• 19 jan

    repudiate the doctrine of discovery

    Shares how five diverse congregations encounter frustrations and disappointments, as well as hope and wonder, once they commit to the journey to create multicultural, antiracist Beloved Community. The Doctrine of Discovery has become a legal instrument. Repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery distributed 8/26/16 - ©2016. Church adopted resolution D035 - “Repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery.” In 2010, the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada adopted resolution A086 - “Repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery.” In 2011, various Unitarian Universalist churches and Quaker organizations are adopting and considering adopting The 222nd General Assembly (2016) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) called the church to confess its complicity and repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery. The discovery doctrine, also called doctrine of discovery, provided a philosophical framework for Christian explorers, to lay claim to territories uninhabited by Christians. In 2012, The Unitarian Universalist Association followed suit. On February 17, 2012, The World Council of Churches issued a Statement on the Doctrine of Discovery and its enduring impact on Indigenous Peoples, saying, in part, "the current situation of Indigenous Peoples around the world is the result of a linear programme of 'legal' precedent, originating with the Doctrine of Discovery and codified in contemporary national laws and policies." Evangelical Lutheran Church of America Repudiates the Doctrine of Discovery less than 1 minute read Vance Blackfox, “ A Reflection on the 2016 ELCA Churchwide Assembly’s Repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery,” Journal of Lutheran Ethics, Volume 17, Issue 2, March 2017, elca.org/JLE/Articles/1202. UUA 2012 General Assembly Youth Caucus supports passage of the resolution repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery. But this is also a matter for healing in communities and persons of European immigrant descent. The doctrine was strongly held by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain who financed Columbus' first expedition to America. Unveiling the Doctrine of Discovery The Doctrine of Discovery is a phrase describing a consistent set of judgments and acts by colonizing Western societies over the past 500 years. The final item is “To call upon Pope Benedict XVI and the Vatican to publicly acknowledge and repudiate the papal decrees that legitimized the original activities that have evolved into the dehumanizing Doctrine of Christian Discovery and dominion in laws and policies.” Resolution D035, titled "Repudiation of Doctrine of Discovery," is one such measure. WHEREAS the Unitarian Universalist Association has been asked by partner organizations working with the Arizona Immigration Ministry to educate our … Colonists, settlers, and homesteaders benefited enormously from the availability of “free” land, and their … The 222nd General Assembly (2016) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) called the church to confess its complicity and repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery. In 2012, the New York Yearly Meeting repudiated the Doctrine of Discovery. The statement, "Expresses solidarity with the Indigenous Peoples of the world and supports the rights of Indigenous Peoples to live in and retain their traditional lands and territories, to maintain and enrich their cultures and to ensure that their traditions are strengthened and passed on for generations to come...". The Unitarian Universalist Association resolved to repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery and produced some great resources to help churches take concrete action in response. 2012 UUA General Assembly Young Adult Caucus supports passge of resolution regarding the Doctrine of Discovery. The New York Meeting of The Religious Society of Friends called for all Quakers to repudiate the Doctrine of Disovery . The Doctrine of Discovery was first articulated in 1452 by Pope Nicholas V as the Papal Bull “Dum Diversas” and in 1496 by King Henry VII of England as … So if you are going to repudiate this doctrine but are not willing to give up your land, whose title is based on this doctrine, then you probably shouldn’t repudiate it. In fourteen hundred ninety-three, the Catholic Pope made a decree. The Doctrine of Discovery. In 2015, the United Methodist Women published additional materials for education and reflection, including The Enduring Effects of the Doctrine of Discovery. Or Stolen! The Boulder, Colorado, Friends Meeting has developed workshops and resources about the Doctrine of Discovery and its effects. The 71-page Doctrine of Discovery Task Force report that is coming to Synod 2016 chronicles the history of a colonialist doctrine dating back hundreds of years.. In 2009, the Episcopal Church repudiated the Doctrine of Discovery. © Copyright 1996-2021 Unitarian Universalist Association.All Rights Reserved. Why did the Unitarian Universalist Association repudiate … She wrote, in part, "The Doctrine of Discovery work of this Church is focused on education, dismantling the structures and policies based on that ancient evil, support for the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and challenging governments around the world to support self-determination for indigenous peoples." Resolved, That the 76th General Convention repudiates and renounces the Doctrine of Discovery as fundamentally opposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our understanding of the inherent rights that individuals and peoples have received from God, and that this declaration be proclaimed among our churches and shared with the United Nations and all the nations and peoples located within The … Repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery (United Church of Christ, 6:15), More Resources from the United Church of Christ, The Doctrine of Discovery: In the Name of Christ (Mennonite, 43:33). In 2012, the United Methodist Council of Bishops passed a resolution on the Doctrine of Discovery, writing: Therefore be it resolved, all levels of The United Methodist Church are called to condemn the Doctrine of Discovery as a legal document and basis for the seizing of native lands and abuses of human rights of indigenous peoples; and  Be it further resolved, that The United Methodist Church will work toward eliminating the Doctrine of Discovery as a means to subjugate indigenous peoples of property and land. Download the ELCA’s statement (⤓ PDF) Privacy Policy. Please join us for this powerful reflection on Sunday, January 17 @ 11 AM. It was published on May 4, … Keynote Address in UN Trusteeship Council Chamber, Recap of 2014 Intergenerational Spring Seminar, Youth participants 2014 UU UN Office Intergenerational Spring Seminar, The Episcopal Church Exposes the Doctrine of Discovery (14:00), Discovered? The Doctrine of Discovery, Pope Alexander VI's papal bull, permits any Christian coming upon land inhabited by non-Christians to claim it all. “It’s a historic event,” said Steven Newcomb, Shawnee/Lenape. The action also called for a review of the history of the doctrine and the writing of a report on the doctrine. Its time for the Vatican to repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery. But this is also a matter for healing in communities and persons of European immigrant descent. Ted Fetter, chair of the mini-assembly about the proposed Responsive Resolution repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery, fields a question from a delegate. World Council of Churches’ Statement on the Doctrine of Discovery and Its Enduring Impact on Indigenous Peoples, The Presiding Bishop’s Pastoral Letter on the Doctrine of Discovery, The Doctrine of Discovery: The International Law of Colonialism, conference room paper from the 11th Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Conference Room Paper on the Doctrine of Discovery, presented by the Haudenosaunee, the American Indian Law Alliance and the Indigenous Law Institute, North America, at the 11th Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, See a video on the lasting impact of the Doctrine of Discovery, © 2020 The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, The Doctrine of Discovery: The International Law of Colonialism, Conference Room Paper on the Doctrine of Discovery. As Joe mentioned in his reflection, the Doctrine of Discovery is a 1493 document that advanced the idea that because the lands of the Western Hemisphere were without Christians prior to 1492, they were available to be taken upon “discovery.” I first learned about the Doctrine of Discovery at the 2012 Justice General Assembly of Unitarian Universalist congregations in Phoenix, AZ. To repudiate explicitly and clearly the European-derived doctrine of discovery as an example of the “improper mixing of the power of the church and the power of the sword” (Augsburg Confession, Article XXVIII, Latin text), and to acknowledge and repent from this church’s complicity in the evils of The action also called for a review of the history of the doctrine and the writing of a report on the doctrine. Tino explains the process which led to the UUA repudiation of the doctrine. In 2009, the Episcopal Church became the first in the Christian world to pass a resolution repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery. The Doctrine of Discovery is a 15th century principle of international law having its roots in papal decrees that sanctioned & promoted the conquest, colonization and exploitation of non-Christian territories & peoples. The church has published education and worship materials for congregations, including a video. Unitarian Universalists are one of a number of denominations and faith communities to do so. The Doctrine of Discovery is a series of papal bulls, or decrees, that gave Christian explorers the right to lay claim to any land that was not inhabited by Christians and was available to be “discovered.” If its inhabitants could be converted, they might be spared. Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori on the Repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery. The resolution, called “Repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery,” was passed unanimously by the Episcopal House of Bishops and by an overwhelming majority of the House of Delegates during the church’s 76th General Convention July 8 – 17 in Anaheim. That work is often costly, but it is the only road to abundant life. It begins with the idea of Terra Nullius, an uninhabited land. That the 2016 Rocky Mountain Synod Assembly memorializes the 2016 ELCA Churchwide Assembly to explicitly and clearly repudiate the European-derived “doctrine of discovery” with its continuing impact upon tribal governments and individual tribal members, to acknowledge and repent of its complicity in the evils of colonialism in the Americas, and to join with the Evangelical Lutheran … 24 Farnsworth Street | Boston, MA 02210 On May 16, 2012, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori issued a pastoral letter on the Doctrine of Discovery and Indigenous Peoples. Colonists, settlers, and homesteaders benefited enormously from the availability of “free” land, and their descendants continue to benefit to this day. Attempting to remake the land and peoples they found “in their own image” was a profound act of idolatry. It has been invoked since Pope Alexander VI issued the Papal Bull “Inter Caetera” in 1493. (617) 742-2100 | info@uua.org. I urge you to learn more about the Doctrine of Discovery and the search for healing in our native communities. Court of Canada to formally repudiate the doctrine of discovery: (Also the Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group intervention.) For his entire life, United Church of Christ member Larry Littlegeorge has felt called to repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery and its effects on Native peoples. The "Doctrine of Discovery" of 1493, also known as the Papal Bull "Inter Caetera", was issued by Pope Alexander VI on May 4, 1493. Lawrence Sankey, co-chair, Aboriginal Ministries Council, and the Right Rev. This time around, however, that invitation comes with a demand: that Pope Francis officially repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery. I urge you to learn more about the Doctrine of Discovery and the search for healing in our native communities. In July 2009, the Philadephia Yearly Meeting (PDF) repudiated the Doctrine of Discovery. This is an introduction to the Doctrine of Discovery for GA delegates ahead of Justice GA 2012 in Phoenix, where repudiation of the doctrine was on the agenda. Speaking for the group is Sage Olnick. According to the report, the so-called Doctrine of Discovery began with a series of papal pronouncements in the 15th century “that granted dominion over non-Christian peoples and lands. To celebrate the 30th anniversary next year, Antoine plans to invite the current Pope back to his community, an idea that was endorsed by the Dene Nation during a leadership meeting in Yellowknife last week. In July 2013, the United Church of Christ 29th Synod passed a resolution of witness Calling for the United Church of Christ to Repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery which Authorized the Genocide of Native Peoples and the Theft of Native Lands (PDF). Repudiate the “Doctrine of Discovery”: an Open Letter to Pope Francis. Repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery. Ditching the doctrine of discovery (and what that means for Canadian law) On May 1, 2016, the Long March to Rome is scheduled to arrive at St Peter’s Square in the Vatican to formally ask that Pope Francis rescind the Papal “Bulls of Discovery”. His sisters, Rhonda, Alice, and Crystal Littlegeorge, needed urgent medical care in 1959 – that's what their parents, members of the Hocak (Ho Chunk) nation, were told. /files/includes/snippet-important-message.txt, Congregations on the Road to Multiculturalism, Doctrine of Discovery and Rights of Indigenous Peoples, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Statement on the Doctrine of Discovery and its enduring impact on Indigenous Peoples, Episcopal Church became the first in the Christian world, pastoral letter on the Doctrine of Discovery and Indigenous Peoples, Calling for the United Church of Christ to Repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery which Authorized the Genocide of Native Peoples and the Theft of Native Lands (PDF), The Enduring Effects of the Doctrine of Discovery, Canadian Unitarians' Reconciliation Journey, Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival. The Doctrine of Discovery established a spiritual, political, and legal justification for colonization and seizure of land not inhabited by Christians. The repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery by General Synod 29 provides an invaluable teaching moment for our congregations to understand systemic and continuous impact of racism on the daily lives of indigenous peoples in the U.S. A short video can be found at https://vimeo.com/123430194. Repentance and amendment of life are the answer, and God asks us all – this Church, our partners and neighbors, and the nations which were founded under the Doctrine of Discovery - to the challenging work of reconciliation. Rev. The 1493 Papal Bull stated that land that was not inhabited by Christians could be claimed and exploited in order to expand and instill the Christian faith. “Finally, the “principle of discovery” cannot be relied upon in formulating an approach to Aboriginal title, and must be firmly rejected. To those ends, the Episcopal Church has provided educational materials for congregations, including worship and reflection materials (PDF), and a video. The way Newcomb describes the Doctrine of Discovery these days is “a claim of a right of Christian domination.” It was first expressed by Pope Nicholas V in the 1452 papal bull “Dum Diversas,” which — along with subsequent bulls “Romanus Pontifex” and “Inter Caetera” — created a theological justification for Christian rulers seizing the property and possessions of non-Christians. The 2012 UUA General Assembly passed a resolution repudiating the Doctrine and calling for the full implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). In fourteen hundred ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Speaking is Rianna Johnson-Levy, First UU Congregation of Ann Arbor, MI. In August 2014, a group of Mennonite church and lay leaders formed an ad hoc working group with the aim of sharing information, passion and varied resources to dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery. The General Synod 29 (2013) of the United Church of Christ passed the resolution to repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery which authorized the genocide of Indigenous peoples and the theft of their lands. The GA delegates took up this question at the request of our immigration justice partners in Arizona. That land was taken by force or subterfuge from peoples who had dwelt on it from time immemorial – it was their “promised land.”  The nations from which the settlers came, and the new nations which resulted in the Americas, sought to impose another culture and way of life on the peoples they encountered. Doctrine of Discovery Report. The abundant life we know in Jesus Christ is made possible through sacrifice – through repairing what is broken, and finding holiness and healing in the midst of that challenging work. In 2009, the Episcopal Church became the first in the Christian world to pass a resolution repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery. The DOD is woven into the fabric of United States law and is still used as precedent to violate treaties with Native peoples. That doctrine became enshrined in a number of other do… For more information contact adultprograms@uua.org. Among other resources, the group has produced a documentary film. WHEREAS the delegates of the 2010 General Assembly instructed the UUA Board to create a “Justice General Assembly” in 2012, whose business is accountable to partner organizations doing human rights work in Arizona; and. We all honor the Spirit of Life, the Spirit of Compassion, the Spirit of Justice, the Spirit of Love, Unitarian Universalist Association How has it shaped religion and politics since the days of Christopher Columbus? For his family, it's personal. Jordan Cantwell, at 30th anniversary of the … We repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery, which asserted that lands belonged to the Christian powers that “discovered” them. In 2013, the church published a DVD and guide, Walking the Trail of Repentance and Healing with Indigenous Persons. Under this belief, title to lands lay with the government whose subjects travelled to and occupied a territory whose inhabitants were not subjects of a European Christian monarch. DRAFT SOC Undoing Intersectional White Supremacy: A Call to Prophetic Action. What does this 500+ year old document have to do with us in 2021? Doctrine of Discovery. Many indigenous nations around the world, especially those in Canada, are supporting this movement. On May 16, 2012, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori issued a pastoral letter on the Doctrine of Discovery and Indigenous Peoples. The Spanish monar Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori on the Repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery. And it’s the instrument that props up land titles. Seizure of land not inhabited by Christians 16, 2012, the York! Has it shaped religion and politics since the days of Christopher Columbus the only road to abundant life UUA General. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain who financed Columbus ' first to! “ it ’ s the instrument that props up land titles repudiating the Doctrine was strongly held by Ferdinand... Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori issued a pastoral letter on the Doctrine Discovery. Uua Repudiation of the Doctrine was strongly held by King Ferdinand and Queen of. Other do… repudiate the Doctrine ( PDF ) repudiated the Doctrine of Discovery, is... 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