ten minutes older 1978
A 10 minute long journey of emotions that befall children faces. The boy on the screen is going through so many emotions that he grows into a new person before our very eyes.25 years later this movie has inspired Wim Wenders to engage his colleagues from different parts of the world in reincarnation of the Latvian directors’ idea and making a film combined of 10-minutes shorts. Querían sustituir los documentales propagandísticos por obras reales y apasionadas. (1978). Yet these traditional documentary elements are only part of this cinematic portrait: Włodarczyk populates several urban streets with Szapocznikow’s works of art. Ten Minutes Older (1978) 05/11/1978 (LV) Documentary 10m User Score. Documentary, Short. The struggle of two related families for the eighty-year-old aunt's inheritance through comic and romantic events. Par desmit minutem vecaks. 2 (Moscow, 1993), reprinted in Herz Frank, Uz sliekšņa atskaties [Look back at the threshold], trans. Notably, the creation of the flim was made possible by the cooperation of the Łódź museum’s director, Ryszard Stanislawski, who had been Szapocznikow’s first husband and who released the sculptures and allowed them to be paraded through the streets. Directed by Kaige Chen, Víctor Erice, Werner Herzog. What they see, we don't; we can only guess from their faces. In 1978 Herz Frank released the now-classic film Ten Minutes Older, which consists of a single shot of a child watching a puppet show.In a short time, viewers witness a dramatic range of emotions, from sheer joy, to concern, fear, and relief, all without the child ever speaking a single word. Search for "Par desmit minutem vecaks" on Amazon.com, Title: Fear, Curiosity; a Smile. Kristīne Matīsa (Riga, 2011). 1. Learn more. In Poland, she was widely celebrated as a sculptor, even representing the country at the Venice Biennale. Laura Hoptman and Tomáš Pospiszyl (New York, 2002), 199. For Herz Frank’s account of the addition of the subtitle, see the interview with him first published in the magazine Искусство кино / Iskusstvo kino [The art of cinema], no. (1986) and Hello, Do You Hear Us? Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Ten Minutes Older (Par desmit minutem vecaks). Collection of short films the summaries of which include; a foreign man moving to Italy, getting married and having a child; a four split scene short involving plot-less images of old ... See full summary ». In 1975, Irena Kolat-Ways organized in Łódź the first posthumous exhibition of Szapocznikow’s work. Ten Minutes Older. Ten Minutes Older is a 2002 film project consisting of two compilation feature films titled The Trumpet and The Cello. Herz Frank / 1978 / Latvia / 10mins. With thanks to Wojciech Bernacki, Wytwórnia Filmów Oświatowych (WFO), Łódź and Łukasz Mojsak, Filmoteka Muzeum, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw, for making a screening of this film possible in Washington. (back to top). (back to top), 3. 10 Minutes Older (1978, Latvia, PG) Herz Frank’s seminal short film has to be seen on the big screen. (1989). View production, box office, & company info. Open Form; 1,2,3...Cinematographer's Exercise, Video A; The Space Transmission; 30 Sound Situations, Banner stills L to R: 10 Minutes Older, courtesy Riga Film Museum; Black Film, courtesy Želimir Žilnik; 235 000 000, courtesy Riga Film Museum, Trace (Ślad) Overview. Ten Minutes Older Herz Frank l 1978 l 10min l Latvia l Color l B&W l DCP A three-year old boy watches a puppet show, and his facial expressions reflect the widest range of emotion: amazement, fear, curiosity, joy. Helena Włodarczyk, Poland, 1976, digital file from 35 mm, 13 minutes, Still from Trace, courtesy Filmoteka Muzeum. Storms of emotion sweep across a child’s face as he watches a show that we never see. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Together with his friend Harijs Kuharjonoks he's trying them out for real for greater authenticity, but gets too entangled in real criminal schemes. Ten Minutes Older adalah judul film produksi tahun 2002 yang merupakan sebuah projek kompilasi dengan judul The Trumpet and The Cello. This series of vignettes offers ruminations on time, fate and other human mysteries, Each of the film's seven directors conjures a scenario that speaks to some facet of universal experience. One of his most celebrated shorts is 10 Minutes Older (Vecāks par 10 minūtēm, 1978) which presents close-ups of children watching a puppet show. The National Gallery of Art serves the nation by welcoming all people to explore and experience art, creativity, and our shared humanity. State security intervenes. — Līva Pētersone. In a 1971 poem, she contemplated a piece of chewing gum: “Pulling out of my mouth the strangest forms / I suddenly realized / the existence of an extraordinary collection of abstract sculptures, / passing between my teeth.”[2] In 1968, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Closed, Sculpture Garden Herz Frank’s seminal short film has to be seen on the big screen. In the beginning he is indifferent but a minute after that we see something on the stage rouses his interest and touches him. Follows the talented Ansis as he negotiates a national dictatorship in his pursuit of an art career. A 10 minute long journey of emotions that befall children faces. Yet it is hardly an overstatement to say that this is one of the most influential short films ever made. 1978 ‘Vecāks par 10 minūtēm ... With every film our souls become ten minutes older, more intelligent and free! Duration: 85 minutes. Use the HTML below. A 10 minute long journey of emotions that befall children faces. Stay up to date about our exhibitions, news, programs, and special offers. West Building Guión: Herz Frank Fotografía: Juris Podnieks Producción: Pauls Pakalns Productora: Rigas Kinostudija (Riga Motion Picture Studios) Tel. The Steamroller and the Violin (1961), directed by Andrei Tarkovsky Ten Minutes Older (1978), directed by Herz Frank Tomka and His Friends (1977), directed. Publicado el 12/11/2015 - 04:48:22. Ten Minutes Older. 1978, 10 min Section: Reflections of Time: Baltic Poetic Documentary Year: 2018. Inspired by Herz Frank, 15 world-famous directors—including Werner Herzog, Jean-Luc Godard, Wim Wenders, Jim Jarmusch, Aki Kaurismäki, and Bernardo Bertolucci—created their own versions of 10 Minutes Older in Ten Minutes Older: The Trumpet / The Cello (2002). Interview with Herz Frank, first published in the magazine Искусство кино / Iskusstvo kino [The art of cinema], no. This is "10 minutes older (Frank Herz 1978)" by D:clic / Boris Carré on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. (back to top), 5. The film’s subtitle is “A Tale about Good and Evil.” This description—ostensibly of the puppet play that the child is watching—also reflects the politics of artistic creation in the Soviet Union. Despite this, she emigrated back to France in 1963. Rudolfs falls in love with Laura but she struggles with a sense of duty to her family. Ten Minutes Older Though not as “heavy” in terms of subject matter than the later films, 10 Minutes Older presents a stunningly graphic visual challenge and a powerful metaphor for Frank’s relentless drive to get profoundly close to his subjects. Thanks also to Agnese Surkova and the Latvian Film Centre for help in making a screening of this film possible in Washington. The right hand-side shows exterior images of people in a cityscape, with main focus being on a girl's journey. Elena Filipovic and Joanna Mytkowska, eds., Alina Szapocznikow: Sculpture Undone, 1955–1972 (New York, 2011), 45, n. 24. Directed by Herz Frank. One plan, without any glue, director captured on film a little time and a huge segment of the content of spiritual experiences of the child. Closed. 10. 235 000 000 was made on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the 1917 Revolution. Fear, Curiosity; a Smile. Fifteen celebrated film-makers were invited to create their own vision of what time means in ten minutes of film. — Joanna Raczynska and Ksenya Gurshtein. With Markku Peltola, Kati Outinen, Marko Haavisto, Ana Sofia Liaño. The history of documentary cinema would be different if there were no films of Herz Frank. (back to top), 4. Closed, East Building The staccato music of Jan Freda montaged with sounds of radio transmissions and static throughout these discursive scenes reveal Włodarczyk’s interest in experimentation and playfulness with her chosen medium. Ten minutes last a small lifetime, and tell us everything about why children are so mesmerised by cinema. Synopsis. Using the technology of film in innovative, provocative ways, Ten Minutes Older takes in all human experience: birth, death, love, the drama of the moment, history and ancient myth; and a great variety of locations all over the world. Storms of emotion sweep across a child’s face as he watches a show that we never see. Phone technician Cezars Kalnins in his free time composes songs and performs in a band created with his friends. Take a look back at these Hollywood icons in their early days to see how far they've come in their careers—and how little they've visibly aged. 10 Minutes Older Dir. With complete creative freedom, the directors bring their own unique interpretation of ‘time' to the screen. A short look at the vampire bat sucking blood from a guinea pig. Herz Frank has said that shooting the film was a magnificent event during which the most crucial thing possible in documentary cinema–touching a human soul—happened by means of the rather crude instrument of a camera. © 2021 National Gallery of Art Notices Terms of Use Privacy Policy, Artists, Amateurs, Alternative Spaces: Experimental Cinema in Eastern Europe, 1960-1990, one of three Polish films about Szapocznikow’s work to be made in the 1960s and 1970s, “Herz Frank and Modernism in Latvian Film,”. The series organizers would like to thank Līva Pētersone, curator at the Riga Film Museum, for her tireless assistance with our research for the series. This short picture (his undeniable masterpiece) was made in cooperation with Juris Podnieks, his student, and established him as a documentary classic.With only one shot and no cuts the director managed to retain the stretch of a boy’s emotional experience, quite short in time but of a great content. Ten Minutes Older. A 10 minute long journey of emotions that befall children faces. This FAQ is empty. Viva la cinema! This series of vignettes offers ruminations on time, fate and other human mysteries, Each of the film's seven directors conjures a scenario that speaks to some facet of universal experience. Freda, a member of the Workshop of the Film Form, later went on to a career as a successful sound editor. ,” in Primary Documents: A Sourcebook for Eastern and Central European Art Since the 1950s, ed. 7th St and Constitution Ave NW But finally a happy relief comes when good beats evil. The project was conceived by the producer Nicolas McClintock as a reflection on the theme of time at the turn of the Millennium. Monochrome split screen film. An emotional and visually attractive portrait of timeless moments in human life. What they see, we don't; we can only guess from their faces. What a plenty of emotions we see! Empathy and joy and then – anxiety, fear and terror. The Embassy of Latvia took part in the event by presenting a legendary short film directed by Hercs Franks, Ten Minutes Older (1978), a Latvian cinema classic that has earned worldwide fame in the history of documentary cinema. Herz Frank - 1978 - The title refers to the length of this cinematic experiment about the power of exaltation, but also to the toddlers and preschoolers appearing before the camera. [3] Trace was, in fact, one of three Polish films about Szapocznikow’s work to be made in the 1960s and 1970s (one of the other two films can be seen here), but it was the only one that tried to echo the artist’s dedication to physicality in her work. [6] It is exactly such baring of the human soul that has interested Frank in his other groundbreaking work—be it a confession of a man on death row for murder (The Last Judgment, 1987) or a retrospective and provocative look at his own creative and private history in the acclaimed Flashback (2003), a film in which the director’s chest is cut open for heart surgery. A tale of violence that is as radical as it is provocative. They all sit in a dark theater. She drinks a lot, likes to talk about love and embarks on an affair. Ten Minutes Older Documental poético. Soviet Union, 1978. However getting the band to perform in public has to go a long way in getting permissions. They all sit in a dark theater. Natasha works in the canteen of a secret Soviet research institute. Left-hand side shows studio-based cellist playing the musical accompaniment to the film. 1945), then a film student in Łódź with a previous degree in art history, made Trace based on it, with the film being produced by Film Polski in 1976 as part of the series “Contemporary Polish Sculpture” and Kolat-Ways cowriting the script. Directed by. Perteneciente al ciclo “La era atómica. Documentary, 1978, 35mm, B/W, mono, 10’. She films a group of embryo-like forms overhead, swooping elegantly (via cherry picker) from on high down to street level; tracks a large white figure with gnarled hands—lips and nipples painted bright red—through arches and along the sidewalks of Old Town Łódź; and positions the heads of sculpted mannequins along lace-curtained open windows, filming them from street level. They all sit in a dark theater. Although the film’s spectators never see the puppets, there is a far more interesting show in the childrens’ faces as they are affected by different emotions. (back to top), 6. (URSS, 1978) [35mm, B/N, mono, 10 m.]’ Dirección: Herz Frank. The film animates the anthropomorphic forms so that they seem to come alive and amplifies Szpocznikow’s affinity for modern, vernacular materials by placing her sculptures in the real world outside the museum. Add the first question. A 10 minute journey of children's emotions, this film focuses on their faces as they watch an unseen cinema screen. Was this review helpful to you? Portrayal of rebellious teenagers growing up under Communist rule in Latvia. Ten Minutes Older is an unusual film – it is shot in just one take lasting exactly ten minutes. :+371 7242611 Fax:+371 7242612 e-mail: herzfrank@yahoo.com After the war, she studied sculpture in Prague and Paris, returning to Poland from France in 1951 after being diagnosed with tuberculosis. She died in France in 1973 at the age of 47. Fear, Curiosity; a Smile. Ten Minutes Older is a 2002 film project consisting of two compilation feature films titled The Trumpet and The Cello.The project was conceived by the producer Nicolas McClintock [1] as a reflection on the theme of time at the turn of the Millennium. Ten minutes older (Hertz Frank, 1978) + Cero en conducta (Jean Vigo, 1933) Estreno el 18 de noviembre del 2015. name = Ten Minutes Older image_size = 180 caption = DVD cover released = 2002 country = China, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom, United States Alina Szapocznikow (1926–1973) was a Polish sculptor whose difficult biography profoundly informed her work. 4th St and Constitution Ave NW Herz Frank, Latvia, 1978, 35 mm, 10 minutes, Still from 10 Minutes Older, courtesy Riga Film Museum. Doctor Rudolfs spends the summer in the countryside where he meets teacher Laura, the mother of two children and whose husband is in prison. It was there that she made her most renowned works—vulnerable mannequin-like forms and solitary misshapen figures—based on casts of her own body fashioned out of unconventional materials, such as polyester, that captured both the texture of the flesh and its fragility. Elena Filipovic and Joanna Mytkowska, eds., Alina Szapocznikow: Sculpture Undone, 1955–1972 (New York, 2011), 45, n. 24, and 135, n. 11. Ten Minutes Older (Herz Frank, 1978) Herz Frank estaba entre aquellos que, en 1960, tras las represalias de Stalin, trató de recuperar la tradición documental marcada por el director soviético Dziga Vertov. The intense physicality of Szapocznikow’s work is evoked both literally and metaphorically throughout the film, where the artist is represented in black-and-white still photographs and archival film footage while her voice is articulated through dramatic readings of excerpts from her essays. The title Ten Minutes Older refers to the length of this cinematic experiment about the power of exaltation, but also to the toddlers and preschoolers appearing before … It resulted in 'Ten Minutes Older' dilogy: 'The Trumpet' and 'The Cello'. Herz Frank, Latvia, 1978, 35 mm, 10 minutes Still from 10 Minutes Older , courtesy Riga Film Museum The idea behind 10 Minutes Older is deceptively simple: over a single 10-minute take, the widest gamut of emotions—from joy to terror—is mirrored in a face of a little child at a puppet theater show. The idea behind 10 Minutes Older is deceptively simple: over a single 10-minute take, the widest gamut of emotions—from joy to terror—is mirrored in a face of a little child at a puppet theater show. Alina Szapocznikow, “One Sunday . Frank added the subtitle to circumvent omnipresent Soviet censorship, which rejected any hint of “formalism.” By implying a narrative that the censors could understand, Frank snuck past them a piece of reflexive filmmaking with a modernist agenda that also makes viewers reflect on their experience of the film.[5]. On 26 April, the Baltic Film Festival "Baltic Frames" will open at the Danish national center for cinema culture Cinemateket.The festival will be unveiled with a demonstration of the short film "Ten Minutes Older" (1978) by Herz Frank, followed by the feature film "Miracle" by Lithuanian director Egle Vertelyte. Ten Minutes Older. . This documentary film without words observes the faces of children watching a … Fear, Curiosity; a Smile. What they see, … 10 Minutes Older (Vecāks par 10 minūtēm / Старше на 10 минут) . The music for the compilations was composed by Paul Englishby, and performed by Hugh Masekela (trumpet) and Claudio Bohorques (cello). Herz Frank. [1] As an adolescent during World War II, she was imprisoned with her Jewish family in ghettos and concentration camps. Imants Veide is writing a script about con artists and their schemes. 17 of 18 people found this review helpful. The camera observes children watching a puppet theatre play. Attention here is focused on the face of a boy watching the puppet show which is hidden from our view, but one can judge it from the dramatic changes appearing in the child’s expression. Vampire bat sucking blood from a guinea ten minutes older 1978 Chen, Víctor Erice, Herzog! Celebrated filmmakers were invited to create their own vision of what time means in ten minutes Older, more and... Sucking blood from a guinea pig minute journey of emotions that befall children faces sustituir los propagandísticos... 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