Pressure I Now Believe in (Treatment, Part 3). If you watch them long enough, you learn what they like, what they don’t like, and how they might be feeling. That’s why, when we like you, we might not say it straight out. Of course, not all introverts — or cats! 10 Things That Prove All Cats Are Introverts. Since cats can’t talk to us, they use body language to communicate how they’re feeling. Most kitties are particular about who they choose to hang out with, and it takes time for them to get to know and trust you. Her eyes get wide, her body tenses, then she’s gone. They don’t go around wagging their tales at everyone they encounter like some other members of the animal kingdom (no need to name names, but I’m sure you know who I’m talking about). Twitter. There are only a few breeds that can thrive in an introvert's environment. Because, if I’m being honest, we are totally fine on our own for the most part. So if you replace the word "cat" with "introvert" you will see that they are similar. On the other hand, I need lots of alone time to replenish my energy and function at my best. Cats are introverted in almost every way they approach life, because it’s part of their nature, just like it’s part of mine. But Never View the Introvert as Being “Mysterious” To dogs, cats are strange creatures. I have the scratch marks on my legs to prove it. Introverts can be quickly drained of energy by over-stimulation, daily activities, and even talking. Why Do Introverts Like Animals ? Enjoy this completely relatable and hilarious book, and perhaps you will soon see the cat—and even yourself—in a whole new light. Similarly, introverts can be hot and cold, on or off in their relationships, and yes, this aspect of our behavior can be confusing to others. Whether it’s teasing a cat and ending up with bites and scratches on their skin, or using a string, it’s enjoyable playing with them. Once they are gone, she magically reappears. Introverts are just like cats. If they’re tail is flicking, they’re agitated. I dream of salty ocean air, overthink things in the shower, obsess over this "blurb" (5th draft), and plan on saving the world, one rescue dog at a time. When an introvert is not reading, writing, watching or playing video games, he/she is busy playing with a cat. Can dogs be introverts? Introverts are equally skilled at being alone, and don’t require social interaction as much as others do. If there was a job for professional napping, they’d be at the top of their game. The best introvert articles. Without fail, we’ll reappear like we never left and proposition you for some quality time once again. Facebook. If there is a similarity between us, introverts, and cats, then it’s our desire to receive love when we want to. (You know how dogs great everyone they see? 2. The struggle is real, and it has to do with our introverted tendency to favor long-term memory over active memory. And like cats, introverts want the satisfaction that comes with having a conversation with someone. Cats are introspective. The cats understand. Being a cat owner, I would say that cat are definitely considered as introverts in comparison to other animals. If you are the type to need some alone time, a Ragdoll can also relax and do their own thing for as long as you need. Last but not least — and this is a big one — both introverts and cats are creatures of comfort. I’ve talked about the similarities before, but I’ve found even more parallels, which are summarized in the below comic, illustrated by my nephew Brandon Chung." As I watched her curl up under the dining room table last week, like she always does during the day, I started thinking about her routine, habits, and idiosyncrasies. Just like a cat to hide its head and consider that no one can see the rest of it. Oct 10, 2018 - Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. All my cats have been rescues too, and I also thought she would grow out of it, but no. Yeah, definite animal lover here. I love you.”. *shoulder shrug*. The ‘Cat Personality’ vs. the ‘Dog Personality’ Thanks so much for visiting! It was found that mostly single and unmarried women owned only cats. They’re independent, and can pretty much take care of themselves, because they don’t really need people. Not convinced? Introvert Spring. Although that may be true, the connection between an introvert and animals is not limited to dogs or cats. Hi, Tiffany. "Cats are quiet, they know how to entertain themselves, and they get falsely accused of being aloof — something introverts understand well." Waving my INFJ flag. If you like a good ol’ snuggle once in a while, a Ragdoll is a great choice. We like stretching and naps. But, if we’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, our best bet is to find a comfy place to chill, away from the hustle and bustle of the world. We found a person who makes us purr, rather than our usual slinking off for a nap or disappearing into a daydream. They say introverts are like cats: arrogant and moody. Introverts aren’t into high drama people. Introverts usually only have a handful of truly close friends for this same reason. Introverts are similar in that they know what they need and when they need it, so they will do things in their own time, and when they’re ready. If you pay close attention to your kitty, you’ll find that they aren’t sure of most situations and will have a hard time deciding whether to go out or stay inside. We spend a considerable amount of time indoors doing the things we love most. Even when we move, she resides in one small room of the new place for about two weeks before deciding to venture out. It struck me with its poignant accuracy. Many prefer just to be left alone in most situations, which appears to other people as a type of dissociative disorder, or a mild form of autism, which in case it may be. Cats are very independent animals with individualistic mindsets. See more ideas about introvert, introvert cat, anxiety cat. And, just like a cat, once you’re in our inner circle, we’d like you to give us all the snuggles, and your undivided attention, constantly please. It’s funny I thought that my cat would grow out of the whole getting startled thing once she got more comfortable (she’s a rescue), but here we are 5 years later and she’s as skittish as ever. Introverts behave similarly in how they can be overwhelmed by loud noises, chaos, bright lights, or just too many people – and will usually bail at their earliest opportunity. “Cats are quiet, they know how to entertain themselves, and they are all about comfort. Introverts are like cats because sometimes introverts get ambitious and feel like they want to go out ... but as soon as we get there we realize the mistake that we have made and want to go back in. We are introverts, after all, and even though we like you, we will still need our alone time. Perhaps this is why most people believe that introverts tend to be cat lovers. Just like a cat jumping onto your lap, rubbing their head on your leg, or circling around your feet, we’re trying to tell you that we think you’re good people. I have a cat named Macha. Is it that introverts are like cats, or are cats like introverts? This makes us want to cuddle up on their figurative (or literal) lap and engage in hours of deep, meaningful conversation about anything and everything from our private inner thoughts to the world’s great mysteries. This concept is also applicable to introverts, whether people are over or you’re trying to get them to go to an event with you. I think you’ll be surprised to learn how much introverts are like cats, because it’s just not something you think about unless you’re an introvert. So when we leave our introvert bubble and open ourselves up to you, it means we trust you and enjoy your company in a big way. Visit Group Join Group "Have you ever noticed that introverts are like cats? In fact, one of our favorite things is cultivating relationships with people who bring out our adventurous side, but are also down to just chill and appreciate our slower-paced approach to life. And if they’re curled around your leg or purring, you know they feel safe and happy. Introverts are Like Cats If you watch them long enough, you learn what they like, what they don’t like, and how they might be feeling. 8,435 Fans Like. Ironically, it’s the biggest thing that helps me find meaning in my relationships — and “show up” for others. 08.11.2014 - Michaela from Introvert Spring produced a meme a while back which likened introverts to cats. You’ll have to give a whole lot of love, even though there’s a chance you won’t get much affection in return. This struggle becomes even more apparent when we like someone and want them in our lives. Napping allows your kitty to recharge for play time, hunting, or whatever else tickles their fancy. We have our favorite nooks to burrow in, and we take immense pleasure in killing a few hours in a state of rest. They really appreciate it when you are at home and can provide food or a lap, or when you scatter empty boxes around the house. is a blog where anyone, including extroverts, can learn more about introversion. Ears back and hissing, you immediately know to back off. 6 – Need to recharge their emotional battery . Needing naps is not unique to cats. Perhaps these similarities are what make cats such good companions for introverts. It’s during my solitude that I find my grounding and connect back to myself. I find that if I leave my cat alone, she will come to me in her own time. I often find these two facets of my personality to be at odds with each other. Instead, watch for nonverbal communication. Eckhart Tolle says “There are teachings that say every being is a spark of the divine of God. Xo, Required fields are marked *. When we’re drained of energy and desperately in need of some recharge time, the calming presence of a pet can provide just what we need as we recover.. This isn’t to say, however, that we don’t experience bursts of motivation and tear off toward unseen prey. We can become awkward trying to express our feelings verbally. And nothing ever comes out quite as eloquently as it sounded in your head. We may not have many friends or relationships, so when we do choose you, we’re loyal as hell. All Cats are Introverts Francesco Marciuliano Andrews McMeel Pub, Oct 2019 112 pages Poetry, Humor, Cats Provided by Edelweiss ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The cover is perfect! Ever. Introverts’ preference to stay at home a lot is quite compatible with a cat’s lifestyle. You start to recognize when they’re approachable and when they’re not. I accept her for who she is, and she does the same for me. I mean, it’s not easy for anyone to put themselves out there with an “I love you,” “I have a crush on you,” or just a, “Want to hang out?” But for private and reserved introverts, it’s even more tongue-tying. WhatsApp . I'm a 40-something wife and mother, who has learned a lot about herself in recent years, including that I'm a highly sensitive introvert coexisting within an INFJ personality. While dogs will always be man’s best friend, not all dogs are suitable pets for introverts. If you’re an introvert, you like low key activities like watching television, reading, or doing a hobby. Cats have a range of interesting behaviors that are appealing to introverts. I was thinking recently about my introverted tendencies, and how my cat truly understands them. It’s no secret that introverts feel they communicate better in writing than in conversation. This can make us seem cold, which is definitely not true. Awww. cats have a knack for finding quiet, out of the way places to chill. We’ll protect this connection fiercely. Introverts tend to live within themselves, not preferring to mingle with people in the outside world very often. Of course, not all introverts — or cats! She was an outdoor cat, a green-eyed beauty. helena Introverts are lovable creatures, but we love to be alone most of the time. Follow us. Don't make them even more so, ramp down their mess with Litter Genie. We want to share the parts of ourselves we rarely reveal, and in turn, learn as much as we can about the other person’s inner world, too. They want to speak their mind and get a personal touch with another human’s mind. I’ve talked about the similarities before, but I’ve found even more parallels, which are summarized in the below comic, illustrated by my nephew Brandon Chung." A cute chubby Siamese who turned 2 years old last week. If they do decide to spend time with someone, it’s because they genuinely want to. Introverts are like cats Some people think we’re lazy But we just move at a slower pace We love our close friends … But we’re lone wanderers at heart We seem aloof if we don’t know you Only special people see our cuddly side. I love and understand this so much – two angel babies and one very stubborn one that i can’t live without. Daydreaming introvert, with a particular fondness for nature and one-to-one conversation. While introverts spend most of their time alone, they find it a pleasure playing with cats. We have a quiet and calm energy, as opposed to an extroverted go-go-go mentality. Sadly, I’ve had to part ways with my green-eyed sweetheart for now, but I know even as we’re doing our own thing, our bond is ready for renewal when the time is right. We clicked almost immediately, and whenever I returned, she hopped out of the brush or dashed out from under the porch to greet me. How Introverts and Cats Are the Same 1. In the full bloom of a new connection, whether platonic or intimate, we introverts feel warm, fuzzy, and in a rare turn of events, understood. Just like introverts, cats are usually more selective with whom they show love and affection. That’s why so many people think cats make great pets. My cat vanishes when a strangers are in the house as if she were a magician. Why? Lol. Possibly. They find those who are tiresome or overwhelming. It struck me with its poignant accuracy. Introvert Club / January 7, 2021 January 7, 2021. — are exactly alike, but really, the similarities are striking. She’d look up at me with her gorgeous eyes as if to say, “Pet me. And, I was shocked to realize that I’m a LOT like my cat. Introverts Unite! Cats are notorious for getting ridiculously comfy with half their bodies hanging off the bed, curled up in a blanket somewhere, or hiding out in the corner of the house. By Patty Olsen, TVG Senior Project Manager. Our favorite is the compact Chow Chow, a breed known for its blue-black tongue and lion-like neck ruff. I love being at home, but sometimes I want to get out and interact with people…or do I? I also have two very extroverted dogs, whom I adore, but I can only take so much of their energy and insane neediness before I need a break. Waving my flag too! As an introvert, I have the same struggle. Introverts do this too, especially in group situations – observing before participating. That's how this blog came to be. Large groups are usually uncomfortable for them, requiring either avoidance or preparation, depending on their mood. If they were in the wild, they’d have to be to survive. Tags: affection; anger; communication; crying; express; introverts; love; pain; physical harm; silent; Share. But once the cat loves you, there’s no turning back! Join the introvert revolution. My cat is spooked by just about everything, but especially noise. But they also unapologetically do their own thing. Naps, reading, or being alone allows them to recharge and feel better about life. This doesn’t happen often, so it’s kind of a big deal. One email, every Friday. If you’re like me, you can easily get flustered when you’re trying to explain the multitude of thoughts churning in your mind. If you don’t see or hear from us for awhile, we’re probably recharging, gathering our energy in stillness, waiting for the next big “hunt.”. They are more than a little interesting, but somewhat predictable, after having her for a couple of years. Even then, it took me two years to realize it. I did not know that, and, as it turns out, I have always had a cat. Why Introverts Are Like Cats | Andy Mort Michaela from Introvert Spring produced a meme a while back which likened introverts to cats. Nevertheless, spending time with my new friend, I couldn’t help but draw some comparisons between myself, an introvert, and the felines who live among us. We love routine, and if something changes unexpectedly, we might hide and hiss (inwardly) until we adjust. Your email address will not be published. Nov 24, 2015 - Explore Kennedy Monique's board "Introvert Cat", followed by 151 people on Pinterest. Much like most cats and other introverts, they prefer quiet and peaceful environments and won’t respond too well to loud and sudden noises. Do introverts like cats? She was soft, affectionate, and always down for a good cuddle. We’re innately curious and motivated to investigate and find meaning in our surroundings. My kitty Queen is a complete introvert in every since of the word. All Cats Are Introverts is a collection of self-reflective poetry from cats that clearly shows them to be the insightful, often alert, crowd-averse, personally engaging, probably napping-as-we-speak introverts of the animal kingdom. Many introverts are hardcore animal lovers (me!). They seek out affection from their humans, jumping on our computer keyboards when we’re trying to work or winding themselves around our legs. What do you recognize in your cat that you can relate to, as an introvert? On one hand, I crave meaningful relationships and find myself longing for them when they prove illusive. Her and I understand each other, and for me, that’s something special. 115K likes. Follower of wanderlust, whims and an incessant inner voice. May be true, the connection between an introvert for play time,,! I ’ m being honest, we get along perfectly are usually more selective with whom they show and! S why, when we introverts are like cats, she resides in one small room of new. The house as if she were a magician introvert 's environment and don ’ t us! Cat '', followed by 909 people on Pinterest cat is spooked by just about everything but... To get out and interact with people…or do I a conversation with someone, it took me years. Struggle becomes even more so, ramp down their mess with Litter.... Much – two angel babies and one paw out such good companions for introverts want them in our.... That they are similar with a cat ’ s kind of a big.. 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