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    *No offence to any plumbers here, as I pity you if you are one...*, Response to I have to say Tails. MELEE! which can send his foe up in the air so high they never come back down! secondly, tailes! ! 6. whats better Nintendo or Sega. Princess Peach vs. Amy Rose 10. A simplistic, Retro, Brutal platformer.... Again! but if we talk about 2D vs. 2D so Sonic would run on mario and kill him, but if mario blasts the fire balls which has 1 hit KO. No contest, Tails. 2002-12-07 04:27:14. Boomstick: His training with Sonic makes him faster. Luigi harnesses awkwardness to make himself even more vicious. Whiz: Have an idea for a Death Battle? like being able to run 100 miles per hour without his tails. Another close call but Luigi Mario (brother of Mario Mario) trumps Mr Prower. WHERE ALL THE FIGHTS ARE SETTLED IN 60 SECONDS! while Sonic just has Knuckles and Tails. who gets all the credit? Support Verbalase on Patreon and/or PayPal. including his trusty hammer and the Vanish Power Flower which makes him invisible and intangible. Tails Luigi Knuckles the Echidna vs Yoshi: Who would win in a fight? 2002-12-07 01:51:03. Luigi VS. The two eventually knock each other away, Tails into the air and Luigi onto the ground. Thread Topic: Mario vs. Sonic. Let's end this debate once and for all! Wiz: Ahem. Wiz: While Luigi technically has more combat experience. Luigi vs tails A better question would have been Luigi getting tail. Find out in this video! Boomstick: Looks like Luigi was outfoxed. I am the LORD of music, who makes you awesome. Every generation has idolized a sci-fi hero. Thor VS Raiden is the 21st episode of DEATH BATTLE!, featuring Thor from Marvel Comics and Raiden from the Mortal Kombat series in a battle between thunder gods. Luigi vs tails Response to But then agian,Sonic is fast. www.youtube.com Click the above link to watch Versus: Luigi vs. It said Luigi was trained by a Thunder God, right? although it wasn't always clear who was the student. 60 Seconds! and happily repaired the whole vehicle on his own. The wop dag would win. Wiz: Well, that's stupid. I'll CHOP YOUR-A-BALLS OFF RIGHT-A-NOW!!! Bowser Jr. vs. Metal Sonic 7. Wiz:Mario...Boomstick:...Luigi.Wiz:The 2 Poster boy's of the World's Most Popular Gaming Franchise in the World.Boomstick:And Tonight the 2 Plumbers are Gonna Fight to the Death!Wiz:I'm Wiz and He's Boomstick.Boomstick:And It's Our Job to Analyze Weapon's Armor, and Skill's to see Who would win a DEATH BATTLE!!! Mario vs Sonic. Boomstick: But when Luigi wants real firepower, he busts out the Poltergust 5000 -. Wiz: In a way... but this devotion makes him the perfect teammate. Tails is a fanon Death Battle written by P0k3Fan997Young2, pitting Luigi, Mario's younger brother against Tails, Sonic's smart fox sidekick. Boomstick: What did Mario do to him to make him so obedient? Wiz: No doubt Luigi has it rough. Luigi vs tails Ohh Emm Gee, The grease ball would whoop up. Birdo vs. Rouge the Bat 4. Luigi: Fine. Sonic looks angrily at Cuphead. Who would win between Mario's brother and the double-tailed fox? Anyway, turns out the airplane happened to belong to Miles' personal idol, Sonic the Hedgehog. Ohh Emm Gee, The grease ball would whoop up. Wiz: The Sidekick. Waluigi vs. Silver the Hedgehog 5. Wiz: Luigi's Negative Zone can devastate a nearby opponent. Doctor Eggman 9. Tobuscus vs. Pewdiepie Part 2 - Video Game Rap Battle-1564591993 Tobuscus vs. Pewdiepie Part 2 - Video Game Rap Battle-1564591994 Tobuscus vs. Pewdiepie Part 2 - … Luigi vs tails 2005-10-06 21:17:57. 2005-10-06 21:10:49. He was trained by the Thunder God himself in the powerful Thunder Hand Technique. Just like all walking, talking adolescent two-tailed foxes can. Luigi – 6, Tails – 5. Response to Which is obviously impossible as they could never create lift (stammering) -. Whiz: And Tails' gadgets more than make up for any of his weaknesses. Wiz: Tails is a genius and a master mechanic. Miles was awkwardly born with two tails. Boomstick: Like Luigi Mario's Brother and one of the Seven Star Children. 2002-12-07 10:08:21, Response to OVERALL: Luigi – 36, Tails – 34. Their power-ups would keep them even until they run out. ... armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle. Response to w00t. S1E7 This week we have another brand new battle here on the show...Quite possibly the biggest, most epic one to … 2005-10-06 21:22:56, Book of Anima 22:32 " Do not profane my awesome name. But Mario has a bunch of physics,so Mario. Granted, his fears are usually justified... Boomstick: He's also pretty clumsy, which you'd think would make a terrible combination. Cuphead then doesn't reply. Even though Tails is only 8 years old, he could still kick Luigi's @$$ for sure. Wiz: With the dragon slain and the princess rescued, the hero revels in gold, glory and cake, Boomstick: But they couldn't have done it without a little help. Tails nods. A. 1. Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BAAAATTTLE! Wiz: Now we have already proven that standard Mario and Sonic series' powerups perfectly counter each other. and his superior mobility gave him complete control over the battlefield. Luigi vs tails None of them, those gay assed sidekicks would be getting it on within a fucking second... guess we better call mario and sonic to bitchslap them both. Boomstick: Well, there goes the year of Luigi! stopping a nuclear missile, and saving the multiverse by transforming into... Whiz: Alright. Shadow the Hedgehog 8. Whiz: Also, he has an outrageous IQ of 300. which is about as much as Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking combined! Who would win? Combine that with Tails' mobility and brains, sonic's got this in the bag. Wiz: Luigi may take subordination to an extreme but he's no pushover. A plumber against a squirrel. Anonymous= Tails flies down onto a pipe and starts scouting the area, but Luigi pops out of the pipe, making Tails jump down. 2 Fighters! Leaving his lanky brother with rejected sloppy seconds. Luigi is a tall, skinny plumber standing in the shadow of his fat brother. it's not easy being second fiddle to the most popular character in video game history. Nintendo. Luigi jumps back up as Tails uses the spin dash to charge at his opponent, but Luigi counters with the hammer, hitting Miles up into the air. Luigi: Honestly?! After a good thunder clap, you'll find him shivering his spinny ass off in the bathtub. With that, enjoy this bonus fictional fight. And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle. Miles "Tails" Prower (Tails) vs Luigi: Who would win in a fight? Tails has befuddled me since I actually was a fan of the series (haven’t been since...for a while). 2002-12-07 04:02:18. so --- to not waste time --- we're giving these second-strings only what is unique to them. Tails (Who Would Win?) Wiz: Tails pledged himself to Sonic's freedom fighting cause against Dr. Eggman. No research! With this he can shoot lightning at his foes or at deadly soccer balls. Wiz: It was Sonic who first suggested that Miles' birth defects could be used to fly by spinning like helicopter blades. whiz 2005-10-06 21:12:42. At 12/7/02 02:16 AM, Anarchy_Penguin wrote: Luigi has his plumber tools, about 4 feet on tails, and ohh yeah HE CAN BREATHE FIRE! Response to It really REALLY felt like it was specifically made to net Pokemon a win since the handicaps they used hit Renamon FAR harder than Lucario. Mere minutes after being welcomed into the world, Eggman's deadly forces made Miles Prower an orphan. Whiz: He has built several planes and combat mechs and has numerous gadgets on hand. Will Luigi goomba stomp Tails or will Tails outfox Luigi? LuigiVS Tails is the 32nd episode of DEATH BATTLE!, featuring Luigi from the Super Mario series and Tails from the Sonic the Hedgehog series in a battle between iconic video game sidekicks. ... Luigi VS Tails (Nintendo VS Sega) | DEATH BATTLE! I think they both already lost a long time ago... Don't patronize me, I know I'm awful at everything. What? Help solve a murder where Santa Claus is a suspect. Wait... Hey congrats you fucking moron, you bumped a two year old thread. (DISOWNED ... - Game Sack - Duration: 12:31. There's no contention. Like a good sidekick, Luigi exists only to help Mario, never asking for his own slice of the cake. Luigi vs tails Cuphead still doesn't say anything, making Sonic even more angry than before. Boomstick: Whoa. Luigi vs tails And then it's a really strong and high-jumping guy vs a guy who can break robots with his head, run about 1000 MPH, and has razor-blades for hair. Overall Tails may have the speed, intelligence, and arsenal advantage, however Luigi had the strength, durability, experience, and skills needed to claim his victory. At 12/7/02 02:16 AM, Anarchy_Penguin wrote. In fact, he's not only taller than Mario, but also faster and more athletic, Plus, after studying Yoshi's superb jumping ability, Luigi developed his own variant of the dinosaur's floating technique -, Boomstick: His abilities don't end with the mid-air hustle, each of which, if pulled off perfectly, increase their damage for quick KOs, The spinning Luigi Cyclone, the rocketing Green Missile, and the Super Jump Punch. big bombs, napalm bombs, remote bombs, flash bang grenades, bombs shaped like magic rings. He's got to have some serious dirt from their childhood. Cream the Rabbit 6. Too bad for the plumber, I say. Luigi's a nice guy, but let's face it, Tails can freakin' fly. Luigi vs tails And so what if they guy has a wrench and a bit o' tape. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick. Gotta go with Tails. That's like if you were named Boomstick because you just liked shotguns. Wiz: Eight years later - and after some much-needed counselling -, Miles stumbled upon a broken-down biplane. Find out in 60 quick seconds! NO RESEARCH! That's - that's pretty fucked up. Want - 0% Toad, Waluigi, and Paper Mario are all more iconic and recognized than him. Sonic: Right. sonic Boomstick: Remember when Mario Bros. was about running around and jumping on turtles? woah, @2021 VoiceTube Corporation. It would help him a lot. Become a Supporter today and help make this dream a reality! He walks over to Luigi and whispers something in his ear. … 2002-12-07 09:52:52, | Sarcasm Ran Away With My Pants | My Shweet News | Rage's Abusive Review Thread |, Response to Luigi vs tails Luigi vs tails Even when Mario clearly won the mascot competition, the hedgehog still has the audacity to challenge the plumber to Olympic events and even Super Ultimate Brawls, etc. He can't fly forever and if Sonic is not around to hold his hand, he's scared of pretty much everything. Response to Wiz: After clobbering Koopas, besting Bowser, and saving the princess. Sonic wins. Luigi vs tails Lugi is practically anorexic and Tails is fluffy and adorable. the ability to manipulate some sort of negative energy. Luigi follows him upwards with his Scuttle Jump and they go blow-for-blow, with it being Tails Swipes VS Luigi Cyclones. Luigi vs tails Sega. 2005-10-06 21:28:09. Boomstick: Why Sonic needed a plane in the first place is beyond me, but whatever. thunder armour, and skills to find out who would win a death battle. 2005-10-06 21:13:02. 2002-12-07 09:59:28. Chapter 32: Luigi vs Tails. His Shield Bot fortifies his defenses and his Medi Bot heals wounds over time. He can move 10 tons while Luigi struggles to lift a large radish. and has survived being Nintendo's whipping boy. timothy4444 Novice. Wiz: In addition, he has numerous powerups at his disposal. Boomstick: And Tails the fox, Sonic's deformed, flying stalker. Boomstick: But despite being a super geek, he really likes to blow shit up. mario helping to save the Mushroom Kingdom time and time again. Tails can fly, run supa fast, and could mow Luigi over spinning. Wiz: Scratch that. 10 years ago. Response to "He Who Devours Your Entrails & Enjoys It" : Lobo, Response to Luigi vs tails 2002-12-07 03:08:00. Luigi vs tails The combatants are set. 2005-10-06 21:09:18. Tails Prower (Sonic Series) VS Luigi (Mario Series) Mario and Sonic have been rivals for decades. He's trying his hardest to earn a good amount of money to make more of these episodes since COPPA has started. Boomstick: He's Wiz and i'm Boomstick. Miles "Tails" Prower (Tails) vs Luigi: Who would win in a fight? Tails can kick Luigi's plumber ass any day. Luigi vs tails Sonic: If you're not gonna talk, I don't really have a choice! Fawful Chance - 1% If we get a spin off character, it'd likely be Paper Mario instead. Luigi vs tails Say something! Bowser vs. Response to Luigi has the same reaction as Tails. Response to Boomstick: And Miles "Tails" Prower, Sonic's flying stalker. Boomstick: It was Tails who invented the famous Spin Dash, not the speedy hedgehog. And Harry Potter, the boy who lived. Despite being born as one of the seven Star Children destined for greatness. Wario vs. Tails is a flying mutant squirrel with no personality and drug addicts for friends. Anyway, you were saying something about physics breaking time energy or whatever? 2002-12-07 04:29:10, Response to User Info: Tomasagaz14. Season 2, Episode 32. He's got A plane with enough weaponry and modes to kill lugi in two seconds, or torture him in various ways, Response to Tails then rushes to Luigi… Response to * Classic Mario theme plays * Wiz: After clobbering Koopas, besting Bowser, and saving the princess. Nintendo VS. Sega! 2002-12-07 00:54:27. Actually, he doesn't breathe fire... he uses that fire flower thing to launch fireballs. The Green Thunder can pretty much do it all. 2002-12-07 03:08:49, Response to Princess Daisy vs. Blaze the Cat 3. Our goal is for Newgrounds to be ad free for everyone! Boomstick: Which is ripped straight out of Mega Man. ONE MINUTE MELEE! Luigi is a capable fighter but he's a coward and sometimes clumsy, while Tails is smart and tactical but also young and naive. Luigi vs tails 2002-12-07 00:47:33, Response to Tails just does not possess the power output/durability/versatility to stand against Luigi. 2002-12-07 00:06:06. firstly, i'm glad to see you're not posting this in the politics section. Response to Luigi could be next to you, watching you... right now... Boomstick: Ugh, stop that! Mario or Sonic? Very short point and click for the flash jam. Miles "Tails" Prower 12. Whiz: The winner is Miles "Tails" Prower. Yoshi vs. Knuckles the Echidna 11. Mario: Can someone just tell me what the heck is going on?! Luigi vs tails Luigi vs tails Which i believe is not possible. 2 FIGHTERS! Luigi vs tails He's more powerful than he seems, murdering Goombas and Koopas by the hundreds every day! Boomstick: Luigi is one mean, green fighting machine. 9 0. Luigi wins in every scenario. 2002-12-07 02:16:59. Sonic adventures 2 is a pretty good 3D game really. He built all this himself but never a device to breathe underwater! Boomstick: And so Sonic gave his rotary ass the oh-so-obvious nickname he deserved - "Tails". He's afraid of all ghosts, bugs, water, flowers, the sun... Luigi is a coward and doesn't even try to hide it. Boomstick: Well, of course! Tails: Fine. 5 Reasons Luigi … Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle. bombs shaped like mice, bombs shaped like your mother, you name it, he's got a bomb like it! 60 SECONDS! Luigi vs. ©Copyright 1995-2021 Newgrounds, Inc. All rights reserved. 12:31. Adorable always pwns anorexic. Luigi vs tails ranging from sudden dizziness to uncontrollable tripping over absolutely nothing. Who would win between Luigi & tails? Tails (Archie Pre-Genesis Wave) Tails is one of Sonic's greatest friends and a member of the Freedom Fighters. luigi RWBY Vs Marvel Comics Ruby Rose The Silver Eyed Warrior And Miles Morales The New Spider-Man Who Will Win In A Fight? Luigi vs tails This battle is between Mario and Sonic's sidekicks. ... Luigi vs Tails: Who would win? Let's Find Out Boomstick: Mario, of course! Wiz: Even without it, Luigi has defeated Dimentio, discovered the Grand Finale Galaxy, raised a ravenous man-eating dinosaur. Wiz: Born the very same day Dr. Eggman began, his robot-powered takeover of the world, Miles Prower -, Creativity like that is why Sega is still making consoles. Luigi vs tails 2002-12-07 02:06:46. MELEE!!!! and even rescued Mario from certain doom on three separate occasions. Before we go any further, I'd like to point out that the Unmaking Cannon belongs to a bunch of children. It’s been a while since the last question. Wiz: And Miles Prower, also Known as Tails and Hero of Cocoa Island. Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons. But like the Chinese drunken master style. Luigi vs tails Knuckles the Echidna Yoshi Doctor Eggman (or Robotnik, whatever you wanna call him) vs Bowser: Who would win in a fight? Luigi vs. and the two quickly became friends, almost like brothers. I don't really see them going for the villain to represent a the spin off either, we usually get the hero first. Tails 'Miles' Prower belongs to SEGA. Destination: Green Hill Zone Sonic was running around to find Eggman while Cuphead was preparing to eat an apple but Sonic bumps right into him, causing the blue blur to almost fall off the edge into the water. MA-MA-FUCKING-MIA!! Sonic: Hey! Like Luke Skywalker, legacy of the jedi. Sonic: Since it would be cliche if the two of us beat you two, I have a better idea. slave to music. Well I never really liked Tails, so I would say Luigi would get some fire balls and fry his tail so he could not fly and break his legs with his plumbing tools so he can run fast and use his fire balls so hes not cute and fury , Thats all I got to say about that....... & if he cant beat him hes Italian so he get mario and all the family around ! S1E6! like the Projectile Ring, which can pull or latch onto objects almost like a grappling hook. Versus: Xbox 360 vs. Playstation 3 (Who Would Win?) I predict tails will be bludgeoned to death with a wrench. WHAT-A-FUCK-ARE-YOU-A-DOING?!?!? All rights reserved, Adjust the video here to display the subtitles. Response to *thunder claps*. Wiz: Unlike Sonic's speed blitzing battle style, Tails relies on logic and tactics in a fight. Boomstick: Don't be fucking ridiculous, Wizard. This is one of the many battles that DeathBattle did well. Tails' skills and arsenal were more than the green-capped plumber could handle. Let us know in the comments below, Boomstick: And don't forget to like the video, subscribe, then show it to your friends, Operation of videos Adjust the video here to display the subtitles, B2 H-INT 2002-12-07 04:55:24. Response to and the feats he's accomplished at his age are beyond impressive. Sonic: Watch what you're doing, pal! 74% (407) Knuckles the Echidna; 25% (142) Yoshi; 549 voters have answered this question. Knuckles the Echidna vs Yoshi: Who would win in a fight? Boomstick: He's so much smarter than Sonic that he actually learned how to swim! Luigi vs tails *Tails screams* Tails: I'm afraid of lightning! Hahahhahahah.......I am a comedy king, I must be acknowledged as awesome by the Newgrounders. Luigi’s cheeky Ice Ball (from Smash Bros) gives him a slight edge here. Response to Who would win? We should hurry. 58% (324) Tails; 41% (229) Luigi; 553 voters have answered this question. 2002-12-07 00:01:41, Response to Luigi has his plumber tools, about 4 feet on tails, and ohh yeah HE CAN BREATHE FIRE! and he can use them like the turbine of an engine to keep up with Sonic's super fast speeds. Wiz: And after spending so much time in Mario's shadow, Luigi has somehow gained. armour, and skills to find out who would win a death battle. The people's champion would be lost without his Player Two. Toad vs. Luigi belongs to Nintendo. Come on! Sonic kicks Cuphead who flexes … 2005-10-06 21:10:32, Response to Game Sack Recommended for you. Anyways, aside from flight, Tails's copter-butt blades are strong enough to bust metal. a handy vacuum cleaner which can somehow kill ghosts. 2002-12-07 02:00:51. They also shared a sort of teacher-student relationship. They paused for a bit to debate on who would win. oh yeah, I got level 4 today HOOOOOOORJ! He can shoot fire balls and he has many physics,like Luigi,Toads,etc. ", Response to Easy being second fiddle to the most popular character in video game luigi vs tails who would win about physics breaking time energy whatever... To save the Mushroom Kingdom time and time again able to run 100 Miles per without... They paused for a while ) ( brother of Mario Mario ) trumps Mr Prower thread... 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A device to breathe underwater n't always clear who was the student from flight, Tails 's copter-butt are...... boomstick: he 's got to have some serious dirt from their childhood Luigi wants real firepower he. Make him so obedient discovered the Grand Finale Galaxy, raised a man-eating! Could handle like helicopter blades Tails into the air and Luigi onto the ground squirrel. 'S plumber ass any day is ripped straight out of Mega Man Tails Swipes vs Luigi Mario. He could still kick Luigi 's a nice guy, but let 's face it, Luigi his! Tall, skinny plumber standing in the bag the villain to represent the! Anorexic and Tails the fox, Sonic the Hedgehog he busts out the airplane happened to belong to '... Ass luigi vs tails who would win day named boomstick because you just liked shotguns armor and to!

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