differences in health outcomes between groups
The reportincludes data on smoking prevalence b… Asians consistently had the lowest body fat (as measured by body mass index), blood sugar levels, and smoking rates. Socioeconomic status, as defined by income and education, may be the most important factor underlying health disparities. immigrants do unexpectedly better than non-immigrants in regards to health; further … The inverse relationship between deprivation and health outcomes though well established as shown above (Table 2 and recently in Newton JN et al 2015) is also slightly more complex as shown below. Examples include reductions in cardiovascular disease and cancer in disadvantaged groups in England and reductions in maternal and child deaths in Ecuador. Parsing the respondents into “general health information seekers” and “cancer information seekers” revealed interesting subtleties. (2010) studied the impact of four preventable risk factors (smoking, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and body fat) on life expectancy across eight subgroups in the United States known as the “eight Americas” (Asians, below-median-income Whites living in the Northland, middle America, poor Whites living in Appalachia and the Mississippi Valley, Native Americans living on reservations in the West, Black middle-America, poor Blacks living in the rural South, and Blacks living in high-risk urban environments). Most discussions of the meaning of population health start with a review of the definition offered up by David Kindig, MD, PhD, and Greg Stoddart, PhD, in 2003.READ MORE: Using Risk Scores, Stratification for Population Health ManagementPopulation health is “the Nursing and Health Science. This is a program that was started in 2003 with the support of the National Cancer Institute, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, the National Institute on Aging, and the Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research and continued in 2009 by the National Cancer Institute; the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; and the Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), a philanthropy established in 1972, is the largest such organization in the United States whose work is focused entirely on health. Black or African American refers to people having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa, including those of Caribbean identity. They offered seven recommendations, quoted here: Reframe the discussion about health disparities and inequities. Design and evaluate rigorous multilevel interventions to change both individual behavior and the social, policy, and built environments; assess multidirectional influences of interventions. Health outcomes included self-reported health status, cancer-related outcomes, medication adherence and management, disease control, preventive care, and end-of-life decisions. The authors drew several important conclusions from their review. A meta-analysis of 155 studies that looked at the prevalence of dental caries found that lower socioeconomic status, as indicated by levels of education, occupation, or income, was associated with higher risk of having lesions or experience with dental caries; the relationship appeared to be stronger in more developed countries (Schwendicke et al., 2015). The journal also covers issues of culture, religion, gender, class, migration, lifestyle and racism, in so far as they relate to health and its anthropological and social aspects.” (http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=ceth20), Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice: “The Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice is a refereed online journal that explores the dimensions of health disparities globally. A meta-analysis of rheumatic heart disease that involved 37 populations found a relationship between level of social inequality and prevalence of the disease; prevalence increased with age, but there were no differences by sex (Rothenbühler et al., 2014). As described in previous chapters, there are differences in health outcomes for men and women, for different age groups and for different countries. In its latest comprehensive report on health disparities, the CDC considered a wide spectrum of health behaviors and outcomes ranging from environmental hazards and behavioral risk factors to various markers of morbidity and mortality. There may be unmet need for services among Pakistani and Bangladeshi children. A study investigating socioeconomic inequalities in health in 22 European countries found that mortality rates were higher and self-assessments of health were lower for groups with lower socioeconomic status (Mackenbach et al., 2008). The objective of the study is to examine the presence, direction, and magnitude of possible differences between proxy-reported and patient-reported outcomes in health and … Health equity means social justice in health (i.e., no one is denied the possibility to be healthy for belonging to a group that has historically been economically/socially disadvantaged). As might be expected, there are health disparities in both cases. Original articles, solicited ‘evolutionary’ reviews presenting the state-of-the-art thinking on problems centered on health disparities, and unsolicited review articles of timely interest will be considered for publication.” (http://www.springer.com/medicine/journal/40615; Note: This journal is identified as the “First journal dedicated to examining and eliminating racial and ethnic health disparities.”). The authors presented results not only by the eight subgroups but also by sex and age (30–59 years and 60+ years). Since the 1980s, our nation has made substantial progress in improving residents’ health and reducing health disparities, but ongoing racial/ethnic, economic, and other social disparities in health are both unacceptable and correctable. Freimuth and Quinn (2004) discussed how health communication researchers have expertise in mass media campaigns, entertainment-education programs, media advocacy efforts, new technology initiatives, and interpersonal level interventions such as patient-provider communication training, all of which can be brought to bear on the development, testing, and implementation of strategies to reduce disparities. In shifting to aspects of mental health, a meta-analysis of 12 studies that considered migration, social mobility, and mental health found that migrants who experienced “downward social mobility” were more likely to experience mental disorders than those who either had no change in their socioeconomic status or experienced an increase in socioeconomic status (Das-Munshi, Leavey, Stansfeld, & Prince, 2012). This report reviews the “Health for All” policy adopted by member states of the World Health Organization’s European Region at the 51st World Health Assembly in May 1998. These deaths affect mainly young adults in their most productive years. Such factors would be those that (a) are related to the disparate health outcomes targeted for change, (b) are malleable, and (c) are potentially able to be improved by communication strategies such as tailored interventions or mass media campaigns. The Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) conducted by the National Cancer Institute’s Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences surveys a nationally representative sample of Americans to assess how they seek information about cancer. (2008), who studied differences in cancer coverage in newspapers targeted to Black audiences and newspapers meant for a general audience. The Journal invites submission of original manuscripts from researchers, public health, behavioral health, clinical and social science experts and practitioner that seek to continue the discussion of health disparities in order to eradicate them.” (http://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/jhdrp/), Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health: “The Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original research pertaining to immigrant health. Second, the way the issue of health disparities is depicted in the media may have impact on public support for initiatives to reduce health disparities. and policy-makers as well as researchers in the United States and other countries Although some biological or genetic disparities are (currently) unavoidable, such as differences due to aging or prevalence of certain diseases among certain groups (e.g., sickle cell anemia among Blacks), disadvantage can engender biological/genetic disparities that otherwise could have been avoided, such as mental retardation among lower income children exposed to lead in municipal water and cancers resulting from exposure to environmental toxins. Among the general health information seekers, respondents who did not use the Internet had less awareness of the HPV vaccine, were less likely to know that HPV causes cervical cancer, and were less likely to know that HPV was sexually transmitted; among cancer information seekers, however, no differences emerged between those who used the Internet and those who did not. According to its vision statement, “NIMHD envisions an America in which all populations will have an equal opportunity to live long, healthy and productive lives,” and its mission is “to lead scientific research to improve minority health and reduce health disparities” (NIMDH, n.d.). HINTS provides an extremely useful source of data to explore such questions. Smoking rates were highest among younger poor White men in Appalachia and the Mississippi Valley, older Western Native American and high-risk urban Black men, and Western Native American women. Results of their meta-analysis found that in the least urban countries, higher levels of education were associated with higher levels of body mass index but in the most urban countries, higher levels of education were associated with lower levels of body mass index. In low-income countries, the average life expectancy is 62 years, while in high-income countries, it is 81 years. Maternal mortality is a health indicator that shows the wide gaps between rich and poor, both between and within countries. -two groups, one outcome, at two time points* Hotelling's T^2-measuring more than 1 dependent variable-difference between two mean vectors ... size effect-a quantitative measure of the strength of a phenomenon-a significance test does not tell the size of a difference between two measures (practical significance) ... How should the results of statistical analysis be considered in the context of health … Meta-analyses also have found differences in disease survival by ethnicity and sex. This essay provides a brief review of the voluminous literature on health disparities, with a focus on several major threads including populations of interest, incidence and prevalence of morbidity and mortality, determinants of health, health literacy and health information seeking, media influences on health disparities, and efforts to reduce disparities. Broadly speaking, the media can have an influence on health disparities in two ways. Its mission statement is simply put: “to improve the health and health care of all Americans” (RWJF, n.d.). In the United States, for example, a study investigating differences in mortality between 1960 and 1986 found disparities in death rates between low and high socioeconomic status groups; although the overall death rate fell over the two and a half decades in question, the disparities due to income and education actually increased (Pappas, Queen, Hadden, & Fisher, 1993). Broadly speaking, health disparities are differences in health outcomes between socially disadvantaged and advantaged groups. In particular, foreign-born respondents were less likely to have other people seek cancer information for them, had lower self-efficacy for seeking information, were more likely to think seeking information took a lot of effort and to feel frustrated, thought information was harder to understand, were less likely to trust information from newspaper and magazines, and were more likely to hold negative cancer-related beliefs such as “everything causes cancer” and people cannot lower their cancer risk. In Glasgow, male life expectancy ranges from 66.2 years in Ruchill and Possilpark to 81.7 years in Cathcart and Simshill – a difference of 15.5 years. Moreover, when adapting to the multi-cultural contexts of the … Every year the National Cancer Institute collects and publishes data based on patient demographics. Health inequities are differences in health status or in the distribution of health resources between different population groups, arising from the social conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age. They are 14 times more likely to die before the age of five in sub-Saharan Africa than the rest of the world. Coronavirus disease outbreak (COVID-2019), Coronavirus disease outbreak (COVID-19) ». Contracting the disease makes it even harder for these adults to improve their personal economic condition and that of their families. These health inequalities, avoidable and unfair differences in health status between groups of people or communities1, reflect historic and present-day social inequalities in our population. Ellison (2005) notes that the validity and reliability of ethnicity data depend on measurement … Finally, an annotated list of primary sources (books, special issues of journals, reports) and a list of sources for further reading are offered to provide a starting point for beginning scholars to orient themselves to research in health disparities. The National Institutes of Health includes the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), which was elevated from Institute to Center status in 2010. One is the basis on which groups are being compared. A clear example of the differences in health information covered by ethnic- versus general-audience media comes from Cohen et al. The report found disparities “between race and ethnic groups across all of the health topics examined” (CDC, 2013, p. 184). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention house an Office of Minority Health & Health Equity (OMHHE). Furthermore, children from rural and poorer households remain disproportionately affected. In all countries – whether low-, middle- or high-income – there are wide disparities in the health status of different social groups. As described in this chapter, there are also differences in outcomes relating to socioeconomic status, ethnicity, geographical region and other social factors. For example, racial and ethnic minorities tend to be less healthy than their majority counterparts. Health21: An Introduction to the Health for All Policy Framework for the WHO European Region. The 2011 CHDIR was the first CDC report to assess disparities across a wide range of diseases, behavioral risk factors, environmental exposures, social determinants, and health-care access (CDC. A report from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (2001, p. 4) recommends five steps to follow when assessing health disparities, quoted here: Define which aspect(s) of health to measure, Identify the relevant population groupings across which to compare health status, Choose a reference group or “norm” against which to compare the health of different groups, Decide whether to measure inequality using absolute or relative differences in health status between population groups, Select among alternative “social weights” for preferences that are built into health measures. There is overlap among these factors, of course, and they are interrelated. Future directions for research are suggested, and recommendations for interventions to improve health disparities offered by the Principal Investigators of the 10 Centers for Population Health and Health Disparities are presented. Health disparities are large differences in health outcomes between groups based on the social determinants of health. Although there is the possibility that attempts to reduce disparities may actually exacerbate them if interventions are not disseminated and implemented equitably (Koh et al., 2010; Viswanath & Kreuter, 2007), as Perloff (2006, p. 757) observed, bridging the literatures in health communication and health disparities promises to offer “new ideas, syntheses, and applications that may improve the quality of health care.”. Both gender differences and gender inequalities can lead to disparities in health outcomes and access to health care. In terms of sex differences, women tend to fare better than men. due to age, while … Ethnic inequalities in health have been well documented in the UK. The authors’ main conclusions, though, focused on the methodological limitations of the studies, which led to inconsistent findings. Broadly speaking, it is important to develop and test theoretical models that will better inform our understanding of the etiology of health disparities so that we can design and implement more effective interventions to reduce them. More than 10 years passed before the issue was raised again, this time in an editorial appearing in the Journal of the American Medical Association lamenting the “ever-present” impact of racism as a barrier to health (Cornely, 1976). Durand et al. A literature search of five major databases (MEDLINE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, Academic Search Complete) using “health disparities” as a subject term revealed 19 academic journal articles published between 1965 and 2000, 214 published between 2001 and 2005, 5,828 between 2006 and 2010, and 13,800 between 2010 and 2015. The following books and special journal issues address the topic of health disparities: The following reports should be of interest to anyone interested in health disparities: Report of the Secretary’s Task Force on Black & Minority Health (The Heckler Report). Buckner-Brown et al. Taking a broader view, this essay briefly discusses trends in scholarship on health disparities, noting the precipitous increase in academic journal article publications on the topic, including the publication of journals specifically focused on publishing health disparities scholarship. Developing countries account for 99% of annual maternal deaths in the world. Pre-reform differences in outcomes are perhaps due to unobserved differences across states that contaminated the previous, naive estimate. Another meta-analysis of 39 studies of non-small cell lung cancer found greater survival rates among women than men (Nakamura et al., 2011). Inequalities exist across a range of dimensions, such as socio-economic deprivation and personal characteristics like age and sex. Implications for mental health practitioners and ongoing research are discussed. There is ample evidence that social factors, including education, employment status, income level, gender and ethnicity have a marked influence on how healthy a person is. Differences can be found according to socioeconomic status (income/education), race, ethnicity, sex or gender, sexual orientation, immigrant status, geography, and physical and mental disability. Related, there are opportunities to advance our knowledge of the effects of tailored interventions and technology-based interventions to reduce health disparities. Health inequities are systematic differences in the health status of different population groups. 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