find the steel sword upgrade diagram cat school
Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 4, quest walkthrough and hints. Like in title, i don't know where to found that on diagram, anyone can help me? Travel to the Est Tayiar marker in Novigrad and head up the set of stairs and through the structure and inside the underground tunnel. Head into Novigrad using the Oxenfurt Gate. It's said that there are the School of the Bear, School of the Cat, School of the Crane, School of the Griffin, School of the Manticore, and the School of Viper. In order to obtain schematics for this set, it is best to equip oneself with a map: Adalbert Kermith's Fourth Map. The easiest way to find out where the diagrams are is to buy the right map. The chest itself can only be reached by first interacting with four sets of levers and statues. Might be because i found it without finding the mark. Enhanced Feline Gauntlets Diagram location? Cat school upgraded diagram for silver sword. There is armor in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt that is based on the School of the Cat and Geralt must go on a world-spanning quest to find & forge it. Next: Witcher 3: The Secret Boss You Probably Didn't Know About. If they explore the dungeon, they will eventually reach a chamber with levers and statues. The exact location has a Signpost called Est Tayiar, and when you arrive you’ll want to look inside the tunnel for a brick wall that can be smashed with Aard. Official Strategy Guides for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition Collector's Strategy Guide, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition Strategy Guide, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt The Complete Edition eGuide, The Most Powerful Gwent Cards in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Holiday Gift Guide | The Best Gifts for a Fan of The Witcher, The Witcher 3 Is Coming to PS5 and Xbox Series X. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available now for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. If you don’t have a fast travel point unlocked, go there on your trusty horse, Roach. Superior Wolven Steel Sword Head to the Lofoten fast travel point on the easternmost island in The Skellige Isles map. Feline Steel Sword - Enhanced is a Diagram in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt that can be crafted by a Blacksmith. Dive and loot Laboratory key from a skeleton on the bottom of the pool. He quickly deduced that they indicated the locations of the hidden witcher caches and, intrigued by the chance of discovering long-lost crafting schematics, he set out to find … The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. You’ll come to a path that leads to a cave entrance, which is where you need to go to get the rest of your gear. Cat School enhanched steel sword cave locked door As topic says for the enhanced cat school diagrams part 2 there is a cave that contains the enhanced steel sword diagram. The silver sword diagram is found just inside Oxenfurt Gate. Thus i cannot loot the chest in the cave. Ursine Armor Diagrams Location. Also Bear School Gear are located in Skellige. The Feline gear from the Cat School is the best light armor set in the Witcher 3. The key can be used to open the locked door in the room with the golem. With these in hand, he could add life-saving improvments to his combat gear. This will complete your set, then it’s on to the Bear School Gear. The Enhanced edition of the Feline armor set is the first upgrade to the Cat School Gear set. Hello. Scavenger Hunt - Cat School Gear (Level 17)¶ It’s time to finally turn your attention to Novigrad’s Temple Isle, if you didn’t bother earlier in your hunt for Gwent Cards. Superior Griffin School Gear works best for those players who value the witcher signs - each element along with the swords gives bonus which gets higher with every upgrade. He can be contacted on LinkedIn. During one of his numerous adventures, Geralt got his hands on a map covered in strange markings. Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 2 You want to go east (and a bit north) from there, stopping when you reach the Troll Treasure Cave. It's possible for Geralt to create a suit of armor that is commonly worn by members of the School of the Cat, so long as he completes several quests first. Cat school upgraded diagram for silver sword. Take the right path, using your Witcher Senses to find the Feline Silver Sword Diagram – Superior. Go into the Wraith Den here before going up some stairs and keep an … There is a chamber that contains the diagram for the silver sword and some notes, which will point Geralt to Castle Drahim. Luckily, there are only three locations to visit to find the gear for this set. Cat School Gear. - Find the trousers upgrade diagram using your Witcher Senses. Do this, grabbing the Feline Silver Sword Diagram in the process. To craft this item, you will need to acquire Diagram: Feline steel sword - enhanced, obtain the needed number of required Components, then visit a Craftsman with the required Type and Level, and pay the cost to craft it.The complete information needed to craft this item can be found below. Answers. All four pieces of armor are located in the same spot, which is a welcome change from the running around we did to get the enhanced versions. The Mastercrafter Steel Sword diagram is located in … You’ll eventually come to a cave you can enter even as you ride Roach. The easiest way to get these marked on the map is to buy the damp, moldy notes from Kaer Trolde's armorer. It’s directly east of the Temerian Partisan Camp. Head to the most southern Skellige Island and fast travel to the Harviken Signpost. When you reach another section of cave, use your Witcher Senses to spot what you came for, the Feline Armor Diagram – Mastercrafted, the Feline Gauntlets Diagram – Mastercrafted, the Feline Boots Diagram – Mastercrafted and the Feline Trousers Diagram – Mastercrafted. Find below a searchable list of all Schematic item codes and spawn commands from Witcher 3 on Steam (PC / Mac). For this, you need to go back to Oxenfurt, and more specifically, the house where you found and confronted Whoreson Junior. In this case it will be the "Adalbert Kermith's fourth map" which you can buy from the Lindenvale Blacksmith. It's in this room that they will fight a former witcher that was experimented on by a mad mage. The diagram for the wolven steel sword is found inside the Garrison to the west of Kaer Morhen. Keep to your left and before the first stairs loot the chest. This will open a pool that Geralt needs to swim to the bottom of, in order to retrieve a key. Loot it and return to the Reardon Manor Signpost. Mastercrafted Cat School Gear - works best for those players who value the melee attacks instead of using signs - each element along with the swords gives attack bonus which gets higher with every upgrade. Where is it? It's so hard to find dark fantasy media these days. The Scavenger Hunt quests can be picked up from purchasing "maps" from vendors/blacksmiths/armorers, or … We’re talking about across the bridge by the St. Gregory’s Bridge Signpost. Mastercrafted Feline Steel Sword You can find the diagram within the ruins of Kaer Gelen in Skellige. Like the Ursine Swords, Feline Swords come from the Cat School gear. You’re headed to the northeast of Oxenfurt, and more specifically, east … Scott now writes game reviews for Screen Rant and The Gamer, as well as news reports, opinion pieces, and game guides. This guide shows and talks about the Legendary Enhanced Feline, but you can use it for your Normal Game playthrough as well. With your foe dead, loot the room, including the chest that has the Feline Armor Diagram, the Feline Gauntlet Diagram, the Feline Boots Diagram and the Feline Trousers Diagram. This will complete the superior set of the Cat School Gear. The same applies to all of the gear, meaning you must own the Superior variation if you hope to get your hands on the Mastercrafted stuff. If you don't have the DLC though, a bear will be here instead. In this guide, we’re going to show you how to get Mastercrafted Cat Gear diagrams, the stats of the items and which materials you’ll need to perform the upgrade. Weapon Specs. Wolven Silver Sword Location The silver wolven sword diagram is found in the far north of the Kaer Morhen map at the Ruined Watchtower; the easiest way to get there … Your next stop will be to the east and slightly north of the Hangman’s Tree Signpost. The Cat School Gear (also known as the Feline School Gear) consists of armor, boots, gauntlet, trousers, a silver sword, a steel sword, and a crossbow. The Cat School Gear, which is compromised of the Feline Armor Set, Feline Silver Sword, Feline Steel Sword, and Feline Crossbow require you to be … You’ll eventually come to a cave you can enter even as you ride Roach. deep inside caves or in a hard to reach areas so it is very hard to discover them by simply exploring game world. A graduate of Edge Hill University in the UK, Scott started out as a film student before moving into journalism. There you will find a chest containing the Steel Sword diagram. #1. The levels can be pulled to make the statues move ninety degrees, and the player needs to keep pulling them until the statues are facing the center of the room. There's an open window on the left side but I … Head to the Rogne Signpost on the main Skellige Island. Find the nearest Signpost and fast travel to the Drahim Castle Signpost. Geralt needs to defeat this witcher in order to find the diagrams for the armor, boots, gauntlets, and trousers. Climb up here then, behind the trees, you should find a ladder to climb up to enter someone's home. As with other Witcher gear sets, you need to find diagrams to craft the armor pieces and weapons for every level (basic, enhanced, superior, mastercrafted, and grandmaster) of the set. In NG+ (New Game Plus) mode the stats are higher, monsters are stronger and benefits are greater. The wreckage of the Flying Stag can be found off the east coast of the largest island. The easiest way to find out where the diagrams are is to buy the right map. You’re in the right spot when you find some ruins, and within those ruins is a chest. This diagram is guarded by a level 19 Golem. Head to the most southern Skellige Island and fast travel to the Harviken Signpost. The diagram is down a few ladders once you step inside the castle, but you may also want to loot all the way to the top; we found some good stuff here. Psychic. You’ll need the fancy illusion killing device that Keir Metz gave you back in Velen. If that’s the set you are looking to use, head to your nearest armorer and blacksmith to get it crafted. Here's how to know if you're eligible. Answered: Did anyone happen to find a … Feline Crossbow ... Superior Feline Cat Gear diagrams are the third upgrade for basic Cat school gear. Of course you can also look for the diagrams on your own. Geralt should fast travel to Elector's Square in Novigrad and search west/northwest of the isle until the player sees a clifftop stone path that they can drop off onto a grassy path that leads into a cave. The marker here can be a little confusing as it's up on the grassy ledge area just inside Novigrad. Answered: Feline Armor or Wolven Armor for Deathmarch?? Steel sword diagram wolf school gear upgrade part 5? You want to go east (and a bit north) from there, stopping when you reach the Troll Treasure Cave. You can also go directly west from the Downwarren Signpost. about This, along with what materials are required to craft the gear, can be found on the diagrams. You’re looking for a cave, and in a chest inside that cave is the Feline Gauntlets Diagram – Enhanced. You can buy it from a blacksmith from Blackbough. There you will find a chest containing the Steel Sword diagram. Egro. Make sure you have the best weapons and armor in The Witcher 3! Grab all the loot you find, then exit back out to the main cave area, this time following the tunnel to the left. It turned out that wasting a childhood playing video games, reading comic books, and watching movies could be used for finding employment, regardless of what any career advisor might tell you. Type the name or spawn code of a Witcher 3 item into the search box below to … Materials Needed. Use your Witcher Senses to find loot, spotting the chest with the Feline Steel Sword Diagram – Enhanced inside. He has previously written articles and video scripts for websites like Cracked, Dorkly, Topless Robot, and TopTenz. In order to obtain schematics for this set, it is best to equip oneself with a map: Adalbert Kermith's Third Map. Answered: Steel sword diagram wolf school gear upgrade part 5? Start at the Reardon Manor Signpost and head to the northeast. There’s only one area left to explore, which is the locked door behind where the Golem used to be. The dungeon you want is to the north, and a room inside and on the left will hold the Feline Steel Sword Diagram – Mastercrafted. If you prefer, you can also find this spot by heading north from the Benek Signpost. We’re going to start off with the standard Cat School Gear, so the first place you’ll want to visit is the Drahim Castle Signpost. The player needs to use Aard to destroy the tower door, allowing them to enter into the castle. Edit: Actully i have the diagram but the quest doesnt' know that. In order to obtain schematics for this set, it is best to equip oneself with a map: Adalbert Kermith's Fourth Map. Diagram Feline Steel Sword - Enhanced Information . Make your way up to the next floor and you should find the diagram in the chest here. If the player searches the cellar, they will find the diagram for the steel sword and Prince Adrien's journal. You’ll find this diagram on the main Skellige Island. You are headed close to the shore. The Witcher 3 is currently available to download for free as part of a deal with GOG. [BUG] Enhanced feline boots (Cat School Upgrade Gear Diagrams Part 1) So im standing next to the feline witcher gear marker with witcher sense on and geralt cannot see the mark. The Cat School Gear (also known as the Feline School Gear) consists of armor, boots, gauntlet, trousers, a silver sword, a steel sword, and a crossbow. You’ll have to fight a Level 11 Ekimmara to find the Diagrams. It appears to be in a structure up high. Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 2, quest walkthrough and hints. The dungeon you want is to the north, and a room inside and on the left will hold the Feline Steel Sword Diagram – Mastercrafted. You can buy it from a quartermaster from Crow's Pearch. In order to forge the Feline Trousers, the player needs two pieces of silk, a piece of cured leather, a piece of hardened timber, four leather straps, and a monster brain. Jun 18, 2016 @ 3:57am Does it point to you any sign post? Using Aard to smash the brick wall on the right, the diagram for the sword can be found on the floor on the other side of the wall. You want to go east from this location until you reach the Kaer Gelen ruins. But some of the merchants found in the game sell special maps which can help you. Superior Wolven Steel Sword Head to the Lofoten fast travel point on the easternmost island in The Skellige Isles map. In order to forge the Feline Armor, the player needs a shirt, two pieces of hardened leather, two pieces of dark steel plate, two pieces of hardened timber, and some powdered monster tissue. We're celebrating with launch day events, deals, and more! If that doesn’t work, go south and slightly east of the Hindhold Signpost. The problem is it’s all on the islands that make up Skellige, and there are some really tough beasts that stand in your way. One of the most beloved RPG experiences of this generation is heading off into the generation ahead, confirms CD Projekt RED. In that room you’ll find the Feline Silver Sword Diagram – Mastercrafted. Head east until you reach the Aerama's Abandoned Manor. Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 3 is a treasure hunt in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Once you get inside the hall with the 4 locked doors, push a lever at the end of the hall to open them. Either run across Saint Gregory’s Bridge (that bridge-shaped object north of the signpost!) Related: Witcher 3: How to Access the Alternative Looks DLC. Look for another cave, then go inside to find the Feline Boots Diagram – Enhanced. Grab it and go. Might be because i found it without finding the mark. I found everything else for this quest, but with no idea where to start looking, how am I supposed to know? Enhanced Ursine Steel Sword The diagram is on Prison Island, in Kaer Almhult. Enhanced Feline steel sword Feline steel sword diagram is hidden in the cave located between Toderas fast travel point (to the northeast) and Reardon Manor (to the southwest). Important Note! Your next destination is the shipwreck to the southwest of the lighthouse (to the west of Novigrad). Facing the water, head to the wall on the right-hand side to find the chest containing the diagram. There’s also an Earth Elemental, so we advise grabbing the Feline Armor Diagram – Superior, the Feline Gauntlets Diagram – Superior, the Feline Boots Diagram – Superior and the Feline Trousers Diagram – Superior, then getting out of there. Ursine Steel Sword Head southeast of Fyresdal is a Ruined Inn that houses some enemies. Go into the building and look around inside to find the chest containing the diagram. Is Sora the Next Smash Bros. DLC Character? First, head southwest from the Dragonslayer’s Grotto Signpost. This section is for finding the base (standard) gear, while the rest are divided into upgrade quests. Superior Cat School Gear - works best for those players who value the melee attacks instead of using signs - each element along with the swords gives attack bonus which gets higher with every upgrade. Feline Silver Sword Diagram. You can buy it from a blacksmith in Lindevale. As you may know, Golems hit hard and have high armor. In order to forge the Cat School Gear, the player needs to track down the diagrams for each one. It's the griffin school gear upgrade diagrams - part 3 quest. In order to obtain the schematics for this set, it is best to equip oneself with a map: Adalbert Kermith's Second Map. Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 4 Find the Cat School upgrades Flagged from a map purchased from a merchant - Suggested Level 34 During one of his numerous adventures, Geralt got his hands on a map covered with strange markings. Grab it and go. Either way, when you arrive you’ll want to look for some stone steps, exploring the burned out building until you find a chest that contains the Feline Armor Diagram – Enhanced. Loot it and return to the Reardon Manor Signpost. During one of his numerous adventures, Geralt got his hands on a map covered in strange markings. Diagrams for 'set' armor & weapons (Griffin School, Cat (Feline) School, Bear (Ursine) School) in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt are usually well hidden in chests, etc. - Chest inside ruined tower in northern part of Ard Skellig. - Find the diagrams to all elements of Cat School witcher gear - 7 parts. Inside you can grab the Feline Crossbow Diagram, but it can’t be used if you haven’t reached level 29. When you use it, the cave will open, and a short distance inside is a Golem. Follow the road from the signpost to the fort. Enhanced Wolven Steel Sword Return to the Ruined Watchtower to the far north of Kaer Morhen. Of course you can also look for the diagrams on your own. The players of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will quickly become familiar with Kaer Morhen, which belongs to the School of the Wolf, but there are other orders of the witchers in the world. When you’re done, you’ll have the Feline Steel Sword Diagram. As you cross into the city, look for a merchant in a building directly in front of you. The next piece of gear is located to the northeast of Oxenfurt. • [4:55] — The “Enhanced Griffin Steel Sword” Diagram (Level 14) can be found at the burned out ruins that are now a Bandit Camp, south-west of the Refugees Camp. and follow the … West from there, on the higher ground, within the stone ruins where the lvl 26 Rabid rock Troll resides lies the Superior Wolven Steel Sword diagram. Head to Est Tayiar in northeast Gustfields and search for a loose wall that can be broken with Aard. Map location of the diagram’s cave. When you’re there, hit the west side of the cliff and follow it in a clockwise manner. - Explore the passage under Temple Isle. < > Showing 1-8 of 8 comments . Objectives. Do not go inside the building, but instead look for some scaffolding a short ways to the right. Find doors to laboratory, open it and kill Mad Kiyan (17). In the world of The Witcher, there were once several different strongholds that had their own methods of creating and training witchers. User Info: GGloria11. They all have to face in if you wish to proceed, so use the levers until they face the center of the room. 193 Damage; Bleed Chance +20%; Bonuses experience from humans and nonhumans: +5% . Leave the cave and head to the nearest fast travel point, then look for the innkeeper icon on your map near the St. Gregory’s Bridge Signpost in Novigrad. This section covers finding the superior diagrams for the armor, silver sword, and steel sword. In order to apply them, ... Superior Feline Steel Sword Just northeast of Novigrad, inside a small cave, near a fast travel point called Cavern. Scott specializes in gaming and has loved the medium since the early ‘90s when his first console was a ZX Spectrum that used to take 40 minutes to load a game from a tape cassette player to a black and white TV set. < > Showing 1-4 of 4 comments . The armor, boot, gauntlet and trouser diagrams are found on Faroe, in a chest in a cave along the south coast. BuzzardBee. The cave where this diagram is found is also the cave known as the "hog hut" by the villagers of Lurtch.. Associated quest [edit | edit source]. This quest allows Geralt to assemble the mastercrafted set of Cat School gear. The diagram for this weapon can be found in the [[Side Quest]: Scavenger Hunt: Viper School Gear, along with the diagram for the Serpentine Steel Sword. Find the silver sword upgrade diagram using your Witcher Senses; Find the armor upgrade diagram using your Witcher Senses; Find the steel sword upgrade diagram using your Witcher Senses; Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 3 Find the Griffin School upgrades The Witcher 3’s witcher gear sets are your go-to source for the strongest armor and weaponry in the game for our dear old Butcher of Blaviken. Just to ensure he’s not a problem, spend a moment killing this fool. Scott has been writing for Screen Rant since 2016 and regularly contributes to The Gamer. Use your Witcher Senses to find loot, spotting the chest with the Feline Steel Sword Diagram – Enhanced inside. [BUG] Enhanced feline boots (Cat School Upgrade Gear Diagrams Part 1) So im standing next to the feline witcher gear marker with witcher sense on and geralt cannot see the mark. This should lead you to the Ursten Cave, and inside it will fork to the left and right. A one-stop shop for all things video games. When you hit the shore you will be at the Smuggler’s Den. Cat School Gear – Enhanced. He quickly deduced that they indicated the locations of the hidden witcher caches and, intrigued by the chance of discovering long-lost crafting schematics, he set out to find … Swim back to the Lighthouse Signpost and fast travel to the northwest of Novigrad. - In a room with levers and statues, pull levers until every statue faces into the central. Block and dodge, then slice him up when you get the chance. He set out to find them in hopes of improving his equipment. deep inside dungeons or in a hard to reach areas so it is very hard to discover all of them by simply exploring the game world. Mastercrafted Feline Steel Sword You can find the diagram within the ruins of Kaer Gelen in Skellige. Mastercrafted Cat Gear is the last level of upgrade for Cat School Gear.It’s one of the best light armors in the game, and comes after you’ve already went through Enhanced Cat Gear and Superior Cat Gear. – To find the loot chest, from the campfire go to the work-in-progress building and when you get near it take a left up some stairs. The player cannot find them naturally in the game world and Geralt must forge them himself. Superior Feline Cat Gear diagrams are the third upgrade for basic Cat school gear. The journal mentions a ship called the Flying Stag. The Cat School Gear (also known as the Feline School Gear) consists of armor, boots, gauntlet, trousers, a silver sword, a steel sword, and a crossbow. You want to take the road that goes southwest, but when it splits off, go straight off-road. Superior gear. Snatch a key off the bottom of the pool, then surface, climb out and return to the main cave area where you killed the Golem. How to Craft Feline steel sword - enhanced. You can swim there from the Lighthouse Signpost, climbing on board and dropping through the deck to find a chest. Feline Steel Sword – Mastercrafted Diagram. Published June 3, 2015, 1:35 p.m. Drop in and use your crossbow to kill three drowners, then grab some air and dive back down to the bottom. Travel there and look for the Wraith Treasure Cave, heading inside and moving forward. Now the one you are looking for, is it for the Superior or Mastercrafted Steel Sword? In order to forge the Feline Crossbow, the player needs two pieces of hardened timber, a monster bone, a piece of monster hair, a piece of wax, and some dark iron ore. In order to forge the Cat School Gear, the player needs to track down the diagrams for each one. Enhanced Cat School Gear - works best for those players who value the melee attacks instead of using signs - each element along with the swords gives attack bonus which gets higher with every upgrade. The notes will lead the player to the Temple Isle in Novigrad. In order to obtain schematics for this set, it is best to equip oneself with a map ( Edwin Greloff's Third Map ) which can be bought from the armorer on the Novigrad market. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Return to the Oxenfurt Gate Signpost and fast travel to the Novigrad Gate you’ll find in Oxenfurt. Geralt actually says needs a key and there are examination marks behind door if you use senses. Mastercrafted Cat School Gear - works best for those players who value the melee attacks instead of using signs - each element along with the swords gives attack bonus which gets higher with every upgrade. Of course you can also look for the diagrams on your own. Once at the ruins, find a crack in the floor that will take you underground. Smash this with Aard to reveal a chest, then snatch the Feline Trousers Diagram – Enhance from it. It should be fairly simple. From the main cave entrance, go through the right tunnel, smashing your way through any blockades that stand in your way using Aard. Find the steel sword upgrade diagram using your Witcher Senses Find the armor upgrade diagram using your Witcher Senses Find the steel sword upgrade diagram Find the armor upgrade diagram using In total, there are pieces of Wolf School Gear across four regions in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.Those locations include Kaer Morhen, Velen, Skellige, and Toussaint and once collected, will allow Geralt to showcase his latest Witcher gear for all the humans and dwarves sitting inside. Easternmost Island in the game sell special maps which can help me know about all maps you see. Grabbing the Feline Crossbow diagram, anyone can help me got all.... And armor to climb up here then, behind the trees, you can swim there from the Cat Gear. Stopping when you get started, know that luckily, there are only three locations to visit find! 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