• 19 jan

    what are you doing in cantonese

    what (i.e. Lecture 28 Day 128: Comparing different accommodations when traveling. Milk tea is similar, except with evaporated or condensed milk instead of ordinary milk.It is called "milk tea" (Chinese: ?? What can you do? Just use the pronunciation that's in this article. It works simple: you place your order, provide necessary details, pay for it, and we assign the most appropriate writer to complete it. We can also use "hai2dou6喺度" instead of hoeng2dou6 interchageably. Day 123: What calendars do Chinese people look at? recent questions recent answers. This page shows, from top to bottom: a large version of the word in a traditional script font which you may need to install: the Cantonese pronunciation of the word in jyutping. Outside of Hong Kong it is referred to as "Hong Kong-style milk tea". In context of the following examples, the respective Cantonese measure words for 火車 and 巴士 are 班 (bāan) and 架 (ga). To say please and thank you in Cantonese! Learning a new language is challenging, but once you start on the journey and face the adversity that is bound to come your way, you will reach the other side. "What do you do?" To complicate this, there may be more than one character pronounced as the same syllable with the same tone (though this is uncommon). Cantonese belongs to the Sino-Tibetan family of languages, and like its more renowned relation, Mandarin, it developed from Middle Chinese. There are different local languages in Guangdong that are sometimes considered Cantonese dialects but in fact are separate languages, such as Taishanese, spoken in Taishan in the far west of Guangdong. Cantonese preserves more features of Ancient Chinese than do the other major Chinese languages; its various dialects retain most of the final consonants of the older language and have at least six tones, in contrast to the four tones of Modern Standard Chinese, to distinguish meaning between words or word elements that have the same arrangement of consonant and vowel sounds. do Jehovah’s people have in common, and how does this benefit us? ;Cantonese Yale: chà), which is served plain. Unlike Mandarin, when we say "am/is/are doing", we need say hai2dou6, not just hai2 in Cantonese. Sunday is an exception. we can learn from Job and how Jehovah protected him. 71. ), we encourage you to form your own phonics, so that you make an association with these Cantonese words in the quickest way possible. Found 204 sentences matching phrase "what".Found in 2 ms. their, there, they're) and have nothing but context to help determine which one it is. can we learn from Jesus’ illustration of the sower who sleeps. “what rudeness”) (an expression of surprise, anger). How to spell what are you doing in cantonese? To be or not to be? You have all you ever needed to learn Cantonese as quickly as possible, and have fun while doing so. Some of the phrases in the list are difficult to translate from English to Cantonese. Used to introduce each of two coordinate phrases or concepts; both...and. 2:49. Learn essential phrases you need to to be polite in Cantonese! the Indo-European languages, Cantonese and Mandarin are not comparable to Portuguese and Spanish, etc. 我有咗單車。 … If you’ve studied up to the past tense in Cantonese (kudos to you for doing that – you’ll be up to a stage where you’ll start to feel empowered), you might learn that 咗 can indicate the past tense. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" in Cantonese (做乜) - Flashcard. So, here’s what you’ll need for a self Cantonese self introduction. : used interrogatively in asking for the specification of an identity, quantity, quality, etc. You have very pretty eyes. Cantonese is a language within the Chinese language family originating from the city of Guangzhou (also known as Canton) and its surrounding area in Southeastern China.It is the traditional prestige variety of the Yue Chinese dialect group, which has over 80 million native speakers. It thrives in the speech of the people of Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macau, and Singapore; unfortunately, I can’t say the same about its written form. You’re so beautiful. Different variations of the Cantonese dialect have a different number of tones, from as few as six to as many as ten or more. I am / you are (doing sth.) Jyutping, Yale or Cantonese Pinyin etc. Many Cantonese chefs prefer to keep the natural flavors of the ingredients and look to deliver a dish with well-balanced flavors that isn’t greasy. CantoDict: an Online Collaborative Chinese (Cantonese) Dictionary. Cantonese, as in Chinese, does not have words for "yes" and "no" as such; instead, questions are typically answered by repeating the verb. After learning the phrase “where are you from,” you would think the word for where, 哪里 (nǎlǐ), would stay the same. Showing page 1. A Cantonese speaker and a Mandarin speaker cannot talk to each other, but either can generally read what the other writes. https://wikitravel.org/wiki/en/index.php?title=Cantonese_phrasebook&oldid=2665598. When you have this big Cantonese speaker population, it is impossible to lose its dialect. Cantonese is also the dominant language in many Chinatowns all over the world, including Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, New York, Chicago, London, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Vancouver, Toronto and Singapore. Cookies help us deliver our services. How To Write What Are You Doing In Cantonese, dissertation ethics statement example, words to use in a descriptive essay, examples of citing an apa essay. Subscribe. (now rare) Used to introduce each of two coordinate phrases or concepts; both...and. However, most people throughout Guangdong know how to speak standard Cantonese (Guangzhou dialect) and Hongkongers and Macanese speak standard Cantonese with slight influences from Western languages, especially from English in Hong Kong Cantonese. CantoDict: an Online Collaborative Chinese (Cantonese) Dictionary. scheme did Satan succeed in carrying out? Cantonese is not as important as before, but far from dying, and will not die forever. 2:18. Where are you at? However, there can be significant differences when the "dialects" are written in colloquial form. other limitations do Satan and the demons have? (UK, colloquial) An interrogative which asks "Don't you agree? Days of the Week. ways has Christ refined his followers as regards morals? has Shebna’s experience taught you about God’s discipline? Click to see full answer Simply so, how do you say milk tea in Cantonese? You can, but no one will thank you for it. Cantonese is a tonal language. Is it you, or is it them? Oh, you’ll definitely need this compliment if you’re … Lecture 26 Day 126: What are your new year’s resolutions for 2019? In this episode, I am going to talk about some reasons why the Cantonese speaking person would suddenly switch to English when you are speaking Cantonese. Cantonese (廣東話 Gwóng dōng wá) is a widely spoken Chinese language. As such, rather than figuring out which of the 10 or more Cantonese romanization system to use (e.g. #Cantonese #howtostudycantonese. Also, CantoDict uses a unique "asterisk (*)" convention, to show readings such as jyu 4*2.For more information please see CantoDict Tone Conventions. One example from the lesson was answering, “What are you doing at the home?” I replied, “我在家看电视 (Wǒ zài jiā kàn diànshì),” meaning I am watching TV. One: 一 = yuht. Day 124: Which investment is riskier” in Cantonese 12/11/2018. ", (relative) that which; those that; the thing that. (interrogative) which thing, event, circumstance, etc. does this prophecy teach us about God’s Kingdom? What are you doing tonight? The rest are topics of interest and closing greetings. This page shows, from top to bottom: a large version of the word in a traditional script font which you may need to install: the Cantonese pronunciation of the word in jyutping. The very minor initial difficulty in learning the tones is sometimes more than made up for by simple grammar, and absence of almost all plurals, genders, tenses and forms that make many other world languages seem difficult by comparison. indicating exactness or preciseness; "he was doing precisely (or exactly) what she had told him to do"; "it was just as he said--the jewel was gone"; "it has just enough salt"; "Properly speaking, all true work is religion." Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. This means that the same syllable, pronounced in a different tone, has a different meaning. Tweet. Here you can find the translation of the 50 most important words and expressions into Cantonese. If you are about to travel to Hong Kong, this is exactly what you are looking for! Are you wondering how to say "What do you do?" For example, if your name is “Daniel,” you can break it down into three syllable. To illustrate, the romanization of the English word, “eat”, is “Sik” using Jyutping and “Sihk” using Yale. 73. what translation in English-Cantonese dictionary. It's a Cantonese slang meaning "What the fuck are you doing" Used in Hong Kong Pronunciation: "Jo Mud gau" (gau is "9" in cantonese) It's the abbreviation of " … The final consonants p, t, and k are unreleased. When chefs do use spices, herbs, or seasonings in Cantonese cuisine, they do so sparingly so as not to take away the natural taste of the ingredients. Chinese dialects generally use the same set of characters in reading and writing in formal settings. Cantonese (廣東話 Gwóng dōng wá) is a widely spoken Chinese language. What is your e-mail? If the guess id does not match the image In your is checking guide, which of the following is your best initial response; This may sound daunting, but is in fact is better than say, English, where there are a great deal of words that are spoken identically (eg. You will support a dynamic multicultural (Cantonese/Mandarin) customer service team who deliver best-in-class customer service for our Future Friendly Home clients. People in big cities may speak both Mandarin and Cantonese, but in the countryside, Cantonese is and will be the major or only dialect. and Goodbye in Cantonese! to say "yuht" say it with an exclamation mark. Day 125: “What skincare products do you use” in Cantonese 12/12/2018. Sounds can only be approximated at best. Around 90% percent of Hong Kongers still use Cantonese as their first language and there is some resentment at attempts by the Chinese government to push Mandarin. Use the numbers 1 to 6 with sing1 kei4 to form the days from Monday to Saturday. can we learn from how Hosea dealt with his wife, Gomer? This means that they are virtually silent and you hear no "puff of air" at the end of the syllable. It is the local language in current use within the province of Guangdong, China, official language in the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong, as well as in the Special Administrative Region of Macau, and used in many overseas Chinese communities in South-East Asia and elsewhere, with Kuala Lumpur and Ho … This page was last edited on 1 December 2020, at 04:52. For example Cantonese as used in Hong Kong, phrasings used in everyday speech are more informal than what would be written. 12/05/2018. Free e-mail watchdog. Look for these characters to get an idea of how your food's cooked. Additional information about the word: do something. This site is owned, operated, and maintained by MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. It’s also good to know, that 這裡 means "Here" in Cantonese Chinese, as well as "There" is … How to spell what are you doing in cantonese? 1 2 3. Copyright © 2018 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. in some manner or degree; in part; partly; usually followed by with. --Thomas Carlyle Please write word or phrase you want to check in the text box on the left. Text is available under [http://wikitravel.org/shared/Copyleft Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0] images are available under [http://wikitravel.org/shared/How_to_re-use_Wikitravel_guides various licenses], see each image for details. Reading a Chinese Menu So you might want to say things like “I had a bike” by saying . The verb hai2喺 is a special word for Cantonese, is the same as the word "在" in Mandarin. 72. can you do when your child expresses a heartfelt appreciation for basic Scriptural teachings, including the meaning and significance of dedication and baptism? contrast does Jehovah see when he observes today’s world? Common ones include: In Cantonese, "train" is translated into 火車 (fóchē) and "bus" is 巴士 (bāsí). Cantonese is a difficult Chinese language, however counting to 10 is very simple. has this week’s Bible reading taught you about Jehovah? Thus, there are some extra characters that are sometimes used in addition to the common characters to represent the spoken dialect and other colloquial words. ;Cantonese Yale: náaihchà) to distinguish it from "Chinese tea" (Chinese: ? 你好靚。 nei5 hou2 leng3. It's estimated that around half of Hong Kongers can speak Mandarin, but this is due to the necessity of doing business with China. can you do if someone wishes you a happy holiday or gives you a gift? Learn to introduce yourself in Cantonese and you’ve got 1/3rd of a Cantonese conversation squared away. It is the local language in current use within the province of Guangdong, China, official language in the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong, as well as in the Special Administrative Region of Macau, and used in many overseas Chinese communities in South-East Asia and elsewhere, with Kuala Lumpur and Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) being two places where Cantonese is the dominant language in a Chinese community that is in turn huge and influential. This guide gives a general indication of the correct sound to make, but the best way to be completely accurate is to listen closely to native speakers and to mimic the sounds they make. in Cantonese Chinese ? Answer this question. 你對眼好靚。 lei döü an hou len: Back to Learn Cantonese. The language uses measure words or numeral classifiers before the actual nouns. The Cantonese spoken in Singapore and Malaysia also differ slightly due to Malay influences. We will teach you: How to say Hello! how much; how great (used in an exclamation), In some manner or degree; in part; partly; usually followed by. You need to understand that (1) the status of the different Chinese "dialects" is different from that of the languages within a branch of e.g. In this case, context usually helps resolve the ambiguity. Answer for question: Your name: Answers. The pronunciations given in this guidebook use the Yale Romanization system. Also, CantoDict uses a unique "asterisk (*)" convention, to show readings such as jyu 4*2.For more information please see CantoDict Tone Conventions. just translation in English-Cantonese dictionary. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. is the equivalent to 你是做甚麼工作的? in Cantonese Chinese, and I’m pretty sure you’ve heard it many times before already. Cantonese has context and tone to help distinguish words. The dialect of Chinese spoken by many inhabitants of eastern Guangxi Province in mainland China, is often referred to a form of Cantonese as well. 3:38. Most speakers, however, and all modern linguistic interpretations get by with being able to distinguish (both in spoken and heard Cantonese) between the following six tones: The tonal pronunciation of Cantonese is by far the most difficult aspect of the often daunting language. Lecture 25 Day 125: “What skincare products do you use” in Cantonese. With help from The Eater's Guide to Chinese Characters (J. McCawley). Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data. We've prepared 10 useful ways of how to say I don't speak Chinese in Chinese, just how to write what are you doing in cantonese in case you'll need it. Lecture 27 Day 127: Asking about the compensation package at a Cantonese job interview. If you try to speak Cantonese, they’ll almost always respond in English. like this, "Yuht!" We pride ourselves in putting the customer at the heart of everything we do - listening and learning from their feedback to deliver the best experience possible. In other words, this is your elevator pitch that you’ll use over and over. You may also use l@i5 bai3 instead of sing1 kei4. Travel to Hong Kong, phrasings used in Hong Kong it is to say!... Deliver best-in-class customer service team who deliver best-in-class customer service team who deliver best-in-class customer service for our Future Home... Gives you a gift to spell what are you doing in Cantonese 126: what calendars Chinese... Event, circumstance, etc Jesus ’ illustration of the phrases in the text box on left! ( UK, colloquial ) an interrogative which asks `` do n't you agree to use. Quantity, quality, etc service instantly translates words, phrases, and are., which is served plain instantly translates words, this is what are you doing in cantonese elevator pitch that ’... 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