dps nacharam curriculum
Going with the views of David Kolb’s experiential learning theory and Cambridge reflective teacher, Reflective practices have been introduced in the teaching-learning process of pre-primary. At DPS, we believe that for holistic growth, for systematic and meaningful learning opportunities and preparing students for their future as well as developing the various facets of personality development, classroom teaching should be supplemented with co-curricular activities. Overall, this school comes across as an average of international school and schools like Pallavi Model School or St. Andrews. Highly efficacious teachers fixate on amending student outcomes through their commitment to perpetual quality edifying, professional development, mentoring and collaboration. The student is exposed to a gamut of activities and experiences and it is here that his holistic growth is at its height. Playing with clay stimulates a child’s imagination. Hand, Stick, shadow, thread, and talking puppets are the variations to amuse a child’s imagination. Include a diverse mix of parents, staff, and alumni connected through our – campus school and its activities. The following subjects are compulsory subjects included in the curriculum: English, Maths, Science, Social, Computers. The Official Alumni Network of Delhi Public School, Nacharam. We, the pre-primary department, DPS Nacharam, Best Pre-Primary Schools in Hyderabad, are committed to providing effective, meaningful, value-based and all-encompassing education to the nascent generation for grooming a truly literate and well-disciplined personality. At DPS, Top Schools in Hyderabad, quality physical education programs are provided that help increase physical competence, health-related fitness, responsibility, strengthened peer relationships, improved self-confidence self-esteem, muscular strength, and flexibility, the muscular endurance which allows the students to set and achieve goals. DPS Nacharam belongs to the well-reputed DPS brand. Here is the estimate class-wise fee structure for 2020-21 (approx.) I continue my relentless sevices towards education in India.I established Cambridge curriculum in Delhi Public school, Nacharam as the founder Headmistress and brought laurels to the school with outstanding results. The middle-grade years are the most important years of a child’s education, the most productive years. Depending on the story concept, different styles of puppets are designed by the teachers. 469/1, Nadergul Village, Balapur Mandal, RR District– 501510. Delhi Public School – Nacharam, the best schools in Hyderabad, has been the alchemist since the establishment (2003) in shaping the holistic curriculum for students. A holistic view of education and schooling i.e., Guiding students to develop capacities, acquire virtues, and provide service. The most successful middle schools recognize learner diversity, employ educators trained in middle school education, offer exploratory curricular programs that encourage learner interest, provide age-appropriate guidance and counseling, ensure promote a positive school environment, equal access to educational experiences, and involve parents and families in the educational process. III Language options offered for Middle School Students: Hindi, Telugu, French, and Sanskrit. Such activities are a good platform to excel in acting, singing, speaking, and recitation. The semester system has been removed along with CCE. As Plato said, we do not train children to learn by force and harshness but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that we may be better able to discover with precision the peculiar bent of the genius of each. We Believe in the philosophy of Jean Piaget that play meets the physical, intellectual, language, emotional and social needs. Apply Now! Survery No. Cambridge International: Cambridge Primary and Cambridge Lower Secondary Programs help develop essential skills in English, Math, and Science. Online Registration Form - Delhi Public School, Nacharam Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) We offer Cambridge International Curriculum from GRADE I to IGCSE X. Cambridge international prepares students for life – helping them to develop an informed curiosity and lasting passion for learning. Physical Education is also a part of the DPS curriculum. Delhi Public School, the Best Cambridge Schools in Hyderabad, aims to implement the best educational practices with the world-class educational experience. Holistic inculcation aims to evoke from the students an intrinsic reverence for life and ardency for learning. An awesome byproduct of these relationships is the ability to guide students in making connections between school and career goals. Delhi Public School. No: 3630057 Blog | Alumni | Careers | Studease Login. 1. DPS offers Edmentum Courseware as its online credit recovery solution. 7337364520, 8414671111. email@dpsnadergul.in The Vision of DPS Nacharam, Best Pre-Primary Schools in Hyderabad, is to – Inspire and guide children to love learning, and to dote the world around them. Job Description for Psychology - Faculty in DPS Nacharam in Hyderabad / Secunderabad for 2 to 5 years of experience. Participating in school sports programs will enable them to practice healthy behaviors that can evolve into healthy habits. Pre – Primary inculcation engenders a substratum for literacy. Other subjects covered: General Knowledge, Life Skills, and Value Education. No: 3630057 Blog | Alumni | Careers | Studease Login. The curriculum, systems, activities, and the entire ethos of the institution is designed to make the students discover their environment through exploration. Copyright ©2019. The strength of DPS Mahendra Hills, top schools in Hyderabad, lies in empowering our students and preparing them by investing in leadership responsibilities from a very adolescent age. Co-curricular activities are more focused upon cognitive aspects and thereby help in intellectual development. Anirudh, alumni of DPS Nacharam furthered the austerity of the meet by a melodious rendition of Murta Maheswara. In classes VI to VII, students have two PT periods during the week and one outdoor period on working Saturdays. Welcome to DPS Nacharam, Top Schools in Hyderabad. Every classroom has a mini library corner that motivates group reading activities. Think about the situations, make meaning of the situations & test that meaning in the world around them. It promotes an inquiry-based environment. Connect with classmates, post jobs, share memories and a lot more. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) would withal be reflected in the Verbal expression of Subject Sagacious Performance. S. Karthika Reddy 2. All Rights Reserved. The school was established with the aim of holistic curriculum for the students for acquiring virtues. Healthy table manners for children is an important skill that should be developed when they are young. Please fill out the Registration Form on the following page for getting Admission in the Delhi Public School - Nadergul, the Best CBSE Schools in Hyderabad. A holistic view of education and schooling i.e., Guiding students to develop capacities, acquire virtues, and provide service. This does not mean all students will be successful at the learning experience or activity, but they have the chance to try to be successful. 03-08-2019 to 01-01-1970 . DPS Nacharam is well known to be as one of the Best International Schools in Hyderabad. It is a total teaching-learning program comprising overall aims, syllabus, materials, methods, and assessment as per the prescribed pattern. A student should only be enrolled into a Courseware credit recovery course after meeting with the school counselor and the principal (or his/her designee), and the following conditions are … Enhanced brain functioning, energy levels, self-esteem, and positive behavior have been attributed to physical activity. Samhita Moharir of DPS Nacharam proposed the vote of thanks. The idyllic setting and sylvan surroundings of the campus creates the perfect atmosphere to mould all round personality. Behind Tukaram Gate Police Station, Mahendra Hills, East Marredpally. Koshika Das 3. Former founder Headmistress at DPS, Nacharam Hyderabad, Telangana, India 7 connections. Classes in Computer Science are compulsory for all students Remedial classes in all subjects are held regularly, to enable the students who are unable to meet the high standards set by the school and come up to the level of their respective classes. All students learn English, Mathematics, Sciences, a Second and a third language, Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW) cum Clubs which include art/craft, music and dance, Scouts and Guides, Scrabble Club, Seamstress Club and so on. Delhi Public School - Nacharam, best schools in Hyderabad, has a legacy of more than 10-years in the field of education from Pre Primary to Senior Secondary 040-33621222 , 67580013 Toll-Free: 1800-212-999999 CBSE Affl. DPS Nacharam, Best Pre-Primary Schools in Hyderabad, appreciates and encourages a childhood that’s driven by curiosity and creativity. The school adopts the most progressive and pupil-centered system. At DPS, Top Schools in Hyderabad, CCA activities help in developing features like speech fluency and extempore. It is designed to meet 3 needs, Interest, Development & Adaptability. It is supported by the online digital slate Curriculum. DPS Nacharam has been the alchemist for the past 12 years in shaping the students with the holistic curriculum. Sports reveal the character rather than building. We at. Students in the Middle School are at a special life period where physical fitness can have a big impact not only on their health but also on their overall outlook. It is designed to develop the rational and analytical faculties of puerile students. Competitiveness, creativeness, enthusiasm, quality achievements, and excellence are few of the ethics of extra-curricular activities and also strengthen the meaning of co-curricular activities in school. Edifiers and students heedfully perceive with empathy and positively support others. It is a process where children observe new situations. THE RIGHT QUESTIONS TO PICK THE RIGHT SCHOOL, Football Academy – Telangana Football Association. At DPS, Top Schools in Hyderabad, Yoga classes are offered compulsorily once a week for middle school students (6th and 7th). DPS Secunderabad – Nacharam has been in existence for more than 12 years under the management of the Delhi Public School Society, Delhi. The descriptor "public school" references the model of the long-established English public school. Job Location: Hyderabad Job Description: SkillSet: teaching. This type of learning promotes problem-solving skills. Student leaders are at different levels with specific responsibilities as early as 5 years of age. We educate and motivate children in multiple ways to eat healthily as we truly believe that a healthy nation lies in the healthy minds of tomorrow. [citation needed] The Delhi Public School Society is the administrative authority for all its institutions in India and abroad. Expressions, storyline, dialogues, characters, discipline, teamwork are the main focused areas allowing memory skill development. To feel good about self, a child must be successful in his/her own eyes. 1. Various other branches of DPS also joined the special assembly. Art, Music, Dance, Physical Education, Games, SUPW cum Clubs, Robotics and Scouts, and Guides are some of the mediums of imparting education. No: … The student learns and understands that education isn’t what you just what learn; in fact, it is what you at DPS, we believe in not just educating the minds but also educating the hearts. 040 27737295 , 040-27737296. emailmhills@dpssecunderabad.in DPS Nacharam. Delhi Public School – Nacharam, Top Schools in Hyderabad, have been known for making learning most interesting. Yoga’s combination of breathing and movement can help alleviate social and academic stress, clear the mind and soothe cramped bodies jammed into desks and hunched over computers Yoga helps children improve their concentration. DPS has been the alchemist for the past 12 years in shaping the holistic curriculum for students. A holistic view of inculcation is Guiding students to acquire virtues, and provide service. It lays accentuation on learning by doing. The school tailors the curriculum according to the grade so that children get the best out of it. Delhi Public School, Nacharam, Top Schools in Hyderabad, follows the curriculum as prescribed by the CBSE. The same case 1s also noticed with the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) of India. for DPS Hyderabad schools. Academic achievement and appropriate behavior are given equal importance. CBSE: DPS follows the CBSE curriculum right from pre-primary, stitching it together with sports and co-curricular activities. V. Sanjana 7. In essence, it promotes a nurturing school environment where all are valued, and where people feel respected and nurtured, with everyone accepting responsibility for student success. The importance of co-curricular activity in the school curriculum has been widely acknowledged in their respective Curriculum Frameworks by many countries. Creations with clay are fun and fulfilling activities to do with the children. At DPS, the inf… The school believes that all students should have equal opportunities to participate in school experiences, whether advanced academic classes, physical education activities or clubs. Culinary classes at home and in school are initiated. DPS Nacharam, affiliated to the CBSE with classes from Nursery to XII adheres to the NCERT/CBSE curriculum which is the largest school education board in the country. Students who actively participate in sports programs can apply their energy, become healthier, improve their team-building skills and boost self-esteem. Ah it's so special that these children have grown in, in our portals ah having availed of sports scholarship that no normally no school level child would be able to boast of but Delhi Public School, Nachuram Mahindrals and Nadergul, thanks to our chairman sir and director Pallavi ma'am and their vision that they hold for an extended curriculum that ah includes sports education. 12K likes. S. Aaradhya 4. The importance of co-curricular programs, projects and activities is grounded on the idea that education does not stop inside the classroom, it extends beyond school walls and formal training, and that quality education depends largely on the capability to integrate formal education in a bigger world of learning called life through co-curricular and practical training for the overall development of a child, academic curriculum is not only the single criteria. THE RIGHT QUESTIONS TO PICK THE RIGHT SCHOOL, Football Academy – Telangana Football Association. The Delhi Public School Society (DPS) is a large group of private schools in India. Sarayu of class XI left the audience spellbound through her graceful steps fitted to the transfixing tune of Swagatam Krishna. 040-33621222 , 67580013 Toll-Free: 1800-212-999999 CBSE Affl. Innovative techniques are employed by teachers to ascertain students get the most of every moment they spend at the school. Physical Fitness is an important component for students of all ages. The subject enrichment activities are conducted through various modes ranging from student-centric assessment tasks and peer assessment to teacher-led tasks. It is here that the student strikes a balance between his primary years and the high school years. The mini library includes pictorial, touch and feels for sensorial appreciation and technology-based books. Copyright ©2019. While DPS Nacharam is primarily a CBSE school, it also offers the much-reputed Cambridge International to its children. The school ensures an environment that gives adolescents opportunities to learn and interact in a humane, respectful and psychologically safe learning environment — one that emphasizes cooperation and peaceful existence. Group 1 Position DPS, Bangalore South 2 Position DPS, Nacharam 3 Position DPS, Secunderabad Solo 1 Position DPS, Nacharam 2 Position DPS, North 3 Position DPS, Bangalore South: 14. The Value Education framework draws upon values from the Constitution of India. DPS Mahendra Hills (Feeder School of DPS Nacharam) is well known to be as one of the Best CBSE Schools in Secunderabad. Innovative techniques are employed … II Language options offered for Middle School Students: Hindi, Telugu, and French (From class VIII only.). The qualifying grade in each subject under Scholastic activity shall be minimum Grade D. The students will be assessed in subjects under Scholastic Area utilizing the conventional numerical marking and later converted into the grades. DPS provides a good infrastructure, great exposure to international events and fairly strong academics. By continuing to use this website, you agree to our use of cookies as explained in our Cookie Policy. We continue to create artists and help to nurture leadership qualities. CCA is an integral part of the school’s curriculum and student life at DPS. CURRICULUM. The curriculum is flexible and contextual. We use Cookies to track page analytics and to keep you logged in. However, apart from being fun, working with clay also provides surprising benefits for the child’s development. Empower students to demonstrate articulate, acquire, and value erudition and skills that will fortify them, as perennial learners, to participate and contribute to the world around them and practice the core values of the school: love, tolerance, excellence, and Service before self. All activities under the Co-scholastic domain will be assessed on a five-point scale. Pound, pinch, flatten, tear, poke, squeeze, coil, roll, and bend are the exercises that strengthen fine motor skills. Notebook maintenance and subject enrichment activities are given due importance and awarded marks for both terms. This is the time when students experience unique changes in their physique and their social relationships, as well as the typical stressors, such as grades and new group activities. DPS Secunderabad Nacharam is located in Nacharam, Secunderabad with a International Standard residential boys hostel for Classes VI to XII “We don’t understand youth until we’re in relationships with them and allow them to tell us and show us what they need. Students are assessed and divided into sports of their choice and caliber. reminds us to uncover important ideas, explore critical Questioning, focus on learning, using conventional & unconventional methods of teaching. Delhi Public School – Nacharam, Top Schools in Hyderabad, have been known for making learning most interesting. Out of class activities affect all domains of life such as cognitive, moral, emotional, social, aesthetic and cultural. The school follows the assessment and evaluation pattern as instructed by the Central Board of Secondary Education. 040-33621222, 67580013 Toll-Free: 1800-212-999999 CBSE Affl. And receive weekly recommendations in your inbox. Delhi Public School. K. Srinithya 5. The DPS Hyderabad schools are prominently established with world-class management in Miyapur, Nacharam, Chandanagar and Nadergul in partner with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Board. It is supported by the online digital slate Curriculum. DPS Hyderabad Fee Structure. DPS Nacharam, affiliated to the CBSE with classes from Nursery to XII adheres to the NCERT/CBSE curriculum which is the largest school education board in the country. It is designed to meet 3 needs, Interest, Development & Adaptability. Vice- Principal. Children need to experience things more than they need endless teaching. The middle grades are the one place where educators “really have a chance to reform outcomes.” This is the perfect time to shape adolescent idealism and growing interest in the wider world into engaged citizenship, commitment to work, and care for others. DPS Nacharam, Best Pre-Primary Schools in Hyderabad, appreciates and encourages a childhood that’s driven by curiosity and creativity. “Estaciones with Ramayana” was one of the biggest highlights of the Pre Primary theatre club. The following sports and skill-based games are offered to students regularly: Cricket, basketball, football, swimming, skating, athletics, tennis, Kabaddi, volleyball, kho-kho, tycondo, table tennis, and rifle shooting. All Rights Reserved. DPS Sonepat under the aegis of the Delhi Public School Society stands for excellence and quality in education. 040-33621222 , 67580013 Toll-Free: 1800-212-999999 CBSE Affl. 1. Delhi Public School - Nacharam, best schools in Hyderabad, has a legacy of more than 10-years in the field of education from Pre Primary to Senior Secondary . We aim not only for healthy table etiquettes but also for eating right. To this end, Scholastic and Non-scholastic areas of learner’s magnification with particular reference to attributes such as sports and games; postures and values; life skills as well as co-curricular activities play an equally significant role in a student’s all-round development. Delhi Public School, Nacharam, Hyderabad. Saipeta Srivardhan 6. Periodic Assessments are conducted twice a year along with the Half Yearly and Annual Exams. The school has been the alchemist in enhancing the intrinsic values for life and passion for learning. We aim to activate the child’s own desire to learn through the ongoing process of reflective practices. Focus on sports and extracurricular activities. We wish to imbibe an inherent habit of reading and treating books as their best friends forever. The school encourages teachers to attend training programs run by the Board to build their teaching and testing skills. And receive weekly recommendations in your inbox. They are young Frameworks by many countries teamwork are the variations to amuse a child must be in. Collaboration among students, and Alumni connected through our – campus school and career goals connections between school and like., methods, and provide service expression of subject Sagacious Performance vote of thanks conducted... Of their choice and caliber campus creates the perfect atmosphere to mould all round personality provides surprising benefits the... School follows the curriculum as prescribed by the online digital slate curriculum graceful fitted... 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