who is on the cover of warriors a dangerous path
Books. 5 by Erin Hunter", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=A_Dangerous_Path&oldid=1000431011, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Fireheart, deputy, and later leader of ThunderClan, Tigerstar, the leader of ShadowClan; formerly of Thunderclan, Bluestar, leader of ThunderClan, but then loses her nine lives, Stonefur, a warrior, then later deputy of RiverClan, Mistyfoot's brother and Bluestar's kit, Mistyfoot, a warrior of RiverClan, Stonefur's sister and Bluestar's kit, Cloudpaw, Fireheart's apprentice, Fireheart's nephew, Swiftpaw, an apprentice, but then loses his life in the war with the dogs, Brightpaw, is also an apprentice, but then is badly hurt by one of the dogs and name changed to Lostface, Sandstorm, a warrior which Fireheart loves, Brindleface, also a warrior from ThunderClan, but killed by Tigerstar, Cinderpelt, the permanently wounded medicine cat who can no longer be a warrior, Graystripe, a cat who leaves RiverClan, and is Fireheart's best friend, This page was last edited on 15 January 2021, at 02:18. Hardcover, Paperback, e-Book, audiobook Description. She also tells him that he is now the leader of ThunderClan, and that "you are the fire that saved my Clan", fulfilling two prophecies: Goosefeather the plump speckled gray tom's prophecy that water would kill Bluestar, and Spottedleaf's prophecy stating that 'fire will save the Clan'. More thrilling adventures, epic action, and fierce warrior cats await in Warriors #5: A Dangerous Path. Huellas peligrosas 2013, Salamandra 8498385458 9788498385458 zzzz. A Dangerous Path was released on June 1, 2004. I am just happy to let you know that this is the very best publication we have study during my personal daily life and could be he greatest book for actually. While Brightpaw is recovering from the mauling, she repeats words she heard the dogs say: "pack, pack" and "kill, kill". [8] The book has also been published in foreign languages such as German,[9] Japanese, French, Russian and Korean. Chapter-by-chapter notesAllegiancesCharacter list But never has it been as mediocre in terms of plot and character as A Dangerous Path! Normal Clan life resumes, but Fireheart begins to have a strong sense of curiosity of how this happens. (coming soon) A Dangerous Path is the fifth book in The Prophecies Begin arc, formerly known as the Original arc. The series follows the adventures of four Clans of wild, anthropomorphic cats. [12] Booklist called the book exciting and praised the fast pace writing "Hunter maintains the established characterisations of her sentient cats, who still retain their feline natures. Fireheart is filled with grief, and Mistyfoot asks if she and Stonefur can help carry her back to camp and sit vigil for her. A Dangerous Path is the fifth book in the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Karin Paprocki[2] Bluestar then "promotes" Brightpaw to the full status of a true warrior, but she shames Brightpaw by giving her the name Lostface. The plan works: each cat successfully leads the pack closer to the gorge, breaking away from the group once they lead the dogs to a certain spot, where a fresh runner lies in wait so they can lead the dogs to the next point. Discover (and save!) It was later published as a paperback and as an e-book, and in the UK and Canada as a paperback. When a pack of dogs begins to run wild in the forest, Fireheart, deputy of ThunderClan, suspects that Tigerstar, ShadowClan's new leader, is behind it. [6]It features Fireheart as the main protagonist. Download Warriors #5: A Dangerous Path (Warriors: The Prophecies Begin) or Read Warriors #5: A Dangerous Path (Warriors: The Prophecies Begin) online books in PDF, EPUB and Mobi Format. conjunction with Warriors #5: A Dangerous Path book. It features Fireheart as the main protagonist. A Dangerous Path Warriors, Book 5 (Unabridged) Update: 2020-04-14. A Dangerous Path is the fifth book of the Main Series arc. But, before he leaves, he apologizes to Sandstorm for not obeying Bluestar and they fall in love, but all they did was realize the existing love they had for each other. At the end of the book, Bluestar, leader of ThunderClan, dies after risking her life to kill the dogs, making Fireheart, now Firestar, the new leader of ThunderClan. A Dangerous Path is a fantasy novel, the fifth book in the Warriors series, written by Cherith Baldry and Kate Cary under the pseudonym of Erin Hunter. Wayne McLoughlin,[2] Owen Richardson[3] Fernpaw the short-furred pale gray she-cat and her brother Ashpaw the pale gray tom with darker flecks (both of them are Brindleface's kits) took part in leading the dogs; they did it as revenge against Tigerstar for killing their mother. The book received positive reviews from reviewers such as Booklist and Horn Book Review, who praised the tensions and fast pace. Trivia. Displaying Warriors 05 - A Dangerous Path.pdf. Near the end of the book, Fireheart's friend Graystripe also returns to ThunderClan from RiverClan, knowing that no one will respect him in RiverClan. Join the legion of fans who have made Erin Hunter's Warriors series a best-selling phenomenon. Warriors Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Warriors: A Dangerous Path: Warriors Book 5: A Dangerous Path . Register Start a Wiki. [13] In a review for both Rising Storm and A Dangerous Path, Horn Book review praised the complex characters. Publish date: Join the legion of fans who have made Erin Hunter’s Warriors series a bestselling phenomenon. Warriors - A Dangerous Path Cover ShadowClan has chosen Tigerclaw as their new leader, and Fireheart fears that this old enemy still harbors dark plans for vengeance on his former Clan. The fifth book in Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series. Soon, however, Bluestar's RiverClan children, Stonefur the long-legged pale blue-gray tom and Mistyfoot the lithe blue-gray she-cat with dense fur, discover Fireheart struggling in the river trying to save their mother and help drag Bluestar to the bank. Welcome to the forum for A Dangerous Path! [10] The Chinese version was published on 31 December 2008 and is packaged along with a 3D trading card of Tigerstar. Tigerclaw is back and more dangerous than ever as the new leader of ShadowClan, but he is not the most terrifying enemy Fireheart must face as a new force sweeps through the woods. [13], "Warriors #5: A Dangerous Path by Erin Hunter (Hardcover)", "Warriors #5: A Dangerous Path by Erin Hunter (Paperback)", "Warriors #5: A Dangerous Path (AER) by Erin Hunter", "Warrior Cats (5) – A Dangerous Path: Amazon: Books", "Warrior Cats (5) – A Dangerous Path: Amazon Canada", "A Dangerous Path: Warriors No. 01 June 2004[5] A Dangerous Path is a fantasy novel, the fifth book in the Warriors series, written by Cherith Baldry and Kate Cary under the pseudonym of Erin Hunter. When Bluestar names Cloudtail a warrior even though all the apprentices had worked hard, two apprentices, Swiftpaw and Brightpaw, try to fight the dog pack themselves in an attempt to prove themselves. You could find many different types of e-guide and other literatures from your papers data base. [6] A Dangerous Path was also published in the UK as a paperback on 2 April 2007[7] and in Canada as a hardcover on 20 May 2004. Resources Sign In. He and the senior warriors decide that a patrol of cats will lead the dogs to and over the nearby gorge, drowning some of the dogs. Sign In. This article is a stub. I am quite late in start reading this one, but better then never. Feedback is always appreciated :) I do not own Warriors, Erin Hunter does! A mysterious threat has invaded the forest, placing every cat’s life in peril. A paperback collection of three thrilling novellas in the #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series—available here for the first time! Details Each Clan has their own territory in which they hunt for prey and protect from enemies such as rival Clans and wild animals. » Download Warriors #5: A Dangerous Path PDF « Our web service was launched with a hope to function as a complete on the internet computerized library that gives access to multitude of PDF file document collection. The fifth book in Erin Hunter's number-one nationally best-selling Warriors series. First Sentence "Fireheart's fur bristled with disbelief and fury as he gazed up at the new leader of ShadowClan standing on the Great Rock." [11], A Dangerous Path received a positive reception. Front Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Facebook messenger with the Erin Hunter marketing team, https://warriors.fandom.com/wiki/A_Dangerous_Path?oldid=1537189. Download PDF Warriors #5: A Dangerous Path Authored by Erin Hunter Released at 2015 Filesize: 6.09 MB Reviews Totally one of the better pdf I actually have at any time go through. With compelling intrigue and fast-paced actions, this is one of the most exciting books in the series". 515 Pages. Editions: Games Movies TV Video. Jun 12, 2016 - Almost all of Season one done X3 Got sent to Vicky. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Mar 31, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Chloe. 17:09, September 19, 2010 (UTC) A BookLoons review praised the rising tension in the book. Rising Storm was written by Kate Cary. Bluestar is the cat depicted on the reprinted cover. The Darkest Hour, Chapter-by-chapter notesAllegiancesCharacter list, Prologue • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22 • 23 • 24 • 25 • 26 • 27. Not in Library. The cats on the cover are thought to be Fireheart and Bramblepaw. You can help the Warriors Wikia by expanding it. There, Bluestar pleads with her kits to forgive her for lying to them about who their parents were. A Dangerous Path The story again takes place in a fictional forest populated by four groups of feral cats, ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan and ShadowClan. More thrilling adventures, epic action, and fierce warrior cats await in Warriors #5: A Dangerous Path. Bluestar is the cat depicted on the reprinted cover. Join the legion of fans who have made Erin Hunter’s Warriors series a bestselling phenomenon. WARRIORS #5: A DANGEROUS PATH - To read Warriors #5: A Dangerous Path PDF, make sure you access the button listed below and save the ebook or get access to other information which are related to Warriors #5: A Dangerous Path ebook. Download for print … Warriors #5: A Dangerous Path (Häftad, 2015), Häftad - Find the lowest price on PriceRunner Compare prices from 4 stores SAVE on purchases now! No copyright infringement intended. Audiobook narrator: Identification: 05. Firstly, Bluestar. This individual book was written by Cherith Baldry. Discover untold stories about three dedicated warriors: a Th… The main cover is presumably the battle with RiverClan. Add new page. More thrilling adventures, epic action, and fierce warrior cats await in Warriors #5: A Dangerous Path. They forgive her, as they had not known about their true heritage until then. The book was first published in the US as a hardcover on 1 June 2004 by HarperCollins. Prologue • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22 • 23 • 24 • 25 • 26 • 27 Not in Library. A Dangerous Path (Warriors, Book 5) This edition was published in 2005 by Avon. This book, and some following books in this series, takes place in the New Forest, in Great Britain.However some mountains have been added as the real New Forest has no mountains around it.. Author: With that, she loses her final life. Two of ThunderClan's apprentices, Swiftpaw the small black-and-white tom and Brightpaw the white she-cat with ginger patches, try to fight the dog pack themselves in an attempt to prove themselves. Up till now, the Warriors series has been entertaining despite a few flaws (such as problems conveniently being solved in a second, leaving no real sense of trouble or complication). Fireheart fears that there is a connection between the rise of Tigerstar and the terrible dreams of horrific danger that haunt his nights. Chapter subpages Warriors 5 A Dangerous Path Warriors The Prophecies Begin Author: gallery.ctsnet.org-Marko Becker-2020-10-06-19-12-52 Subject: Warriors 5 A Dangerous Path Warriors The Prophecies Begin Keywords: warriors,5,a,dangerous,path,warriors,the,prophecies,begin Created Date: 10/6/2020 7:12:52 PM Warriors Original Series: A Dangerous Path by Erin Hunter, read by me. Jacket designer: General [1] The series is about four Clans of warrior cats living in the wild, and their adventures in the forest in which they reside. Displaying Warrior Cats_ Original Series 5 Dangerous Path by Erin Hunter.pdf. Find one here! Warriors 05 - A Dangerous Path.pdf. The story follows a plan set up by Tigerstar, leader of ShadowClan, who wishes to destroy ThunderClan by using dogs to hunt them down. The cats in the square on the cover are Fireheart and Bramblepaw. Warrior Cats_ Original Series 5 Dangerous Path by Erin Hunter.pdf. your own Pins on Pinterest However, Swiftpaw is killed and Brightpaw badly disfigured by the pack of dogs, losing part of her face and one eye. Bluestar then tells Fireheart that she realised that they were not all traitors to the Clan, like Tigerstar was. Plot. Escape from the Forest Brindleface's death shocks everyone, and after her burial, the camp is evacuated to Sunningrocks to protect ThunderClan. To find out, he asks Lostface if she remembers what happens, but she can only remember the words "Pack, pack, kill, kill". It is loaded with knowledge and wisdom You can expect to like just how the author write this book.-- Mr. Grover Kuphal PhD This type of publication is every thing and got me to looking forward and a lot more. Rising Storm is a fantasy novel, the fourth book in the Warriors series, written by Cherith Baldry and Kate Cary (Plus two others) under the pen name of Erin Hunter. Warriors 05 - A Dangerous Path.pdf. A Dangerous Path 2007, HarperCollins Children's Books Electronic resource in English 0061543136 9780061543135 zzzz. Fireheart orders a patrol to get rid of the rabbits. Click Download or Read Online Button to get Access Warriors #5: A Dangerous Path (Warriors: The Prophecies Begin) ebook. It was written by author Cherith Baldry. Each novella in this collection features a stand-alone story from the Warriors world—giving both first-time readers and dedicated fans a chance to experience spectacular new adventures in the series that has sold more than twenty-three million copies! Warriors Wikia. Here you can talk about everything to do with it! Cover artist: Spoiler Warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. Talk:A Dangerous Path | Warriors Wikia | Fandom. Fireheart manages to get a hold on her, but is barely able to keep their heads above the water. Smoketail88 ~Dovepaw forever! 06. ISBN 0060000066 Followed by: The fifth book in Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series Join the legion of fans who have made Erin Hunter’s Warriors series a bestselling phenomenon. Warriors #5: A Dangerous Path (Warriors: The Prophecies Begin) Mar 17, 2015, HarperCollins 0062367005 9780062367006 zzzz. Plot. The dedication reads "To the real Bramblepaw." The story follows Fireheart and his adventures in ThunderClan. A Dangerous Path is the fifth book in the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. The story follows a plan set up by Tigerstar, leader of ShadowClan, who wishes to destroy … Shadowclan has a dark new leader, but will he be satisfied with his power now - or does his desire for revenge burn even more strongly??? Fireheart, the last in line, keeps a good distance between him and the pack leader, until Tigerstar appears and pins Fireheart down. Fireheart fears that there is a connection between the rise of Tigerstar and the terrible dreams of danger that haunt his nights. In this Book, When a pack of dogs begins to run wild in the forest, Fireheart, deputy of ThunderClan suspects that Tigerstar, ShadowClan's new leader, is behind it. This individual book was written by Cherith Baldry. » Download Warriors #5: A Dangerous Path PDF « Our website was launched with a hope to work as a complete on the web electronic catalogue which offers usage … The forest is based on New Forest, which is located in Southern England. A Dangerous Path is the fifth book in The Prophecies Begin arc, formerly known as the Original arc. Cherith Baldry[1] Preceded by: A Dangerous Path is the fifth book in The Prophecies Begin. When they arrive, they find a trail of dead rabbits is found leading to the camp, ending with Brindleface in front of the camp, who had been killed by Tigerstar. As Fireheart struggles against the lead dog, Bluestar, her old self returned once more, slams into the dog, releasing its grip on Fireheart and throwing the lead dog – and herself – over the side of the gorge. More thrilling adventures, epic action, and fierce warrior cats await in Warriors #5: A Dangerous Path. A Dangerous Path has also been published in foreign languages, including French and Chinese. Fire Alone Can Save Our Clan... ShadowClan has a dark new leader, but will he be satisfied with his power now - or does his desire for revenge burn even more strongly? MacLeod Andrews[4] Wikis. Summary Not in Library. The series is about four Clans of warrior cats living in the wild, and their adventures in the forest in which they reside. This book, and some following books in this series, takes place in the New Forest, in Great Britain.However some mountains have been added as the real New Forest has no mountains around it.. [4] It was then published as a paperback on 24 May 2005[5] and an e-book on 13 October 2009. Please Note: There is a membership site you can get UNLIMITED BOOKS, ALL IN ONE … More thrilling adventures, epic action, and fierce warrior cats await in Warriors #5: A Dangerous Path. Warrior Cats_ Original Series 5 Dangerous Path by Erin Hunter.pdf. Official Reprint Share. With Bluestar still mentally unstable, it is up to Fireheart to destroy the pack and protect ThunderClan. The fifth book in Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series. A Dangerous Path is the fifth book in the Original arc. Bluestar names Cloudpaw a warrior even though all of the apprentices had worked hard, and they were all old enough. Whitestorm the big muscular snowy-white tom reports to Fireheart that they smell dog near Snakerocks, a pile of rocks where adders live, so they head there. ShadowClan has A mysterious threat has invaded the forest, placing every cat's life in peril. https://www.answers.com/Q/Who_is_on_the_cover_of_warriors_dangerous_path More thrilling adventures, epic action, and fierce warrior cats await in Warriors #5: A Dangerous Path. Let me enumerate the main problems I found. ShadowClan has chosen Tigerclaw as their new leader, and Fireheart fears that this old enemy still harbors dark plans for vengeance on his former Clan. The book was first published in the US as a hardcover on 1 June 2004. Fireheart leaps down the cliff to the river and dives in to save Bluestar. Main Series. Looking for a shorter overview? As the huge male dog leader with a massive black-and-tan head gets dangerously close, Tigerstar leaps away, leaving Fireheart to be killed by the pack. [1] Besides New Forest, Loch Lomond, the Scottish Highlands, and the Forest of Dean also inspired the fictional locales in the novel.[2][3]. 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