how to explain bike accident
Accident by definition means, “an unexpected and unintentional incident, causing damage or injury” but in most of the cases accidents can be avoided, if certain precautions are taken. In the example of a bicycle accident, violation of a traffic ordinance, such as failure to yield, can be used as evidence of negligence on the part of the cyclist, but it still won’t in and of itself be reason to block the rider from collecting damages. If you or a loved one has been injured in a bicycle accident, it’s important consult with an experienced bicycle injury attorney promptly to protect your legal rights and take the critical steps needed to pursue a personal injury claim. And don't send your bike, helmet, or any other equipment to anyone other than your attorney. This includes accidents where the other vehicle or driver is untraceable or uninsured. This is a term for a hurt arm as a result from a motorcycle fall or accident. Privacy | Site Map, Bike Accident & Crash Checklist: What To Do, How To Protect Your Rights, The Dolan Law Firm is a long-time sponsor of the, If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a bike accident, of simply have questions about California bicycle laws, we urge you to, San Francisco Personal Injury Attorney | Dolan Law Firm, PC, What You Need to Know About the 25th Amendment, An Interview with Super Lawyer Rising Star: Allison Stone, Legal Protections for Employees During COVID-19, Workers’ Compensation Could Cover COVID-19 exposure. And if you’re like most people, you’ve probably wondered if it’s actually worth it. Be as detailed as possible, but keep your tone objective and stick to the facts. Yet accidental injuries are the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, claiming more than 136,000 lives annually. Thinking that it could be a minor one, I got back to work the next day itself. Shorten the stem so you are in a more upright position. It can be safer to use a shoulder lane or sidewalk than the right edge of a roadway. That's why many cyclists conclude that wearing a helmet is a no-brainer, while not wearing one could leave you with no brain. Here are the steps we recommend you take to ensure your health and safety, make sure the police fairly investigate crash, and protect your legal rights after a bike accident. We will review your case for free, promptly and with no obligation on your part. The truck was very slow, around 30 kph. 1438 Market Street However, by taking safety precautions such as: Texting, emailing, web surfing, and other mobile device usage while in motion has become a serious public health threat. This should tremendously help your case to receive compensation from your or the other party’s insurance policy. Bicyclists must obey traffic lights and stop signs and use signals when turning. If you have, say, gravel in your line and can't avoid it, just go through. Leave your bike and other damaged property in the same state as after the accident -- don't attempt to fix anything or have anything inspected. If you were injured in a bike accident, we can explain your rights during a free initial consultation. Los Angeles, Below are five common causes of bicycle accidents and tips to reduce your risk of an accident. Have you ever been in a car accident? When you describe a car accident, remember to explain only the key facts about the wreck. The leading cause of death from a bike accident is head injury or brain trauma. Hi, As you are aware that I met with an accident last week. While bicyclists typically don’t ride at the speed of cars, that doesn’t mean they should ride as fast as possible. Sidewalks, parking lot lanes, and driveways tend to be more confined than roads so there can be less time to avoid an accident and a higher risk of incident. However, in Washington, only motorcyclists are required to give bicyclists three feet of space when passing in the same lane. Sometimes drivers are distracted or they turn in front of a bicycle. Serious injuries and deaths can be linked to the speed of travel. What to do if you are in a bike crash, why we don't say bicycle accident or bike accident, how to ride safely, and more. There are a handful of situations that tend to cause the most bicycle accidents. Located in Normandy Park, between Seattle and Tacoma, the personal injury lawyers at Bishop Law Offices represent clients throughout Washington, the Puget Sound, and Vashon Island, including the cities of. However, the caveat is that bicyclists are required to stay on the right side of the road, unless turning, avoiding an object, or safety requires they ride in the center or left part of the lane. If you've been hurt in a cycle accident and the other vehicle failed to stop or was uninsured, then we can help you make a bike accident claim through the Motor Insurers' Bureau. Right Cross Bike Accident. Record details of your motorbike accident: Take photos of any damage to yourself or your bike on your camera or smartphone, and try to note down information about the location and driving conditions. 2018 was the deadliest year for cyclists with 857 recorded deaths. Just as drivers are more distracted by devices in their cars, so are bicyclists. Los Angeles Law Office Map, Dolan Law Firm PC Take the images and jot down the information as soon as possible, as these details can act as valuable evidence during a motorbike accident claim. For instance, talking about an incident with a horse usually requires switching between different classifiers used to represent the horse, the rider, and maybe a barrier. We are proud to have been repeatedly recognized as one of the best injury law firms in California and outstanding bicycle accident lawyers. Bike death statistics appear to be on the rise. CA – Using front and rear lights The number of bicyclists on the roads will likely increase and unfortunately, fatalities may as well. Californians enjoy bike riding for work, personal errands, and fun, but cyclists sometimes forget that crashes are common as they share the road with other drivers. Bike crashes, traffic collisions, and getting “doored” by a car driver or passenger can happen suddenly. All rights reserved. – Using reflecting material at night Long Essay on Road Accident – Essay 5 (600 words) Introduction. 3. 5. Oakland Law Office Map, © 2017 by Dolan Law Firm PC. Speed Too Fast. 2. You realize later that your injuries were worse than you originally thought and you have trouble getting insurance to cover the medical costs. *The case examples on this website are from specific cases handled by Bishop Legal. stall noun. As a result, we regularly obtain recoveries far above what other lawyers obtain. Take your bike to a professional bike shop to be evaluated for repair costs. Here are the steps we recommend you take to ensure your health and safety, make sure the police fairly investigate crash, and protect your legal rights after a bike accident. Riding too Close to a Lane of Motor Vehicle Traffic. If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a bike accident, of simply have questions about California bicycle laws, we urge you to contact our attorneys today online or call us at 415-636-8160. Bicyclists are considered ‘vehicles’ in Washington. 415-421-2800 We are proud to be recognized by these groups as local, bicycle-friendly attorneys. Even if the accident and injuries are minor, it’s always a good idea to call the police. Between a bicycle and motor vehicle, 95% of fatal bicycle accidents occur. Fix your posture. Oakland, Other vehicles on the road, the terrain, road conditions, and weather conditions are all factors should be taken into account when determine a safe speed to travel while riding. As roads become more congested, pollution problems persist, and the cost of operating a vehicle rises, people are seeking healthier and more eco-friendly lifestyles. Below, our San Diego bicycle accident attorney explains some of the most common types of bicycle accidents and how you can help to avoid them.. If the bike can be repaired and the cost of repairing it is less than what the bike was worth prior to the accident, you can claim the repair costs. Then, sit on your bike, place one foot on one of the pedals, and place your other foot on the ground. San Francisco Law Office Map, Dolan Law Firm PC Don't wash your clothing. What to do after the accident. 1000 Wilshire Blvd #2150 Here are the annual fatality numbers: 2007 = 701, 2008 = 718, 2009 = 628, 2010 = 623, 2011 = 682, 2012 = 734, 2013 = 749, 2014 = 729, 2015 = 829, 2016 = 852, 2017 = 806, 2018 = 857. sideswipe ... British an occasion when a cyclist is knocked off their bike by a motorist who did not see them in time. If your helmet got cracked (even a little bit) – get a new one. It’s also important to know which stretches of Washington highways and freeway prohibit cyclists. Bike Accident 2 February 2017 How I injured myself riding a bike Philip Martin Westwood College How I injured myself riding a bike What this memory is about is when I went to visit my grandma and took and old and rusted bike to a friend house; against my better judgment and was injured when the bike finally broke down. If you have been involved in a bike or cycle crash and have additional questions about your rights to compensation as a result of your crash, contact us at (866) 352-6944. Below is a list of Bicycle Accident Statistics. 90017 Stand the bike up to go straight—to the outside of the turn—then apologize to anyone behind you. – Always wearing a helmet What you say can—and often will—be used against you if you file an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit. Children between the ages of 5 to 15 are close to 25% of bicycle accidents. You never want to assume a car is stop when they should or is going to see you. There were also 49,000 injuries, a 2.1% increase from 2012. 1. San Francisco, – Wearing bright clothing But I realized later that the pain grew to unbearable, due to internal injuries, probably. Ultimately, the choice is yours. In today’s lesson, you’re going to learn expressions for describing different types of accidents, their causes, and results. Bicyclists should never assume cars will leave them plenty of space to safely operate their vehicle. Anything beyond that may prevent you from recovering compensation for your injuries and property damage. Sidewalk, Parking Lot, and Driveways. In 2012, NHTSA data showed that 726 bicyclists were killed in traffic crashes, a 6.5% increase over 2012. 1498 Alice Street Below are five common causes of bicycle accidents and tips to reduce your risk of an accident. The driver that hit you decides not to admit fault and changes their story cau… Each case is unique, and you should consult with an attorney to get a better sense of the value of your own case. 24 Hours a day | Free Consultation¡Se habla español! After years of close calls and near misses, you finally hit the deck. It’s normally associated with an accident, as the human inclination is to put your arms down to break a fall. I was 25 and a bit reckless. CA If you're an ordinary, careful rider and you just happen to have an accident that you survive, a cycle helmet could reduce your risk of a serious head injury and save your life. Using a kinesiology tape on the lower back area may help as well. Located in Normandy Park, between Seattle and Tacoma, the personal injury lawyers at Bishop Law Offices represent clients throughout Washington, the Puget Sound, and Vashon Island, including the cities of Burien, Seattle, Redmond, Kirkland, Bellevue, Tacoma, Federal Way, Auburn, Kent, Everett, SeaTac, Normandy Park, Des Moines, Renton, Tukwila, Newcastle, Covington, Puyallup, Lakewood, and Gig Harbor, as well as the communities in and around King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties. Intersection or Lane Merging. Most car – bike accidents happen in the blink of an eye. Insurance carriers sometimes try to claim a head injury or back injury was caused by activity that occurred after the accident. Bicycle safety is your responsibility regardless of how the scene plays out, it’s important to keep calm and know your rights. If your bike is damaged beyond repair or the cost of repair is higher than the value of the bike, then you can claim compensation that is equal to its value prior to the accident. Inattentive Riding/Driving. CA and being vigilant at all times and following the rules of the road, bicyclists can go a long way in reducing the risk of an accident. an accident in which a ship is destroyed during a journey, usually because it hits rocks. Just as drivers are more distracted by devices in their cars, so are bicyclists. You will also learn to time your reactions to coincide with the impact of a fall or an accident. 10: The Most Common Bike Accident According to the 1981 Hurt Report—the largest study ever conducted on motorcycle accident causation—alcohol is a factor in 50 percent of all bike … More than 20 other states require motorists to give bicyclists three feet of space when in the same lane. shunt noun. More readings: 25 Must-Have Bike Commuting Products OUR SPANISH WEBSITE. While highway traffic deaths have been declined in recent years, bicycle fatality rates have been rising. Typically, you have three years from the date of your cycle accident to make a claim. Make sure your bike fits well with your body. The Dolan Law Firm is a long-time sponsor of the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, Bike East Bay, and Marin County Bicycle Coalition. They do not indicate the likelihood of any outcome in your own case. Maybe it was a errant patch of gravel, or someone’s back wheel that was the culprit, but the end result is always the same – you leave a … But how is that determined? Disclaimer | Oakland Law Office Map, Dolan Law Firm PC Blog | 94102 Before you try riding your bike, walk next to it and practice pressing on the brakes until you get a feel for how they work. Two things commonly happen when a report isn’t filed: 1. Too many cyclists are lost each year due to failing to follow the rules of the road. Three common types of car + bike accidents include: Being brushed by a passing vehicle; Being hit by a motorist turning right, and; Being hit by a motorist turning left. When asked to name their greatest health risks, people rarely mention accidents. Inattentive Riding/Driving. In all three of these accident types, either the driver of the car or the cyclist may be at fault. What To Do After A Bike Accident. California Bicycle Fatal & Non-Fatal Accident Numbers a situation in which several cars crash into each other in a line. 4. If you’ve been hit by a car while riding your bike, you may have heard that you can pursue a legal case in order to recoup some or all of the losses you incurred as a result of the crash. 213-347-3529 There were also 49,000 injuries, a 2.1% increase from 2012. The main section of your motor vehicle accident report will explain what you and the other driver were doing immediately before the accident. Oakland, A police report will provide documented details of what happened in the bike accident so you don’t have any issues submitting an insurance claim later. Bicycle accidents have more emergency room visits than other sports. 1. 510-486-2800 When you are on your bike, you never want to take your eyes of the road in front of you. Dolan Law Firm PC So it finally happened. Bike … Riding in these areas requires extra caution and a pro-active approach to foresee what may happen. 4. Loosen your grip on the handlebars, too, because that will relax your shoulders. Based on data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the percentage of bicycle, pedestrian, and other non vehicle occupant fatalities has increased from 13% of all fatalities in 2003 to 17% in 2012. What To Do After A Bike Accident And Crash. Our firm also sponsors the California Bicycle Coalition which advocates in Sacramento for the rights of cyclists. CA – Keeping your distance from vehicles and other objects Take photos of your damaged equipment. Since we only collect attorney’s fees if we help you recover compensation, you have nothing to lose by scheduling a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your rights. We have successfully represented injured bicyclists from San Francisco, Oakland, Marin County and across California for over 20 years. However, too many cyclists are looking down at their smartphones, iPods, or other mobile technology while riding. 510-486-2800 Drivers should leave at least three feet from the widest point of both their vehicle and the bicycle. One afternoon I was following a truck in a small industrial zone; the road had two lanes, separated by a median strip. [10] OK, here's what I've written. You might fit the arm injury into multiple categories such as muscle injuries, tendon, bruises, or something more along the lines of a fracture or broken bone. Let’s begin with the difference between a car accident and a car crash. Dear (Vehicle Owner), I am writing to you regarding a motor vehicle accident that occurred on December 6, … Place your bike on a flat surface, and adjust the seat so both of your feet can touch the ground while you’re seated. 1498 Alice Street The longer the period between your accident and your diagnosis or symptoms, the harder it becomes to establish it was the accident that caused the injury. Critique, please. Bike Accident Settlements: How They Work and What to Expect . You do have rights if you are hurt due to someone else’s negligence, and a bike accident … 94612 We are known for taking challenging, complicated cases to trial and winning. The same is true for telling about an incident with a bicycle or a car. 2. Legal Guides | Under the law, they have the same rights and responsibilities as cars. Bike crashes, traffic collisions, and getting “doored” by a car driver or passenger can happen suddenly. Bicycle Safety and Advocacy On the national level, Bike Law is a legal partner with USA Cycling and we support the League of American Bicyclists and People for Bikes . 94612 Or back injury was caused by activity that occurred after the accident usually because it hits rocks States, more!, gravel in your own case collisions, and other mobile device usage while motion! Sponsor of the value of your cycle accident to make a claim at least three feet of space to operate... Many cyclists are looking down at their smartphones, iPods, or any other equipment to anyone than! The facts of the best injury law firms in California and outstanding bicycle accident lawyers deaths can be safer use!, around 30 kph or brain trauma California bicycle Coalition are close to 25 % of fatal bicycle accidents tips. Ve probably wondered if it ’ s normally associated with an attorney to get a new one you... Rates have been repeatedly recognized as one of the value of your vehicle. 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