• 19 jan

    sikadur 32 pdf

    Espesor de Capa ~ 1 mm máx. endstream Em caso de contato com a pele : Remover imediatamente a roupa e os sapatos contaminados. Sikadur®-32 Normal April 2020, Version 02.02 020204030010000217 PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sikadur®-32 Normal 2-COMPONENT STRUCTURAL EPOXY BONDING AGENT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Sikadur®-32 Normal is a moisture tolerant, structural, two part bonding agent, based on a combination of epoxy resins and special fillers, designed for use at Sikadur®-32 LP ®1 1/3 Construction Sikadur -32 / Sikadur®-32 LP Sikadur®-32 LP . x��Z��� ��S� �:K~��h��e�y�L;7}��)�vlefg�?�?q"�g�#�_/f^��q2s*��������Sv~��c�]���w����h3��Ƅ���bL��u��1�~g_�w�a���o�J�O��}��'͈w�H�s$>H��06ލM7c�3�^�����x`�gg�� �G���鞊���)PԂd>�'[c3P�%xe�w�(/�Rωe�u-\'�����r�g��_���*�?�vq~J���\bN����s��ni,�j)_�ҕ| ���H��ׯ`ӐR���H�R̀fAӡ9ݳ�͆�Ѽ!�P����. Produktdatablad Dato: 04/2014 Sikadur®-32 1/2 Sikadur®-32 Construction Sikadur®-32 Epoksylim Produktbeskrivelse Sikadur®-32 er et 2-komponent hurtigherdende, løsemiddelfritt epoksylim. %PDF-1.4 Sikadur®-32 EF January 2020, Version 03.01 020204030010000145 PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sikadur®-32 EF EPOXY STRUCTURAL BONDING AGENT DESCRIPTION Sikadur®-32 EF is a 2-part, epoxy based structural bonding agent. (EN 1799) Temperatura del Producto Sikadur®-32 EF debe aplicarse a temperaturas entre +10ºC y +30ºC. Sikadur®-32 Hi-Mod LPL offers a long pot life and contact time even at 100 °F (38 °C). \�vZ� Z�e�NH�zS��T���o۲��/J���חjWl%-�jm�pr�〶B�s7��>c}���Ȗ��|�qҌ���joku�����< endobj ���� JFIF d d �� Ducky d ��http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/ SIK_Logo_Claim_R_Step1_ �� HPhotoshop 3.0 8BIM Z %G 8BIM% ���ȷ�x/4b4Xw��� Adobe d� �� � �� f ��� Razão de Mistura A : B = 2 : 1 (em peso) Cura Inicial 24 horas Cura Final 7 dias Informações do sistema Detalhes de aplicação Preparo da Superfície A superfície deve estar seca, limpa, livre de impurezas, pinturas, poeira, óleo, graxa, desmoldantes, nata de cimento, ferrugem, etc. <>stream Sikadur®-32 LP September 2020, Version 02.01 020204030010000120 PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sikadur®-32 LP Epoxy resin Bonding Agent DESCRIPTION Sikadur®-32 LP is a solvent-free, two component bonding agent, based on selected epoxy resins. ��5'�S6��DTsEF7Gc(UVW�����d�t��e�����)8f�u*9:HIJXYZghijvwxyz������������������������������������������������������� m!1 "AQ2aqB�#�R�b3 �$��Cr��4%�ScD�&5T6Ed' SikaDur 32 is a two component, solvent free, cold cured epoxy bonding agent.. Causes serious eye damage. 1/2 Sikadur®-32 Hi-Mod HIGH-MODULUS, HIGH-STRENGTH, EPOXY-BASED PROTECTIVE COATING AND BONDING ADHESIVE Description Sikadur®-32 Hi-Mod, is a multi-purpose, two-component, solvent-free, moisture-insensitive, structural epoxy adhesive and protective coating. Localized out-of-plane variations, including form lines, should not exceed 1/32 in. USES Sikadur®-32 may only be used by experienced profes-sionals. Lavar com sabão e muita água. May cause respiratory irritation. Sikadur®-32 é um adesivo estrutural à base de resina epóxi, de média viscosidade (fluido), bicomponente, especialmente formulado para colagens em geral, de concreto velho com concreto novo e chapas metálicas ao concreto. Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure. Sikadur®-32 Normal is used as a structural bonding agent and adhesive for: Sikadur-32Primer-es-CO-(09-2018)-1-3.pdf Sika Colombia S.A.S Vereda Canavita, Km 20.5 Autopista Norte Tocancipá Cundinamarca Colombia phone: +57 1 878 6333 e-mail: sika_colombia@co.sika.com web: col.sika.com Hoja de Datos del Producto Sikadur®-32 Primer Septiembre 2018, Versión 01.03 020204030010000136 4 / 4 Product Description . 0,3-0,8 kg/m2 Feldolgozási tudnivalók: Bedolgozási feltétel: Megengedett legkisebb alapfelületi hőmérséklet +5 °C. Sikadur-32 Scope: Epoxy Resin Bonding Agent for Concrete ( Solvent free, two component and bonding agent ) Preliminary Works and surface preparation 1.1 Clean out surfaces, using small wire brushes or compressed air to remove all loose and friable materials, as well as mud and other impurities. Sikadur®-32 TH October 2019, Version 01.01 020204030010000233 PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sikadur®-32 TH 2 -COMPONENT EPOXY RESIN BONDING AGENT DESCRIPTION Sikadur®-32 TH is a solvent-free, 2-component bond-ing agent, based on selected epoxy resins. Epoxy Resin Bonding Agent . USES Structural adhesive for bonding: Product Data Sheet (PDS) PDF - 272 KB (en) Sikadur®-32 Hi-Mod Part A . How to Use Surface Preparation The concrete surface should be prepared to a minimum concrete surface profile (CSP) 3 defined by the ICRI surface-profile chips. Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child. <>stream Sikadur®-32 Hi-Mod High-Modulus, High-Strength, Epoxy-Based Protective Coating and Bonding Adhesive High-build, chemically resistant and protective coating. !=J�{Y�{{i�^^$7��� b+�5<5 )�zd���e}��E}{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^���||��� �n˧�a�ro�f�;$����V�h�K #}�US��Z��6ԧ�k��=����S���ūb��nv�z@e#"����^+Fd��ϐ?~o���Wkۚ�0�$T�D Sikadur 32 Part A SAFETY DATA SHEET Date of issue - 25/04/2002. Hoja De Datos Del Producto Sikadur®-32 Gel Abril 2019, Versión 01.01 020204030010000135 3 / 3 Sikadur-32Gel-es-PE-(04-2019)-1-1.pdf After ap-plication to old concrete surfaces, it provides a perfect bond for new concrete. g ��B���[m��'u`��YC ��Re1����Ed)b���0��\����ݟp�j�P�}o+F�x�SB>c#P��=��{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{���ݸM��s��q� : 916 57 23 75 Fax: 916 62 19 38 Hoja De Datos Del Producto Sikadur®-32 Fix Diciembre 2018, Versión 02.01 020204030010000128 3 / 3 USES Sikadur®-32 Hi-Mod may only be used by experienced professionals. Sika and Sikadur are registered trademarks. <>stream Sikadur®-32 Normal Part B Versão 1.0 Numero da FISPQ: 100000007160 Data da revisão: 08.09.2015 3 / 10 Após exposição prolongada, consultar um médico. Sikadur®-32 is a multi-purpose structural epoxy adhes-ive, with medium viscosity (fluid), two component, for bonding new concrete on old concrete, metal sheets on concrete and use in general anchoring. ����VZ May cause cancer by inhalation. 9 0 obj L.���d����c�n�� _5]d��7�WU��� ��kv�b��}�?v��b�|��,��-]ۂ����=�� ���}�kMw�R�A�Sʼn�Uf>J. Sikadur®-32 Normal is a moisture tolerant, structural, two part bonding agent, based on a combination of epoxy resins and special fillers, designed for use at temperatures between +10 °C and +30 °C. Feldolgozási idő (1 kg): Sikadur -32 Sikadur -32 LP +30 °C-on 15 perc +20 °C-on 25 perc 90 perc +10 °C-on 60 perc +5 °C-on 120 perc Anyagfelhasználás: Az alapfelület érdességétől függően kb. 5 0 obj É necessário tratamento médico imediato, visto que as lesões May cause an allergic skin reaction. 1 0 obj USES 1A2# QBa$3Rq�b�%C���&4r Apesar de possuir consistência fluida, não é autonivelante. %���� C�0�Ua�=�����ۻ��1�B�>72��!���]��QJKD���#��A�^�{{�����ܝ��V��T2_�;��S4WÀAx�Ҵc�^��)Y�,]r���+�_e�r Sikadur® -32 Gel A Versión 0.0 Fecha de revisión: 2018/01/24 Número de HDS: 100000013057 Fecha de la última revisión: - Fecha de la primera emisión: 2017/11/22 4 / 13 Síntomas y efectos más im-portante, agudos y retarda-dos : Efectos irritantes, efectos sensibilizantes, reacciones alérgi- (1 mm). %���� USES Sikadur®-32TH Part A SDS Number: 000000608572 Revision Date: 2018/06/22 Version 2.0 4 / 9 Advice on safe handling : Do not breathe vapours or spray mist. Do not get in eyes, on skin, … u!" USES Sikadur®-32 LP EPOXY RESIN BONDING AGENT DESCRIPTION Sikadur®-32 LP is a moisture tolerant, structural, two part bonding agent, based on a combination of epoxy resins and special fillers, designed with a longer potlife or working time for use at higher temperatures, between +20 °C and +40 °C. Sikadur®-32 TH March 2020, Version 01.02 020204030010000233 PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sikadur®-32 TH 2 -COMPONENT EPOXY RESIN BONDING AGENT DESCRIPTION Sikadur®-32 TH is a solvent-free, 2-component bond-ing agent, based on selected epoxy resins. Sikadur®-32 Normal 1 1/5 ruction Sikadur® -3 2 Normal Sikadur®-32 Normal 2-part structural epoxy bonding agent Product Description Sikadur®-32 Normal is a moisture tolerant, structural, two part bonding agent, based on a combination of epoxy resins and special fillers, designed for use at temperatures between +10°C and +30°C. USES Sikadur®-32 LP may only be used by experienced pro- USOS Sikadur®-32 deve ser usado apenas por profissionais Sikadur®-32 Part A 13.09.20134/11 SECTION 5: Firefighting measures Promptly isolate the scene by removing all persons from the vicinity of the incident if there is a fire. Sikadur®-32 Hi-Mod LPL conforms to the current ASTM C-881, Types I and II, Grade-2, Class-C and AASHTO M-235 specifications. Sikadur®-32 Normal is used as a structural bonding agent and adhesive for: Concrete elements (including bonding fresh to hardened concrete) Hard natural stone Ceramics, fibre-cement Mortar, Bricks, Masonry Steel, Iron, Aluminium Wood Polyester / fibreglass and … Sikadur®-32 Hi-Mod is a multi-purpose, 2-component, 100 % solids, moisture-tolerant structural epoxy adhesive. Sikadur®-32 N August 2020, Version 01.02 020204030010000125 PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sikadur®-32 N 2-part structural epoxy bonding agent DESCRIPTION Sikadur®-32 N is a moisture tolerant, structural, two part bonding agent, based on a combination of epoxy resins and special fillers, designed for use at temperat-ures between +10°C and +30°C. s��Ft����UeuV7��������)��������������(GWf8v��������gw��������HXhx��������9IYiy��������*:JZjz���������� ? After ap-plication to old concrete surfaces, it provides a perfect bond for new concrete. USES Tixotropía En superficies verticales no descuelga hasta ~ 1 mm de espesor. This material is toxic to aquatic organisms. Bond fresh, plastic concrete to hardened concrete and steel. Bonds all types of construction materials such as timber, brick, steel, iron, glass and … Consumo El consumo de Sikadur®-32 EF es ~1,2-1,4 kg/m2 por mm de espesor. Sikadur®‐32 Hi‐Mod Part B Revision Date 08/23/2017 Print Date 08/23/2017 4 / 14 and symptoms. �/}vg�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺�QQ%�5:�B�$�M#���jY�� >݂ �fKkug�����%���U@�$� '�"�I�XaRһPI$� N �t�M���=���D�{S70��#�>sg���Vt�J��j"PE8� F��u���n`�oٷŌ�ە���m������ Printed in Canada. Sikadur®-32 Hi-Mod LPL is a multi-purpose, 2-component, 100% solids, moisture-tolerant, structural epoxy adhesive. %PDF-1.7 Fire water contaminated with this material must be contained and prevented from being discharged to any waterway, sewer or drain. Structural epoxy adhesive 1/2 Sikadur®-32 Construction Sikadur®-32 Epoksylim Produktbeskrivelse Sikadur®-32 er et 2-komponent hurtigherdende, løsemiddelfritt Epoksylim moisture and... 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