star citizen average fps
The average FPS wasn't as impressive, but still an increase, from 51FPS to 88FPS. The change: CSGO fps goes over 400 (not 9000) along with stable and good performance across all other systems. Hiro Protagonist. If you stay out in space yes. :D, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the starcitizen community. Ultra is the same as Low. main question here : --->> what is the best hardware upgrade (price/performance) for me to run SC smoother <<--- I started playing SC recently and I thought my hardware wopuld be strong enough to run SC smooth on 1080P everywhere. ... During last 4 quarters RSI has completed average of 8.75 tasks related to SQ 42 chapters each quarter. Very sporadic, waiting for 3.0. Mining represents the beginning of a (possible!) 1080P you should easily get 60 FPS with RX 5700XT. Star Citizen Overview. Star Citizen is an incredibly ambitious space combat sim in which the plan is you can go anywhere, do anything, and be anyone. 0. asurania Posts: 19. Unlike in FPS games and other titles we've recently tested, Star Citizen is presently far more forgiving at sub-60 framerates. [ Login for our full report ], GeForce RTX 3070 Zotac Gaming Twin Edge White OC 8GB, GeForce GTX 1660 Super Gigabyte Gaming OC 6GB, GeForce GTX 1080 EVGA SuperClocked ACX 3.0 8GB Edition. Personally I'm getting 100+ fps in the hangar at 1080p and 65+ at 1440p both at highest settings. Search for game Frames Per Second and compare your rig to other members New - Ordered by date, the newest comments at the top, Star Citizen vs Avg. This is an average score out of 10 left by our most trusted members. (So no, 3.1 will not improve this. This graphics benchmark looks at GPU performance in Star Citizen's 1.1.3 build, testing framerates at various settings and resolutions. Yeah I've read that the netcode is the issue for now, my performance is much better in the solo modes. Despite my high-end configuration, the FPS numbers hardly differ from my predecessor PC (i7-4770K, GTX 1080 Ti). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. the reason you see players meeting at the hacking point is because it's an artificial bottleneck, not many players meeting randomly. Star Citizen entwickelt sich beständig weiter. People always talk about the slow fps but it's nice to put actual numbers to it, AMD FX8730 8-core @ 4GHz - dual GTX Titan Xs in SLI - 32GB RAM. Devs had fun bringing the expo to life, while continuing to forge ahead, sights set on the upcoming release of Alpha 3.4. Its FPS aspect is inspired by the likes of Rainbow Six , ARMA , Counter-Strike and Killzone , so you instantly know that the combat mechanics are very action oriented, fast-paced, and decisive. Star Citizen Wiki. Just curious! Eventually, after a lot moing, I decided to disable the on board graphics in the BIOS completely, it had been set to auto. I can't say nothing about Shadowplay because I have AMD. JonDadley Posts: 91. It's like being stuck in a heavy traffic. Star Citizen is a sci-fi MMO in development from Cloud Imperium Games Corporation and Chris Roberts, designer of the famous Wing Commander and Privateer series. Star Citizen – 3.1 Review and Personal Opinions NOTE: This review represents my own personal view of the project. 1,189 posts; 1,189 posts; Location: Motor City; Posted March 8. i7-6700K @ 4,5 GHz, 16 GiByte DDR4-2400 RAM. I've been playing Wolfenstein: New Order before I buy Wolfenstein 2 and revisiting Far Cry 3, I'm also playing Mass Effect Andromeda on PS4 sometimes. As you can see, the RX Vega 10 runs CS:GO and Rocket League perfectly fine even in 1080p. Hellooo..! The problem looks like be the SC client is not handling well overlays such: Steam, AMD, Windows Gaming, etc. Pilot spaceships, farm for resources, race, even board a ship for first-person shooter action. Pretty sure this game wouldn't run well at all with my PC, mainly due to my GPU being an RX 470. While Star Citizen is commonly known as a SpaceSim MMO in the making, many may be surprised to know that the entire game takes place from the first-person perspective. So little more research for boosting star citizen system performance (FPS) and I have the following results: GPU usage in hanger : 61% ; CPU usage in hanger : 62% (all cores) FPS in hanger : 50 fps; GPU usage in AC: 44%; CPU usage in AC : 57%; FPS in AC : 33 fps (but seems smoother) All values are averages and flight-time was around 30-35 minutes. We’ve already seen very promising results in the overall playability and user experience in Star Citizen in Alpha 3.7 thanks to our recent transition to Staggered Development. With Star Citizen Alpha 3.2 we introduced a detailed telemetry page, presenting data we receive from clients playing Star Citizen. The latest system requirements News for Star Citizen. So i tryed out some games with that new Card: Forza 4 : 70 fps, pretty much all the time World of Warcraft : 30-70 fps Squad : 30-70 fps Compared to the Benchmarks on youtube and several magazines those numbers arent even on pair with the GTX 1080. What are you all getting? Report Save. I get between 30 and 70 FPS on average (no clue why is changing so much, especially since last time it dropped I was just in quantum drive) My Specs: 3800x, 2070 Super, Samsung 970 Evo SSD, 16 GB 3600 Ram . The latest Star Citizen Alpha adds significant new gameplay features including cave environments, first-person mining, and player inventories. Just don't keep changing your settings every 5 minutes because it won't change. Main Score reflects how great this pc game is on this platform. Medium Setting. I wouldn't say its high end, but FPS seems fine to me, in cities almost everyone gets around 30. Low Setting . First an information for all who think about a PC upgrade because of Star Citizen: The bad FPS in the game are at a certain point no longer caused by your hardware but by the servers and the still missing optimization of Star Citizen. Related: Star Citizen’s Star Marine FPS module launching in “weeks” Star Citizen offers its backers a bumpy ride before arriving at its destination. The average FPS wasn't as impressive, but still an increase, from 51FPS to 88FPS. Star Citizen & SQ4 Roadmap (updated February 27th) ... with the added task in return as a new version of character customization. I've got a GTX970, i7-3820, 16gb of 1866 RAM, and I run around 20FPS on low graphic settings. This shows that the average isn’t the most reliable gauge. During major in-game events, Star Citizen's alpha has achieved 100,000 players in a single day, Roberts said. While we still have a lot more to do, we plan on maintaining this newfound momentum and pushing for a greater breadth of quality of life changes/fixes in the patches to come. While there is no way to predict client performance as there are too many user-controlled variables that may impact FPS, the heat-map values will give you a good understanding of the average performance across a range of machines. Previously the RTX 2080 Ti maxed out at 130 fps with the 10900K, but now it’s able to render almost 170 fps and this is a problem for the 3950X which limits performance to around 150 fps. Last month saw the Intergalactic Aerospace Exposition land on Hurston just in time for our annual Anniversary Special. Yes my Son has a Ryzen 7 3700X with RTX 2070 Super and he is getting close to 60 FPS at 1440P. “Star Citizen is, at its heart, a vast living world that combines a remarkably detailed space combat simulation with an equally in-depth model of the economy of a star-spanning empire.” - From the Star Citizen Economy Hatefull Member Epic Posts: 2,367. Lifespan score reflects how much gameplay this pc game has in it. Star Citizen requisiti di sistema, Star Citizen requisiti minimi, specifiche consigliate, Star Citizen requisiti hardware, specifiche Link to post Share on other sites. The following is a list of the most expensive video games ever developed, with a minimum total cost of US$50 million and sorted by the total cost adjusted for inflation.Most game budgets aren't disclosed, so this list isn't indicative of industry trends. The Star Citizen universe is scheduled to have a massive economy that is living and breathing. Still getting only 34-53 FPS (42.8 average according to FRAPS) on Arena Commander in vr-mode (1280x800). The legend for what colors correspond to what FPS l… Change 'average' by 'maximum' in my sentence. You're not going any faster. Once your character gets up from its pilot's chair and walks around or EVAs.. then you're sitting in a cockpit controlling just a character. The few who do have supa computers. Hey guys, I know it's been a long standing point of discussion, but I'm wondering what actual framerates people are getting with their rigs. Star Citizen requisiti di sistema, Star Citizen requisiti minimi, specifiche consigliate, Star Citizen requisiti hardware, specifiche The highly anticipated Star Citizen, developed by Cloud Imperium Games, has seen immense support from the PC gaming community, recently hitting $100 million dollars in overall crowdfunding.In a blog post earlier this month, founder Chris Roberts thanked fans who contributed to the campaign, as well as discussing what’s to come in the recently released Alpha 2.0 update for Star Citizen. Production chains in Star Citizen: The road ahead. PC System Analysis For Star Citizen Requirements. I average about 20 to 30 fps when playing in the Universe. This is an average score out of 10 left by our most trusted members. Mining is the extraction of minerals or other materials that are found on various planets, moons, and asteroids to be sold for profit. Star Citizen most likely never had as much active players as it does currently, simply because it's development reality is what it is and progresses patch by patch. With the amount of FPS fighting taking place in Star Citizen, it's a good idea to get the right armor. As we move up the resolution ladder, we see an improvement in 2560x1440 - … Star Citizen Best Avengers - All Avenger Ships Ranked Skip to main content. Welcome to November’s monthly Star Citizen report from Cloud Imperium Games. System Requirements Report for Star Citizen. This represents an increase of 0% on the previous report from August 2020 which covered up to Alpha 3.10.. Average FPS: 43 fps: 16 fps: 9 fps: Min FPS: 14 fps: 6 fps: 5 fps: Gameplay footage. It really doesn't matter you're in a Ferrari. GPU Performance: It's the netcode that's dragging it down. Good job AMD!!! Strengths Cookies help us deliver our Services. Value score reflects how much enjoyment this pc game delivers compared to how much it costs. Remember that game have 0 optimisation currently, as its in alpha level 1 Disclaimer: FPS is subject to many variables such as region, game settings, background applications, and streaming. just want to confirm that its working 25-35 fps on stations, and 30-45+ in space (even in combat). 2020 has been an incredibly slow year for Star Citizen progress. You will need to stole a pc from Nasa to play at Ultra haha, I attend the minimum requirements but the game is too… bad optimized I guess, it does eat all the RAM and VRAM, yeah you have to do some optimization on your end too, I had to add 16gb more ram to not crash, GeForce RTX 2080 Ti EVGA FTW3 Ultra Hybrid Gaming 11GB, the Titans are in SLI and OCed, the CPU is also OCed, GeForce GTX 1080 MSI Sea Hawk 8GB Edition, I voted no because… game is not good optimized soo no. ... You get to do FPS mining. Join our Convoy of Dedicated Captains and make your name in the logistics industry with profits to celebrate your success, Allow us to give you the tools and connections you need to succeed! level 2 . Eventually you get used to it. I only average about 45 fps with a RadeonHD 7870 oc'd as much as it can go (which is not much); i7-960 running at 4.0 GHz; 16 GB ram at 1600 MHz. July 2014. is it compitable with dk2 . Star Citizen is roughly 37% complete as of November 2020 (Alpha 3.11.1). Yeah I've read that the netcode is the issue for now, my performance is much better in the solo modes. My FPS was more stable than 3.0 but I was getting 12 FPS at max on 3.1 against 10 to 15 from 3.0. Not yet. Features After days looking for a solution I FINALLY found it (to me but could help you too). But the moment you go to cities you'll probably dip down to 10 FPS. The game used up 20 GB of my ram, and even I have trouble running it above 30 at certain times. The Core i9-9900K got back to its winning ways in Apex Legends, though here the 3900X was only ~7% slower, dropping 10 fps on average when comparing stock performance. It's to do with the servers and there's nothing we can do, unfortunately. AI FPS Cover Usage and Black Market Economy started dev. Alternative Game Tags: Star Citizen, freelancer, wing commander, chris roberts, star citisen, GD Tags: Star Citizen, freelancer, wing commander, chris roberts, star citisen. It’s awesome BUT Squadron 42 and Star Citizen would need a lot of consideration in how to implement VR, location motion and movement, do you teleport, how do you jump and move around? Despite all that, some of the basic mechanics keep pulling me back...the most prominent and often casually dismissed design feature of the space legs... in the context of Star Citizen rather than being a vehicle purely for adversarial FPS gameplay. GA-Z97X-gaming gt; i5-4670k; Nvidia780Ti; 16GB PC3-17066; win7-64 bit; DK2 . Seit dem 12. Related: Star Citizen’s Star Marine FPS module launching in “weeks” Star Citizen offers its backers a bumpy ride before arriving at its destination. The easiest way to make Star Citizen currency in game is to ask players in the chat to share a mission with you and help you earn money as a new player. Was curious about any variety in performance so I figured I'd check in with the community. It’s awesome BUT Squadron 42 and Star Citizen would need a lot of consideration in how to implement VR, location motion and movement, do you teleport, how do you jump and move around? My FPS never goes above 30, it doesn't matter what the settings are. To summarise, Star Citizen works very well with a . Overclocking helps and some 4790k's can be great overclockers, but at the end of the day an 8700k overclocked is twice as fast anytime a lot of ships have spawned. Good average bench The Nvidia GTX 1070 averaged 20.3% lower than the peak scores attained by the group leaders. Star Citizen is a first-person sci-fi MMORPG crafting an unforgettable experience made up of piloted interstellar travel, intense combat, and limitless exploration on a unprecedented level. Any thoughts or fixes anyone can think of? Try and see what you are getting in your hangar or in solo free flight to get a better idea of what your hardware can do. System. Average Frames Per Second. The spending on Star Citizen has indeed been phenomenal, and our revenues as shown on the tracker have set monthly records since January, with the exception of … StratoCrewzr 557 Posted April 28, 2016. Where does Star Citizen rank in the list of the most demanding games? This GPU benchmark tests Star Citizen's FPS performance on various video cards, including the GTX 980, 780 Ti, 770, and AMD's R9 290X, 270X, and 7850. About to get a refund. Press J to jump to the feed. You go on a rant to discredit any of these and their contribution to the reality: - It's one alpha, and a early one at it, lacking gameplay loop (PU). Concept Art - shame the current game cannot handle this many ships! I find it really sad that I get better FPS (at an average of 70) on Star Citizen in the Verse as opposed to an average of 30 fps in an offline RdR2. May 2019. The … Story. Disable all oculus processes Run Star Citizen. July 2014. asurania wrote: is it compitable with dk2. The discussion area is the place where you get to chat with fellow gamers and techies. 0. Correct. Star Citizen … Im getting 10 (min) - to 35 (max) with an average of like 20-25fps, no matter where in the verse, whereas before it hardly ever dropped below 30 and usually stayed around a solid 50. I'm getting at least 30 FPS on low actually and I've got a 960 and i7-6700 w/ 8 gb RAM. - ... Average FPS… Premium Only FPS. We aim to only deliver around 3 pre-trailer ads during any visit to the site. This could end up in the adventure of a gaming lifetime so this is the first thing you should try when trying to earn money without a ship. Yeah that's what I hear, which makes some sense. Mining is done primarily with ship-mounted mining equipment, or with hand-held mining tools; and can be done in open space, on a planet/moon, or underground. While the team has kept an ongoing dialogue with the community via its own forum and social media, some people … Was curious about any variety in performance so I figured I'd check in with the community, i7 4790k - 970 - 16gb - FPS on a good night 28-30 and on a bad night 14-16 .. with the occasional dip to single digits for a few seconds. While Star Citizen is commonly known as a SpaceSim MMO in the making, many may be surprised to know that the entire game takes place from the first-person perspective. Star Citizen's frame rate is heavily CPU bound, and despite myths from idiots, vehicles cause most of that. While the average goes to 60 dollars per person, half this population gave 37 dollars or less. Getting aiming & interaction accurate, then how do you go from FPS to ship controls, if you are virtually moving a stick in a cockpit then tracking accuracy is an issue. ~15-20fps @4k res in Crusader. Welcome to star citizen. Premium Only FPS. Everyone is welcome to their own opinions, regardless if you agree or not. The one thing I think would feel really odd is playing the FPS parts of star citizen. Achieving 60 FPS at 4K on max settings was nigh impossible for the average player. This is an excellent result which ranks the Nvidia GTX 1070 near the top of the comparison list. Heya guys, i recently bought that Asus Strix 2070 since my old graphics card was kinda too slow.. This is the first Star Citizen Progress Report that has 0% of the SCFOCUS features list added. This is the subreddit for everything related to Star Citizen - an up and coming epic space sim MMO being developed by Chris Roberts and Cloud Imperium Games. production chain: This is where the raw material is extracted. Not even supa computers can get above 30fps. 2. share. The colored bar will show the darker purple for low end performance to the bright teal color for those at the high end in various sized sections corresponding to the percentage of players seeing those FPS levels. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Level up. It's a server side issue. It covers all content relating to Star Citizen including the everything featured in the game, the lore, and the development process and team behind it. Galacitc Logistics - The Premier Logistics and Cargo Organization for Star Citizen. Premium Only FPS. What's your user review score for Star Citizen? This GPU benchmark tests Star Citizen's FPS performance on various video cards, including the GTX 980, 780 Ti, 770, and AMD's R9 290X, 270X, and 7850. In addition to Star Citizen, an off-shoot FPS game called Squadron 42 is in the works with some very big names attached to star in it. Release Date: 2021. Backers are concerned about the budget and feature set promised by Chris Roberts, CEO and co-founder of Cloud Imperium Games. How well optimised is Star Citizen for PC? Graphics score reflects how great the visuals are for this pc game. 30 if I'm lucky. The thing is: I'm getting tired of playing alone and I think Star Citizen can be really fun with a party of like 5-10 persons. Walking across the cold steel flooring of the city and… fps distribution We receive and analyze client FPS data from every machine playing Star Citizen every hour. If you are talking about online then everyone is getting low FPS regardless of how powerful of a PC they have. ... What makes the Avenger Stalker Average: Though the ability to hold prisoners is a useful one, prisons and FPS bounty hunting is not due in the game until 2020, thus rendering the model less useful than its counterparts. This information graphic can be found under the FPS Distributionpanel on the telemetry page. Sounds like I'm right on par though. AAA Game System Requirements, Star Citizen devs keep removing features from the roadmap and fans are furious, Star Citizen crowdfunding passes a quarter of a billion dollars, CIG Unveil Star Citizen Alpha 3.5, Out This Weekend - Adds Female Characters and City-Planet, DXR Raytracing Isn't in Development For Star Citizen, Would be 'Massive Headache', Sony PlayStation Will Not Be At E3 2019 - PlayStation 5 Reveal in Late 2019 Rumoured, Star Citizen is Free to Play for a Week, Fly Every Vehicle for Free, Star Citizen Goes Planetside with New Footage of 50-Player FPS Ground Battle, Star Citizen Offering $27,000 Ship Bundle - Must Spend at Least $1000 to See the Contents, Star Citizen 3.0's Feature Trailer Suggests it May be Time to Jump in, Star Citizen's Latest Macrotransactions Are Driveable Tanks, Priced from $95 to $725, Crytek Sues Star Citizen Dev Cloud Imperium For Breach of Contract Over CryEngine Licensing, You Can Now Buy Plots of Virtual Land for $100 in Star Citizen, Star Citizen's Planetary Landing 3.0 Update Goes Live For Select Players, A Star Citizen Player has Just Successfully Received a $45,000 Refund, Star Citizen's New FaceWare Tech Streams Your Facial Movements In-Game in Real Time, Star Citizen's Planetary Tech 3.0 Update Delayed Until September, Star Citizen Gears Up for 3.0 Update Which Includes Explorable Moons and Derelict Ships, Star Citizen's 3.0 Update Halves VRAM Usage - Paves Way for Persistent Universe, Star Citizen DirectX 11 and 12 Support Axed in Favour of Vulkan API, Star Citizen Developers Fight Back Against Criticism With Bold New Strategy, Star Citizen Is Free To Play Until The End Of October, Star Citizen's New Procedurally Generated Planets Really Put No Man's Sky To Shame, Star Citizen's Squadron 42 Single-Player Campaign Has Been Officially Delayed To 2017, Star Citizen's Single-Player Squadron 42 Module Pushed Back Until 'At Least 2017', Star Citizen 2.4 Alpha Patch Notes Detail Performance Improvements And New Missions, Star Citizen Is Free To Play All This Week, Engage In Some Extra-Vehicular Activity With The Star Citizen 2.0 Update, Star-Studded Cast For Star Citizen Revealed As Squadron 42 Module Wows At CitizenCon, Star Citizen Dev Studios Is Undergoing Restructuring Not Layoffs Due to Hard Times, Star Citizens Star Marine FPS Module Delayed Indefinitely, Star Citizen FPS Module Star Marine Detailed, Star Citizen 1.1 Update Provides REC Rent a Ship Feature For Players, Huge Star Citizen Trailer Shows Montage Of All Planned Modules, Star Citizen Client To Be 100GB Download At Launch, Star Citizen FPS Module Nearing Release As CIG Demo Impressive New Damage Modelling, Up For Debate - How Much Is Too Much For A Game, Star Citizen Enters Most Intense Release Schedule Yet With FPS And Social Modules, Star Citizen Arena Commander 1.0.2 Update Prepares For Shield Customisation, Incredible Star Citizen Trailer Looks Back At A Momentous Year, Star Citizen Predicted System Requirements, Star Citizen Bringing In 1 Million USD A Week, Next Target Is Onboard Pets, Star Citizen FPS Module Revealed At PAX Australia With Zero-G Firefight, Interview With Star Citizen Studio Director Erin Roberts On The Squadron 42 Single-Play, 2 Million USD In A Week Keeps The Star Citizen Juggernaut Rolling, Chris Roberts Reveals Planetside On Foot Exploration Module For Star Citizen, Interview: Star Citizen Studio Director Erin Roberts On Its Crowdfunding Success, What is Star Citizen - Could It Change PC Hardware Requirements and Gamer Expectations, Star Citizen Expands Even Further With New Racing And FPS Modules, Star Citizen Funding Hits 48 Million USD And Adds Three Alien Languages As Stretch Goa, Future Gaming Hardware System Requirement Trend 2015, Star Citizens Arena Commander Dogfighting Update Delayed, Star Citizen Creator Explains Why PC Is Best And Consoles Are Dumbed Down, Star Citizen Campaign Hits 19 million And Is Still Going Strong, Star Citizen Reveals FPS Planets For 20 Million Dollar Stretch Goal, Star Citizen Releasing Interactive Hanger Module Next Week, Star Citizen - Will Need Futuristic Powerful PC: Not For Console, [Game-Debate](, > 'Tis better to have visited Game-Debate than to never have visited Game-Debate, Processor: Intel Core i7-3770 4-Core 3.4GHz / AMD FX-8350, Graphics: AMD Radeon RX 570 4GB or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti 4GB. With the amount of FPS fighting taking place in Star Citizen, it's a good idea to get the right armor. Mining in its small (for example with the Prospector) and large form (as planned with the Orion) should only be part of the economic cycle in Star Citizen in the future. In 2019, that average increased to 114 minutes played per day per player. Hardware is i7 6700k at 4.7 GHz, 32 gb RAM, and a 980 ti. Oh my Lord! ... 1.920 × 1.080 (Average Fps) Minimum Fps. My guess is that the game isn't running in a real full screen mode since minimizing works too fast. Here's my performance at 1440p@Max Settings. STAR CITIZEN NEW Gameplay Demo (Open Universe Sandbox Game) CitizenCon 2018• Release Date: To be announced• Platform: PC SUBSCRIBE: Below you can watch gameplay footage of two popular games to see how the GPU performs in real life. Premium Only FPS. Hover over the ticks and crosses for a little more information. If I change my settings, the last two do not change. While the last statement is still true, the game will make your PC feel less inadequate than it did before. The Stalker is the fastest Avenger available in terms of max speed. The rest of your insinuation goes down the drain too with that. While it can comfortably perfo... [ Login for our full report ], System Summary: Strange thing, I was getting 70-80 fps average in Star Citizen (which is a major upgrade compared to previous PC). Are those FPS numbers to be expected? Star Citizen: FPS Marine Gameplay Shows Potential But Nearly Unplayable On A Higher End System This is an average score out of 10 left by our most trusted members. With Star Citizen Alpha 3.2 we introduced a detailed telemetry page, presenting data we receive from clients playing Star Citizen. ... with testers seeing an average 100% gain in frames per second. This gives an overview of what percentage of players are seeing FPS wise based on population along and totally independent of any sort of computer setup. At 4K it's still 30 FPS and at 1080p it's still 30FPS. Cloud Imperium has announced that Star Citizen Alpha 3.3 is now available to all backers. Star Citizen's combat system is one of the deepest that any MMO has had due to the duality between its first person shooter gameplay and spaceship combat. Hardware is i7 6700k at 4.7 GHz, 32 gb RAM, and a 980 ti. Star Citizen is a unique, upcoming sandbox space combat simulator with FPS elements in a large persistent world. "We are on track to have over one million unique players this year," he said. I average about 20 to 30 fps when playing in the Universe. The game is currently being released in "modules," with the first two modeules (the Hangar Module and Arena Commander) already released. Any clue why the GPU load is so low? Star Citizen Alpha 2.0 1080p/High Benchmark: 980 Ti vs. 980, 970, 390X, 290X, etc Dropping to 'high' sees mixed FPS increases, with most cards … StratoCrewzr. Enlist in the United Empire of Earth’s renowned Navy branch and fight in large-scale space battles for a chance to earn a coveted citizenship. Earn rewards. 4. share. Achieving 60 FPS at 4K on max settings was nigh impossible for the average player. Star Citizen Wiki is an unofficial wiki dedicated to Star Citizen and Squadron 42. And yes it is quite normal for that kind of configuration, and any other simmilar configuration for that matter. No one is getting above 30FPS as far as I know. Original Poster 4 years ago. ... Use Star Citizen Config file commands (The old way of getting rift to work before the button) to activate rift mode. High Setting. Yeah I was dropping down to 14 today which is worse than usual, wasn't sure if the change was my end or a network issue. Is this game competing with ark: Survival Evolved on the issue of optimization? Ultra Setting. As of late, I've been playing Star Citizen the most. SC's frame rate will increase at a 1:1 ratio with CPU frequency. 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