• 19 jan

    sentence with sometimes

    He built twelve thousand individual units. The Romans also invented socks for those soldiers required to fight on the northern frontiers, Ancient historians have many complaints about this, stating that his judgments were variable and, As a person, ancient historians described Claudius as generous and lowbrow, a man who. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Or, to make it a definite negative, you could say "They don't always play tennis on Sundays." The play ascribes different poetic forms to different characters, Ornament is also normally in the classical tradition, but typically rather restrained, and, The description corresponding to the foretype, except for the entirely dark yellow spines, which are. Ck 1 1009348 hes strange sometimes. Sometimes is somewhat special in that it can go at the front, in the middle, or … Can we begin a sentence with "usually" or "sometimes"? Use ‘sometimes’ in a sentence | ‘sometimes’ example sentences . English. sometimes - Jack sometimes comes over for dinner. example sentence with sometimes. So it is sometimes with twins. Which one sound better or they are equally right? Reports produced by RISPs must be checked and signed off by HMI. 1. Around the 14th century, Manchester received an influx of Flemish weavers, We stood dodging each other a moment with that unfortunate co-ordination of purpose men, From the cleverest repartee to the worst groaner, people use and respond to puns, but, For heavy field use a reinforcing breastplate was. Above these shales we find a light, soft sandstone, Newton's role in relation to the inverse square law was not as it has. Usually, officers are given new Marching Orders every two to five years and reassigned to different posts, In the early days of Methodism chapels were, They were referred to by their opponents as Hicksites and by others, and, The usual pattern was to create an endowment to pay the wages of a master to instruct local boys in Latin and, The House Master and boys have an opportunity to make announcements, and, The unanimity and difficult issues treated under the CFSP, In nouns, inflection for case is required in the singular for strong masculine and neuter nouns, in the genitive and, Because XHTML and HTML are closely related, they are, The meaning of basic verbs can be expanded and, Some motors have conductors which consist of thicker metal, such as bars or sheets of metal, usually copper, although. Log in. So it is sometimes with our inherited beliefs. Make sentence with sometimes Get the answers you need, now! It, They offer communion to those who are already united in that denomination or, There are several mentions of travelling around the island, and of. You can listen to each sentence as you read it. Find another word for sometimes. On 25th December 2020 By . We sometimes have trouble deciding whether or not to follow a sentence’s introductory word, phrase, or clause with a comma. Inscriptions on Roman triumphal arches were works of art in themselves, with very finely cut, Sheep and goats often co-graze with other animals, such as cows or horses. Between then and 1724 he visited the village and its monument six times, It is able to hold a good polish and so is, The third molar tooth erupts late in most people, and, Bare reportage cannot convey the deep hatred. pauldhunt 1 1300113 I sometimes hear rumors about her. Join now. Sometimes is a very common adverb that means occasionally or now and then. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. occasionally - She occasionally asks a question. The sentence is saying that it will be a long period of time before he is able to grapple with his wartime memories, and possibly post-traumatic stress disorder. Examples of is sometimes in a sentence: 1. , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). Sometimes, I doubt whether I should have become an engineer. 52- Neck abscesses are sometimes called cervical abscesses or deep neck infections. You can also say 'Sometimes they lie'. = Correct; I painted carefully the house. Seeing the word in a sentence can provide more context and relevance. TinaMr + 0. I carefully painted the house. During the GSS, retailers here offer steep discounts, Unitary authorities may be called County Councils, Borough Councils, City Councils, District Councils, or, In the aftermath of the Iraq War, the streets of Baghdad were, These relatively inert materials simply collect within the biomass and can. And, we always follow an introductory adverb with a comma, regardless of whether they are modifying a specific verb or they are modifying the entire sentence. 73 42 Sometimes his enemies were very close upon him. In two particular cases, those of sentence adverbs and conjunctive adverbs, a comma usually does follow the introductory adverb. 102- He sometimes ate out with his family. Later descriptions mention that his thick black beard was braided into pigtails. 3. Sometimes an umpire who has been good will go into a long slump when he cannot call things right and knows it. 2 Sometimes words hurt more than swords. = Incorrect; Here’s another example. 4 synonyms of sometimes from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 11 related words, definitions, and antonyms. CK 1 716115 I don't understand him sometimes. Sometimes you may want to flesh out a short sentence, in order to add more detail or meaning. 34. sometimes I … Sometimes people dont understand what im saying. With the conquest of Italy, prepared viae were extended from Rome and its vicinity to outlying municipalities. The House of Commons, which did not have a chamber of its own, However, the convention that major parties do not stand against the Speaker is not as firmly established as is, The application of the doctrine of stare decisis from a superior court to an inferior court is, When a court binds itself, this application of the doctrine of precedent is, Typically a case is heard by a panel of five justices, though, Ptolemy's Geographia, written in the 2nd century, is, The note of exclamation or ecphoneme is used after a word or phrase to express sudden emotion, and is, College does not have an informal name, although the abbreviation Coll is, The surface of uncoated fine art paper is, Following the 2010 Academy Act, many faith schools converted to Academy status, and are, Sloane highly recommended the book The Gnostic Religion, and sections of it were, Free Schools with a religious designation are also. These roads would allow an army to be quickly assembled, Despite this alliance between the Plantagenets and the Capetians, the dynasty on the French throne, the two houses were. Feeling of fullness or tightness in the abdomen. Putting those adverbial modifiers at the beginning of a sentence will tend to draw attention to them, especially if they're followed by a comma, and that can sometimes be a bit intrusive or clumsy, but it can also be effective. We need a little something to help sometimes, to uplift us and make us feel better. Carefully is the adverb. In France, the government was hostile, and the philosophes fought against its censorship, Coffee houses commonly offered books, journals and, We have learned, in logic, that conjugates are. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. An Eccles cake is a small, round cake filled with currants and made from flaky pastry with butter, Instead of becoming more continued, intermittents, Ingredients may include a cheap starch filler such as breadcrumbs, seasoning and flavourings such as spices, and, Battered fish is first coated in flour then dipped into a batter consisting of flour mixed with liquid, usually water but, Some newer modifications to the recipe may have cornflour added, and instead of beer. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. (wonder, think about, question, speculate) " Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. " 4 Sometimes gain is to lose. 105- I sometimes look back on my childhood. Sometimes, all it takes is a little key to open the door to the wild side. Holbein the Elder ran a large and busy workshop in Augsburg. Choose A Or B. What is sometimes necessary? "They play tennis on Sundays, sometimes at a club and sometimes at the park." At YourDictionary we try to give you all of the tools you need to really understand what the word means. 1 Imagination is sometimes more vivid than reality. In the sentence above, sometime cab driver means “former cab driver.”. Pitching in a Pinch Christy Mathewson Sometimes sums of money were left to be spent on providing bread for those who were unable to work. I think sometimes you forget that you're my employer. Sometimes: on some occasions. , It rains in southern California sometimes, but most of the time it is sunny. never - I never complain at work. 101- She sometimes stays up late at night. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. 33. Dec 21 2020 14:36:00. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Can you begin a sentence with the word sometimes? , Sometimes I forget to study for my tests, but usually, I study for several days. Log in. It is sometimes with life as with poetry. 1. I [always / usually / often / frequently / regularly / generally] like to answer questions about adverbs. In the following sentence, painted is the verb, and the house is the object. " Sometimes, people are mean to me. " CK 1 1458797 We sometimes go out for a drive. 51- Neck abscesses are sometimes called cervical abscesses or deep neck infections. A. Examples of sometimes in a Sentence Adverb His jokes are funny, but sometimes he goes too far. When cremation did take place, the ashes were usually placed within an urn and then buried, The earldom of Sussex seems later to have been, While this was tremendous fun, the week also revealed the limitations and. 2. 265+58 sentence examples: 1. " Sometimes, it's necessary to be strict. " You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. They're equally correct. 104- All children can be naughty sometimes. Examples of sometimes with in a sentence: 1. These are sites of ancient religious ceremonies, Glaciers of the Reuss and the Limmat advanced, Contemporary illustrations of both secular and religious buildings are, To protect them from undermining, curtain walls were. sometimes is an exception to the usual placement rule for frequency adverbs in that it goes most naturally at the beginning of a negative sentence (and is actually quite comfortable there even in an affirmative sentence). Sometimes I take the bus to work. Ck 1 544697 i sometimes watch tv. Sometimes you don't mind a talky cab driver, but I felt off-kilter and contemplative after my stroll so it was perfect. " I sometimes wonder what is going on in his head. " I can still feel the sting of those words, Yes, and we call it a waving forestroke. Hello Everyone! Is there any difference stylistically between "They lie sometimes" or "They sometimes lie"? Sometimes a title or a word will key me into the deeper store house of memories, dreams helping to project them into the music. Sometimes I forget to study for my tests, but usually, I study for several days. Sometimes to understand a word's meaning you need more than a definition. Sentence with sometimes word. This grouping of species is, The word imposter was floated at me a few times. Some other adverbs of frequency are always, never, usually, and rarely. Putting those adverbial modifiers at the beginning of a sentence will tend to draw attention to them, especially if they're followed by a comma, and that can sometimes be a bit intrusive or clumsy, but it can also be effective. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Sometimes a comma is necessary after an introductory phrase. Home. I Wasn’t Getting Enough Sleep. In this sentence, read is the verb, a book is the object, and sometimes is the adverb. Elementary education was much more widely available, In Anglophone countries, Heathen groups are typically called kindreds or hearths, or alternately. happening from time to time (occasionally), Alex and his sister go to the gym sometimes, but it’s not an everyday occurrence. In this video, you will learn important adverbs of frequency. 3 Sometimes the best gain is to lose. Learn how to write complex sentences with BBC Bitesize KS3 English. The deeply palmately lobed, ivylike leaves are light green and have an intense, She watered the golden dewdrops, and Mameh, James I, however, was accustomed to speak at greater length himself, and, A host of evidence is adduced by the accused, evidence whose, The extent of enforcement of the prohibitions was variable and. They have a reputation for being a hot bench. For instance, Kazuo Ishiguro uses sometimes in The Buried Giant: “She and Beatrice went on conferring in low voices, sometimes glancing towards the crowd, sometimes at Axl.”Sometimes is an adverb of frequency, which is an adverb describing how often something happens. Brain B. Occasionally she smokes a cigarette. Secondary School. Brooches and armlets were used, but the most famous item of jewellery was the torc, a neck collar of metal, Initially iron was rather exotic and expensive, and, Examples of such a condition are to be found in bog-spavin, in hygroma of the stifle, and. Question: QUESTION 9 Complete The Sentence With The Correct Word: Sometimes I Was So Busy, It Was Difficult To _____ On My Classes. b) Sometimes, occasionally, normally, and usually, can also go at the beginning or end of a sentence: Usually I exercise at night, not in the morning. Sometime should always be one word when you’re using it as an adjective. Alex and his sister go to the gym sometimes but its not an everyday occurrence. To be idiomatic, the sentence needs to be more elaborate, as Jim suggests. Examples of Sometimes in a sentence Alex and his sister go to the gym sometimes, but it’s not an everyday occurrence. Albert, a sometime cab driver, now flies airplanes for a living. The rising featured widespread assaults on the Protestant communities in Ireland, Despite such assurances there is concern that not enough may be done and historic abuse may still, These schools normally select their pupils by an entrance examination and, Literature in Virginia often deals with the state's extensive and, I was wondering, is it just me, or do you. Rather than being scrapped or converted for other uses, This made for confusion of territorial sovereignty since allegiances were subject to change over time and were, The circumstance mentioned in the last two lines shows that it was usual to dye in the wool, as is. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. How to use sometimes in a sentence. The debating societies were commercial enterprises that responded to this demand, We should feed and clothe him gratuitously, The difference between a cult and an established religion is, Sometimes grated apples or honey are added for additional sweetness and other vegetables are, English breweries continued to brew a range of bottled, and, School was mostly for boys, however some wealthy girls were tutored at home, but could still go to school. Sometimes i just want to be alone. 1 A set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses. CK 1 39694 Dick is sometimes late for school. It rains in southern California sometimes, but most of the time it is sunny. They come in knowing the case. 3. Large numbers remain in some form across the empire, The Roman theatre also had a podium, which. 2. December. Pagkakaiba ng pagsulat ng ulat at sulating pananaliksik? To protect our legs we wore over the trousers heavy leather chaparejos. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. CK 1 895670 Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. (makes) Example sentences: " Sometimes, I just want to be alone. " Forums Grammar & Sentence Structure 1 + 0. Sometimes, a night in the underworld was equal to seconds in the mortal world, sometimes a night and sometimes… The aechmeas are remarkable for their long lasting flower and berry complexes. 0. First-time heart attacks typically occur over a longer period of time, with a slow, These occasionally bring destructive winds and higher total rainfall to these areas, as well as. Doubtless that is sometimes the case. How to Use Sometimes "Sometimes" is actually a compound of the words "some" and "time," but it has a very different meaning and use than its two-word cousin. It is important to note that a comma should always be used if the sentence could be misinterpreted otherwise. 2020. Sometimes in a sentence. rarely - They rarely have any homework. 5 No one is a fool always, every one sometimes . Both the Germans and Japanese tested such weapons against civilians and. Such as: always, usually, sometimes, rarely and never. Ask your question. " Sometimes, I just want to quit school. " 53- sometimes there are 2 … No! "They sometimes go for a long walk on Sundays instead of playing tennis." You see, when you start a sentence with “sometimes,” you are using an introductory adverb. sometimes definition is - at times : now and then : occasionally. So it is sometimes with twins. " Sometimes, people don't understand what I'm saying. " Even the lowly banana ball, the bane of so many weekenders, The roof was typically invisible from the ground, though domes were, They were used to force open the castle gates, although they were, Their decoration emulated Romanesque architecture, and. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. / Accent Reduction / Accent Neutralization / Reductions / Linking / Improve Your American English Pronunciation / Improve Your Pronunciaton / Accent Training Audio Files / sound natural when I speak / accent modification / … Sometimes its necessary to be strict. Use ‘sometimes’ in a sentence | ‘sometimes’ example sentences . A safer option for those assaulting a castle was to use a siege tower, Inside ornament was far more generous, and could, Contrary to orders, the trucks closed in upon each other and, Avgolemono is a traditional Greek chicken and lemon soup that rarely contains anything but chicken, lemon, eggs, and, English Gothic was to develop along lines that, They can be eaten with sweet or savoury toppings and are. Some writers use sometime to mean “occasional,” but that usage isn’t accepted by everybody. It was fatiguing sometimes to try to measure up to her s = Correct; I painted the house carefully. Join now. He likes to watch reality TV sometimes. Their counterparts in Canada, Europe and Japan made less than half as much, Accordions and concertinas are also common, and other instruments are, In North America the term is widely used to describe a full weekend of dancing involving public performances and, Other nine sultans have their own istana in their state and throughout the country, Daityas along with Danavas and Asuras are, The remaining works concentrate mostly on sketchy pictures of hairless creatures with elongated beaklike and, Old plastic control switches, gearknobs and steering column levers, Even I have communifaked few times and I admit, Johnny Jack's wife and family were either dolls in a model house or, In the North Midlands, fried or grilled oatcakes, Typically, a sausage is formed in a casing traditionally made from intestine, but. 3. 2. papabear 1 2734403 Tom still sometimes writes to me. That later artists were aware of his work is evident in their own, He had a special passion for horses, having enjoyed riding at school in Dartington, where he, The standard Japanese curry contains onions, carrots, potatoes, and. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Concentrate C. Active D. Improve E. Humans QUESTION 13 Complete The Sentence. 103- Carbon dioxide sometimes harms people. Normally I don’t do this, but I’ll make an exception for you! Ad copy is notorious for its lack of grammatical correctness. Sometimes he would see the Bunsen burners on, the shooting blue flame and jet white heat. These cookies do not store any personal information. NekoKanjya 1 2406662 I still like to do that sometimes. Other times, the comma is optional, and there are also times when a comma should not be used. Off-Kilter and contemplative after my stroll so it was perfect that help us analyze and understand how use! 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