• 19 jan

    rbc direct deposit e transfer

    RBC Direct Investing makes it easy to transfer an account. Interac e-Transfer: Bulk Request Money is a digital, subscription-based service that enables businesses to send multiple payment requests at once with automated reminders to streamline the process and save time. 0000185245 00000 n Back to top Step 4: Review and confirm. Follow the steps below. Either way, make sure you understand your bank’s policies for ACH direct deposits and direct payments. hide. 0000000016 00000 n Autodeposit is a feature of the Interac e-Transfer service. No more tricky conversions or … You will also need to have your 10-digit account number, which can be found on an RBC Direct Investing account statement. h�bb�g`b``Ń3� �� �|� endstream endobj 292 0 obj <>/Metadata 83 0 R/Pages 82 0 R/StructTreeRoot 85 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 293 0 obj >/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 294 0 obj <> endobj 295 0 obj <> endobj 296 0 obj [/ICCBased 330 0 R] endobj 297 0 obj <>stream It is possible to send international money transfers and there is a charge of C$13.50 to $45.00 transfer fee for each transaction⁹.The fee depends on the sending method. 0000020573 00000 n It’s a simple and fast way to send a friendly payback reminder. It is convenient, secure and reliable. 0000013707 00000 n 0000116174 00000 n 0000123379 00000 n How do I deposit an Interac e-Transfer? To edit or delete Autodeposit enrolment on EasyWeb: Select Interac e-Transfer ® from the left-hand navigation. Can I send money to people who aren't Desjardins members?. RBC Mobile is operated by Royal Bank of Canada, RBC Direct Investing Inc. and RBC Dominion Securities Inc. RBC Online Banking is operated by Royal Bank of Canada 2) An Interac e-Transfer fee of $1.00 for RBC personal savings accounts or $1.50 for RBC business deposit accounts may apply. If you don't have one of these packages or have exceeded the number of transactions included in your package, a $1.00 service charge may apply when you send an Interac e-Transfer. Find out how below, or follow the link to get started. Interac Debit on Mobile Point-of-sale checkout for mobile devices. Standard text messaging… Not only will you be able to access your payments more quickly, you can also be sure they will never be lost, stolen or damaged. Follow the prompts on the page to send a request. You will need to enter this as part of the CRA Direct Deposit enrollment process. ; Select Manage Autodeposit to see a list of your active Autodeposit accounts. 1 RBC Mobile is operated by Royal Bank of Canada, RBC Direct Investing Inc. and RBC Dominion Securities Inc. RBC Canada, RBC Wallet, RBC Rewards and RBC eGift are operated by Royal Bank of Canada. Some TD customers are complaining they can't deposit their e-transfer payments and that the bank isn't telling them why. Fees If you choose to deposit your Interac e-Transfer through online banking at a participating financial institution, there is no fee. no comments yet. 0000007990 00000 n This is great because the broker won't deduct anything from your deposits and you only have to calculate with the costs charged by the bank / third-party you send the money with. 291 0 obj <> endobj xref To edit or delete Autodeposit enrolment on EasyWeb: Select Interac e-Transfer ® from the left-hand navigation. 0000122190 00000 n It’s a convenient, secure way to accept funds. If someone sends you an Interac e-Transfer, you'll receive an email or text from Interac containing the sender's name. 0000034125 00000 n Get started with the TD app. Use strong security questions that literally no one else will know and tell them in person or on the phone Sign up for direct deposit now! Request Money is a feature of the Interac e-Transfer service. h�b````������X�� Ā B@1v����z��:2�00��Hd���� :[^t)�U�\��+n�Ȥ�ނF���W�L8T�* �q2�q�eE�,��=jyU6;6�Y ��RPɕl�\��� G��ۄ��'��A 4�����f��8��� )���py�r��r pe�*��>@g`��p�!����c5#[&�J�ی-��"_1�2�0ز^euex�h���h�j�j����4��R^C���h4˔1�т����!�����4{&�%cs:� ��v��%y�k`�1D1��u��6���6����$��A�њ�/�1fFn����L\�������5�ff`����0p�LҌ@� � Transfer money between your Canadian and U.S. RBC accounts instantly and for free 1 using RBC Online Banking or the RBC Mobile app. RBC Direct Investing Inc. will reimburse you up to $135 CDN in transfer fees paid by you to another financial institution when $15,000 CDN or more in investments is transferred into a new or existing RBC Direct Investing account. 0000011281 00000 n 0000042162 00000 n I’m the past with Desjardins it would hit Thursday morning. Cash and securities received after May 31, 2021 are not eligible for the Offer. 0000248522 00000 n best. Choose or add your recipient’s email or mobile number. We matched that to: What is Interac e-Transfer Autodeposit? RBC Direct Investing Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Royal Bank of Canada and is a Member of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada and the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. Transfer Stocks Now. 2. 3. Any transfers to the registered email address will be automatically deposited into this account. How do I edit or cancel my Interac e-Transfer Autodeposit enrolment? Autodeposit is a convenient feature that saves you time; the money you receive using Interac e-Transfer ® can automatically be deposited into your account without requiring you to sign-in to the TD app or EasyWeb. 0000047597 00000 n ... sign up for direct deposit and more with your online bank? In summary, Intercepted e-transfers are completely avoided by auto-deposit. 0000012239 00000 n Recipients of the request may have payment limits at their Financial Institutions. Wire transfers Wire transfers, on the other hand, are generally not free. share. 0000116948 00000 n Withdrawal 1 : MONEY2INDIA SUB TRANSFER - $ 0.ZZ. 0000219871 00000 n We matched that to: What do the statuses used for Interac e-Transfer mean? 0000010874 00000 n Interac e-transfers® and Mobile Deposit. 2 An Interac e-Transfer fee of $1.00 for RBC personal savings accounts or $1.50 for RBC business deposit accounts may apply. Ask them to send you an Interac e-Transfer using the Request Money4 feature. All you need is the recipient's name and email address or mobile number. 0000011688 00000 n Direct Withdrawal; Cheques; Security / Support. We matched that to: How do I receive money using Interac e-Transfer? 0000012351 00000 n It's easy. 0000004245 00000 n Good news! And you’re good to go. 0000116060 00000 n EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT Agency Name: AUTHORIZATION Print Employee Full Name: _____ Employee ID #: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I wish to have my employer deposit my net pay and/or travel reimbursements and/ or a fixed amount(s) each payday directly to my 2 An Interac e-Transfer fee of $1.00 for RBC personal savings accounts or $1.50 for RBC business deposit accounts may apply. When you transfer $15,000 or more, we’ll reimburse you up to $200 in fees that may be charged by your other financial institution. 0000123718 00000 n 100% Upvoted. Transfers are almost instant, but can take up to 30 minutes depending on your bank or … Christmas … 0000189046 00000 n Or follow the directions to add a new contact. From paying back a friend to paying your rent, you can send or receive money at any time online or from a mobile device. Send Money - Pending Statuses. 0000002717 00000 n To edit or delete Autodeposit enrolment on EasyWeb: Select Interac e-Transfer ® from the left-hand navigation. 0000123084 00000 n Foreign currency basics for RBC Royal Bank. Pay U.S. Bills in U.S. Select an account from the Deposit To dropdown menu. Recipients are notified via email or text message, and can deposit the money immediately through their Financial Institution’s online banking service. 0000002378 00000 n The additional $1 fee for Interac e-Transfers® is no longer applicable(1). If they have a bank account at a Canadian financial institution, you can send money any time by using the Interac e-Transfer service available in RBC Online Banking1 or the RBC Mobile1 app. 0000017524 00000 n Please contact the appropriate financial institution for more information on potential Interac e-Transfer fees. 0000245629 00000 n Still, in certain circumstances, they can be just what the banker ordered. 0000185629 00000 n 0000121447 00000 n 0000004359 00000 n 0000117090 00000 n Deposit 1 : MONEY2INDIA PYMT TRANSFER $ 0.XX. e-Transfer 2 On the Move Money screen, tap on “Send an Interac e-Transfer”. Enter your email address and link your account. Autodeposit adds another layer of security and convenience, allowing you to bypass the need for security questions altogether. How do I increase the Overdraft Protection limit on my chequing account online? With Interac e-Transfer Autodeposit 2 to disclaimer, it really is that simple! 0000006326 00000 n 0000013204 00000 n However, any financial institution may choose to change their service plans and fee structure at any time. Any transfers to the registered email address will be automatically deposited into this account. 0000117167 00000 n 0000032875 00000 n RBC Express users will see an alert to register for CRA Direct Deposit as soon as you have signed in. Fund transfers to your RBC Direct Investing account from an RBC Royal Bank account will be processed in real-time for cash investment, margin, RRSP and TFSA accounts between the hours of 4:30 am and 7:54 pm. 1 From the home screen, tap on “Move Money”. 0000119221 00000 n Interac e-Transfer Transaction Status Descriptions. Register for Autodeposit in RBC Online Banking. Direct deposit is a way to receive your payments without any postal delay. Fees If you choose to deposit your Interac e-Transfer through online banking at a participating financial institution, there is no fee. No security question or selecting your financial institution. Our Role in The Future of Mobility in Canada; Interac Flash Faster checkout for smaller purchases. ... and to transfer, weekly, semi-monthly, monthly or quarterly, such amount to my RBC Direct Investing account. Learn more here. Not only will you be able to access your payments more quickly, you can also be sure they will never be lost, stolen or damaged. If you wish to edit, select Edit. 1 RBC Mobile is operated by Royal Bank of Canada, RBC Direct Investing Inc. and RBC Dominion Securities Inc. RBC Canada, RBC Wallet, RBC Rewards and RBC eGift are operated by Royal Bank of Canada. 0000117424 00000 n Its direct competitors in Canada include brokerages owned by big banks such as TD Direct Investing, as well as independent online brokers like Questrade and Wealthsimple Trade. What is Interac e-Transfer? Imagine your friend sending you an Interac e-Transfer 1 to disclaimer, and just like that... the money is deposited directly into your account. Select Send INTERAC e-Transfer; Select “Autodeposit” from the menu near the top of the page. Review the Autodeposit terms. As you may already know, Interac e-Transfer Autodeposit is a fast and convenient way to send money. 0000001896 00000 n The security benefits of Interac e-Transfer Autodeposit are an important consideration, given the recent rise in COVID-19-related fraud attempts against Canadians. Sign on. The additional $1 fee for Interac e-Transfers® is no longer applicable(1). Interac e-Transfer is a way to send and receive money directly from one bank account to another. 0000115959 00000 n E-FORM 801 (11/2018) RBC Direct Investing Inc. and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. RBC Direct Investing Inc. and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. Good news! You must provide a copy of the statement from the transferring financial institution showing the transfer charge within six months to qualify for the reimbursement. Mobile; Web; FAQ – Interac e-Transfer. It is convenient, secure and reliable. Discover the fast, secure way to send money to someone at the Caisse or with an account at another participating Canadian financial institution. 0000015223 00000 n Did you know you can transfer stocks between your RBC Direct Investing accounts? Get immediate access to your accounts and enjoy the ability to send, receive and request money using the Interac e-Transfer service. There's no need to go through the security Q&A process. 0000115982 00000 n Set up Payroll Direct Deposit. So Long, Drafts and Wires! 0000117283 00000 n Transfers completed outside of those hours will be processed on the next business day. For a definition of an unauthorized transaction and for full details regarding the protections and limitations of the RBC Online Banking Security Guarantee, please see your, Autodeposit and Request Funds are a feature of the, Disclosures & Agreements related to Personal Deposit Accounts, Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Info, On the right side of the Accounts Summary page, select, On the Pay Bills & Transfer Funds page, on the left-hand side, select. 0000038762 00000 n Be the first to share what you think! You can view the transaction details in your bank account on the second or third working day from the date of registration for e-Transfer. 0000144506 00000 n If you're unsure of the name appearing on their auto-deposit, you call and ask. (Chris Wattie/Reuters) comments. 0000019215 00000 n Interac e-Transfer is a fast, secure and convenient way to send money to anyone in Canada using online banking. The mode of transmission (email or text) is decided by the sender when sending the transfer. 0000135140 00000 n How can I view my direct deposit information and get the form in the TD app? I agree to notify my employer immediately of any changes to the information so that my pay may be properly distributed. Enter the amount and a security question (no need if the recipient has registered for Interac e-Transfer ® Autodeposit). 0000004006 00000 n `�kػ��I/��¯�gP�d�n� �p[�. Customers should check with those banks, as terms and conditions may vary. Setting up Autodeposit is easy and only requires a one-time registration. Click here for a list of participating banks and credit unions, and to learn more about the Interac e-Transfer Autodeposit feature. In order to receive an Interac† e-Transfer transaction immediately, the recipient must bank online with Scotiabank, BMO Bank of Montreal, CIBC, President's Choice Financial, RBC Royal Bank, TD Canada Trust, ING Direct, ATB Financial, Desjardins or National Bank. It’s as easy as sending money with Interac e-Transfer: Head to your online banking or mobile app and select the account. ... • Please attach a sample personalized deposit slip or cheque marked "VOID". The good news is that there are other modern ways you can use to make a purchase online other than Visa or MasterCard and direct bank wire transfer. Fund transfers to your RBC Direct Investing account from an RBC Royal Bank account will be processed in real-time for cash investment, margin, RRSP and TFSA accounts between the hours of 4:30 am and 7:54 pm. ; Enter an amount and then select your RBC Royal Bank chequing or savings account in the “From Account #” field and your RBC Direct Investing account in the “To Account #” field. If you have an Apple device, you can even send money using voice command and iMessage. You can send an Interac e-Transfer easily through RBC Online Banking or the RBC Mobile app. 0000013623 00000 n 0000153303 00000 n Service not applicable for US personal chequing accounts. This will take you to the Send Money page. If you wish to edit, select Edit. Benefits of Interac e-Transfer ® Simplify your transactions with Interac e-Transfer ®. We matched that to: How do I edit or cancel my Interac e-Transfer Autodeposit enrolment? While the notifications are sent through email or text, your money is always transferred through RBC Online Banking or the RBC Mobile app, which are protected with multiple layers of security. How do I edit or cancel my Interac e-Transfer Autodeposit enrolment? When sending an Interac e-Transfer, always use safe email, security and password practices. Direct deposit is a way to receive your payments without any postal delay. What is the maximum amount I can send using Interac? 0000017181 00000 n Transfer money between your Canadian and U.S. RBC accounts instantly and for free 1 using RBC Online Banking or the RBC Mobile app. 0000005639 00000 n Make sure you’ve already downloaded the RBC Mobile app and are signed in. Thats my case today. Interac Debit Secure point-of-sale payments. Fill out the fields requested – only instead of the recipient, you’re filling out sender information. 0000012864 00000 n Find answers to all your questions about Interac e-Transfers. save. 0000016595 00000 n Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. ; Pay U.S. Bills in U.S. 0000054306 00000 n Interac e-Transfer Easy invoicing, payroll and deposits. You’ll receive a message from Interac stating that setup is almost done. You must retain Transferred Assets in the Eligible Account until August 31, 2021. H��Vˊ$7��W�:[�GJ�e��/�b�Ϧ=;6��1�G��z4�9�����2F������|������͛�w��wo�~s��-_�ȑ�)P��H-�E(������Xu����Z���)���ᱮR�P%E9�Z�D�c�5䒛��1�o*��q����U��|&}��Oˉ�[�� �;!����e6@R�u���Hq��&M5�.�$*`n�E2��uK��V RBC business deposit accounts will incur an Interac e-Transfer fee of $1.50 for each funds request sent. EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT Agency Name: AUTHORIZATION Print Employee Full Name: _____ Employee ID #: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I wish to have my employer deposit my net pay and/or travel reimbursements and/ or a fixed amount(s) each payday directly to my account(s) as indicated. Deposit 2 : MONEY2INDIA PYMT TRANSFER $ 0.YY. If you have The Connected, The Total, The Modest or The Minimalist package or one of our offers for professionals and students, Interac e-Transfer are included. Autodeposit is a convenient feature that saves you time; the money you receive using Interac e-Transfer ® can automatically be deposited into your account without requiring you to sign-in to the TD app or EasyWeb. 0000016848 00000 n We’ll fully reimburse you for any unauthorized transactions3 made. 0000222764 00000 n But are you aware that setting up the Autodeposit feature also offers cyber security benefits that help protect you? When you receive money using Interac e-Transfer ®, you'll get an email or text message from Interac telling you that a person or business has sent you money.. View Legal Disclaimer. Select “Interac e-Transfer”. Create passwords and questions that are unique and not easily guessed or obtained by others. %PDF-1.4 %���� Select Manage Autodeposit to see a list of your active Autodeposit accounts. Autodeposit is an Interac e-Transfer feature that allows users to register to have incoming Interac e–Transfer funds deposited directly into their bank account – no security question and answer needed. 0000006041 00000 n 0000121783 00000 n 0000262965 00000 n 0000017861 00000 n Transferring stocks into your account . An Interac e-Transfer fee of $1.00 for RBC personal savings accounts may apply. report. However, any financial institution may choose to change their service plans and fee structure at any time. Sort by. Important note: When enrolling for CRA Direct Deposit, please have your CRA Business Number (BN), including your CRA Program Account Identifier for payroll ready. 0000035246 00000 n 0000116250 00000 n $ Fax: 1-888-722-2388 Whether you've just started a new job and need to set up a direct deposit/payroll or if you've opened a new account and need to switch your payroll, we can help you get paid the quick and easy way with payroll direct deposit into your RBC Royal Bank account in … Choose a contact. Transfer cash from your RBC Royal Bank ® account in real time . 0000267779 00000 n You can cancel and reclaim an Interac e-Transfer easily through RBC Online Banking or the RBC Mobile app as long as it has not been deposited by the recipient. Sign up for direct deposit now! Standard text messaging… Money you receive with Interac e-Transfer® can be automatically deposited into your account. CIBC Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Direct Deposit is an electronic payment service that provides your business with a fast and simple way to issue Canadian and U.S. dollar payments to accounts at any financial institution in Canada. ... TransferWise offers the convenience of sending money direct to your recipient’s bank - but can save you 8x compared to making the same transaction with your regular bank. If you have a common name, you most likely also have a common email. There's no need to go through the security Q&A process. Intercepted Interac e-Transfers SUCK. Money transfers will be deposited to this account once setup is complete. Transfer money in just a few clicks using Interac e-Transfers online or via the mobile app. * ; Sent - The notification to the recipient has been sent, and the money is available to deposit. To send, follow the easy-to-use instructions on screen: Log into your online or mobile banking app and select the account. If you have registered your email address for Autodeposit, the money will be automatically deposited into your account without the need to answer a security question. Select Send INTERAC e-Transfer; Select “Autodeposit” from the menu near the top of the page. How much money can I send and request using Interac e-transfer? 1. 0000002558 00000 n Some conditions apply. View Legal DisclaimersHide Legal Disclaimers, Legal | Accessibility | Privacy & Security, RBC Mobile is operated by Royal Bank of Canada, RBC Direct Investing Inc. and RBC Dominion Securities Inc. RBC Online Banking is operated by Royal Bank of Canada, If an unauthorized transaction is conducted through your RBC Online Banking service, you will be 100% reimbursed for any resulting losses to those accounts. Learn how to deposit Interac e-Transfers you receive using the Desjardins mobile app and on your computer. 0000119527 00000 n To streamline and automate the process, RBC is the first bank in Canada to offer the Interac e-Transfer: Bulk Request Money feature to its business banking clients. Transfer or deposit a minimum of $5000CDN cash and/or securities (‘Transferred Assets’) between January 6, 2021 and May 31, 2021 inclusive. Is there a charge for using Interac e-Transfer? ACH transfers can be a relatively hassle-free way to send money or receive it. You can easily view the status of your Interac e-Transfer through RBC Online Banking and the RBC Mobile app. �g� endstream endobj 369 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[85 206]/Length 30/Size 291/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream It's easier than cheques, more secure than cash, and is FREE for all personal chequing accounts2. INTERAC e-Transfer service enables you to send money online, securely and quickly to anyone with a Canadian deposit account and an email address or mobile phone. Please contact the appropriate financial institution for more information on potential Interac e-Transfer fees. to Online Banking or the Mobile Banking App. Interac e-Transfer even allows you to send follow-up reminders. RBC Direct Investing is an online brokerage platform for self-directed investors who want to trade stocks, ETFs, and other investment securities. 31. If you use e-transfers only with who you know and trust, them having either Auto-Deposit enabled or having the securest e-mail and security questions possible you can make sure the intended recipients get their money. 0000144467 00000 n Add RBC Direct Investing to your other financial institution’s online banking: If you bank online with another financial institution, simply add “RBC Direct Investing Inc.” as a bill payee to transfer the funds from a chequing or savings account. Thanks In advance:) 0 comments . Easily send money through email or text message. 0000185129 00000 n Transfer Stock. Knowing the alternative payments is important because Canadian gamblers can also use their credit or debit cards to fund these accounts. Fund transfers to your RBC Direct Investing account from an RBC Royal Bank account will be processed in real-time for cash investment, margin, RRSP and TFSA accounts between the hours of 4:30 am and 7:54 pm. 291 80 The participating bank or credit union transfers the funds using established and secure banking procedures. 0000009960 00000 n Royal Bank of Canada FREE - On Google Play. Reduce the uncertainties associated with the timing of payments and the possibility of fraud from lost or misdirected cheques. Create a new e-mail for auto-deposit and give it ONLY to people you know and trust. Dollars Pay for rental, utility and department store bills even when you’re in Canada. 0000044441 00000 n Visit My Portfolio in the online investing site to transfer funds to your RBC Direct Investing ® account. Interac Debit for In-App & In-Browser Payments Easy payment on mobile devices. Please note that there are no cash advance fees to transfer your CEBA funds. Transfer funds, deposit cheques and pay bills in the U.S. for one low monthly fee with the cross-border RBC Direct Checking Account. Have funds deposited directly into your account. 0000259548 00000 n Learn how to set up your first Autodeposit or add a … Dollars Pay for rental, utility and department store bills even when you’re in Canada. 0000185358 00000 n It's true! 0000050753 00000 n You can register up to 5 different email addresses to direct funds into different Vancity accounts. 0000010371 00000 n 0000004396 00000 n 0000185168 00000 n Want to send money to your child, landlord, co-worker or a friend? In this bank, making a direct deposit is a 50/50 scenario. For tangerine I get them Wednesday evening. 1. 0000116613 00000 n GPS Program: To guide, protect and support you ; Guaranteed 100% Secure program; Interac e-transfers® and Mobile Deposit. RBC Royal Bank offers bank accounts in either Canadian or US dollars, based on the information we could find on their website. Transfers completed outside of those hours will … Want to remind a friend to pay you back for lunch or about that gift you split the cost on? Transfers completed outside of those hours will be processed on the next business day. Select the Continue button. RBC Direct Investing does not charge a deposit fee. Does anyone know when Direct Deposits from ADP get processed by RBC? If you agree, select the Agree button. Enter your email address and link your account. E-FORM 362 (12/2019) RBC Direct Investing Inc. and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. You can then transfer the funds from your RBC Visa CreditLine for Small Business directly to your RBC business banking account while in RBC Online Banking for Business or RBC Express ; As you transfer your CEBA funds into your RBC Business Deposit Account, the balance will adjust. How do I make sure my Interac e-Transfer Security Question is strong and effective? Initiated - The money has been withdrawn from the sender's account, and the notification to the recipient is being processed. trailer <<4E13346088F4430F8BE3E0E3DF690021>]/Prev 722730/XRefStm 2378>> startxref 0 %%EOF 370 0 obj <>stream Select Manage Autodeposit to see a list of your active Autodeposit accounts. 0000134885 00000 n Email money transfer … In order to receive an Interac† e-Transfer transaction immediately, the recipient must bank online with Scotiabank, BMO Bank of Montreal, CIBC, President's Choice Financial, RBC Royal Bank, TD Canada Trust, ING Direct, ATB Financial, Desjardins or National Bank. 0000009462 00000 n 0000153264 00000 n You can register up to 5 different email addresses to direct funds into different Vancity accounts. An online brokerage platform for self-directed investors who want to remind a friend to pay you back for lunch about... E-Mail for auto-deposit and give it only to people you know you can even send money money receive... 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