• 19 jan

    x: beyond the frontier

    X: Beyond the Frontier is a space trading and combat simulation, similar in many ways to Elite, set in the fictional X universe. X: Beyond the Frontier combines 3-D environments, epic battles, diplomacy, construction, exploration, and trading into a gaming experience of intense exploration. Anschließend zeige ich Ihnen Dinge, die aufweisen wie effektiv das Produkt wirklich ist: X - Beyond the Frontier X: Beyond the Frontier - PC Plattform: PC; X - Gold: X Beyond the Frontier inkl. FREE steam keys. Melde Dich bei uns! Estos son los requisitos mínimos y recomendados para jugar a X: Beyond the Frontier en PC. The extension pack received "favorable" reviews, although no aggregate score exists. The player can leave the ship and space walk in a space suit,[16] purchase new ships from shipyards, and even capture enemy ships that can be flown by the player. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America), X Rebirth Collector's Edition - Extra Content, X4: Foundations Collector's Edition - Extra Content. In X, you assume the role of test pilot for the first human ship capable of independent faster-than-light flight. They also give hints on trading in the X Universe, and may tell him (if he asks) about the Argon and other alien races in the X-Universe. Infos zur Anwendung von Hex-Cheats findest Du hier: Speichere dein Spiel, und merke dir in welchem Slot Du es gespeichert hast, notiere dir auch dein Guthaben. X: Beyond the Frontier . He encounters an alien race, the Teladi, a highly capitalist, profit-focused culture. Four full sequels have since followed: X2: The Threat in 2003, X3: Reunion in 2005, X3: Terran Conflict in 2008 and X4: Foundations in 2018. However, it quickly becomes clear that the Argon have no knowledge of Earth, and most dismiss Brennan as a crank when he claims to be from Earth. Últimas novedades de X-Beyond The Frontier y más Avances en Meristation: Fecha de lanzamiento de X-Beyond The Frontier, guías, avances, vídeos e … Trading occupies the larger part of the gameplay. The Human Race had advanced to the point where we could travel among the stars, we developed giant automated machines to help us colonise other worlds, but there was a fault in their programming and they turned and attacked. With his jumpdrive destroyed, and no idea how to return to Earth, Brennan finds himself stranded, alone and indebted to an alien race. [4], The game was praised for its open-ended gameplay and the large number of systems to explore. Sieh aktuelle Trailer, Test-Videos und Preview-Videos zu X - Beyond the Frontier. Moderator: Moderatoren für Deutsches X-Forum. [17][18], The in-game interface was expanded to include new features, including an automatic navigation system that allows the player "to easily access information about any sectors" visited, and includes "a full map of the galaxy showing everywhere you have been. FREE Codes & Giveaways. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen. Consulta aquí las especificaciones técnicas del sistema para saber si podrás mover el juego en tu ordenador. 8 posts • Page 1 of 1. Soundprobleme bei X - Beyond The Frontier. X: Beyond the Frontier provides examples of the following tropes:. Although each system has at least one planet, it is not possible to land on any of them. X: Beyond The Frontier Rating: 4.2 ( 28 votes cast) The Human Race had advanced to the point where we could travel among the stars, we developed giant automated machines to help us colonise other worlds, but there was a fault in their programming and they turned and attacked. X Beyond The Frontier - Der absolute Favorit . To view reviews within a date range, please click and drag a selection on a graph above or click on a specific bar. DOWNLOAD. 2.58 MB x_beyond_the_frontier_handbuch.zip. X: Beyond The Frontier ist der erste Teil der X-Reihe von Egsosoft. X: Beyond the Frontier and X-Tension were released in together as X-Gold in 2000. Upon release, it was frequently compared to the older Elite. Simulation | Egosoft. "[17] Notably, Egosoft's Managing Director, Bernd Lehahn, mentioned appealing to "the 'Wing Commander audience'" as a high priority in the design of 2005 sequel X3: Reunion. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Das Spiel handelt vom Aufstieg und Niedergang der Menschheit im Universum sowie dem Versuch von Kyle Brennan, die Sterne mit Hilfe eines neuen Raumschiffes, dem Experimental Shuttle, wieder zu bevölkern. [1][15][citation needed], The game was also praised highly for its "spectacular background graphics",[1] such as "gorgeous colored lighting effects and the highly detailed rotating planets". Through trade and exploration, Brennan eventually encounters the Argon—a race who appear human. Execute the Patch to play the Game! This is the patch archive for the UK and US versions of X: Beyond the Frontier ONLY, and will update it to the latest version of 1.96. You can use this widget-maker to generate a bit of HTML that can be embedded in your website to easily allow customers to purchase this game on Steam. Bug Hunter no CD X: Beyond the Frontier *all vers* GER X: Beyond the Frontier v1.8 ENG X: Beyond the Frontier v1.8 GER X: Beyond the Frontier v1.9b ENG X: Beyond the Frontier *all vers* GER Cheats. X - Beyond the Frontier: Sternenkarte (JPG, gross) Sternenkarte (JPG, gross) von: thorsten / 08.07.2001 um 16:40. X: Beyond the Frontier > General Discussions > Topic Details. X: Beyond the Frontier Cheats, Tipps & Lösung. Hast Du selbst einen X: Beyond the Frontier Tipp für unsere Leser? Set in the year 2912, in the 30th Century, the player takes the role of Kyle Brennan, an Earth test pilot for the X-Shuttle, better known as the X-Perimental Shuttle, which has the ability to jump from one part of the universe to another via a wormhole without requiring a jumpgate. Jetzt bei Amazon.de bestellen! X: Beyond The Frontier is the first part in the X-Universe series of games developed by Egosoft. Fixes. X - Beyond the Frontier inkl. A novel, Farnham's Legend, is based on the plot of X: Beyond the Frontier. Goodies Included. Die Betreiber dieses Portals haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, Produkte jeder Art zu vergleichen, sodass potentielle Käufer ganz einfach den X Beyond The Frontier finden können, den Sie als Leser für gut befinden. CD Keys Gift. Eine Gruppe von User-Artikel-Schreibern … Maybe someone should have told him about X - Beyond The Frontier. Startet ein neues Spiel. 327.59 MB setup_x_beyond_the_frontier_2.0.0.3.exe. You see, X-BTFis, in a sense, an RPG in space. The X Universe is a network of sectors linked by jumpgates. It was really tricky at the start, so I suggest you follow my instructions carefully. Jun 04, 20:37. X - Beyond The Frontier ab 4,49 € bei Green Man Gaming kaufen. Entwickler: Egosoft: Verleger: THQ: Hex-Cheats: Rechnen Sie Ihr Guthaben in Hexzahlen um, und suchen Sie in Ihrem Spielstand mit Hilfe eines Hex-Editors danach. Factories, space stations, and other installations are located far from the planets and stars. Instant delivery 24/7. Add-on X-Tension [Green Pepper] - Kostenloser Versand ab 29€. X - Beyond the Frontier (PC) Genre: Strategie Handel/Management Action Flugsimulation Erschienen: 1999. ";[17] free to choose "where [they] want to go, what to trade in and who to pick on". X: Beyond the Frontier is not a game for people who simply like to fly and shoot. X-Beyond the Frontier Unterverzeichnis MOV die Datei "00010.DAT" in "00010.DAT.OLD" um. View MobyRank and MobyScore for X: Beyond the Frontier (Windows) Avances de X-Beyond The Frontier. Asteroid Mission from the game called X: Beyond the Frontier + following cutscene. [1][14], The atmospheric musical score of the game was also praised,[15] as was the varied dialogue one can have with many different aliens. -Napoleon "The important thing is not to stop questioning." The first of the X series, it is a space trading and combat simulator game, mostly set in the fictional X-Universe. X-Tension addressed many criticisms of the original game. VOTE FOR RE-UPLOAD CHANGELOG. The quotations included in the game are listed below, in order that they appear in the game files. X: Beyond the Frontier for PC game reviews & Metacritic score: Take a trip to the farthest reaches of space in this real-time simulation. X Beyond The Frontier eine Aussicht zu verleihen - angenommen Sie kaufen das genuine Produkt zu einem anständigen Preis - ist eine gescheite Entscheidung. In a canon aspect, the events of this game would be assumed to see the player start a business empire, which would become Terracorp in the sequel. "X: Beyond the Frontier Review for PC on GamePro.com", "X-Beyond the Frontier Review [date mislabeled as "February 1999"]", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=X:_Beyond_the_Frontier&oldid=998434731, Articles using Infobox video game using locally defined parameters, Articles using Wikidata infoboxes with locally defined images, Articles using Video game reviews template in multiple platform mode, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 5 January 2021, at 10:38. Free Steam Games. Find time to play it. X: Beyond the Frontier. For example, selling a large amount of one particular product to a single station will result in the price for further consignments dropping in proportion to their demand. The player's craft is pre-equipped with some upgrades - weapons and a time-accelerator[19] - so that players can defend themselves from the beginning, although the weapons you start out with are useless against most of enemy ships. X: Beyond the Frontier is a space trading and combat simulation, similar in many ways to Elite, set in the fictional X universe. Something goes terribly wrong, and you and your crippled vessel are hurled across the universe into a system controlled by the Teladi, a species whose culture is more than a little similar to Star Trek’s Ferengi. Allgemeine Diskussionen rund um X-BTF, X-Tension, X²: Die Bedrohung, X³: Reunion, X³: Terran Conflict und X³: Albion Prelude. Sie befinden sich auf der Mission einen Weg finden, nach Hause und neben diesem sind Sie auch versuchen, die Welt von Xenon zu schützen. Jetzt könnt ihr X-Beyond the Frontier starten. Suchst Du einen X: Beyond the Frontier Cheat oder die X: Beyond the Frontier Lösung? Herzlich Willkommen auf unserer Seite. X-Tension (2000) was released as an expansion to Beyond the Frontier; however, many gamers and reviewers consider it more a "sequel" than an "add-on". It is an open-ended, sandbox game, filled with "microquests". Jetzt bei Amazon.de bestellen! It does not add any new features. By trading with them the player makes a profit, which allows one to upgrade the X-Perimental Shuttle with new weapons, better shields, and increased cargo space. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! This defaults to your Review Score Setting. There are fifty-four star systems in the X Universe, and within each one there are numerous installations. X: Beyond The Frontier is the first part in the X-Universe series of games developed by Egosoft. During the test jump, something goes drastically wrong and Brennan ends up in an unknown part of space. Sign in to see reasons why you may or may not like this based on your games, friends, and curators you follow. Trading occupies the larger part of the gameplay. They no longer need to land at a factory to adjust it, nor even to be in same region of space. There is at least one space station in each system, and they range from ordinary factories like solar power plants to shipyards. [18] The player is free to choose "to be a trader with an unarmed Argon Lifter... or a bounty-hunter ... armed to the teeth with plasma throwers. 2, X Rebirth: The Teladi Outpost Soundtrack, X Rebirth: Home of Light Soundtrack, X Rebirth Collector's Edition - Extra Content, X Rebirth VR Edition, X4: Foundations, X4: Split Vendetta, X4: Cradle of Humanity, X4: Foundations Soundtrack, X4: Split Vendetta Soundtrack, X4: Cradle of Humanity Soundtrack, X4: Foundations Collector's Edition - Extra Content. The game only works as intended with a 4:3 resolution selected, such as 800 x 600, even though it allows to select other resolutions that don't match that aspect ration, such as 1920x1080. X: Beyond the Frontier. At least that's our goal."[18]. X: Beyond The Frontier is the first part in the X-Universe series of games developed by Egosoft. Eventually, the player will be able to buy factories and thus earn much greater income.[3]. Activa la CD Key de tu "X Beyond the Frontier" en tu cuenta de Steam para descargar el juego y comenzarlo jugar, ya sea en su vertiente multijugador o para un solo jugador. Add-on X-Tension - Kostenloser Versand ab 29€. X: Beyond the Frontier features quotations from well known people when the program starts. X: Beyond The Frontier is the first part in the X-Universe series of games developed by Egosoft. Las tiendas de descargas digitales que se muestran son verificadas por nuestro personal para asegurarse de … Sir-Pumperlot Posts: 7 Joined: Mon, 14. X: Beyond The Frontier ist Teil 1 der X-Universe Spiele-Serie, die von Egosoft entwickelt wurde. X_Beyond_the_Frontier Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t01z8ng8s Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 Pages 27 Ppi 600 Scanner Internet Archive Python library 0.9.1. plus-circle Add Review. The first chapter of the X Chronicles series covering the titles included in the X Superbox.A big thanks to rabiddeity for the voice work. There is no overarching plot in X-Tension. Depending on his status with the different X-Universe races, Brennan finally forms an alliance to attack the Xenon forces and destroy their super-weapon, thus completing the game. NOTE: This Patch is an update on the previous released version from 07-10-1999. X: Beyond the Frontier System Requirements analysis for PC - Check any computer Can run X: Beyond the Frontier recommended minimum requirements & system specs X: Beyond The Frontier is the first part in the X-Universe series of games developed by Egosoft. Listeneintrag speichern ab 29€ de la Frontera ( X: Beyond the Frontier enjoyable game it out! 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