is scott afb open today
Additionally, ONA is looking for volunteers to dispatch, shop and drive. Furthermore, anyone searching the Internet for a Coronavirus map could unwittingly navigate to this malicious website. Typically, employees Concur their timecards before its Certified. Scott AFB is een vliegbasis en plaats (census-designated place) in de Amerikaanse staat Illinois, en valt bestuurlijk gezien onder St. Clair County. The vaccine is free for all, and if patients have the opportunity to receive the vaccine off base, they should do so. It is only available at Scott AFB for DoD employees in these categories associated with the base at this time. Scott Main Exchange. Civilian personnel questions/issues can be sent to one of the following email org-inboxes. Airmen who are due to test after 31 March 2021 will test on time, Reservations Required (24 hrs in advance) | 100% ID check upon entry, 2 Sessions available Monday - Friday: 6-8am or 11am - 1pm, 8 lap lanes available per session | 1 person per lane | swimmers will be assigned lanes, Each session is 30 minutes swim time based on reservation time not the time you show up (swimmers get 15 mins pre/post preparations), Swimmers required to temperature check and surveyed prior to access, ONLY swimmers allowed in facility - no children, spectators, trainers or coaches. EXCEPTIONS TO THE POLICY: Exceptions will be limited and granted on a case by case basis. AFRC State of Missouri Website Standard PCS per diem rates are $151 per day: Members receive 100% entitlement, spouses and dependents over 12 years old receive 75% and dependents under 12 years old receive 50%. Option 2) Member Pays for Lodging with GTC or Personal Credit Card: Enlisted (ESM Mbr): HDP-ROM: $1,500.00 + free meals – TLF: $1,695.00 = ($195.00), Enlisted (non-ESM): HDP-ROM: $1,500.00 + BAS: $186.36 (+ free meals) – TLF: $1,695.00 = ($ 8.65), Officers: HDP-ROM: $1,500.00 + BAS: $128.34 (+ free meals) – TLF: $1,695.00 = ($66.66), *Note*: Non-ESM members keep their BAS. All customers will need to send an email with the words “Legal Assistance” in the Subject line. Scott Air Force Base is located just a few minutes east of Belleville in Southwestern Illinois. If directed into lodging, commanders will sign a memo ordering members into lodging (see HDP-ROM Memo Template under FINANCE: QUARANTINE / SEQUESTER). MPF A: Yes. A: Employees are eligible for Emergency Paid Sick Leave which provides up to 80 hours at 2/3 of paid salary rate. If so, what are the pay implications? Government Travel Card use and Advance Pay. 618-256-3327/3328 The Shiloh Gate, Scott’s primary vehicle entrance point, is only 1.5 miles southeast of Interstate 64 (Exit 19A) at Rt 158. - Don't touch your face BAS Under Quarantine Accounting Steps A malicious website pretending to be the live map for Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins University is circulating on the Internet waiting for unsuspecting users to visit the website. Unit APC’s can place members GTC Accounts in Mission Critical Status if it was not done during the members out-processing and can extend it if the member is awaiting payment of their final settlement voucher. 618-256-5653 Arrivals after 1600 may not have access to terminal facilities. A: Starting March 17, 2020, our Defenders moved to hands-free ID checking. See attached document for helpful reminders on maintaining proper cybersecurity for those members who are currently teleworking or may go on teleworking status in the future. In their joint statement today, seven social networks are now coordinating with government healthcare agencies across the world on tackling COVID-19-related misinformation. Option 1) Unit Pays for Lodging with GPC: *Note*: Non-Essential Messing (ESM) members keep their BAS. 618-256-8047 Where can I hold a required gathering for over 15 people in a COVID safe setting? This is IAW with the AF/A1 BAS Approval Delegation Memo dated 31 Mar 20, which states: “This does not include authority to initiate BAS for members not already receiving BAS.” However, all members ordered into lodging will be provided free meals from the Dining Hall. All calculations are based on a 15 day stay in lodging: 15 days of TLF (Isolation or Quarantine): *Note*: Max entitlement for HDP-ROM is $100 per day, but no more than $1500 per month. Supervisors will maintain and provide the Scott Form 13 and the employee’s last four appraisals to Civilian Personnel once the health emergency has ended or email the documents to Resiliency Actions There are two options for payment or reimbursement of lodging. HDP-ROM is a taxable wage, but calculations do not consider how much taxes will be taken out for HDP-ROM. Who is considered a "close contact" of someone with COVID-19? Please visit for instructions on submitting advances. To expedite this process, unit Agency Program Coordinators (APC) are authorized to initiate the Travel Card 101 training using the stand alone slides and the Statement of Understanding (SOU) via conference call. This memo will include details of the members quarantine dates, out-processing date for members held in place, and the date household goods were picked up prior to the stop movement. A: Call our Public Health office at (618)256-5653 or the Nurse Advice Line at 1-800-TRICARE. Tel: (618) 744-9830. 847411, CLICK HERE Q: How do I out-process if I am retiring or resigning? Scott AFB is near Belleville, Illinois. Visiting the website infects the user with the AZORult Trojan, an information stealing program which can exfiltrate a variety of sensitive data. Flu vs Allergies vs COVID Please work with your unit Timekeeper and Certifier to ensure your timecard is correct to ensure it will be certified before the end of a pay period. Rating. If you have additional questions about child care, please contact the Family Child Care (FCC) office at 618-256-8047. Ref: BAS Approval Delegation Memo (under Supervisor’s Tool Kit). Are there any health screening things parents should be aware of as we enter cold & flu season within our COVID environment? Member is no longer entitled to Hardship Duty Pay (HDP) if their unit is partially or fully paying for lodging. ROM Memo for Team Scott - Aug. 2020 Q: What options are available for DoD civilian employees, if schools and child care facilities that their children attend are closed but the employees are teleworking? Get the forecast for today, tonight & tomorrow's weather for Scott Air Force Base, IL. Electronic fact sheets/guidance The Main Shiloh Gate is the only one open 24 hours, and is where you'll find the Visitor Control Center (VCC). Q: Can an organization implement shift work? Air Force guidance Visit: to make an appointment or for more information. Due to COVID situation, Mental Health is not able to provide routine care, but have several resources you can turn to: State Condition: GREEN Basic Medical Recommendations An Air Mobility Command Official Software Factory, 375 Logistics Readiness Squadron's Fuels Team Mission Feature, Scott Reoccuring Events/Volunteer Opportunities, Virtual reality brings new dimension to suicide prevention training, Scott’s innovation hub, Elevate, receives Air Force lab designation, Scott AFB begins COVID-19 vaccinations for DOD personnel, A different kind of home for the holidays, Scott Family Housing Completes Solar Rooftop Project, Scott Family Housing Expands Solar Rooftop Project, Operations Support Squadron molds “bold leaders”, A wingman fights for mental strength on behalf of his friend, Special Warfare candidates look to the PAST for a better future, Cyber Transporters enable global mobility, Chaplains build spiritual resilience in unit work centers, Joint efforts propel Thule AB toward new normal, Travis executes DOD COVID-19 vaccination plan, Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine arrives at LRAFB, Surface Deployment and Distribution Command. COVID Mental Health Tips. --There is a 72-hour turn-around time for refill prescriptions. Please see the consolidated base service list on … Not great. Scott Air Force Base, Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. In order to expand access to child care and support more families, effective Monday, 5 October 2020, the following enrolled children are welcome to attend the Child Development Centers, as needed, during our hours of operation (0630-1800): Enrolled children of single and dual military parents, regardless of parents’ telework status, Enrolled children of Active Duty members with a full time working spouse, regardless of parents’ telework status, Enrolled children of parents who are currently deployed, regardless of parent/custodian’s telework status, All enrolled children on the days both working parents are physically required to report to their work places. Note: Employees who are transferring to another Air Force organization or Department of Defense component will maintain their CAC. They proudly serve Starbucks in addition to breakfast sandwiches, pastries and more! A: We have limited vaccine quantities available which are being administered according to the DoD Prioritization Scheme, when sufficient supply arrives that allows us to vaccinate beneficiaries, notifications will be made through public messaging means. The wing provides maintainers and aircrews for the KC-135 and C-40 missions who work alongside Guard and Reserve personnel, who also have operation control of the aircraft and the missions. night pay), scheduled and unscheduled overtime, and other compensation requirements. Parent/Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope with the Coronavirus Disease Employees whose job functions identified as critical to performance of the mission (i.e., continue operations, job functions that cannot cease during a public health emergency). AF has temporarily waived the requirement for parents of enrolled children who choose to stay home with their children to pay a weekly fee to hold their child’s space in our program. Military Pay Advance: If members are within 90 days of PCS’ing, then they may request a military Pay Advance. Please call (618) 334-4874 or email to schedule an appointment or inquire about individual personnel functions. What if I am a "close contact" who needs to quarantine, and I reside with a high risk individual? Please send all legal assistance questions and requests through our organizational email box at Due to the possibility of Airmen being placed into Lodging immediately upon arrival, units can start the application process for inbound Airmen who might need a Gov’t Travel Card (GTC) once they arrive. Managing Remote Teams Tips With the return to in person schools in Illinois, the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) published their guidance on handling a variety of symptoms that are COVID related and may or may not also reflect other illnesses. The phishing messages are camouflaged to appear as being sent by WHO officials and ask the targets to share sensitive info like usernames and passwords, redirect them to a phishing landing page via malicious links embedded in the emails, or ask them to open malicious attachments containing malware payloads. Telephone. PAX Reps will deliver bags to street in front of terminal and … The passphrase will need to be sent in a follow up email for access to the DOD safe attachment. All employees must submit their out-processing information through the Civilian Pay Portal at: (email is no longer accepted). For crisis care: Employees must still account for work and non-work hours during his or her tour of duty and take appropriate leave (paid or unpaid) to account for time spent away from normal work-related duties (e.g., to care for a child or dependent). Rating. HPCON-B Gathering Memo - Aug. 2020 Scott Air Force Base is located just a few minutes east of Belleville in Southwestern Illinois. See TLE section for explanation of entitlements while on restriction of movement. Further, TRICARE will accept claims regardless of the expiration date on the card. Store Hours: Mon to Sat 0900-1900 Sun 1000-1800. Dislocation Allowance (DLA) Advance / Military Pay Advance: DLA Advance: If members have PCS orders, then they may request a DLA Advance from Finance. However, connectivity issues may arise that could delay a response to your question/issue. Scott AFB COVID-19 information. Official function attendee capacity will be driven by unit commanders and facility owners. Call-in refills are still available for pick up at the Satellite Pharmacy. A: No. Cloth face coverings are meant to prevent someone from transmitting the disease to others, and not to protect someone from becoming infected. --No prescription drop-off or in-person activation, except for patients with an appointment in the Medical Clinic. Am I still considered a close contact if I am wearing a face covering? 618-334-4874 or Click here A: Yes. 1981. The second main access point is the Belleville Gate, which is open 0430-2200, 7 days a week. Members have to be ordered into lodging by their commander. Q: When will the vaccine be available to me? All sponsors will be held 100% accountable for ensuring guests know and follow current public health restrictions and conditions. Q: How does this affect Military Pay Issues for members with restriction of movement? A: If you have any questions, contact the Scott Cyber Operations Center at (618)256-2666, option 4. Restaurants near Scott Air Force Base, Belleville on Tripadvisor: Find traveler reviews and candid photos of dining near Scott Air Force Base (BLV) in Belleville, Illinois. Inbound members will contact A: ROM Guidance: Use risk-based analysis and follow procedures outlined in 4 Aug 2020, 375 MDG memo, for inbound personnel. MFLC Resources: Telephonic/Video and Face to Face Counseling Sessions are now available from local Adult and Child & Youth Military Family Life Counselors (MFLCs) for all uniformed personnel and their family members. Address. MEDICAL GUIDANCE Timecard and Telework info: It is the responsibility of the employee’s Certifier to certify timecards in ATAAPS. When sufficient supply arrives that allows us to vaccinate all beneficiaries, notifications will be made through Audiocare, Facebook, and other public messaging means. Q: Can civilian employees leave be denied based on location of their travel? Review 0. Site Link As long as the contact remains asymptomatic for the 14-day quarantine period, family members or roommates are not required to quarantine. Effective Tuesday, 13 October 2020, when Mascoutah Schools re-open to in-person learning, all enrolled children in the School Age Programs may attend, regardless of parents’ telework status. It does reflect an abundance of caution, but that is to minimize the risk of spread to the wider population in these areas where a lot of children are gathered together. Please contact SSgt Alexis Roberts-Turner and SrA Violet Pretty Mwangi to volunteer. Appointments are scheduled directly with MFLCs. Awesome! - Commanders letter (use template labeled “HDP-ROM Memo Template” under FINANCE: QUARANTINE / SEQUESTER). These appointments will be scheduled based upon priority and date of expiration. for a list of frequently called numbers, 375th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs - Videos. Resource Advisors will need to create unit fund cites to include this ESP Code and are advised to move any associated expenses over to these fundcites. Get Directions. (618) 256-SAFB (7232) Work Centers: Commander’s and supervisors will assess their units and their ability to return to work while maximizing telework options. We do not have a way to identify high-risk patients in our non-enrolled population, and will follow DoD and CDC guidance when offering vaccine to this group. The host wing is the 375th Air Mobility Wing with a … Learn how to canoe with the Outdoor Recreation Adventure Program staff from 1-4 p.m. March 27 at Scott Lake. GTC Credit Limit Increase Form So depending upon the specific situation, temporarily removing the high risk individual or the contact in quarantine from the home may be a wise precaution. 67 d. vind-ik-leuks. Where can I hold a required gathering for over 15 people in a COVID safe setting? Leave a Review. 67K likes. The Military Personnel Flight is an appointment only operation for Military/Civilian CAC expirations as well as Dependent/Retiree ID Cards. Communication 207 West Winters Street Building #1981 Scott AFB, IL, United States 62225-0000. The Mental Health Flight is committed to continue providing all Active Duty Members with the highest quality care we can in these difficult times. If this is not possible, Public Health or your Provider can give you specific recommendations for preventing spread. Once determined, Commanders have the option to direct a member to quarantine in their personal residence or in lodging. Ref: BAS Approval Delegation Memo (under Supervisor’s Tool Kit), Enlisted (ESM Mbrs): HDP-ROM: $1,500.00 + free meals – Standard (Std) Rm: $1,575.00 = ($75.00), Enlisted (Non–ESM): HDP-ROM: $1,500.00 + BAS: $186.36 (+ free meals) – Std Rm: $1,575.00 = $111.36, Officers: HDP-ROM: $1,500.00 + BAS: $128.34 (+ free meals) – Std Rm: $1,575.00 = $ 53.34. LEADERS GUIDES Someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period* starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to test specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated. Managing Stress and Anxiety (includes a portion for medics) The following actions are being taken by Scott AFB in response to DoD-directed travel guidance regarding COVID-19: MILITARY MEMBERS: Official leave, normal off-duty time or pass allowances for military members will be restricted to a 350 mile radius of their residence in accordance with the Team Scott Local Leave Memo. Installations, facilities, and locations that have met the lifting travel criteria (see below table) set forth are indicated by “yes” in the Travel Restrictions Lifted column. Employees will fall into three primary categories. For more information, see the AF guidance here: and - Cover your cough with a tissue or your elbow Units should clean high contact surfaces frequently with an EPA registered disinfectant. Be cautious when researching COVID-19 and be cognizant of adversary cyber campaigns against service members and family members both at work and home. For all members ordered into lodging, units will make arrangements to ensure delivery of meals from the DFAC. --If you have a paper prescription, use the drop box outside the facility for next day pickup. The email must include your question(s), DOD I.D. Add Photo. State of Illinois Website FITNESS TESTING: Fitness Testing has been suspended AF-wide and will resume April 2021. Awesome! Avoid! 618-256-8668 Scott Air Force Base is located approximately 20 miles east of St. Louis near Belleville, Illinois in southern Illinois, and is part of the “Metro-East” portion of the greater St. Louis area. 375th Medical Group at Scott AFB is located in Scott Medical Clinic and is open weekdays for patient appointments for the population of Scott AFB. Scott AFB is een vliegbasis en plaats (census-designated place) in de Amerikaanse staat Illinois, en valt bestuurlijk gezien onder St. Clair County. Timecards should be coded as LN for admin leave, then add HZ Other and select PS for weather and safety leave. Get directions, maps, and traffic for Scott AFB, IL. For Staffing issues: or for EMR-Labor issues: Normal hours of operation (7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.) Mon-Friday apply. FACE MASKS - ALL INDIVIDUALS ON SCOTT AFB WILL WEAR PROTECTIVE FACE COVERINGS. For general questions about COVID, visit for more information or Team Scott's Public Heath office if it pertains to military/installation issues. Please be advised that the MPF will ONLY be accepting appointments for Dependent IDs that have expired between January – March 2020. A: If you have symptoms of COVID-19 or think you might need a test, isolate yourself at home and call 618-256-9355 to be evaluated. People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Tips For Social Distancing, Quarantine, And Isolation During An Infectious Disease Outbreak, Video Series: Local COVID-19 concerns can be routed to the 375th Air Mobility Wing Emergency Operations Center at 618-256-4506. HHG Questions Black lines or No traffic flow lines could indicate a closed road, but in most cases it means that either there is not enough vehicle flow to register or traffic isn't monitored. Telephone. Scott Lake is open for recreation with some distancing restrictions. Scott Field was one of thirty-two Air Service training camps established after the United States entered World War I in April 1917. Please visit for more information. Starting on day 16, units should pay for their members lodging using their GPC because members are no longer authorized to receive HDP-ROM to defray cost of lodging (max limit is $1,500 or 15 days per month). It is home to many major military headquarters including US Transportation Command, Air Mobility Command, 18th Air Force and the US Army Surface Deployment and Distribution Command. dorm Airmen) are not authorized to receive full BAS entitlements. For example, despite being blatantly false and prior to official news, a rumor spread President Trump was preparing to lock down the US went viral on various social networks leading to many Americans prepping and stocking up for a prolonged quarantine stay. Today’s and tonight’s Scott Air Force Base, IL weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and How to use the Scott Air Force Base Traffic Map Traffic flow lines: Red lines = Heavy traffic flow, Yellow/Orange lines = Medium flow and Green = normal traffic. Civilian employees may only take sick leave when they are ill or to care for a family member as prescribed under the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) sick leave regulations. Civilian Employee Clearance Checklist - Dec. 7, 2020. A: Yes, organization may initiate a change in work schedule to allow its workforce to work shifts as a means to mitigate community transmission of COVID-19. You must activate your prescription online or by phone. Return to Work Guidance - Aug. 24, 2020 BUT if the contact develops COVID-19 as a result of their exposure to the original case, a new set of close contacts will be identified by Public Health which will include any household contacts. If members need their GTC credit limit increased, then they must work with their unit GTC Monitor to submit a GTC Credit Limit Increase Form. Before that, trainees must complete a two-week training class to ensure they are ready to render final honors to deceased military veterans. After School Care & Programs. World Health Organization Warns of Coronavirus Phishing Attacks ( | Source: Bleeping Computer. For finance questions regarding PCS, see the finance tab above. All equipment provided. To minimize close proximity and contact, height and weight will not be conducted until October 2021. 618-256-7345 Option 2, 1, 2, Public Health COVID19 HDP-ROM Memo Template Outdoor Recreation is open for rentals. Close proximity and contact, height and weight will not receive full BAS entitlements main. P.M. Sunday are the calculations to help make that determination up at least 21 out! 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